Did Trump really disrespect dead soldiers?

It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
It's not strange, it's completely in character for him to say things like that.

That's your opinion....And is of little use, factoring the bias you hold.
It's not an opinion, it's a fact. His character is not open to interpretation, it's right there for everyone to see.
As is your lying ass.
The truth doesn't really matter. Trump's disdain for people not in position to help him is legendary. And as the movie says, "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

The truth doesn't matter?

Finally, an honest statement from the left.

Q: The truth doesn't matter?
A: In situations where it is simply one person's word against the word of another then believability reigns supreme.
The truth doesn't really matter. Trump's disdain for people not in position to help him is legendary. And as the movie says, "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

The truth doesn't matter?

Finally, an honest statement from the left.

Q: The truth doesn't matter?
A: In situations where it is simply one person's word against the word of another then believability reigns supreme.

Then Clinton is a pedo
Obama spied on everyone
Hillary lied about almost everything
Biden has lost his mental grasp on life

All those are far more believable than Trump doing this to the military.

I know you people need to feed your hate 24x7. But an anon source against 10 people who were there? Which is now more believable according to you?

10 people by name saying the same thing
1 anon source saying something else.

Stop being a jackass.
"The Jews" lol, reminds me of McCain's comment directed towards Obama "that one" which democrats went after McCain calling him a racist. Unlike McCain, Romney and various others, TRUMP understands it doesn't matter what you say liberals will spin it how ever they want against you.

As for Obama going after McCain's war record, I said the Obama campaign. Unlike TRUMP Obama hides behind others to do his dirty work...

Again, still haven't posted any proof anyone in Obama's campaign said anything negative about McCain service.

They didn't have to. Poor McCain was saddled with Bush's war and Bush's economy. Picking Palin didn't help, either.

And yes, the Zionist Lobby dictates our foreign policy no matter who is in charge.

Wesley Clark is one name I recall, and the Obama campaign, defended by Bill Burton, put out an ad attacking McCain's disability which made using a computer difficult.
All those are far more believable than Trump doing this to the military.
Absolutely not.

Trump is a straight up asshole. We all know that. There should be nothing surprising about him being an asshole to military.

There are numerous anonymous sources talking to numerous reporters about it.

The people on record are all devout Trump supporters. Corey Lewandowsky spilled the beans when he stated publicly that he has no obligation to be truthful to the media.

That's how the Trump admin works.
All those are far more believable than Trump doing this to the military.
Absolutely not.

Trump is a straight up asshole. We all know that. There should be nothing surprising about him being an asshole to military.

There are numerous anonymous sources talking to numerous reporters about it.

The people on record are all devout Trump supporters. Corey Lewandowsky spilled the beans when he stated publicly that he has no obligation to be truthful to the media.

That's how the Trump admin works.
ok - Clinton is a straight up Pedo and everyone knows it.
Hillary is a straight up enabler and everyone knows it

i am basing my final analysis on the same thing you are - a personal opinion of someone NOT facts. the "facts" you make up in your mind discredit any "fact" you think you have.

the way the left works is to trash everything when they don't get their way. see the fat lady screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to kick off their tantrum.

grow the fuck up.
All those are far more believable than Trump doing this to the military.
Absolutely not.

Trump is a straight up asshole. We all know that. There should be nothing surprising about him being an asshole to military.

There are numerous anonymous sources talking to numerous reporters about it.

The people on record are all devout Trump supporters. Corey Lewandowsky spilled the beans when he stated publicly that he has no obligation to be truthful to the media.

That's how the Trump admin works.
ok - Clinton is a straight up Pedo and everyone knows it.
Hillary is a straight up enabler and everyone knows it

i am basing my final analysis on the same thing you are - a personal opinion of someone NOT facts. the "facts" you make up in your mind discredit any "fact" you think you have.

the way the left works is to trash everything when they don't get their way. see the fat lady screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to kick off their tantrum.

grow the fuck up.
I wouldn’t be telling anyone to grow up if I spoke like you did on this forum.

However, this is where credibility matters. Trump has no credibility. His administration has no credibility. It’s been shown that they lie without concern because they have no obligation to the truth. Those are facts.

People who do have credibility report things about Trump and he has no standing to refute them because he lacks credibility.

So don’t blame me because no one believes Trump. It’s his own fault.
All those are far more believable than Trump doing this to the military.
Absolutely not.

Trump is a straight up asshole. We all know that. There should be nothing surprising about him being an asshole to military.

There are numerous anonymous sources talking to numerous reporters about it.

The people on record are all devout Trump supporters. Corey Lewandowsky spilled the beans when he stated publicly that he has no obligation to be truthful to the media.

That's how the Trump admin works.
ok - Clinton is a straight up Pedo and everyone knows it.
Hillary is a straight up enabler and everyone knows it

i am basing my final analysis on the same thing you are - a personal opinion of someone NOT facts. the "facts" you make up in your mind discredit any "fact" you think you have.

the way the left works is to trash everything when they don't get their way. see the fat lady screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to kick off their tantrum.

grow the fuck up.
I wouldn’t be telling anyone to grow up if I spoke like you did on this forum.

