Did Trump really disrespect dead soldiers?

It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
I'd give it an 80% chance. His temperament over the years, his own words over the years convict him with me.

The evidence just keeps piling up about what this person is. To the point where there really isn't a lot of surprise over these quotes -- just more disgust.

You get what you pay for.

I'd give it a 0% chance of being worth my time thinking about until I see some names. Refusing to come forward so that the people can weigh and evaluate your trustworthiness is the same thing as saying, "I'm a piece of shit, but I really want to get Trump!"

Names, or it never happened.
You've sold your soul to a buffoon. Tough shit.
Trump’s statements have been confirmed by multiple news outlets. Of course Trump made those reprehensible remarks. He has made similar comments before and we’re right in line with his beliefs.

"Multiple news outlets have reported that the accusations were made, so that means it's TRUE! OF COURSE he said it, because I think he's a big meaniehead, and that makes him guilty of ANYTHING I SAY!"

I'm thinking you don't understand the meaning of the word "confirmed". Of course, I'd be surprised if you understood the meanings of any words.

Congratulations. Your belief in how true it seems just convinced me it's bullshit slightly more than I already was. What's it like being a walking argument AGAINST everything you believe?
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
I'd give it an 80% chance. His temperament over the years, his own words over the years convict him with me.

The evidence just keeps piling up about what this person is. To the point where there really isn't a lot of surprise over these quotes -- just more disgust.

You get what you pay for.

I'd give it a 0% chance of being worth my time thinking about until I see some names. Refusing to come forward so that the people can weigh and evaluate your trustworthiness is the same thing as saying, "I'm a piece of shit, but I really want to get Trump!"

Names, or it never happened.
You've sold your soul to a buffoon. Tough shit.

You're jealous because you don't have a soul to sell, and not much of a brain. Tough shit.

Names, or it never happened.
without a doubt he said it...even fox says so.....oddly the best way to piss of trump supporters is to quote trump...

"Without a doubt he said it, because I really want it to be true!"

Oddly, the only way you ever "quote Trump" is to insist he said things and you can "prove it", but then you never do.

Names, or it never happened.
From John Bolton's book, written and published well before this pathetic lie was even thought of:

" On Saturday, I went to the U.S. Ambassador’s residence, where Trump was staying, to brief him for his bilateral with [French President Emmanuel Macron]. The weather was bad and [former Chief of Staff John Kelly] and I spoke about whether to travel as planned to the Chateau-Thierry Belleau Woods monuments and nearby American Cemeteries, where many U.S. World War I were buried. Marine One’s crew were saying that bad visibility could make it imprudent to chopper to the cemetery. The ceiling was not too low for Marines to fly in combat, but flying POTUS was obviously something very different. If a motorcade were necessary, it could take between ninety and a hundred and twenty minutes each way, along roads that were not exactly freeways, posing an unacceptable risk that we could not get the President out of France quickly enough in case of an emergency. It was a straightforward decision to cancel the visit but very hard for a Marine like Kelly to recommend, having originally been the one to suggest Belleau Wood (an iconic battle in Marine Corps history). Trump agreed, and it was decided that others would drive to the cemetery instead.

The press turned canceling the military visit into a story that Trump was afraid of the rain and took glee in pointing out that other world leaders traveled around during the day. Of course, none of them were President of the United States, but the press didn’t understand that rules for US presidents are different from the rules for 190 other leaders who don’t command the world’s greatest military forces."

Seems to me that John Bolton, who can't stand Trump, would have mentioned it if it had happened.

So who do you leftists have to refute that? Oh, that's right, you can't tell us. We're just supposed to believe it because you say so.

Names, or it never happened, because there's not a damned one of you that has an iota of benefit of the doubt left to you.
Wesley Clark is one name I recall, and the Obama campaign, defended by Bill Burton, put out an ad attacking McCain's disability which made using a computer difficult.

The only think Clark said was that getting shot down doesn't qualify McCain to be President.

It was hardly dissing his service.

Here's what Clark ACTUALLY said.

"I certainly honor his service as a prisoner of war. He was a hero to me and to hundreds of thousands and millions of others in the armed forces, as a prisoner of war. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn't held executive responsibility," said Clark, a former NATO commander who campaigned for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004.
If called upon, I am willing to testify I did not hear Donald Trump call war dead suckers and losers.
You know, there's no shortage of faults with Trump.

What eats libs alive is that Hillary was such a failed candidate that she lost, and Biden's such a failed candidate that he will lose, as well, despite Trump's faults.

