Did the Japanese ever apologize foranyting?


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
For their BRUTAL colinaztion of SE ASis and Rape of Nanking and the Battan Death March etc

Yet US made a apology for incarceration of Japaense-American citizentson the West Coast
Being a victim of a nuclear attack means never having to say you are sorry

Yes, but it took years, the Chinese leadership put a TREATY affiliation ahead of their people:

Only in 1995, on the 50th anniversary of the end of the war, did the Diet house of the Japanese parliament pass a resolution expressing "deep remorse"over Japan's World War II actions, noting simultaneously that such actions took place in the context of worldwide "colonial rules and acts of aggression." Soon after, Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama made a "personal" statement expressing his remorse, in which he called Japanese actions a "mistake" which would not be repeated. Otherwise, the official Japanese position is that war-crimes issues were settled at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal--after which seven Japanese high-ranking officers were hanged, and at subsequent war-crimes trials in China. The issue of reparations was settled in the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty, where an approximate $15-per-head payment for POWs was awarded for distribution to the Red Cross.
America apologized to Americans and others for the Japanese internment. The removal of those people from the west coast was not a good move, but in a way understandable.
America apologized to Americans and others for the Japanese internment. The removal of those people from the west coast was not a good move, but in a way understandable.

Those that claimed the Japanese never apologized took a powder it seems. :mad:

thank you wothless Gaijin
Apology for the Baatan Death March:

Japan Apologizes for Bataan Death March - ABC News
Only in 1995, on the 50th anniversary of the end of the war, did the Diet house of the Japanese parliament pass a resolution expressing "deep remorse"over Japan's World War II actions, noting simultaneously that such actions took place in the context of worldwide "colonial rules and acts of aggression." Soon after, Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama made a "personal" statement expressing his remorse, in which he called Japanese actions a "mistake" which would not be repeated. Otherwise, the official Japanese position is that war-crimes issues were settled at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal--after which seven Japanese high-ranking officers were hanged, and at subsequent war-crimes trials in China. The issue of reparations was settled in the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty, where an approximate $15-per-head payment for POWs was awarded for distribution to the Red Cross.
We nuked them twice. We burned civilians alive in daylight incendiary bomb raids. The dirty little secret is that general MacArthur protected what was left of the Japanese military when he became the virtual emperor of Japan.
Ever hear of The Contest To Behead 100 People?

By Jap officers duringtheRape of Nanking??
You could make a case that MacArthur's inept leadership of the Philippine Army led to the surrender of his Troops and the Bataan Death March. There is a book out called "First in Nagasaki" by Pulitzer Prize author George Weller. It was published by his son who found carbon copies of his dispatches after the MacArthur regime destroyed the originals. Weller was the first A.P. newsman in Nagasaki after the surrender and he thought his dispatches about observations and his interviews of Allied POW's regarding Japanese atrocities were forwarded and published but they were routed to MacArthur's palace and destroyed. Hanging Germans became a small industry after the War but not that many Japanese war criminals were tried and executed.
Mac was on thed deck of the USS Missouri acceptingtheJapaense surrender - ending the most destructive war in hunan history. LAST OF ITS KIND

Cut him slack. l
Mac was on thed deck of the USS Missouri acceptingtheJapaense surrender - ending the most destructive war in hunan history. LAST OF ITS KIND

Cut him slack. l

MacArthur had financial ties in Japan. He was no hero. Halsey was, said my father.
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Mac was on thed deck of the USS Missouri acceptingtheJapaense surrender - ending the most destructive war in hunan history. LAST OF ITS KIND

Cut him slack. l

Ever read Mac's Medal of Honor citation? It is an insult to the brave members of the Military who really earned their Medals. Mac was a fraud and a coward.
Emp Hirohito shouldhave been hanged 0 -same as Hitler had he bbe n caught.

Approved everythingJapan did from 1931 -45.

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