Did the Holocaust actually happen?

Did the Holocaust actually happen?

  • Yes

  • No

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The orders to Bayer for Zyklon B still exist.
Zyklon B was a fumigant used in all of the work camps to delouse the inmates of lice.

That it was used to gas people is just another absurd fantasy of the holohoax myth. ...... :cool:

I've heard that. I would like to know the real truth someday. We all know the Mainstream Media's version of events but when have we ever been able to trust anything they tell us? Never. So there's a truth hidden in all the hype somewhere.
I voted "no" in the OP. Not because I don't believe that SOMETHING happened but because I don't believe that it happened in the manner that America's media handlers (brainwashing experts) have manipulated or exaggerated the story.
Then you are denying that our solders who actually witnessed & filmed the camps and mass graves are lying.
Please try and pay attention for once in your life.

Did our soldiers liberate work camps?.........Yes
Did they find mass graves of people?...........Yes
Did the inmates die of overwork and disease?.....Yes
Was there irrefutable evidence the inmates were gassed?.......No
Sunni saying that Ann Frank was fictional when we have pictures of her, her actually diary and her father talking about her on film.
I never said that the poor girl never existed......of course she did.

But there is overwhelming evidence that her father produced a faked up diary in order make a lot of money. .... :cool:

That so called overwhelming evidence is assumptions and not facts.
So then you think the Meip Gies who found the diary is a liar?
The money he made went to keeping the house she was in and the museum.
Otto Frank had to be talked into publishing her diary from a friend. Otto did not want it published.
Then you are denying that our solders who actually witnessed & filmed the camps and mass graves are lying.
Please try and pay attention for once in your life.

Did our soldiers liberate work camps?.........Yes
Did they find mass graves of people?...........Yes
Did the inmates die of overwork and disease?.....Yes
Was there irrefutable evidence the inmates were gassed?.......No

Yes there was irrefutable evidence that they were gassed.
Quite odd how the so called Holocaust is the only historical event that is considered 100% factual and no debate of any aspect of the official story is tolerated.

Even a person who believes in 99% of the official story is attacked and labeled anti-semitic.

The Holocaust crowd demands total adherence to the party line with no exceptions. ...... :cool:
Nakba and Holocaust are the difference of kind not degree.

The evidence of the Holocaust and its immensity is incontrovertible.

Look at Sunni Man's opposition. A reasonable and educated human being reading his remarks ends up in ridicule at his statements. You would not permit him in your house, not socialize with him, not let your children socialize with his children.

Folks have the right to believe as they wish, and reasonable folks have the right to laugh at folks like Sunni Man and his beliefs.
Nakba and Holocaust are the difference of kind not degree.

The evidence of the Holocaust and its immensity is incontrovertible.

Look at Sunni Man's opposition. A reasonable and educated human being reading his remarks ends up in ridicule at his statements. You would not permit him in your house, not socialize with him, not let your children socialize with his children.

Folks have the right to believe as they wish, and reasonable folks have the right to laugh at folks like Sunni Man and his beliefs.

Yes the Nakba was not due to a World War where from 65 mil to 85 mil people died from all nationalities, Germans, Russian, French, British, Japanese, Indian, Polish, Arabs, Americans, and Jews, etc.
Nakba and Holocaust are the difference of kind not degree.

The evidence of the Holocaust and its immensity is incontrovertible.

Look at Sunni Man's opposition. A reasonable and educated human being reading his remarks ends up in ridicule at his statements. You would not permit him in your house, not socialize with him, not let your children socialize with his children.

Folks have the right to believe as they wish, and reasonable folks have the right to laugh at folks like Sunni Man and his beliefs.

Speak for yourself.
Just because Sunni believes in false information does not mean I would not like to have him in my home or not socialize with him.
I'm pretty sure that we could find some common ground in order to be friends.
I have quite a few friends who have opposite beliefs but we are still friends.
Nakba and Holocaust are the difference of kind not degree.

The evidence of the Holocaust and its immensity is incontrovertible.

Look at Sunni Man's opposition. A reasonable and educated human being reading his remarks ends up in ridicule at his statements. You would not permit him in your house, not socialize with him, not let your children socialize with his children.

Folks have the right to believe as they wish, and reasonable folks have the right to laugh at folks like Sunni Man and his beliefs.

Yes the Nakba was not due to a World War where from 65 mil to 85 mil people died from all nationalities, Germans, Russian, French, British, Japanese, Indian, Polish, Arabs, Americans, and Jews, etc.

