Did Trump really win the 2020 election?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
If so, why is there zero credible proof? Why can't anyone provide any credible proof that will stand up in court? All courts, including SCOTUS, have rejected all fraud claims to date.

Does anyone really believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden?

'We won this election, and we won it by a landslide'​

'We will stop the steal'​

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'​

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'​

'We are going to the Capitol'​

Any day now, true patriots will step up, exercise their Second Amendment rights and restore the true president to the Presidency. Only cowards will stand idly by.

Not me. I know trump lost and I hope trump chokes on a dick.
If so, why is there zero credible proof? Why can't anyone provide any credible proof that will stand up in court? All courts, including SCOTUS, have rejected all fraud claims to date.

Does anyone really believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden?
How many times are you going to bring up this stupid topic?
Did 80 million vote for the Launderer and Chief.......

Let me ask Jack.............hey Jack........how did those beans do..........
If so, why is there zero credible proof? Why can't anyone provide any credible proof that will stand up in court? All courts, including SCOTUS, have rejected all fraud claims to date.

Does anyone really believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden?
Yep. Very easy to believe in a totally corrupt government. They all had reasons to get rid of Trump.
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If so, why is there zero credible proof? Why can't anyone provide any credible proof that will stand up in court? All courts, including SCOTUS, have rejected all fraud claims to date.

Does anyone really believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden?
Of course they do. They really are that stupid.
We're all suffering, not just me, because you folks think a stolen election is justified.....just because of the big bad Orangeman..
I'm sure that Voldemort and the pure bloods thought they hurt the world when they killed Potter too. . .


. . . sometimes, winning isn't everything.
We're all suffering, not just me, because you folks think a stolen election is justified.....just because of the big bad Orangeman..
We know, buckets of tears shed over Trump's loss.

It's not easy seeing a grown man cry.

Thoughts & prayers.
Where's the lie?

Did trump win?

Why aren't you restoring him to his rightful place?

Coward much?
Has Joe stopped using the bathroom in his closet. Heard they have a rope for him to follow. Handlers have a handle on it.

OH yeah........Biden was so good that he made Obama look little league.

LMAO You fuckers cheated your asses off.

One favor. After I die don't let me vote Democrap.
If so, why is there zero credible proof? Why can't anyone provide any credible proof that will stand up in court? All courts, including SCOTUS, have rejected all fraud claims to date.

Does anyone really believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden?
Because all they are doing is giving lip service counting ballots and recounting and instead of going back and verifying voters and their eligibility.
We know, buckets of tears shed over Trump's loss.

It's not easy seeing a grown man cry.

Thoughts & prayers.
Enjoy the show. Riddle me this. Who tried to allow lawsuits on public message boards ...........LIKE THIS ONE..............hmmm........Trump did...........What would happen to the small ones..............they would go out of business and leave nothing but FACE PLANT......

We've been had by the Globalists and they are screwing all of us over with NO VASOLINE.

Now you being a leftist might enjoy that.......but me.............NAH.........

Enjoy the show as these asshats flush our country down the toilet.
Because all they are doing is giving lip service counting ballots and recounting and instead of going back and verifying voters and their eligibility.
In Georgia they had verified hundreds of thousands of voters on the rolls who didn't live there. FACT.........and Stacey Abrams sister through the case out. Fair Fight is Staceys org.........A SISTER RULING ON A CASE FOR HER SISTER.

If that isn't a conflict of interest to Recuse then NOTHING QUALIFIES ANYMORE.

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