It's got to kill libs that good Americans, when viewing the quality of their candidates versus the faults of Trump, good Americans chose Trump. Simply put, Hillary would've been far more disastrous...
Nah! After 3 years and 10 months. Look what happened to this country? We are in total mess and disarray because of an incompetent, amateur and inept president Trump. And you want 4 more years of chaos and discombobulations?

Any of the 2016 presidential candidates ANY could have done a far better than this lousy POTUS.

And idiot libs like you want to blame Trump for the Kung Flu, something that, in all probablility, would've happened anyway. And then you want to blame him when democratic Governors fail to protect their cities when some guy gets killed by a rogue cop and the natives run amok.

Yeah, I do want four more years of Trump because, in those four years, Trump will crush the negro uprising in this country and restore law and order.

Biden has proven to me he has no interest in doing anything about it...
Poor baby. YES and YES Trump is responsible for the Pandemic crisis that Americans are suffering right now. The right term in Covid-19 not KUNG FLU. Who do you think is responsible? Don’t tell me you are blaming Obama. Trump downplayed the severity of this crisis from the beginning calling it a new Democrat hoax. We are now in 9 months .... and still downplaying the seriousness of the Coronavirus crisis. Tweeted only 9,000 deaths, blasted Biden for wearing mask, Coronavirus is all lies deaths and infections are all lies. Then admire a lunatic doctor

Now you fucking tell me what kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?

Democratic governors failed to protect their cities? Has Trump done anything to work with them. He is very busy threatening, insulting and fighting with the mayors and governors. How do you suggest a mayor or governors solved these crisis?

Biden? Has condemned the violence on both sides. He challenged Trump to condemn both sides. Trump has not done that. Biden condemned and warned the Russians for interfering with the 2020 election. Trump as a puppet has not done that. Biden condemned the bounty head of US soldiers in Afghanistan. Trump has not done that because he is weak and a traitor. THATS A FACT.

Trump will crash the negro uprising. Well he is the president now. Do you see him doing anything? What is he waiting for??? We are still waiting for the Make America Great Again ..... LOL ..... look what is going on in this country. Millions are facing evictions, financial crisis, unemployment’s, businesses closures, deaths close to 190,000 and counting, millions and millions are infected, Americans are scared especially financially.
What is Donnie doing about it? NOTHING but busy playing golf, photo op, blaming, insulting, threats. LYING like hell

This country deserves better than this lousy inept incompetent president. You have 2 months left to enjoy.
All those are far more believable than Trump doing this to the military.
Absolutely not.

Trump is a straight up asshole. We all know that. There should be nothing surprising about him being an asshole to military.

There are numerous anonymous sources talking to numerous reporters about it.

The people on record are all devout Trump supporters. Corey Lewandowsky spilled the beans when he stated publicly that he has no obligation to be truthful to the media.

That's how the Trump admin works.
ok - Clinton is a straight up Pedo and everyone knows it.
Hillary is a straight up enabler and everyone knows it

i am basing my final analysis on the same thing you are - a personal opinion of someone NOT facts. the "facts" you make up in your mind discredit any "fact" you think you have.

the way the left works is to trash everything when they don't get their way. see the fat lady screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to kick off their tantrum.

grow the fuck up.
I wouldn’t be telling anyone to grow up if I spoke like you did on this forum.

However, this is where credibility matters. Trump has no credibility. His administration has no credibility. It’s been shown that they lie without concern because they have no obligation to the truth. Those are facts.

People who do have credibility report things about Trump and he has no standing to refute them because he lacks credibility.

So don’t blame me because no one believes Trump. It’s his own fault.
oh bullfuckingshit.

was trump disrespecting the military here? if actions speak of future actions, how is THIS action defining someone who doesn't support the military? it does not.

now - who reported that trump said this? to date we have no name to back it up but 10+ people, many who don't like trump, say it's bullshit.

don't blame me you have no credibility. your hate of trump makes you say some seriously stupid shit.
LOL. From your link ..... just the news? Is not even credible. This is from John Solomon a conspiracies theory devotee. A die hard Trump supporter works for Fox News.
Poor baby. YES and YES Trump is responsible for the Pandemic crisis that Americans are suffering right now. The right term in Covid-19 not KUNG FLU. Who do you think is responsible?

No one is "responsible". It's a virus. Viruses happen. Trying to blame it on one person is the height of stupidity...

Don’t tell me you are blaming Obama.

No, I'm not. Why would you even say something so fucking stupid?

Oh, right. You're stupid...

