Did Trump really disrespect dead soldiers?

It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

It's not just McCain. (by the way, the McCain stuff WOULD be bad enough on it's own)

It's what he's said about various flag officers, even ones who have been on his own cabinet.
It's what he's said about his brother Fred who joined the Air National Guard.
It was his callousness when talking to the widow of Sgt. LaDavid Johnson ("He knew what he signed up for". Johnson's wife was in tears.)

The fact was, he DIDN'T go to the ceremony at Belleau Wood.

Trump's long history has been one of disrespecting people who intimidate him, who he feels threatened by. The guy is by any definition just an awful person.

He's a guy who reacts to 180,000 Covid deaths with "It is what it is!" He simply lacks the basic human empathy most decent people have.

It's not enough that you just think it seems like something Trump would say. It's an allegation, and a suspicious one right before an election. If Trump really said that it would be a whole new level of disrespect. It seems strange. It's hard to imagine he'd say that out loud even if he does believe it.

It is enough that it seems like something he would say. With all the insulting and crude things Trump constantly says, it's not very hard to imagine that is exactly what he said.
It's not enough that you just think it seems like something Trump would say. It's an allegation, and a suspicious one right before an election. If Trump really said that it would be a whole new level of disrespect. It seems strange. It's hard to imagine he'd say that out loud even if he does believe it.

No, it's really not. Have you not been paying attention the last four years... Trump has disrespected women, minorities, the disabled, members of congress of both parties, leaders of allied nations, random celebrities... The thing is, the man has very low self-esteem, the kind where he constantly needs to rip on others in order to feel better about himself. In THAT context, his ripping on better men who gave their lives for their country is not strange at all. It's consistent with his pathology. .

He spread a rumor that Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK and called his wife Ugly, and Cruz is still out there licking his balls.

He has a history that makes it seem plausible. That's not enough for me, though. I smell bullshit. I'm not a Trump supporter either.
For you – and that’s your right.

For others it is enough.

It’s the right of others to believe the reporting about Trump’s contempt for the military is accurate.
I also want to add that maybe he DID say that. It would be surprising but not entirely shocking. It just seems questionable y'all. Surely not every criticism of Trump is entirely accurate, right?

No not at all. So you have to evaluate the plausibility

Such as, the Russian Pee Hookers thing is improbable, because Trump is a massive germaphobe.

This one, on the other hand, is very probable, given

Disrespectful things he's said about military members in the past.
His tendency to say nasty stuff about people who threaten his self-esteem.
The fact that he belittled service in Vietnam by comparing it to his own avoidance of VD in the 80's.
His general lack of empathy for the suffering of others.
His lack of impulse control.

So, yeah, it's very likely that when presented with the possibility of having to be troubled with a visit to a cemetery that would have required a long drive or a dodgy helicopter trip, he might have blurted out something like that.

We already know he's lied about one aspect of this incident, that he claims he felt terrible about not being able to go and called home to Melania about it...

When Melania was actually with him on the trip.

It could have happened, but I think your bias is preventing you from seeing how suspect this allegation really is.
And it’s your bias preventing you from seeing how the allegations are perfectly plausible.
So essentially, your boy just lied about Obama criticizing his war record. Sorry, man, some liberal blog is not an Obama surrogate.

If you are trying to say that Obama didn't know what his surrogates were out there saying during the campaign, then you must think we are as stupid as you.

We need to get rid of the bad ones. Absolutely. The problem with Law enforcement isn't the bad apples, who are in the minority, it's that they system defends the bad apples.

And defunding them, calling for abolishment is the answer? I don't think so....I actually agree that we need to develop better psycological, and training standards to catch these problems. However, right now, screaming for their abolishment is not doing anythinig but ensuring that good people will not become future law enforcement.

I'm just being honest. If Israel got wiped off the map tomorrow, would you care? Would it have any effect on your life? Yet Netanyahu says Jump and our government says "How High?"

