Did Trump really disrespect dead soldiers?

LOL...whenever says trump says something stupid, he never said it, according to Trumpers, and if he said it was a joke. Hey, your next line of defense is clear: He as joking. I bet you found it hilarious as well.

You're unraveling.
No..just getting tired of arguing for those that can‘t accept the truth. As I said there is not a damn thing Trump said that was out of character for him and it has been confirmed by multiple news outlets.
Stop with that line of defense you are cracking me up.


Trump says a lot of outrageous shit, but this in particular is an out of character thing for him to say. I wouldn't expect a partisan fanatic to be able to notice that, though.
Lol..a partisan fanatic calling another a partisan fanatic..LOL..Now you’re unraveling.
No..just getting tired of arguing for those that can‘t accept the truth. As I said there is not a damn thing Ytump said that was out of character for him and it has been confirmed by multiple news outlets.

People that hate Trump with a passion are not reliable when trying to determine whether or not something was out of character for him.
No..just getting tired of arguing for those that can‘t accept the truth. As I said there is not a damn thing Ytump said that was out of character for him and it has been confirmed by multiple news outlets.

People that hate Trump with a passion are not reliable when trying to determine whether or not something was out of character for him.
Lol..it was exactly in character for him. The fact that you deny does not make it so.
Lol..a partisan fanatic calling another a partisan fanatic..LOL..Now you’re unraveling.

You're talking to somebody that voted for Bernie in 2016. I've never voted for Trump or any Republican.
If it is totally untrue, then there would be no "real" source

You don't think a former Trump official would make a false report?

You totally missed the point. Go back and read what I said again. If it is totally untrue, and Trump never said anything that was in it, then how would he know who to blame? He wouldn't know who was around every time he never supposedly made the statements...
Because no one ever in human history has guessed and called out the person they thought was lying about them?

Really? Thats your evidence of guilt? 5th grade logic bro
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
Jesus Christ, McCain was a big part of the F Russian Steele horse S. I hate the MF traitor too.

LOLOL.............. And his Twinkee eating daughter .Libturds are now pulling anything out of their asses possible...................LOLOL..

UNNAMED SOURCES SAID........................LOLOLOL
Its not just that, Progs will do it to anyone in their way. We see it.
The truth doesn't really matter. Trump's disdain for people not in position to help him is legendary. And as the movie says, "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

They have been confirmed by multiple news outlets.

The report has been confirmed, not the comments.
As I said get your head out of the sand.

Get your head out of Xi's ass.
Lol...says the Russian fool.

Claims the Chinese stooge.

Like I said dumbass. Trump has never attacked a group of people. Thousands of hours of tape of the man. Go find one.
Stop with that line of defense you are cracking me up.


We are still waiting. C'mon China stooge. You say it is his character, provide us an example. Thousands of hours of tape of this man.

Find ONE example.
The truth doesn't really matter. Trump's disdain for people not in position to help him is legendary. And as the movie says, "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

Find an example of him attacking a group of people.
Trump has no one to blame but himself. He has been disrespectful to veterans and active-duty military personnel in the past and combined with his history of compulsive serial lying, why should anyone believe him and his "suckers and losers" denial

If Trump said it why was it not mentioned for 2 years?
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.
Maybe, but he is on the right wing. They have no problem with claiming what is not so, and alleging they are not really like that, afterward.
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

It's not just McCain. (by the way, the McCain stuff WOULD be bad enough on it's own)

It's what he's said about various flag officers, even ones who have been on his own cabinet.
It's what he's said about his brother Fred who joined the Air National Guard.
It was his callousness when talking to the widow of Sgt. LaDavid Johnson ("He knew what he signed up for". Johnson's wife was in tears.)

The fact was, he DIDN'T go to the ceremony at Belleau Wood.

Trump's long history has been one of disrespecting people who intimidate him, who he feels threatened by. The guy is by any definition just an awful person.

He's a guy who reacts to 180,000 Covid deaths with "It is what it is!" He simply lacks the basic human empathy most decent people have.

GMAB. McCain called a woman a c*nt and his war record was demeaned by the Obama campaign during 2008. McCain had no issue with launching vicious attacks against those he opposed. And his thumbs down just to spite TRUMP showed he put himself before the voters, so at this point few care about TRUMP's comments regarding McCain.

TRUMP's comment about the death rate saying "it is what it is" was followed by him saying "they were doing everything that could be done". You can explain how TRUMP's comment is worse or different than Cuomo's comment "old people are going to die from this virus. That's going to happen despite whatever you do".

The comment "he knew what he signed up for" were comments democratic congresswoman Willson alleged were said.

The latest anonymous accusations are nothing more than an attempt for the Biden campaign to distract from their close too 100% lack of support among law enforcement.

MSM's use of off-the record/anonymous sources in the past 4 years has turned them into a joke. We already know how the MSM was willingly used to promote the Russia hoax.

With regard to TRUMP's true feeling about the military it all comes down to actions, and his actions are by far more supportive then any actions taken during the O'Biden administration. The O'Biden administration routinely made terrorist out to be victims, just as how the democrats are promoting rioters and criminals as victims, while demonizing law enforcement.
Trump has no one to blame but himself. He has been disrespectful to veterans and active-duty military personnel in the past and combined with his history of compulsive serial lying, why should anyone believe him and his "suckers and losers" denial

If Trump said it why was it not mentioned for 2 years?
What happens to people who oppose or criticize Donald Trump? Why would any government employee be concerned about being exposed for telling a nasty secret about Trump? Rember what Donnie did to Purple Heart recipient Col. Vindmen? How about what he did to a powerful Senator and former POW John McCain?

Why do you guys think you can defend Trump on this topic and issue? Trump's "suckers and losers" for American war dead and suckers for Vietnam veterans as well as his disdain for POW's will be a major part of his legacy and there is nothing you can do to change or remove it.
Trump has no one to blame but himself. He has been disrespectful to veterans and active-duty military personnel in the past and combined with his history of compulsive serial lying, why should anyone believe him and his "suckers and losers" denial

If Trump said it why was it not mentioned for 2 years?
What happens to people who oppose or criticize Donald Trump? Why would any government employee be concerned about being exposed for telling a nasty secret about Trump? Rember what Donnie did to Purple Heart recipient Col. Vindmen? How about what he did to a powerful Senator and former POW John McCain?

Why do you guys think you can defend Trump on this topic and issue? Trump's "suckers and losers" for American war dead and suckers for Vietnam veterans as well as his disdain for POW's will be a major part of his legacy and there is nothing you can do to change or remove it.

You didn't answer my question.

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