Did Trump really disrespect dead soldiers?

The Trumped-Up defensive of the allegations exposes a Biden advantage in any televised debates. One new pathological lie--defensive of the aged self-concept, all Trumped-Up: Will likely get questioned. Then just as likely a new one replaces it.

The Entire Trumped-Up family appears to be supportive, of the pathology! Lowering the flag in memoriam is clearly family-wide opposed!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, Cast Out never get flags lowered to half-mast, in memoriam--Christian Stuff!)"
Lol Biden already had a HUGE disadvantage in the debates even most sane democrats admit this. And if Biden tries to use obvious lies like this he is just going to get beat even worse. And I really do not think you want to bring the candidates family into the discussion. I mean Biden does have the Criminal coke head son that likes to use his fathers influence to get paychecks from Russia and China.
I would believe that Hillary Clinton destroyed her subpoenaed evidence because it was just personal emails before I believed these allegations. As I have said before the only people stupid enough to believe this are already voting for Biden and you are further proof. All this lie has done is hurt what little credibility the dems have left.

Are you forgetting something? Trump lies most of the time. He is known as a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. Even his sister Mary confirmed that in a recording Trump is a liar, cruel, no principles, lack of preparations.

Credibility? Trump destroyed this country almost on purpose. What are you talking about Dude?
Stop with that line of defense you are cracking me up.


Trump says a lot of outrageous shit, but this in particular is an out of character thing for him to say. I wouldn't expect a partisan fanatic to be able to notice that, though.

Trump is a transactional person, do something to get something in return... He is also a zero sum person...

He doesn't understand why people serve in the military, it is not part of his DNA... Look at his charity, his doesn't see the advantage of running a charity for others... His life is a litany of this behaviour...

It is pretty clear that Trump didn't want to go to the memorial in France, other leaders all went and Obama has attended events in the rain. He just doesn't get it, he is not wired to understand sacrifice for ones country...

As for the validity of the report, there has been many reporters that have independently verified parts of thee story. Trump has been caught numerous times telling false information. But the killer is accusing John Kelly, if this was crap then why go after John Kelly, this shows that he blaming Kelly because he knows he was there when he said it...

This also comes from many ex White house staff, he denigrates anyone that intimidates him. He has actually got quite a weak personality and need to be constantly complimented (another flaw)....
You liberals are dreaming. This is not going to cost Trump the military vote.

American soldiers will give everything for America. They want a pro-America president. That candidate is Trump, not Biden who is in bed with China.
No..just getting tired of arguing for those that can‘t accept the truth. As I said there is not a damn thing Ytump said that was out of character for him and it has been confirmed by multiple news outlets.

People that hate Trump with a passion are not reliable when trying to determine whether or not something was out of character for him.

This is the normal excuse... This by definition is gaslighting. Why not look at the evidence in place....

Can you show us an example of Trump using empathy? Lets start from there...
You liberals are dreaming. This is not going to cost Trump the military vote.

American soldiers will give everything for America. They want a pro-America president. That candidate is Trump, not Biden who is in bed with China.

Here you go with China again...

Trump is the most pro China President in a century... His concession of TPP to China was the biggest gift ever given to China and gave China dominance over its suppliers and competitors...
You liberals are dreaming. This is not going to cost Trump the military vote.

American soldiers will give everything for America. They want a pro-America president. That candidate is Trump, not Biden who is in bed with China.
You liberals are dreaming. This is not going to cost Trump the military vote.

American soldiers will give everything for America. They want a pro-America president. That candidate is Trump, not Biden who is in bed with China.
View attachment 385747
41% in the military voting for Biden? Who are we letting in the military now? What happened to our standards?
I could absolutely see a former official lying to the media to make Trump look bad and ensure his a departure from office.
That's a dodge. There were several such sources. Please try a better response.

No, there aren't. They are all circle jerking themselves. it is one lying "reporter" repeating the same tired lies they have been spewing since trump won.
]It's not just McCain. (by the way, the McCain stuff WOULD be bad enough on it's own)

I've always held McCain in high regard, and I still do, but the fact of the matter is that McCain repeatedly attacked Trump. Having been a POW doesn't make you immune to retaliation if you run your mouth...[/QUOTE]
I could absolutely see a former official lying to the media to make Trump look bad and ensure his a departure from office.
That's a dodge. There were several such sources. Please try a better response.