Democratic governors failed to protect their cities? Has Trump done anything to work with them. He is very busy threatening, insulting and fighting with the mayors and governors. How do you suggest a mayor or governors solved these crisis?

So, they were powerless without Trump? That only proves how fucking ineffective democrats are at leading...

Trump will crash the negro uprising. Well he is the president now. Do you see him doing anything? What is he waiting for???

Your stupidity shines with the light of a thousand suns.

He tried to do EXACTLY that, but idiot democrat governors and mayors turned him away...

This country deserves better than this lousy inept incompetent president. You have 2 months left to enjoy.

Well, I'll take solace in the fact that a second Trump term is going to be so emotionally painful for you. That makes me smile...
Poor baby. YES and YES Trump is responsible for the Pandemic crisis that Americans are suffering right now. The right term in Covid-19 not KUNG FLU. Who do you think is responsible?

1. No one is "responsible". It's a virus. Viruses happen. Trying to blame it on one person is the height of stupidity...

Don’t tell me you are blaming Obama.

2. No, I'm not. Why would you even say something so fucking stupid?

Oh, right. You're stupid...

Democratic governors failed to protect their cities? Has Trump done anything to work with them. He is very busy threatening, insulting and fighting with the mayors and governors. How do you suggest a mayor or governors solved these crisis?

3. So, they were powerless without Trump? That only proves how fucking ineffective democrats are at leading...

Trump will crash the negro uprising. Well he is the president now. Do you see him doing anything? What is he waiting for???

4. Your stupidity shines with the light of a thousand suns.
He tried to do EXACTLY that, but idiot democrat governors and mayors turned him away...

This country deserves better than this lousy inept incompetent president. You have 2 months left to enjoy.

5. Well, I'll take solace in the fact that a second Trump term is going to be so emotionally painful for you. That makes me smile...

Pay attention. Read my post do not stare at it.
1. Again and again Trump I responsible for the Pandemic crisis. Clear and Simple no matter how you twist ALL the lies and stupidity. Look at how he is handling today after almost 9 months? Does he care? He continues to downplay the crisis. Blamed Obama several times. STUPID. PROVED he is unfit.

2. Look who is acting stupid. You are a Trump devotee a clear Trump sympathizer cult members. Your asshole blamed Obama several times about Coronavirus. You are supporter ..... meaning you are blaming Obama. It’s that simple. You don’t have to just pick and choose what you support.
Just like how you support KUNG FLU a clear evidence that Trump is a racist piece of dog shit. STUPID.

I’m a a Biden supporter. I don’t get to chose and pick what Biden said. I will take responsibility of what he said.

3. I swear to god. You are dumb. This is a crisis. Do you think the mayor and governors can stop it? Do you honestly think Trump can stop it? So far Trump has NOT done a diddly squat addressing the racial in justice and police brutalities. But busy insulting, threatening mayor and governors. What the fuck kind of a president is that? That’s dumb.
This is a crisis under Trump years of administration. Don’t you ever forget that.

4. Wrong again. He sent federal agents in Portland without coordinating with local authorities. They just showed up there. Did it helps? Fuck NO. Sending national guards will not stop these people. No one is stopping Trump to send national guard. Maybe you are missing something STUPID. Why can he just work with the mayors and governors instead of attacking and insulting them? Why? Because Trump is dumb, shows no leadership and bully.

5. That’s dumb and STUPID. Are you forgetting something? Look at what is happening to majority of Americans. Second term of this unfit moron..... meaning more suffering for millions and millions of Americans that are facing hardship right now. He doesn’t give a shit. For almost 4 years he proved himself nothing but a corrupted disgusting, dishonest, corrupted, lying bastard.

Trump will be annihilated this November election
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
Come on..considering what he said about POWs do you really think it's that far of a stretch to believe he thinks members of the military, dead and alive, are suckers and losers?
Fact-check: Joe Biden falsely claimed on Wednesday during his Michigan speech that more than 6,000 members of the US military died from Coronavirus. According to DOD, the actual number is 7.
Poor baby. YES and YES Trump is responsible for the Pandemic crisis that Americans are suffering right now. The right term in Covid-19 not KUNG FLU. Who do you think is responsible?

1. No one is "responsible". It's a virus. Viruses happen. Trying to blame it on one person is the height of stupidity...

Don’t tell me you are blaming Obama.

2. No, I'm not. Why would you even say something so fucking stupid?

Oh, right. You're stupid...

Democratic governors failed to protect their cities? Has Trump done anything to work with them. He is very busy threatening, insulting and fighting with the mayors and governors. How do you suggest a mayor or governors solved these crisis?

