Did Trump really disrespect dead soldiers?

It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

It's not just McCain. (by the way, the McCain stuff WOULD be bad enough on it's own)

It's what he's said about various flag officers, even ones who have been on his own cabinet.
It's what he's said about his brother Fred who joined the Air National Guard.
It was his callousness when talking to the widow of Sgt. LaDavid Johnson ("He knew what he signed up for". Johnson's wife was in tears.)

The fact was, he DIDN'T go to the ceremony at Belleau Wood.

Trump's long history has been one of disrespecting people who intimidate him, who he feels threatened by. The guy is by any definition just an awful person.

He's a guy who reacts to 180,000 Covid deaths with "It is what it is!" He simply lacks the basic human empathy most decent people have.

It's not enough that you just think it seems like something Trump would say. It's an allegation, and a suspicious one right before an election. If Trump really said that it would be a whole new level of disrespect. It seems strange. It's hard to imagine he'd say that out loud even if he does believe it.

Sorry but it is hard to find a news cycle where Trump doesn't do something to outrageous... Look at the summer...
  • No responsibility for COVID response
  • COVID Press conferences
  • Injecting Bleach and other COVID misinformation
  • Senate report of Trump campaign giving information to Russians
  • Mike Flynn U-Turn so bad the Judge had to question it.
  • Tax return court failure
  • Rodge Stone commuted sentence
  • Clearing of the Square for Bible photo op
  • Defunding the US Postal
  • Niece accusations and taped conversations
  • and that are the ones I can think off....

Next week
  • Micheal Cohen Book
  • Bob Woodward Book
  • And what ever comes out of Trump's mouth/Tweets
so suspicious about timing, hardly, this is just another day in the Trump White House...

You really mean there isn’t a day that goes by where libs, and never trumpets don’t loose their minds with made up nonsense....right?
There isn’t a day that goes by where Trump doesn’t lie about something.
"The Jews" lol, reminds me of McCain's comment directed towards Obama "that one" which democrats went after McCain calling him a racist. Unlike McCain, Romney and various others, TRUMP understands it doesn't matter what you say liberals will spin it how ever they want against you.

As for Obama going after McCain's war record, I said the Obama campaign. Unlike TRUMP Obama hides behind others to do his dirty work...

Again, still haven't posted any proof anyone in Obama's campaign said anything negative about McCain service.

They didn't have to. Poor McCain was saddled with Bush's war and Bush's economy. Picking Palin didn't help, either.

And yes, the Zionist Lobby dictates our foreign policy no matter who is in charge.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

It's not just McCain. (by the way, the McCain stuff WOULD be bad enough on it's own)

It's what he's said about various flag officers, even ones who have been on his own cabinet.
It's what he's said about his brother Fred who joined the Air National Guard.
It was his callousness when talking to the widow of Sgt. LaDavid Johnson ("He knew what he signed up for". Johnson's wife was in tears.)

The fact was, he DIDN'T go to the ceremony at Belleau Wood.

Trump's long history has been one of disrespecting people who intimidate him, who he feels threatened by. The guy is by any definition just an awful person.

He's a guy who reacts to 180,000 Covid deaths with "It is what it is!" He simply lacks the basic human empathy most decent people have.

It's not enough that you just think it seems like something Trump would say. It's an allegation, and a suspicious one right before an election. If Trump really said that it would be a whole new level of disrespect. It seems strange. It's hard to imagine he'd say that out loud even if he does believe it.

Sorry but it is hard to find a news cycle where Trump doesn't do something to outrageous... Look at the summer...
  • No responsibility for COVID response
  • COVID Press conferences
  • Injecting Bleach and other COVID misinformation
  • Senate report of Trump campaign giving information to Russians
  • Mike Flynn U-Turn so bad the Judge had to question it.
  • Tax return court failure
  • Rodge Stone commuted sentence
  • Clearing of the Square for Bible photo op
  • Defunding the US Postal
  • Niece accusations and taped conversations
  • and that are the ones I can think off....

Next week
  • Micheal Cohen Book
  • Bob Woodward Book
  • And what ever comes out of Trump's mouth/Tweets
so suspicious about timing, hardly, this is just another day in the Trump White House...

You really mean there isn’t a day that goes by where libs, and never trumpets don’t loose their minds with made up nonsense....right?
There isn’t a day that goes by where Trump doesn’t lie about something.
More projection...
"The Jews" lol, reminds me of McCain's comment directed towards Obama "that one" which democrats went after McCain calling him a racist. Unlike McCain, Romney and various others, TRUMP understands it doesn't matter what you say liberals will spin it how ever they want against you.