65 to 85 million?
Try 50 to 70 Million which is the actual estimates.
The Soviet Union – with 25 million deaths, only about a third were combat related. China – between 15 and 22 million deaths. Poland – 6 million deaths including 3 million Jews, which are 20% of its prewar population. Germany – 4 million soldiers and 2 million civilians, mostly women. Japan -1.2 million battle deaths, 1.4 million soldiers listed as missing, almost 1 million civilians killed in the bombing in 1944 and 1945. Yugoslavia – over 1.7 million Greece – 500, 000. France – 600, 000 out of whom 200 000 soldiers and 400 000 civilians. Italy – 330, 000.
Hungary -147, 000. Bulgaria – 19, 000. Romania -73, 000. Great Britain – 324,000 out of whom 264,000 soldiers and 60,000 civilians in bombing raids. The United States – 292,000 soldiers. Netherlands- 200, 000 out of whom 10,000 soldiers and 190,000 civilians. Australia – 23,000 men in combat. Canada – 37,000 soldiers. India – 24,000 men in battle. New Zeland – 10,000. South Africa – 6,000.
Quite odd how the so called Holocaust is the only historical event that is considered 100% factual and no debate of any aspect of the official story is tolerated.

Even a person who believes in 99% of the official story is attacked and labeled anti-semitic.

The Holocaust crowd demands total adherence to the party line with no exceptions. ...... :cool:

It's because is was so well documented and the facts of evidence is overwhelming.
Quite odd how the so called Holocaust is the only historical event that is considered 100% factual and no debate of any aspect of the official story is tolerated.

Even a person who believes in 99% of the official story is attacked and labeled anti-semitic.

The Holocaust crowd demands total adherence to the party line with no exceptions. ...... :cool:

It's because is was so well documented and the facts of evidence is overwhelming.

Not really.
Did the Holocaust actually happen?


Did the Palestinian 'Nakba' actually happen?


It is merely a smokescreen label used by embarrassed Arabs, to refer to The Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948.

"He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."

Nakba happened.

It just wasn't anywhere near the same scale as the Holocaust.

Folks who deny the Nakba can ease-up, the very moment that Holocaust deniers do.


Two wrongs don't make a right...

Deniers of the Holocaust and Nakba are as bad as each other....
Quid pro quo.

Want relief?

Concede the Holocaust.

No reciprocity?

No relief.


It's not like we're talking about anything near the same scale or severity...

Peeing your pants and running away and abandoning your homes, is not the same thing as getting herded into slave-camps and gas-chambers and execution pits.

It's like comparing the onset of a head-cold (Nakba) to end-stage bubonic plague (Holocaust)...

Puh-leeeeeeeze... let's get real here.

Never denied the Holocaust.

Comparing one atrocity with another and suggesting that one is worse than the other is pretty futile...

The suffering of human life is always an atrocity!
Never said you did, personally.

That was mostly directed at our colleague Sunni and those who manifest the way he does.

Meanwhile, comparing the severity of the so-called Nakba and the Holocaust is entirely appropriate.

[ It's like comparing the onset of a head-cold (Nakba) to end-stage bubonic plague (Holocaust)... ]

Especially when it effectively refutes the assertion of Palestinian sympathizers that the Nakba was just as bad as the Holocaust...
It is safe to argue that neither the Holocaust Industry nor Israel have ever represented the real interests of the Judeocide victims, although they keep trying to create the impression that they do. This lie serves Israel in many ways. It guarantees today the support of most of the Jews, who feel that Israel might be their redemption in the hour of an eventual need, a kind of an insurance against possible dangers paid by the blood and suffering of the Palestinians. With the Holocaust Religion, its institutions and priests it is possible to block an all too strong critique against Israel and its crimes against the Palestinians. Thus the Palestinians actually become indirectly victims of the Nazis and actually of the Judaeophobia. The Holocaust Industry helps to finance the aggressions against them and the Holocaust Religion assists in creating a negative public opinion of them and block the critique against the Israeli crimes. Thus the Palestinians have to pay the price for German crimes and Western hypocrisy. The exposure of the Zionist abuse of Judeocide is therefore an important element in the efforts to reach a real and just peace in the Middle East.

- See more at: Holocaust Religion and Holocaust Industry in the Service of Israel stateofnature.org
Nakba and Holocaust are the difference of kind not degree.

The evidence of the Holocaust and its immensity is incontrovertible.

Look at Sunni Man's opposition. A reasonable and educated human being reading his remarks ends up in ridicule at his statements. You would not permit him in your house, not socialize with him, not let your children socialize with his children.

Folks have the right to believe as they wish, and reasonable folks have the right to laugh at folks like Sunni Man and his beliefs.

Speak for yourself.
Just because Sunni believes in false information does not mean I would not like to have him in my home or not socialize with him.
I'm pretty sure that we could find some common ground in order to be friends.
I have quite a few friends who have opposite beliefs but we are still friends.

I am speaking for myself, Peach. Sunni Man has expressed beliefs that put him in common with the moral concepts of Nazi officials and jihadist crazies, and I have no desire to be "friends" with them.

You are not understanding the difference between kind and degree.

Sunni Man's opinions generally on the Holocaust and human ideals are not mine.
Quite odd how the so called Holocaust is the only historical event that is considered 100% factual and no debate of any aspect of the official story is tolerated.

Even a person who believes in 99% of the official story is attacked and labeled anti-semitic.

The Holocaust crowd demands total adherence to the party line with no exceptions. ...... :cool:

It's because is was so well documented and the facts of evidence is overwhelming.

Not really.

Yes, really.
The Palestinians are the victims of their own stupid choices. No one else is to blame.

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