Did Trump really disrespect dead soldiers?

I could absolutely see a former official lying to the media to make Trump look bad and ensure his departure from office.

What does that say about Trump that the people he appoints are so horrified by his behavior that they are leaking against him?

No, he didn't say it. He has never denigrated a group of people in his whole life. There are thousands of hours of him on tape and not once has he ever attacked a group, or class of people.

It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
I'd give it an 80% chance. His temperament over the years, his own words over the years convict him with me.

The evidence just keeps piling up about what this person is. To the point where there really isn't a lot of surprise over these quotes -- just more disgust.

You get what you pay for.

Oh please Mac....You didn't vote for him in '16, and you won't vote for him this go around...So who the hell cares what your what or what doesn't surprise you, or what chances you give him...Your observation is severely biased, therefore useless.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
I'd give it an 80% chance. His temperament over the years, his own words over the years convict him with me.

The evidence just keeps piling up about what this person is. To the point where there really isn't a lot of surprise over these quotes -- just more disgust.

You get what you pay for.

Oh please Mac....You didn't vote for him in '16, and you won't vote for him this go around...So who the hell cares what your what or what doesn't surprise you, or what chances you give him...Your observation is severely biased, therefore useless.
Obviously you do, or you wouldn't be whining.

Conversely, your opinion is of no value to me. Sorry.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
It's not strange, it's completely in character for him to say things like that.

That's your opinion....And is of little use, factoring the bias you hold.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
I'd give it an 80% chance. His temperament over the years, his own words over the years convict him with me.

The evidence just keeps piling up about what this person is. To the point where there really isn't a lot of surprise over these quotes -- just more disgust.

You get what you pay for.

Oh please Mac....You didn't vote for him in '16, and you won't vote for him this go around...So who the hell cares what your what or what doesn't surprise you, or what chances you give him...Your observation is severely biased, therefore useless.
Obviously you do, or you wouldn't be whining.

Conversely, your opinion is of no value to me. Sorry.

Well, looky there, we actually agree that each of our opinions have no value to the other....Shocking...Oh, and I didn't whine about anything you disgusting troll...Using language like that to avoid discussion shows how little value you actually have on a board like this.
If it is bullshit, then several former administration members claiming to witness it lied, or several media outlets have lied.
Or, Trump actually said it.
Which is more likely? Easy answer...he said it...

I could absolutely see a former official lying to the media to make Trump look bad and ensure his departure from office.

It's happened many, many times before
GMAB. McCain called a woman a c*nt and his war record was demeaned by the Obama campaign during 2008. McCain had no issue with launching vicious attacks against those he opposed. And his thumbs down just to spite TRUMP showed he put himself before the voters, so at this point few care about TRUMP's comments regarding McCain.

When did Obama demean McCain's war record?

TRUMP's comment about the death rate saying "it is what it is" was followed by him saying "they were doing everything that could be done". You can explain how TRUMP's comment is worse or different than Cuomo's comment "old people are going to die from this virus. That's going to happen despite whatever you do".

It's a lot worse because it was callous. Cuomo was warning vulnerable populations.

The comment "he knew what he signed up for" were comments democratic congresswoman Willson alleged were said.
And the man's widow.

The latest anonymous accusations are nothing more than an attempt for the Biden campaign to distract from their close too 100% lack of support among law enforcement.

Um, so what? People are kind of sick of Law Enforcement's behavior at this point.

With regard to TRUMP's true feeling about the military it all comes down to actions, and his actions are by far more supportive then any actions taken during the O'Biden administration. The O'Biden administration routinely made terrorist out to be victims, just as how the democrats are promoting rioters and criminals as victims, while demonizing law enforcement.

Actually, Obama engaged in the same stupid policies we are always going to follow as long as the Jews and the Oil Companies dictate our middle east policy.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
If there is no proof he said it and we have nothing but the word of some newspaper and their "secret, anonymous source", then it is a nothingburger. The one thing we do know is that it flies in the face of all of Trump's past 5 years of military support. It flies in the face of 10,000 things Trump HAS said to the contrary, and Ohhh, what timing-- -- just coincidentally right before his reelection.