As for Obama going after McCain's war record, I said the Obama campaign. Unlike TRUMP Obama hides behind others to do his dirty work...

Again, still haven't posted any proof anyone in Obama's campaign said anything negative about McCain service.

They didn't have to. Poor McCain was saddled with Bush's war and Bush's economy. Picking Palin didn't help, either.

And yes, the Zionist Lobby dictates our foreign policy no matter who is in charge.

I will never understand how Sarah Palin came so close to being our VP. Good God.
More bullshit from the left.

Trump has respect for the military and always has had that respect.

Anyone who thinks he would disrespect dead soldiers is dumber than a box of rocks.
And he still does it to this day.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

The aide to John Kelly who briefed the President on the weather situation denied he said it...just the most recent person in the room who denies it...

Have you noticed? The people that were there deny that he said it. Those thst weren't there swear he said it.
"The Jews" lol, reminds me of McCain's comment directed towards Obama "that one" which democrats went after McCain calling him a racist. Unlike McCain, Romney and various others, TRUMP understands it doesn't matter what you say liberals will spin it how ever they want against you.

As for Obama going after McCain's war record, I said the Obama campaign. Unlike TRUMP Obama hides behind others to do his dirty work...

Again, still haven't posted any proof anyone in Obama's campaign said anything negative about McCain service.

They didn't have to. Poor McCain was saddled with Bush's war and Bush's economy. Picking Palin didn't help, either.

And yes, the Zionist Lobby dictates our foreign policy no matter who is in charge.

I will never understand how Sarah Palin came so close to being our VP. Good God.
She was the table setter for Trump. She’s actually less strange then Trump is. She just never got to have a staring roll in a reality show.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

It's not just McCain. (by the way, the McCain stuff WOULD be bad enough on it's own)

It's what he's said about various flag officers, even ones who have been on his own cabinet.
It's what he's said about his brother Fred who joined the Air National Guard.
It was his callousness when talking to the widow of Sgt. LaDavid Johnson ("He knew what he signed up for". Johnson's wife was in tears.)

The fact was, he DIDN'T go to the ceremony at Belleau Wood.

Trump's long history has been one of disrespecting people who intimidate him, who he feels threatened by. The guy is by any definition just an awful person.

He's a guy who reacts to 180,000 Covid deaths with "It is what it is!" He simply lacks the basic human empathy most decent people have.
You have a long history of TDS.

And it's what, 10k directly to covid?

You simply lack integrity.
If you are trying to say that Obama didn't know what his surrogates were out there saying during the campaign, then you must think we are as stupid as you.

Except you haven't proven that some asshole with a blog was an Obama Surrogate.

And defunding them, calling for abolishment is the answer? I don't think so....I actually agree that we need to develop better psycological, and training standards to catch these problems. However, right now, screaming for their abolishment is not doing anythinig but ensuring that good people will not become future law enforcement.

Actually, if a police department is so corrupt, disbanding it and starting over is a completely valid answer. The problem isn't the bad apples, it's that the whole system is kind of corrupt.

Take Jason van Dyke. Now, he was the guy who shot Laquan McDonald 16 times in Chicago. Other cops on the scene wrote false reports claiming McDonald Charged him. (Contradicted by video evidence). Witnesses were intimidated, evidence was destroyed. The police brass disseminated false information. The City Council paid off the family with a NDA. The State's Attorney refused to prosecute. Only after the tape came out and the coroner's office blew the whistle did we find out what Really Happened. The FOP spent millions defending him. The problem wasn't with one bad cop - Van Dyke had been reported 20 other times for misconduct, including an incident where the city paid out an additional $375K for a guy whose arm he dislocated. It was an entire system that protected a bad cop.

Israel is an island of Democracy, surrounded by cut throats, and terrorists that have vowed to wipe them off the map. And, you brush that off with a "meh, who cares"? That sir makes you an admitted anti semite.

The Zionist Entity is not a "Democracy". You don't get to call yourself a "Democracy" when you lock millions of people behind fences and don't allow them to vote. And since the Arabs are "Semites" than the European SQUATTERS, any claims of anti-Semitism is laughable.
The truth doesn't really matter. Trump's disdain for people not in position to help him is legendary. And as the movie says, "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

The truth doesn't matter?

Finally, an honest statement from the left.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
If it is bullshit, then several former administration members claiming to witness it lied, or several media outlets have lied.
Or, Trump actually said it.
Which is more likely? Easy answer...he said it...
Who by name is making the claim?

If he said it, we would know.
You libs need to get over this. Even if he did say it, it was just common sense. One would have to be a braindead idiot to sign up to be cannon fodder.