However, this is where credibility matters. Trump has no credibility. His administration has no credibility. It’s been shown that they lie without concern because they have no obligation to the truth. Those are facts.

People who do have credibility report things about Trump and he has no standing to refute them because he lacks credibility.

So don’t blame me because no one believes Trump. It’s his own fault.
oh bullfuckingshit.

was trump disrespecting the military here? if actions speak of future actions, how is THIS action defining someone who doesn't support the military? it does not.

now - who reported that trump said this? to date we have no name to back it up but 10+ people, many who don't like trump, say it's bullshit.

don't blame me you have no credibility. your hate of trump makes you say some seriously stupid shit.
and - if lies make you not credible - then we know for a fact our media is full of shit.

we're up to 143 and counting now. how come you dismiss a history of lying about trump so you can attack only him for lies people make up about him?

you can't. so you'll ramble on about anon sources saying what you want to hear and pretend you're the intelligent one who understands these anon sources.
All those are far more believable than Trump doing this to the military.
Absolutely not.

Trump is a straight up asshole. We all know that. There should be nothing surprising about him being an asshole to military.

There are numerous anonymous sources talking to numerous reporters about it.

The people on record are all devout Trump supporters. Corey Lewandowsky spilled the beans when he stated publicly that he has no obligation to be truthful to the media.

That's how the Trump admin works.
ok - Clinton is a straight up Pedo and everyone knows it.
Hillary is a straight up enabler and everyone knows it

i am basing my final analysis on the same thing you are - a personal opinion of someone NOT facts. the "facts" you make up in your mind discredit any "fact" you think you have.

the way the left works is to trash everything when they don't get their way. see the fat lady screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to kick off their tantrum.

grow the fuck up.
I wouldn’t be telling anyone to grow up if I spoke like you did on this forum.

However, this is where credibility matters. Trump has no credibility. His administration has no credibility. It’s been shown that they lie without concern because they have no obligation to the truth. Those are facts.

People who do have credibility report things about Trump and he has no standing to refute them because he lacks credibility.

So don’t blame me because no one believes Trump. It’s his own fault.
oh bullfuckingshit.

was trump disrespecting the military here? if actions speak of future actions, how is THIS action defining someone who doesn't support the military? it does not.

now - who reported that trump said this? to date we have no name to back it up but 10+ people, many who don't like trump, say it's bullshit.

don't blame me you have no credibility. your hate of trump makes you say some seriously stupid shit.

I’m not really sure what this proves. Trump is quite an actor. He’s spent his whole life pretending to be things he’s not, pretending to know things he doesn’t and pretending he’s done things he hasn’t.

Of course, when the doors are closed, he’s a different person.
Did Trump really disrespect dead soldiers?

My opinion is that he probably said it and that it won't make a difference anyway.

We don't have proof of it, but it seems like something he would say. I thought his comments on McCain were absolutely terrible, including the low blows after he died. Add to that his comments to recently passed John Dingell's widow "maybe he's looking up", and I can conclude why there's very little decency in this president. There's close to nothing that I can rule out for him.

And even if he did say it, it wouldn't make a difference. Take all the conservatives on this site for example. Suppose that tomorrow we got a video of Trump saying exactly what he was accused of saying. Would that change ANY of their minds about who they're voting for? I don't think it would. As Trump said, he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and he wouldn't lose any voters. He was right.

My $0.02.

And joe biden likely did stick his fingers into Tara Reid...cause he thought she liked him......and his supporters will still vote for him.....

It’s possible. I wouldn’t say it’s likely.

Just my opinion.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

I've been saying it ever since they came up with this bullshit story: Names, or it never happened. Oh, you have "anonymous sources"? I consider that to be a code name for making it up while the author is drunk.
Trump has no one to blame but himself. He has been disrespectful to veterans and active-duty military personnel in the past and combined with his history of compulsive serial lying, why should anyone believe him and his "suckers and losers" denial

"Trump has no one to blame but himself. He got elected when we didn't want him to, so he deserves whatever lies we make up about him!"

Names, or it never happened.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
I'd give it an 80% chance. His temperament over the years, his own words over the years convict him with me.

The evidence just keeps piling up about what this person is. To the point where there really isn't a lot of surprise over these quotes -- just more disgust.

You get what you pay for.

I'd give it a 0% chance of being worth my time thinking about until I see some names. Refusing to come forward so that the people can weigh and evaluate your trustworthiness is the same thing as saying, "I'm a piece of shit, but I really want to get Trump!"

Names, or it never happened.
Trump has no one to blame but himself. He has been disrespectful to veterans and active-duty military personnel in the past and combined with his history of compulsive serial lying, why should anyone believe him and his "suckers and losers" denial

It's very possible that it's bullshit regardless of Trump's history. There is room for doubt so that is what I'm doing.

Multiple people who ARE willing to put their names on the record and can therefore be proven to have actually been there say it never happened. This includes John Bolton, who put himself on the record about it before the story was even invented.

This against four alleged people who insist we should trust them without requiring that they prove they can be trusted by telling us who they are.

Names, or it never happened.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

Whats more likely...

That someone made up a lie about the blob


The blob disrespected someone then lied about it

The blob has not gone a day without lying in years. Anyone who believes this guy has serious issues.

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