Israel is an island of Democracy, surrounded by cut throats, and terrorists that have vowed to wipe them off the map. And, you brush that off with a "meh, who cares"? That sir makes you an admitted anti semite.
What does that say about Trump that the people he appoints are so horrified by his behavior that they are leaking against him?
I also want to add that maybe he DID say that. It would be surprising but not entirely shocking. It just seems questionable y'all. Surely not every criticism of Trump is entirely accurate, right?

No not at all. So you have to evaluate the plausibility

Such as, the Russian Pee Hookers thing is improbable, because Trump is a massive germaphobe.

This one, on the other hand, is very probable, given

Disrespectful things he's said about military members in the past.
His tendency to say nasty stuff about people who threaten his self-esteem.
The fact that he belittled service in Vietnam by comparing it to his own avoidance of VD in the 80's.
His general lack of empathy for the suffering of others.
His lack of impulse control.

So, yeah, it's very likely that when presented with the possibility of having to be troubled with a visit to a cemetery that would have required a long drive or a dodgy helicopter trip, he might have blurted out something like that.

We already know he's lied about one aspect of this incident, that he claims he felt terrible about not being able to go and called home to Melania about it...

When Melania was actually with him on the trip.

It could have happened, but I think your bias is preventing you from seeing how suspect this allegation really is.
And it’s your bias preventing you from seeing how the allegations are perfectly plausible.

One of us thinks we know for sure what happened and the other is skeptical.
I also want to add that maybe he DID say that. It would be surprising but not entirely shocking. It just seems questionable y'all. Surely not every criticism of Trump is entirely accurate, right?

No not at all. So you have to evaluate the plausibility

Such as, the Russian Pee Hookers thing is improbable, because Trump is a massive germaphobe.

This one, on the other hand, is very probable, given

Disrespectful things he's said about military members in the past.
His tendency to say nasty stuff about people who threaten his self-esteem.
The fact that he belittled service in Vietnam by comparing it to his own avoidance of VD in the 80's.
His general lack of empathy for the suffering of others.
His lack of impulse control.

So, yeah, it's very likely that when presented with the possibility of having to be troubled with a visit to a cemetery that would have required a long drive or a dodgy helicopter trip, he might have blurted out something like that.

We already know he's lied about one aspect of this incident, that he claims he felt terrible about not being able to go and called home to Melania about it...

When Melania was actually with him on the trip.

It could have happened, but I think your bias is preventing you from seeing how suspect this allegation really is.
And it’s your bias preventing you from seeing how the allegations are perfectly plausible.

I bet you fall for the gossip around the office cooler too, don't you? Is Trump prone to say things that enrage people, and have those like you twist it easily due to his problem with syntax? Absolutely.

Is a story like this, in an election season, by a media outlet pledged to be against this President being in office to believed on its face? Hell no.
I could absolutely see a former official lying to the media to make Trump look bad and ensure his departure from office.

What does that say about Trump that the people he appoints are so horrified by his behavior that they are leaking against him?

No, he didn't say it. He has never denigrated a group of people in his whole life. There are thousands of hours of him on tape and not once has he ever attacked a group, or class of people.

View attachment 385620

"They are not sending their best"
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

The aide to John Kelly who briefed the President on the weather situation denied he said it...just the most recent person in the room who denies it...

It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

The aide to John Kelly who briefed the President on the weather situation denied he said it...just the most recent person in the room who denies it...

He claims he doesn't recall hearing it. That doesn't mean Trump didn't say it.
how would he know who to blame?

Maybe he suspects that person of spreading a lot of bullshit. The connection you're trying to make doesn't make sense.
Why are you so surprised? Trump has said a lot of stupid things that is enough to sink an aircraft carrier.
He believed that the Coronavirus is all a lie, death and infections are all lies created by media and democrats.
He tweeted last week that only 9,000 deaths of Coronavirus here in US....
He tweeted LIBERATE LIBERATE... meaning inciting violence against his own Americans.

Now you tell me he didn’t say those despicable words.
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One of us thinks we know for sure what happened and the other is skeptical.
No, you are doubtful. Skepticism involves examining all the evidence and everything we know, and then making a determination. As you are operating repeatedly from bad info ("one source"), you haven't actually even begun this process.
The evidence is piling up that it's not true.

