Did the Holocaust actually happen?

Did the Holocaust actually happen?

  • Yes

  • No

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What is it with Jew haters that they ask this perennial question. It's not worth bothering to answer, really.

Well, I asked the question and I am NOT a Jew hater...

I asked the question based upon some responses in posts here that questioned the Holocaust and the validity of historical fact.

It's interesting to see in the poll that no one has voted "No" despite throwing out comment to suggest that they probably should vote "No"...
Did the Holocaust actually happen?


Did the Palestinian 'Nakba' actually happen?


It is merely a smokescreen label used by embarrassed Arabs, to refer to The Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948.

"He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."

Nakba happened.

It just wasn't anywhere near the same scale as the Holocaust.

Folks who deny the Nakba can ease-up, the very moment that Holocaust deniers do.

Did the Holocaust actually happen?


Did the Palestinian 'Nakba' actually happen?


It is merely a smokescreen label used by embarrassed Arabs, to refer to The Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948.

"He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."

Nakba happened.

It just wasn't anywhere near the same scale as the Holocaust.

Folks who deny the Nakba can ease-up, the very moment that Holocaust deniers do.


Two wrongs don't make a right...

Deniers of the Holocaust and Nakba are as bad as each other....
Like all American school children. I was taught the story of how the Jews were burnt up in the crematoriums of the extermination camps in the Holocaust. And then in middle school forced to read fictional "The Story of Ann Frank".

I had aways been interested in researching all aspects of WWll because my father fought in Europe and my uncle fought in the Pacific. So I was always reading everything I could get my hands on about that war.

Then one day I decided to investigate the Holocaust and everything surrounding it. The more I researched the "official" Holocaust story. The more I discovered the Holocaust wasn't an open and shut case. I found there were many flaws and things that didn't add up.

Now I realize why so many countries in Europe have laws against questioning the so called Holocaust. They do not was the real truth of the so called Holocaust discovered.

The basic Holocaust narrative is a huge fraud based on half truths and blatant lies. All tied up and presented in a nice little package for the gullible to believe in. ...... :cool:

What makes you think that Ann Frank was not real?
Did the Holocaust actually happen?


Did the Palestinian 'Nakba' actually happen?


It is merely a smokescreen label used by embarrassed Arabs, to refer to The Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948.

"He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."

Nakba happened.

It just wasn't anywhere near the same scale as the Holocaust.

Folks who deny the Nakba can ease-up, the very moment that Holocaust deniers do.


Two wrongs don't make a right...

Deniers of the Holocaust and Nakba are as bad as each other....
Quid pro quo.

Want relief?

Concede the Holocaust.

No reciprocity?

No relief.


It's not like we're talking about anything near the same scale or severity...

Peeing your pants and running away and abandoning your homes, is not the same thing as getting herded into slave-camps and gas-chambers and execution pits.

It's like comparing the onset of a head-cold (Nakba) to end-stage bubonic plague (Holocaust)...

Puh-leeeeeeeze... let's get real here.
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Like all American school children. I was taught the story of how the Jews were burnt up in the crematoriums of the extermination camps in the Holocaust. And then in middle school forced to read fictional "The Story of Ann Frank".

I had aways been interested in researching all aspects of WWll because my father fought in Europe and my uncle fought in the Pacific. So I was always reading everything I could get my hands on about that war.

Then one day I decided to investigate the Holocaust and everything surrounding it. The more I researched the "official" Holocaust story. The more I discovered the Holocaust wasn't an open and shut case. I found there were many flaws and things that didn't add up.

Now I realize why so many countries in Europe have laws against questioning the so called Holocaust. They do not was the real truth of the so called Holocaust discovered.

The basic Holocaust narrative is a huge fraud based on half truths and blatant lies. All tied up and presented in a nice little package for the gullible to believe in. ...... :cool:

What makes you think that Ann Frank was not real?
It's entirely possible that Sunni Man is a Western (US?) Christian, trolling as a Muslim, in order to make Muslims look bad.

( not that they need much help with that, nowadays )

My Spidey-Sense tells me that nobody behaves that badly online, while still wanting to portray his own religion in a positive light, to an audience primarily composed of those who do not share an Islamic heritage.

I could be very, very wrong, of course, but, my guess is, most online Muslim folk would look at his collection of posts, cringe, and PM the guy: "Stay off our side. Please. You're killing us online."
Did the Holocaust actually happen?


Did the Palestinian 'Nakba' actually happen?


It is merely a smokescreen label used by embarrassed Arabs, to refer to The Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948.

"He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."

Nakba happened.

It just wasn't anywhere near the same scale as the Holocaust.

Folks who deny the Nakba can ease-up, the very moment that Holocaust deniers do.


Two wrongs don't make a right...

Deniers of the Holocaust and Nakba are as bad as each other....
Quid pro quo.

Want relief?

Concede the Holocaust.

No reciprocity?

No relief.


It's not like we're talking about anything near the same scale or severity...

Peeing your pants and running away and abandoning your homes, is not the same thing as getting herded into slave-camps and gas-chambers and execution pits.

It's like comparing the onset of a head-cold (Nakba) to end-stage bubonic plague (Holocaust)...