3. So, they were powerless without Trump? That only proves how fucking ineffective democrats are at leading...

Trump will crash the negro uprising. Well he is the president now. Do you see him doing anything? What is he waiting for???

4. Your stupidity shines with the light of a thousand suns.
He tried to do EXACTLY that, but idiot democrat governors and mayors turned him away...

This country deserves better than this lousy inept incompetent president. You have 2 months left to enjoy.

5. Well, I'll take solace in the fact that a second Trump term is going to be so emotionally painful for you. That makes me smile...

Pay attention. Read my post do not stare at it.
1. Again and again Trump I responsible for the Pandemic crisis. Clear and Simple no matter how you twist ALL the lies and stupidity. Look at how he is handling today after almost 9 months? Does he care? He continues to downplay the crisis. Blamed Obama several times. STUPID. PROVED he is unfit.

2. Look who is acting stupid. You are a Trump devotee a clear Trump sympathizer cult members. Your asshole blamed Obama several times about Coronavirus. You are supporter ..... meaning you are blaming Obama. It’s that simple. You don’t have to just pick and choose what you support.
Just like how you support KUNG FLU a clear evidence that Trump is a racist piece of dog shit. STUPID.

I’m a a Biden supporter. I don’t get to chose and pick what Biden said. I will take responsibility of what he said.

3. I swear to god. You are dumb. This is a crisis. Do you think the mayor and governors can stop it? Do you honestly think Trump can stop it? So far Trump has NOT done a diddly squat addressing the racial in justice and police brutalities. But busy insulting, threatening mayor and governors. What the fuck kind of a president is that? That’s dumb.
This is a crisis under Trump years of administration. Don’t you ever forget that.

4. Wrong again. He sent federal agents in Portland without coordinating with local authorities. They just showed up there. Did it helps? Fuck NO. Sending national guards will not stop these people. No one is stopping Trump to send national guard. Maybe you are missing something STUPID. Why can he just work with the mayors and governors instead of attacking and insulting them? Why? Because Trump is dumb, shows no leadership and bully.

5. That’s dumb and STUPID. Are you forgetting something? Look at what is happening to majority of Americans. Second term of this unfit moron..... meaning more suffering for millions and millions of Americans that are facing hardship right now. He doesn’t give a shit. For almost 4 years he proved himself nothing but a corrupted disgusting, dishonest, corrupted, lying bastard.

Trump will be annihilated this November election

You're ignorant and stupid.

When I voted for Trump in 2016, it's only because I believed that Hillary should've been in prison.

I'm voting for Trump this time because I believe Biden should be in an assisted living facility.

Your post is nothing but a conglomeration of broken English rants. I'm betting you're an immigrant. Are you here legally?
When I voted for Trump in 2016, it's only because I believed that Hillary should've been in prison.

Oh, so you're invoking stupidity as an excuse for your immoral act. We can accept that.

I'm voting for Trump this time because I believe Biden should be in an assisted living facility.

And you're using the same excuse this time around.

Have you considered assisted living yourself? You do show definite signs of dementia. Not as bad as Trump, but still significant. Has nobody pointed that out to you before?

Also, it might be better if you were sedated on election night, given the whupping Trump is going to get. If you're this unstable now ... we worry.
When I voted for Trump in 2016, it's only because I believed that Hillary should've been in prison.

Oh, so you're invoking stupidity as an excuse for your immoral act. We can accept that.

I'm voting for Trump this time because I believe Biden should be in an assisted living facility.

And you're using the same excuse this time around.

Have you considered assisted living yourself? You do show definite signs of dementia. Not as bad as Trump, but still significant. Has nobody pointed that out to you before?

Also, it might be better if you were sedated on election night, given the whupping Trump is going to get. If you're this unstable now ... we worry.

Hey, don't blame me. Trump was my #4 choice in 2016. I was as shocked as anyone when he got the nomination.

But he's so far superior to Biden, in every way, it's almost funny.

I hope the next four years of President Trump's residency in the White House causes you countless hours of angst and repeated sleepless nights pondering how things might have been different had democrats not nominated a geriatric vegetable...
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
Come on..considering what he said about POWs do you really think it's that far of a stretch to believe he thinks members of the military, dead and alive, are suckers and losers?

"Come on, if you just accept what I say as fact, then you can believe anything else I want you to believe!"

Or, we can consider what we know about you, and utterly refuse to believe anything you say without proof because you're a lying sack of crap.

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