Fingers are starting to point at Atlantic Reporter, Jeffrey Goldberg as having made the whole thing up. The pity of it is, this is the kind of thing that could ruin Jennifer Griffin's career.
Jennifer Griffin is just another RINO Neocon Never Trumper that's sadly far too common on Fox News. :smoke:
It's not on camera and he claims he didn't do it. He said some disrespectful stuff about McCain in the past, but they also had a personal beef due to McCain dissing Trump publicly. I have to admit it seems like a rather strange thing to say out loud even for Trump, and it's a little suspicious that it surfaced right before the election. I'm not saying he definitely did or didn't say it, but my bullshit alarm is definitely whirring on this one.

It's not just McCain. (by the way, the McCain stuff WOULD be bad enough on it's own)

It's what he's said about various flag officers, even ones who have been on his own cabinet.
It's what he's said about his brother Fred who joined the Air National Guard.
It was his callousness when talking to the widow of Sgt. LaDavid Johnson ("He knew what he signed up for". Johnson's wife was in tears.)

The fact was, he DIDN'T go to the ceremony at Belleau Wood.

Trump's long history has been one of disrespecting people who intimidate him, who he feels threatened by. The guy is by any definition just an awful person.

He's a guy who reacts to 180,000 Covid deaths with "It is what it is!" He simply lacks the basic human empathy most decent people have.

It's not enough that you just think it seems like something Trump would say. It's an allegation, and a suspicious one right before an election. If Trump really said that it would be a whole new level of disrespect. It seems strange. It's hard to imagine he'd say that out loud even if he does believe it.

Sorry but it is hard to find a news cycle where Trump doesn't do something to outrageous... Look at the summer...
  • No responsibility for COVID response
  • COVID Press conferences
  • Injecting Bleach and other COVID misinformation
  • Senate report of Trump campaign giving information to Russians
  • Mike Flynn U-Turn so bad the Judge had to question it.
  • Tax return court failure
  • Rodge Stone commuted sentence
  • Clearing of the Square for Bible photo op
  • Defunding the US Postal
  • Niece accusations and taped conversations
  • and that are the ones I can think off....

Next week
  • Micheal Cohen Book
  • Bob Woodward Book
  • And what ever comes out of Trump's mouth/Tweets
so suspicious about timing, hardly, this is just another day in the Trump White House...
The evidence is piling up that it's not true.

Fingers are starting to point at Atlantic Reporter, Jeffrey Goldberg as having made the whole thing up. The pity of it is, this is the kind of thing that could ruin Jennifer Griffin's career.

Neon nettle? A conspiracy pseudoscience media labeled as fake news. You are a veteran here using these kind of worthless media. Goes with your credibility.
RE: Cowboy Ted post!

Don't forget this afternoon: Disparaging, masks, Four-stars, and defense contractors: Right there on the White House front porch!

No place do any of them have in the New Administration: With a White House backdrop!

Now it's policy--all those years!
Now it's policy--all those years!
Now it's policy--all those years!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This shit here mainly becomes the prayers of hundreds of millions, even day before yesterday(?)--Matt 25: 14-30!)
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The fact was, he DIDN'T go to the ceremony at Belleau Wood.
Trump's long history has been one of disrespecting people who intimidate him, who he feels threatened by. The guy is by any definition just an awful person.
He's a guy who reacts to 180,000 Covid deaths with "It is what it is!" He simply lacks the basic human empathy most decent people have.
You libs need to get over this. Even if he did say it, it was just common sense. One would have to be a braindead idiot to sign up to be cannon fodder.
The fact was, he DIDN'T go to the ceremony at Belleau Wood.
Trump's long history has been one of disrespecting people who intimidate him, who he feels threatened by. The guy is by any definition just an awful person.
He's a guy who reacts to 180,000 Covid deaths with "It is what it is!" He simply lacks the basic human empathy most decent people have.
You libs need to get over this. Even if he did say it, it was just common sense. One would have to be a braindead idiot to sign up to be cannon fodder.

You right wing crazies need to make up your minds. Either you respect our military men and women, or you don't.

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