The stuff about McCain was said about McCain because he was McCain, not because he was a vet. I have no respect for the man, neither, there are many questions about his background and history.
The Trumped-Up defensive of the allegations exposes a Biden advantage in any televised debates. One new pathological lie--defensive of the aged self-concept, all Trumped-Up: Will likely get questioned. Then just as likely a new one replaces it.

The Entire Trumped-Up family appears to be supportive, of the pathology! Lowering the flag in memoriam is clearly family-wide opposed!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, Cast Out never get flags lowered to half-mast, in memoriam--Christian Stuff!)"
The issue is based on a two year old debunked "Atlantic" story. Only the hate filled democrat base and the media believes it.
He made a JOKE regarding Mc Cain.

Which is no problem. If someone says something bad about Trump, Trump responds. We don't have a door mat in the office thank God.

I'm sorry, joking about someone who was tortured for six years isn't that funny. What's next, rape jokes?

Oh, wait, let's not. Trump will probably go there next.
Already done.

It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
It's not strange, it's completely in character for him to say things like that.

That's your opinion....And is of little use, factoring the bias you hold.
It's not an opinion, it's a fact. His character is not open to interpretation, it's right there for everyone to see.
When did Obama demean McCain's war record?

Obama himself didn't, but he did have his surrogates go out there and do the job....And the left, like you were all over the place accusing your hero McCain of all sorts of things, including conspiring with the enemy while in captivity....

It's a lot worse because it was callous. Cuomo was warning vulnerable populations.

Warning them? You've got to be kidding....Cuomo was responsible for the deaths of those vunerable populations directly, despite his not pointing the finger any anyone else....HE fucked up.

Um, so what? People are kind of sick of Law Enforcement's behavior at this point.

So let's get rid of them....Yeah that'll work out well....

Actually, Obama engaged in the same stupid policies we are always going to follow as long as the Jews and the Oil Companies dictate our middle east policy.

Yes, there it is....It's always the Jews fault...isn't that right?
The Trumped-Up defensive of the allegations exposes a Biden advantage in any televised debates. One new pathological lie--defensive of the aged self-concept, all Trumped-Up: Will likely get questioned. Then just as likely a new one replaces it.

The Entire Trumped-Up family appears to be supportive, of the pathology! Lowering the flag in memoriam is clearly family-wide opposed!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, Cast Out never get flags lowered to half-mast, in memoriam--Christian Stuff!)"
Lol Biden already had a HUGE disadvantage in the debates even most sane democrats admit this. And if Biden tries to use obvious lies like this he is just going to get beat even worse. And I really do not think you want to bring the candidates family into the discussion. I mean Biden does have the Criminal coke head son that likes to use his fathers influence to get paychecks from Russia and China.
I would believe that Hillary Clinton destroyed her subpoenaed evidence because it was just personal emails before I believed these allegations. As I have said before the only people stupid enough to believe this are already voting for Biden and you are further proof. All this lie has done is hurt what little credibility the dems have left.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
It's not strange, it's completely in character for him to say things like that.

That's your opinion....And is of little use, factoring the bias you hold.
It's not an opinion, it's a fact. His character is not open to interpretation, it's right there for everyone to see.

Your opinion does not equal fact. No matter how much you would love it to.
He made a JOKE regarding Mc Cain.

Which is no problem. If someone says something bad about Trump, Trump responds. We don't have a door mat in the office thank God.

I'm sorry, joking about someone who was tortured for six years isn't that funny. What's next, rape jokes?

Oh, wait, let's not. Trump will probably go there next.
Already done.

It's a sad commentary that Trump engages in so much awful behavior that you have to remind yourself of all the awful behavior.
Obama himself didn't, but he did have his surrogates go out there and do the job....And the left, like you were all over the place accusing your hero McCain of all sorts of things, including conspiring with the enemy while in captivity....

