Did Senator Rand Paul Just Win An Argument With himself?

The right is ranting and raving off of a talking points memo. It explains why everyone is saying they same thing. Rand Paul is a nut and a demagogue

Please provide some sort of basis for this claim. As it is this only looks like your opinion.

Or you can just to tell me to eat shit again! :razz:

you'd counter it if you could, you can't

I could, but am above such infantile behavior.

Speaking of inabilities, I am still waiting for you to defend your claim...
Actually, I am just going to prove you wrong:

Rand Paul is a courageous patriot and a hero for the American people.

Now as you can plainly see, your claim that "everyone is saying they same thing. Rand Paul is a nut and a demagogue" is patently false.
and in other news Senator Rand Paul has demanded President Obama swear on a stack of Korans that he does not beat his wife and children.

Got a link for that or are you trying to be cute(if so, the attempt failed)?

Breaking Nitwit-news: Hannity, Rush, and Newt are asking if the GOP needs more Rand Pauls. :laugh2: Gawd, bring back Tea Party Whack-a-doodle Sharron Angle, and Tea Party Witch Christine O'Donnell :clap2:

"everyone is saying the same thing"...it's a generalization based on observational data
Breaking Nitwit-news: Hannity, Rush, and Newt are asking if the GOP needs more Rand Pauls. :laugh2: Gawd, bring back Tea Party Whack-a-doodle Sharron Angle, and Tea Party Witch Christine O'Donnell :clap2:

What in the fuck are you talking about?

The right is ranting and raving off of a talking points memo. It explains why everyone is saying they same thing. Rand Paul is a nut and a demagogue

Chassit, get a fucking life:eek:
Did Senator Rand Paul Just Win An Argument With himself?

He is speaking about a fight. With who?

With his right hand versus his left hand. Which is "better"?

Like Rand Paul, Chassit is a right wing loon. :eek:

Rand Paul is being congratulated all over the place. I figure the Congress has been so dysfunctional since the Tea Party and 2010, anyone who actually stands up and says something no matter how stupid, is considered courageous. :eusa_whistle:

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