Did Russia "hack" the election? Four questions.

So let me see if have the dem/lib position right on this:

The Russians hacked into DNC and Podestra servers and found evidence of corruption, cheating, and lying by the democrats and Clinton, then they gave it wikileaks so they could "release" the truth to the American voters because Putin wants the USA to have a strong president rather than one who can be bribed and blackmailed. Then American voters decided to vote against Clinton, even though the pollsters said that she had it locked up. Is that about right?
Which changes the facts how?
I'm not sure what you mean by "the facts".

Trump won, he's in, here we go.

But it's reasonable to point out that one party was given a significant advantage in the election, and if we care about the integrity of our democratic process, we should be concerned.

Unless winning is all that matters.

The impact of the release of damaging information on the dems was insignificant compared to the tsunami of false panic mongering propaganda coming out of the media, pop culture and social media.
We'll never know how much the election was affected by this.

We do know that the popular votes in key electoral states were very, very close, and that one party had to deal with the scandal, not the other.

I just wish there would be some sign of concern from much of the GOP about what may have happened.

That's just it... politics hasn't gotten so divided Trump supporters only care about one thing, their candidate won. They don't care how he won, what his private dealings are, or if he lies to them. As long as they can hang their hat on the fact he won the election, that's all they care about, period.

pot, meet kettle

...and that makes zero sense.
So let me see if have the dem/lib position right on this:

The Russians hacked into DNC and Podestra servers and found evidence of corruption, cheating, and lying by the democrats and Clinton, then they gave it wikileaks so they could "release" the truth to the American voters because Putin wants the USA to have a strong president rather than one who can be bribed and blackmailed. Then American voters decided to vote against Clinton, even though the pollsters said that she had it locked up. Is that about right?
No! You left out that Russia committed a de facto act of war against the United States by trying to interfere with our democratic election process and shift the results to favor their chosen favorite who they are in the position of butt fucking into submission through his myriad business entanglements with Russia! What a piece of shit apologist you are for Trump and Putin/Russia!
So let me see if have the dem/lib position right on this:

The Russians hacked into DNC and Podestra servers and found evidence of corruption, cheating, and lying by the democrats and Clinton, then they gave it wikileaks so they could "release" the truth to the American voters because Putin wants the USA to have a strong president rather than one who can be bribed and blackmailed. Then American voters decided to vote against Clinton, even though the pollsters said that she had it locked up. Is that about right?
No! You left out that Russia committed a de facto act of war against the United States by trying to interfere with our democratic election process and shift the results to favor their chosen favorite who they are in the position of butt fucking into submission through his myriad business entanglements with Russia! What a piece of shit apologist you are for Trump and Putin/Russia!
The American people aren't buying it Hilarybot.
We do know OVomit tried to influence the Israeli elections and used taxpayer money to it, breaking NUMEROUS laws.. Where's the outrage?? I can't fucking hear you leftist flakes?? (That includes the pussy OP) who never takes a stand on anything= COWARD.

We also know Obola influenced the leadership in Egypt->Obama’s Disastrous Betrayal of the Syrian Rebels Siding with TERRORISTS.

Let's not forget that EVERY country engages in cyber warfare.. when will expel every Ambassador to the US???

This is ONLY about vilifying Wiki who exposed the NASTY SLIME RIDDEN CORRUPT TRASHY left.. Don't let the liberal liars change the narrative..

Hillary did influence an election/primary by colluding with CNN/Donna Brazille and getting questions prior to the debate.. WAIT... I CAN'T HEAR YOU LEFTIE SNOWFLAKES???
So let me see if have the dem/lib position right on this:

