Did Trump lose his security clearance when Biden became president?

One can read the facts and put them to productive use -or- one can be a dope, make up their own, and go nuts. Not the containing buildings, but..
Why are the call logs, drafts, speeches, handwritten notes and other documents from Trump’s term in office in the possession of the National Archives?

“Presidential records are the property of the United States government and are administered by the National Archives,” said Meghan Ryan Guthorn, acting deputy chief operating officer of the agency. “So, all presidential papers, materials and records in the custody of the National Archives, whether donated, seized or governed by the Presidential Records Act, are owned by the federal government.”
Nope. The article YOU posted said the NARA had control of the site & the documents.
that didn't make it so. I used that article to show the documents went to Chicago. The obammy foundation rents the facility. Sorry Simp.
that didn't make it so. I used that article to show the documents went to Chicago. The obammy foundation rents the facility. Sorry Simp.


You posted an article indicating he rented some office space. That's not the former furniture warehouse being used by tbe NARA.

When Clinton lost the nuclear code, he was living in the White House. Are you saying that he panicked that someone would search the WH?

Next time, think it through before posting. Will help you look less of a fool.
Was Hillary in the White House or is this not an actual standard to you, party is your only standard.

Next time, think it through before posting, and have ONE standard you apply to both parties or admit you're a Democrat hack and this doesn't matter to you otherwise. You'll look less dishonest
Was Hillary in the White House or is this not an actual standard to you, party is your only standard.

Next time, think it through before posting, and have ONE standard you apply to both parties or admit you're a Democrat hack and this doesn't matter to you otherwise. You'll look less dishonest
Retard. The question was about Clinton losing the nuclear codes. Which "Clinton" do you think had the access to nuclear codes while living in the WH?

Next time, read the question before jumping in. Will help you look less of a retard. Good luck. :itsok:
Was this picture taken before or after Rump crawled out from under his bed scared about the next FBI visit?
shit how many do you need? just curious six years is a long time, and he has remained consistent. Unlike any demofker. Just saying. No one cares about your TDS today.

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