No, there aren't. They are all circle jerking themselves. it is one lying "reporter" repeating the same tired lies they have been spewing since trump won.
It will be the same when President Trump is reelected but they will start to give this treatment to probable 2024 Republican Candidates like Mike Pence,Ted Cruz,Tom Cotton,Ron DeSantis and maybe Mitt Romney.
They have been confirmed by multiple news outlets.

The report has been confirmed, not the comments.
As I said get your head out of the sand.

Get your head out of Xi's ass.
Lol...says the Russian fool.

Claims the Chinese stooge.

Like I said dumbass. Trump has never attacked a group of people. Thousands of hours of tape of the man. Go find one.

Are you sure? Are you watching his rallies? Most of his rallies he attacked the democrats, the democrat, the democrats attacking his own fellow Americans. Democrats are Americans.
Where do you see in this world that a leader of a country attacking his own fellow citizens? That’s Trump.

He also called the Iowans are stupid.

Chinese? Why are you not mentioning Russians harassing US planes and ships out there in the international air and water. Several times this year especially this month Russian fighter jets and tanker were caught off the Alaskan coast.

Trump own intelligence agencies warned that the Russians are again interfering in the upcoming election 2020. Bounty against US soldiers in Afghanistan. TRUMP HAS NOT SAID A SINGLE WORDS OR CONDEMNED AGAINST PUTIN. That shows Trump is a weak and a TRAITOR.

Biden condemned and warned the Russians.
You know, there's no shortage of faults with Trump.

What eats libs alive is that Hillary was such a failed candidate that she lost, and Biden's such a failed candidate that he will lose, as well, despite Trump's faults.

It's got to kill libs that good Americans, when viewing the quality of their candidates versus the faults of Trump, good Americans chose Trump. Simply put, Hillary would've been far more disastrous...
You liberals are dreaming. This is not going to cost Trump the military vote.

American soldiers will give everything for America. They want a pro-America president. That candidate is Trump, not Biden who is in bed with China.
View attachment 385747
41% in the military voting for Biden? Who are we letting in the military now? What happened to our standards?

Trump shit on them.
It will be the same when President Trump is reelected but they will start to give this treatment to probable 2024 Republican Candidates like Mike Pence,Ted Cruz,Tom Cotton,Ron DeSantis and maybe Mitt Romney.

I'd like to see Rubio get back into it. He was my first choice for the Republican ticket in 2016.

I don't get the sense that Pence is too interested in the job. We'll have to wait and see how much more visible he is during Trump's second term. I met him back in February at CPAC and I didn't get that "Presidential" vibe from him...
You liberals are dreaming. This is not going to cost Trump the military vote.

American soldiers will give everything for America. They want a pro-America president. That candidate is Trump, not Biden who is in bed with China.

Are you sure? Let me wake you up just incase. Trump is in big trouble with the military even before this suckers and losers came up.

Republican veterans who are voting against Donald Trump in November’s election have released a scathing new attack ad against the president.
The advert, released by Republican Voters Against Trump, complies clips from a number of US veterans detailing why they refuse to vote for Mr Trump.
It will be the same when President Trump is reelected but they will start to give this treatment to probable 2024 Republican Candidates like Mike Pence,Ted Cruz,Tom Cotton,Ron DeSantis and maybe Mitt Romney.

I'd like to see Rubio get back into it. He was my first choice for the Republican ticket in 2016.

I don't get the sense that Pence is too interested in the job. We'll have to wait and see how much more visible he is during Trump's second term. I met him back in February at CPAC and I didn't get that "Presidential" vibe from him...
He reminds me a little bit of George HW Bush :smoke:
The President NEVER disrespected dead soldiers. That's a lie!

Faker and faker news...

I have fake news fatigue.
You liberals are dreaming. This is not going to cost Trump the military vote.

American soldiers will give everything for America. They want a pro-America president. That candidate is Trump, not Biden who is in bed with China.

Here’s a couple more veterans against Trump. Biden in bed in China? Where and how? Trump proved himself to the whole world he is laying in bed with Putin and a TRAITOR.


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