The Russians hacked into DNC and Podestra servers and found evidence of corruption, cheating, and lying by the democrats and Clinton, then they gave it wikileaks so they could "release" the truth to the American voters because Putin wants the USA to have a strong president rather than one who can be bribed and blackmailed. Then American voters decided to vote against Clinton, even though the pollsters said that she had it locked up. Is that about right?
No! You left out that Russia committed a de facto act of war against the United States by trying to interfere with our democratic election process and shift the results to favor their chosen favorite who they are in the position of butt fucking into submission through his myriad business entanglements with Russia! What a piece of shit apologist you are for Trump and Putin/Russia!
The American people aren't buying it Hilarybot.
Hilarybot? You really don't know shit from Shinola, do ya boi? The Americans still left here that haven't shifted their sworn allegiance to Trumpish Russia are coming around now after yesterday. Your fake news horseshit isn't working so good now, so go somewhere, sit back, have another shit sundae, komrade and start paying attention, shit for brains!
So let me see if have the dem/lib position right on this:

The Russians hacked into DNC and Podestra servers and found evidence of corruption, cheating, and lying by the democrats and Clinton, then they gave it wikileaks so they could "release" the truth to the American voters because Putin wants the USA to have a strong president rather than one who can be bribed and blackmailed. Then American voters decided to vote against Clinton, even though the pollsters said that she had it locked up. Is that about right?
No! You left out that Russia committed a de facto act of war against the United States by trying to interfere with our democratic election process and shift the results to favor their chosen favorite who they are in the position of butt fucking into submission through his myriad business entanglements with Russia! What a piece of shit apologist you are for Trump and Putin/Russia!
The American people aren't buying it Hilarybot.
Hilarybot? You really don't know shit from Shinola, do ya boi? The Americans still left here that haven't shifted their sworn allegiance to Trumpish Russia are coming around now after yesterday. Your fake news horseshit isn't working so good now, so go somewhere, sit back, have another shit sundae, komrade and start paying attention, shit for brains!
Let me see if I can guess who you supported in the primaries. Not Bernie Sanders. Right Hilarybot?
We do know OVomit tried to influence the Israeli elections and used taxpayer money to it, breaking NUMEROUS laws.. Where's the outrage?? I can't fucking hear you leftist flakes?? (That includes the pussy OP) who never takes a stand on anything= COWARD.

We also know Obola influenced the leadership in Egypt->Obama’s Disastrous Betrayal of the Syrian Rebels Siding with TERRORISTS.

Let's not forget that EVERY country engages in cyber warfare.. when will expel every Ambassador to the US???

This is ONLY about vilifying Wiki who exposed the NASTY SLIME RIDDEN CORRUPT TRASHY left.. Don't let the liberal liars change the narrative..

Hillary did influence an election/primary by colluding with CNN/Donna Brazille and getting questions prior to the debate.. WAIT... I CAN'T HEAR YOU LEFTIE SNOWFLAKES???
Another American TURNCOAT spouting the propaganda of the land to which they now owe allegiance!
We do know OVomit tried to influence the Israeli elections and used taxpayer money to it, breaking NUMEROUS laws.. Where's the outrage?? I can't fucking hear you leftist flakes?? (That includes the pussy OP) who never takes a stand on anything= COWARD.

We also know Obola influenced the leadership in Egypt->Obama’s Disastrous Betrayal of the Syrian Rebels Siding with TERRORISTS.

Let's not forget that EVERY country engages in cyber warfare.. when will expel every Ambassador to the US???

This is ONLY about vilifying Wiki who exposed the NASTY SLIME RIDDEN CORRUPT TRASHY left.. Don't let the liberal liars change the narrative..

Hillary did influence an election/primary by colluding with CNN/Donna Brazille and getting questions prior to the debate.. WAIT... I CAN'T HEAR YOU LEFTIE SNOWFLAKES???
Another American TURNCOAT spouting the propaganda of the land to which they now owe allegiance!

Ask me if I give the first good dump what you corrupt LOSERS on the left think?? I don't Gomer... What's wrong?? WORRIED another snake oil scheme won't convince Americans you slimeballs on the left aren't corrupt?? LOL
We do know OVomit tried to influence the Israeli elections and used taxpayer money to it, breaking NUMEROUS laws.. Where's the outrage?? I can't fucking hear you leftist flakes?? (That includes the pussy OP) who never takes a stand on anything= COWARD.