So essentially, your boy just lied about Obama criticizing his war record. Sorry, man, some liberal blog is not an Obama surrogate.

So let's get rid of them....Yeah that'll work out well....

We need to get rid of the bad ones. Absolutely. The problem with Law enforcement isn't the bad apples, who are in the minority, it's that they system defends the bad apples.

Yes, there it is....It's always the Jews fault...isn't that right?

I'm just being honest. If Israel got wiped off the map tomorrow, would you care? Would it have any effect on your life? Yet Netanyahu says Jump and our government says "How High?"
GMAB. McCain called a woman a c*nt and his war record was demeaned by the Obama campaign during 2008. McCain had no issue with launching vicious attacks against those he opposed. And his thumbs down just to spite TRUMP showed he put himself before the voters, so at this point few care about TRUMP's comments regarding McCain.

When did Obama demean McCain's war record?

TRUMP's comment about the death rate saying "it is what it is" was followed by him saying "they were doing everything that could be done". You can explain how TRUMP's comment is worse or different than Cuomo's comment "old people are going to die from this virus. That's going to happen despite whatever you do".

It's a lot worse because it was callous. Cuomo was warning vulnerable populations.

The comment "he knew what he signed up for" were comments democratic congresswoman Willson alleged were said.
And the man's widow.

The latest anonymous accusations are nothing more than an attempt for the Biden campaign to distract from their close too 100% lack of support among law enforcement.

Um, so what? People are kind of sick of Law Enforcement's behavior at this point.

With regard to TRUMP's true feeling about the military it all comes down to actions, and his actions are by far more supportive then any actions taken during the O'Biden administration. The O'Biden administration routinely made terrorist out to be victims, just as how the democrats are promoting rioters and criminals as victims, while demonizing law enforcement.

Actually, Obama engaged in the same stupid policies we are always going to follow as long as the Jews and the Oil Companies dictate our middle east policy.

"The Jews" lol, reminds me of McCain's comment directed towards Obama "that one" which democrats went after McCain calling him a racist. Unlike McCain, Romney and various others, TRUMP understands it doesn't matter what you say liberals will spin it how ever they want against you.

As for Obama going after McCain's war record, I said the Obama campaign. Unlike TRUMP Obama hides behind others to do his dirty work...
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

It's not just McCain. (by the way, the McCain stuff WOULD be bad enough on it's own)

It's what he's said about various flag officers, even ones who have been on his own cabinet.
It's what he's said about his brother Fred who joined the Air National Guard.
It was his callousness when talking to the widow of Sgt. LaDavid Johnson ("He knew what he signed up for". Johnson's wife was in tears.)

The fact was, he DIDN'T go to the ceremony at Belleau Wood.

Trump's long history has been one of disrespecting people who intimidate him, who he feels threatened by. The guy is by any definition just an awful person.

He's a guy who reacts to 180,000 Covid deaths with "It is what it is!" He simply lacks the basic human empathy most decent people have.

It's not enough that you just think it seems like something Trump would say. It's an allegation, and a suspicious one right before an election. If Trump really said that it would be a whole new level of disrespect. It seems strange. It's hard to imagine he'd say that out loud even if he does believe it.
Actually it is enough.

The American people have the right and authority to determine the veracity of the reporting documenting Trump’s disparaging the military.

And having made that determination the people will hold Trump accountable on election day.
I could absolutely see a former official lying to the media to make Trump look bad and ensure his departure from office.

What does that say about Trump that the people he appoints are so horrified by his behavior that they are leaking against him?

No, he didn't say it. He has never denigrated a group of people in his whole life. There are thousands of hours of him on tape and not once has he ever attacked a group, or class of people.

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What does it say about Trump that the Progs have to orchestrate misinformation campaigns and SPAM voting to try to defeat him?

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