Did Stalin have the right to wear a military uniform?

Did Stalin have the right to wear a military uniform?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 50.0%

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Stalin (the real name of Dzhugashvili, Georgian by nationality) always wore a military uniform, and even trousers with stripes, which before the revolution could only be worn by the military aristocracy and the Cossacks.
However, Stalin never held a military weapon in his hands and was never at the front as a military man.
who cares?
Here is this episode translated in russian. "Abdication of the tzar Nicolas the II"
Another truethful Hollywood historical film:
Commissars are not military. This is precisely the meaning of the Bolshevik commissar army, you dumbass.
These were ordinary officials, the same as in the Lunacharsky commissariat

There were professionals, they were officers, but there were few of them and they had only a tactical operational initiative.
This does not apply to Tukhachevsky's army, but Tukhachevsky's army was destroyed.

Do not disgrace the Russians with your illiteracy fucking moron
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What kind of nonsense are you writing? Have you never heard that Stalin was the Supreme Commander-in-Chief?
The trouble is that the Americans' idea of the USSR and Russia was formed from childhood from idiotic and deceitful Hollywood films. Here, for example, is a frame from the movie The King's men (2021). How many people will be able to determine the idiocy of the situation in the frame? And this is 99% of the content of ANY Hollywood film about the USSR.
And you Rupol 2000, add shit to their heads, already burdened with lies and nonsense. Or maybe this is your job?


Here is this episode translated in russian. "Abdication of the tzar Nicolas the II"
There has been a stunningly small amount of anti Soviet Russia films that came out of Hollywood. Hell for the fist decade the History Channel was the Hitler Channel. Our MSM even treated Solzhenitsyn like garbage after the Gulag Archipelago was released and even today is probably the premier book on the horrors of the Soviet Union. And since then both Stephen Kotkin and Anne Applebaum have written extensively on this topic. Largely the horrors of the Soviet Union have been kept under wrap and we all know why.
Commissars are not military.
Do not disgrace the Russians with your illiteracy fucking moron
Shut up, you nit. My grandfather was a commissar, political commissar and then deputy battalion commander. Guards major, Sapper. From the border in 1941 to Prague in 1945 at war. And it's not for you, you bastard, to condemn the commissars.
In general, any totalitarian leftist government always benefits from a mass army with primitive tactics like the infantry of the Prussian linemen. The totalitarian regime must keep the army under control and be able to mobilize it for any of its dirty policies, so the left always needs an army of blind cogs that will never turn against the leftist regime itself. That is why Biden and Obama actively decomposed the American army
My grandfather was a commissar, political commissar and then deputy battalion commander
Who said that the commissars didn't command, you fucking nerd? You really already fucked up with your extreme stupidity, you are a worthy grandson of your grandfather.
There has been a stunningly small amount of anti Soviet Russia films that came out of Hollywood.
And those that came out consist of nonsense and lies. Starting from idiotic soviet uniforms and "russian" surnames and names and ending with an idiotic and deceitful scenario.
And those that came out consist of nonsense and lies. Starting from idiotic soviet uniforms and "russian" surnames and names and ending with an idiotic and deceitful scenario.
Yeah my favorites are the ones showing a nice family walking down the street to go to church......you know that never happened because the commies burned down the churches and mass executed the Christian Clergy.
because the commies burned down the churches and mass executed the Christian Clergy.
You see, this is the result of anti-soviet propaganda, including Hollywood propaganda. You are sure of the nonsense that you wrote. You've been told that crap on TV all your life.
You see, this is the result of anti-soviet propaganda, including Hollywood propaganda. You are sure of the nonsense that you wrote. You've been told that crap on TV all your life.
You see, this is the result of anti-soviet propaganda, including Hollywood propaganda. You are sure of the nonsense that you wrote. You've been told that crap on TV all your life.
There was no anti-Soviet propaganda in the US in the general case, this is another leftist tale. Roosevelt licked the asses of Soviet Bolshevism, he himself almost turned America into an appendage of Bolshevism.
It has always been a war of transnational regimes and not a war of countries. All this rhetoric of the "cold war" descended for the townsfolk and had nothing to do with real politics
Of course AMart you disagree. After all, anti-communists are such a cute darlings...

German National Socialism is by and large the heir to Prussian pan-Germanism. It absorbed some of the ideas of Austria-Hungary, so there was a "romantic" rhetoric, and a small part of the capital remained in private hands, but in fact it is the same totalitarian regime as Bolshevism. During the Weimar Republic, they even sponsored the USSR. And Lenin took money from them to organize a coup.

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