Did Trump really disrespect dead soldiers?

Poor baby. YES and YES Trump is responsible for the Pandemic crisis that Americans are suffering right now. The right term in Covid-19 not KUNG FLU. Who do you think is responsible?

1. No one is "responsible". It's a virus. Viruses happen. Trying to blame it on one person is the height of stupidity...

Don’t tell me you are blaming Obama.

2. No, I'm not. Why would you even say something so fucking stupid?

Oh, right. You're stupid...

Democratic governors failed to protect their cities? Has Trump done anything to work with them. He is very busy threatening, insulting and fighting with the mayors and governors. How do you suggest a mayor or governors solved these crisis?

3. So, they were powerless without Trump? That only proves how fucking ineffective democrats are at leading...

Trump will crash the negro uprising. Well he is the president now. Do you see him doing anything? What is he waiting for???

4. Your stupidity shines with the light of a thousand suns.
He tried to do EXACTLY that, but idiot democrat governors and mayors turned him away...

This country deserves better than this lousy inept incompetent president. You have 2 months left to enjoy.

5. Well, I'll take solace in the fact that a second Trump term is going to be so emotionally painful for you. That makes me smile...

Pay attention. Read my post do not stare at it.
1. Again and again Trump I responsible for the Pandemic crisis. Clear and Simple no matter how you twist ALL the lies and stupidity. Look at how he is handling today after almost 9 months? Does he care? He continues to downplay the crisis. Blamed Obama several times. STUPID. PROVED he is unfit.

2. Look who is acting stupid. You are a Trump devotee a clear Trump sympathizer cult members. Your asshole blamed Obama several times about Coronavirus. You are supporter ..... meaning you are blaming Obama. It’s that simple. You don’t have to just pick and choose what you support.
Just like how you support KUNG FLU a clear evidence that Trump is a racist piece of dog shit. STUPID.

I’m a a Biden supporter. I don’t get to chose and pick what Biden said. I will take responsibility of what he said.

3. I swear to god. You are dumb. This is a crisis. Do you think the mayor and governors can stop it? Do you honestly think Trump can stop it? So far Trump has NOT done a diddly squat addressing the racial in justice and police brutalities. But busy insulting, threatening mayor and governors. What the fuck kind of a president is that? That’s dumb.
This is a crisis under Trump years of administration. Don’t you ever forget that.

4. Wrong again. He sent federal agents in Portland without coordinating with local authorities. They just showed up there. Did it helps? Fuck NO. Sending national guards will not stop these people. No one is stopping Trump to send national guard. Maybe you are missing something STUPID. Why can he just work with the mayors and governors instead of attacking and insulting them? Why? Because Trump is dumb, shows no leadership and bully.

5. That’s dumb and STUPID. Are you forgetting something? Look at what is happening to majority of Americans. Second term of this unfit moron..... meaning more suffering for millions and millions of Americans that are facing hardship right now. He doesn’t give a shit. For almost 4 years he proved himself nothing but a corrupted disgusting, dishonest, corrupted, lying bastard.

Trump will be annihilated this November election

You're ignorant and stupid.

When I voted for Trump in 2016, it's only because I believed that Hillary should've been in prison.

I'm voting for Trump this time because I believe Biden should be in an assisted living facility.

Your post is nothing but a conglomeration of broken English rants. I'm betting you're an immigrant. Are you here legally?
Again you are just proving yourself that you are very dumb and ignorant.
Hillary never been convicted of any corruption or any wrong doings. So why is she going to prison? Trump proved himself corrupted, paid $25 millions for fake university, ordered to shut down fraudulent Trump foundation and pay $2 millions, hiding his tax returns. Talking about dumb and ignorant.

You are voting for Trump again after all these destruction he created against Americans. Millions of Americans are suffering. Non stop chaos and discombobulations. Like a 10 yo kid always doing or saying something stupid. He blasted Biden for wearing a mask. You are voting for him again? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? You are stupid.

You are voting for Trump again because Biden should be in an assisted living facility. REALLY? Biden showed riding in a bicycle. Can that fat obese Donnie do that? Who do you think looks healthier and lean? Talking about dumb and stupid.
Did Trump disrespect dead soldiers? YES crystal clear.

Here is a another example how this moron disrespected the military. He was beg by the generals not to get involved with Gallagher cases. Despite pleas from generals and Esper he pardoned a convicted war criminal Edward Gallagher. Undermining the highest military code of discipline and honor.

Secretary of Navy Spencer resigned.
Top Navy Seal Commander Collin Green resigned. All of that Because of Trump pardoning a war criminal Gallagher. There was and is an uproar in the military.
You would think Trump will just keep quiet and keep a low profile...... NOOOOO he invited and paraded him at his Christmas party at Maralago.
Just think what and where is the mentality of this clown?


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