Puh-leeeeeeeze... let's get real here.

Never denied the Holocaust.

Comparing one atrocity with another and suggesting that one is worse than the other is pretty futile...

The suffering of human life is always an atrocity!
What makes you think that Ann Frank was not real?
Parts of the diary were written in ink with a ball point pen. This type of pen wasn't invented until a few years after the so called diary was written.

The father was sued in court and lost concerning other issues of the authenticity of the diary.

Just google it and find out for yourself if your really interested in the truth. ..... :cool:
Well what gets me is when they deny that it happened and choose to believe the conspiracy lies. Just because people today can't accept how evil & sick that regime really was or are Jew haters or both.
Saying things like the evidence does not add up because the actual evidence has been bulldozed and have had new buildings built.
Not believing that they were gassed because some idiot did not get the test results from the gas that was used in the chambers. Not looking into real facts as to why he could not get those results after 60 years later.
Saying things like it's impossible to murder 11 million people and 6 million not being Jews. When there is overwhelming written documentation and films of it.
It means they think that the people lied at the Nuremberg trials and all of the films and documents are also lies.
Sunni saying that Ann Frank was fictional when we have pictures of her, her actually diary and her father talking about her on film.
I don't like people calling all of this evidence a lie just because they can't or won't accept it because they are so biased.
It demeans all of our soldiers who fought in WWII and they are also calling them liars because they are so anti war.
It's warped.
Sunni saying that Ann Frank was fictional when we have pictures of her, her actually diary and her father talking about her on film.
I never said that the poor girl never existed......of course she did.

But there is overwhelming evidence that her father produced a faked up diary in order make a lot of money. .... :cool:
Did the Holocaust actually happen?


Did the Palestinian 'Nakba' actually happen?


It is merely a smokescreen label used by embarrassed Arabs, to refer to The Great Arab Skeddadle of 1948.

"He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."

Nakba happened.

It just wasn't anywhere near the same scale as the Holocaust.

Folks who deny the Nakba can ease-up, the very moment that Holocaust deniers do.


Two wrongs don't make a right...

Deniers of the Holocaust and Nakba are as bad as each other....
Quid pro quo.

Want relief?

Concede the Holocaust.

No reciprocity?

No relief.


It's not like we're talking about anything near the same scale or severity...

Peeing your pants and running away and abandoning your homes, is not the same thing as getting herded into slave-camps and gas-chambers and execution pits.

It's like comparing the onset of a head-cold (Nakba) to end-stage bubonic plague (Holocaust)...

Puh-leeeeeeeze... let's get real here.

Never denied the Holocaust.

Comparing one atrocity with another and suggesting that one is worse than the other is pretty futile...

The suffering of human life is always an atrocity!

I agree that suffering of human life is always an atrocity.
The Holocaust was much worse.
To compare Nakba which was a catastrophe to the Holocaust which was horrific, warps peoples perception of the two incidents.
With Nakba the people got to choose their State lines. They had the chance to choose what the did or did not want.
Victims of the holocaust had no rights what so ever. There were herded like cattle into death camps.
The two are very different.
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My father was one of the liberators of Dachau. He wouldn't talk about it.
There is no doubt that there were work camps. And many people in them from over work and disease.

I just refute the idea that there were camps set up for mass extermination on an industrial scale. Which is today is referred to as the Holocaust. ...... :cool:
The Holocaust is more inclusive than just the death camps.

Of course you know that.

The big misconception is the idea that Jews were thrown into ovens alive.

Where that came from, who knows?

The crematoria were for disposal of the gassed bodies.

It happened.
No gassing of people took place.

But that's the lie the holocaust myth is built on. ...... :cool:
That is is bullshit.

The orders to Bayer for Zyklon B still exist.

It is just as silly to say the gassing did not happen as it is to say a Palestinian genocide is occurring, given the Pals breed like rats.
My father was one of the liberators of Dachau. He wouldn't talk about it.
There is no doubt that there were work camps. And many people in them from over work and disease.

I just refute the idea that there were camps set up for mass extermination on an industrial scale. Which is today is referred to as the Holocaust. ...... :cool:

Then you are denying that our solders who actually witnessed & filmed the camps and mass graves are lying.
Look they were actually there and saw it and it was unbelievable to them with what they were seeing right before their very own eyes.
So of course people living today would have a hard time believing it today and can be easily persuaded with the conspiracy theories.
It's a to big type of thing to believe.
Yes they had extermination camps designed on an industrial scale for mass murders.
What part of they murdered as much Jews and undesirables as they could get there hands on are you refusing to get and understand?
There were a very sick, demented and evil regime.
1) I don't believe that 6 million Jews were "gassed." I do believe that many Jews died during WWII
2) I do believe that non-Jews died in prison camps but have been forgotten.
3) I do believe that numerous, historical genocides have taken place throughout history that don't get 1/10000th as much media attention.
4) I do believe that modern Jews use the Holocaust story in a manipulative way.
5) I don't believe that all Germans are evil because of the Holocaust story.
6) I don't believe that all Jews are saints because of the Holocaust story.
7) I do believe that there are holes in the Holocaust story if the Leuchter Report is true and accurate.

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