Did Trump Cave on the Trade War?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
I've heard two story lines about why he didn't go to the mat with Xi

Story one

Xi waved an historic visit to North Korea in front of Trump in order to get a truce in hopes that Trump would lose the election. The Ds in the form of Clinton and Biden have had no problem in taking money from foreign sources more or less openly. Could Xi be ignorant enough to believe that any amount of money would elect the last clown in the D car?

Story two

Trump simply caved as much of the R senate, Including senator Rubio who represents me, and even many D senators are claiming ?

What sounds more likely to you?
Let's see if Jina moves back to it's original position of limiting IP theft. It backtracked on what it promised to Manchin and Lighthizer, and that was when Trump threated the added tariffs, that he's now backed off of.

Trump at least took China on, but he didn't make them top priority what with his issues with the EU that acutally builds more cars here than it sells here. And he didn't prepare Americans for the pain of a trade war and why it may be the right thing with Jina.

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