We also know Obola influenced the leadership in Egypt->Obama’s Disastrous Betrayal of the Syrian Rebels Siding with TERRORISTS.

Let's not forget that EVERY country engages in cyber warfare.. when will expel every Ambassador to the US???

This is ONLY about vilifying Wiki who exposed the NASTY SLIME RIDDEN CORRUPT TRASHY left.. Don't let the liberal liars change the narrative..

Hillary did influence an election/primary by colluding with CNN/Donna Brazille and getting questions prior to the debate.. WAIT... I CAN'T HEAR YOU LEFTIE SNOWFLAKES???
Another American TURNCOAT spouting the propaganda of the land to which they now owe allegiance!

Ask me if I give the first good dump what you corrupt LOSERS on the left think?? I don't Gomer... What's wrong?? WORRIED another snake oil scheme won't convince Americans you slimeballs on the left aren't corrupt?? LOL
Oh you care, alright! It got to you being recognized for what you truly are...a traitor to your country of birth. You've sold out for your thirty pieces of silver. It sure sucks to be you!
We do know OVomit tried to influence the Israeli elections and used taxpayer money to it, breaking NUMEROUS laws.. Where's the outrage?? I can't fucking hear you leftist flakes?? (That includes the pussy OP) who never takes a stand on anything= COWARD.

We also know Obola influenced the leadership in Egypt->Obama’s Disastrous Betrayal of the Syrian Rebels Siding with TERRORISTS.

Let's not forget that EVERY country engages in cyber warfare.. when will expel every Ambassador to the US???

This is ONLY about vilifying Wiki who exposed the NASTY SLIME RIDDEN CORRUPT TRASHY left.. Don't let the liberal liars change the narrative..

Hillary did influence an election/primary by colluding with CNN/Donna Brazille and getting questions prior to the debate.. WAIT... I CAN'T HEAR YOU LEFTIE SNOWFLAKES???
Another American TURNCOAT spouting the propaganda of the land to which they now owe allegiance!

Ask me if I give the first good dump what you corrupt LOSERS on the left think?? I don't Gomer... What's wrong?? WORRIED another snake oil scheme won't convince Americans you slimeballs on the left aren't corrupt?? LOL
Oh you care, alright! It got to you being recognized for what you truly are...a traitor to your country of birth. You've sold out for your thirty pieces of silver. It sure sucks to be you!

Show me the picture of the silver and who I sold out to?? I'll wait you dumb mother fucker.
All good Americans should contact President Trump and urge him to initiate a full investigation of all those involved in trying to foment war with Russia for petty political purposes.
Play doh?
Hilarybot dummies could only wish their candidate were half as good as Sanders.

So no proof of anything? Just tittybaby meltdowns.. LOL WooooHoooooo WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao @ liberoidals.. lololol
All good Americans should contact President Trump and urge him to initiate a full investigation of all those involved in trying to foment war with Russia for petty political purposes.
Play doh?
Hilarybot dummies could only wish their candidate were half as good as Sanders.

So no proof of anything? Just tittybaby meltdowns.. LOL WooooHoooooo WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao @ liberoidals.. lololol

I believe Hilary lost because of a massive conspiracy of Russian Fake News Bernie Bros led by James Comey. It all makes perfect sense when you look at it that way.
All good Americans should contact President Trump and urge him to initiate a full investigation of all those involved in trying to foment war with Russia for petty political purposes.
Play doh?
Hilarybot dummies could only wish their candidate were half as good as Sanders.

So no proof of anything? Just tittybaby meltdowns.. LOL WooooHoooooo WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao @ liberoidals.. lololol

I believe Hilary lost because of a massive conspiracy of Russian Fake News Bernie Bros led by James Comey. It all makes perfect sense when you look at it that way.

lmfao!!! Of course you do Peedro.. you need to believe it because you fucking idiots on the left couldn't have lost over the truth being exposed..

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