Well, I see you are getting your talking points straight when it is determined Trump actually did say those awful things.

Of course, most of the men who died in WWI were DRAFTED, they didn't "Sign up".

Even the Chancellor of Germany could be bothered to honor our dead there.. just not Trump.
If you are trying to say that Obama didn't know what his surrogates were out there saying during the campaign, then you must think we are as stupid as you.

Except you haven't proven that some asshole with a blog was an Obama Surrogate.

And defunding them, calling for abolishment is the answer? I don't think so....I actually agree that we need to develop better psycological, and training standards to catch these problems. However, right now, screaming for their abolishment is not doing anythinig but ensuring that good people will not become future law enforcement.

Actually, if a police department is so corrupt, disbanding it and starting over is a completely valid answer. The problem isn't the bad apples, it's that the whole system is kind of corrupt.

Take Jason van Dyke. Now, he was the guy who shot Laquan McDonald 16 times in Chicago. Other cops on the scene wrote false reports claiming McDonald Charged him. (Contradicted by video evidence). Witnesses were intimidated, evidence was destroyed. The police brass disseminated false information. The City Council paid off the family with a NDA. The State's Attorney refused to prosecute. Only after the tape came out and the coroner's office blew the whistle did we find out what Really Happened. The FOP spent millions defending him. The problem wasn't with one bad cop - Van Dyke had been reported 20 other times for misconduct, including an incident where the city paid out an additional $375K for a guy whose arm he dislocated. It was an entire system that protected a bad cop.

Israel is an island of Democracy, surrounded by cut throats, and terrorists that have vowed to wipe them off the map. And, you brush that off with a "meh, who cares"? That sir makes you an admitted anti semite.

The Zionist Entity is not a "Democracy". You don't get to call yourself a "Democracy" when you lock millions of people behind fences and don't allow them to vote. And since the Arabs are "Semites" than the European SQUATTERS, any claims of anti-Semitism is laughable.

This post has so many fails, I don't know where to start. Other than to say, I don't know who fucked your head up like this, but they did you a great disservice...
I've always held McCain in high regard, and I still do, but the fact of the matter is that McCain repeatedly attacked Trump. Having been a POW doesn't make you immune to retaliation if you run your mouth...

And if he criticized McCain on policy, I'd have no issue with him.

He didn't. He demeaned his war record, some rich asshole who got out of the military on a fake medical excuse.
"The Jews" lol, reminds me of McCain's comment directed towards Obama "that one" which democrats went after McCain calling him a racist. Unlike McCain, Romney and various others, TRUMP understands it doesn't matter what you say liberals will spin it how ever they want against you.

As for Obama going after McCain's war record, I said the Obama campaign. Unlike TRUMP Obama hides behind others to do his dirty work...

Again, still haven't posted any proof anyone in Obama's campaign said anything negative about McCain service.

They didn't have to. Poor McCain was saddled with Bush's war and Bush's economy. Picking Palin didn't help, either.

And yes, the Zionist Lobby dictates our foreign policy no matter who is in charge.
I remember people in social media blistering McCain. And Palin worse.
I will never understand how Sarah Palin came so close to being our VP. Good God.

well, it's very simple.

Wall Street Wanted Romney, but the Evangelicals didn't because he was a Mormon.
The Evangelicals wanted Huckabee, but Wall Street Didn't because he was kind of a religious nut who didn't think the central message of Jesus was "Tax Cuts for Rich people".
McCain was the nice safe choice everyone could kind of agree on. Nobody was terribly thrilled with him.

On Paper, Palin seemed great. She had a good record as a reformer in the short time she had been in, she had solid social conservative credentials... And she was dumb as a bag of hammers.
"The Jews" lol, reminds me of McCain's comment directed towards Obama "that one" which democrats went after McCain calling him a racist. Unlike McCain, Romney and various others, TRUMP understands it doesn't matter what you say liberals will spin it how ever they want against you.

As for Obama going after McCain's war record, I said the Obama campaign. Unlike TRUMP Obama hides behind others to do his dirty work...

Again, still haven't posted any proof anyone in Obama's campaign said anything negative about McCain service.

They didn't have to. Poor McCain was saddled with Bush's war and Bush's economy. Picking Palin didn't help, either.

And yes, the Zionist Lobby dictates our foreign policy no matter who is in charge.

I will never understand how Sarah Palin came so close to being our VP. Good God.
There is a story about her that we do not get. She was not educated about the national affairs by the Repub elites. At worse she is a Biden. Biden was fortunate to come into politics in the early 1970's with no social media and the deep state in its full glory.

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