Did you know that Aspartame was banned by the FDA twice?

Adding aspartame to milk is nothing new, I suspect it's addictive. And GMOs are another crime against the people. But hell, Monsanto, et.al. have the best government they can buy. There's a lot of literature about the effects and suspected effects of the trash food we are sold in this country. It's almost impossible to find foods in the supermarket that do not have high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated fats added. Oh, yeah, it is no longer required that hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats be labeled as such. They have new, fancy ways of obscuring those ingredients.
The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal

The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal

Be sure to watch the video. If you don't know what Aspartame is, it's an artificial sweetener causing reactions in many, many people. But since the FDA approved it to be safe, no one questions it's safety............Even with ample evidence everywhere that it's not safe at all.

This is a false sense of security. Something has to change.

How Aspartame Became Legal -
A) GD Searle
B) Donald Rumsfeld
C) Ronald Reagan
D) Monsanto

From Norfolk Genetic Information Network (Taken from Welcome to the Spin Machine by Michael Manville Freezerbox Magazine - Welcome to the Spin Machine Freezerbox Magazine )

In 1985 Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle, the chemical company that held the patent to aspartame, the active ingredient in NutraSweet. Monsanto was apparently untroubled by aspartame's clouded past, including a 1980 FDA Board of Inquiry, comprised of three independent scientists, which confirmed that it "might induce brain tumors."

The FDA had actually banned aspartame based on this finding, only to have Searle Chairman Donald Rumsfeld (currently the Secretary of Defense) vow to "call in his markers," to get it approved.

On January 21, 1981, the day after Ronald Reagan's inauguration, Searle re-applied to the FDA for approval to use aspartame in food sweetener, and Reagan's new FDA commissioner, Arthur Hayes Hull, Jr., appointed a 5-person Scientific Commission to review the board of inquiry's decision.

It soon became clear that the panel would uphold the ban by a 3-2 decision, but Hull then installed a sixth member on the commission, and the vote became deadlocked. He then personally broke the tie in aspartame's favor. Hull later left the FDA under allegations of impropriety, served briefly as Provost at New York Medical College, and then took a position with Burston-Marsteller, the chief public relations firm for both Monsanto and GD Searle. Since that time he has never spoken publicly about aspartame.


The icing on the cake: "In 1985 Searle was absorbed by Monsanto.
Donald Rumsfeld reportedly received a $12 million bonus.
And the sad tale of fake food and experimentation on the human race continued onward."​

The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal

The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal

Be sure to watch the video. If you don't know what Aspartame is, it's an artificial sweetener causing reactions in many, many people. But since the FDA approved it to be safe, no one questions it's safety............Even with ample evidence everywhere that it's not safe at all.

This is a false sense of security. Something has to change.

The stuff is nasty (and it doesn't taste good either). The FDA, unfortunately, will quickly ban raw milk and toss someone in jail for selling it but then give its stamp of approval on drugs with long, long lists of side effects. We've all seen the commercials. Some of the possible side effects of some drugs is DEATH and yet the FDA nods its head with a wink and a smile. We can rest assured that the FDA does NOT have the consumer's best interested at heart.

I agree with you on raw milk. There is simply no reason to ban it, other than to protect vested interests.

Money, power, and control are almost always at the bottom of the "interests" of the string-pullers. I guess we can't expect that to ever change.
I guess we can embrace both topics at this point because in the video it shows that now they are slipping Aspartame into the milk at stores without having Aspartame even on the label.

So to the guys saying, "Don't like it, don't buy it"............what happens when it's no longer buyer beware? But that is what Monsanto is doing all over. Using large sums of money to pass fast laws to keep labels from showing what the consumer is buying and eating/drinking.

When I drank raw milk from free-range, grass fed cows, I had no problem digesting it. But drinking store bought, pasteurized, homogenized milk gives me a major case of indigestion and gas. I switched to rice milk several years ago but went from rice milk to almond milk more recently. I have no problem digesting it.
I guess we can embrace both topics at this point because in the video it shows that now they are slipping Aspartame into the milk at stores without having Aspartame even on the label.

So to the guys saying, "Don't like it, don't buy it"............what happens when it's no longer buyer beware? But that is what Monsanto is doing all over. Using large sums of money to pass fast laws to keep labels from showing what the consumer is buying and eating/drinking.

When I drank raw milk from free-range, grass fed cows, I had no problem digesting it. But drinking store bought, pasteurized, homogenized milk gives me a major case of indigestion and gas. I switched to rice milk several years ago but went from rice milk to almond milk more recently. I have no problem digesting it.

What you are drinking when you drink rice or almond "milk" is not milk. Milk is a nutritive secretion produced by mammals to nourish their young. Almond milk is made from ground almonds (popular drink in Spain called horchata). Rice milk is actually made from cooked rice, rice syrup, and rice starch. Because both beverages resemble real milk, they have been labeled as "milk". Both almond and rice "milk" lack the nutritional attributes that are provided by real milk. Such substances are marketed as "milk" to people (vegans & vegetarians) who fancy themselves somehow superior to others who consume milk or other dairy products.
The stuff is nasty (and it doesn't taste good either). The FDA, unfortunately, will quickly ban raw milk and toss someone in jail for selling it but then give its stamp of approval on drugs with long, long lists of side effects. We've all seen the commercials. Some of the possible side effects of some drugs is DEATH and yet the FDA nods its head with a wink and a smile. We can rest assured that the FDA does NOT have the consumer's best interested at heart.

I agree with you on raw milk. There is simply no reason to ban it, other than to protect vested interests.

Money, power, and control are almost always at the bottom of the "interests" of the string-pullers. I guess we can't expect that to ever change.

No, actually you can. The monetary string pullers are about 80% Right today and 40% Left today.

Citizens united stared an Educational ERA. The people don't seem to favor profits anymore.

Today Citizens are praying to god to help
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z0uQ5qGM9U]Going Dry: Drought and Fracking Chokes Texas Towns - YouTube[/ame]
EDUCATION is more important than a party. That is the message I hope to spread.
I guess we can embrace both topics at this point because in the video it shows that now they are slipping Aspartame into the milk at stores without having Aspartame even on the label.

So to the guys saying, "Don't like it, don't buy it"............what happens when it's no longer buyer beware? But that is what Monsanto is doing all over. Using large sums of money to pass fast laws to keep labels from showing what the consumer is buying and eating/drinking.

When I drank raw milk from free-range, grass fed cows, I had no problem digesting it. But drinking store bought, pasteurized, homogenized milk gives me a major case of indigestion and gas. I switched to rice milk several years ago but went from rice milk to almond milk more recently. I have no problem digesting it.

What you are drinking when you drink rice or almond "milk" is not milk. Milk is a nutritive secretion produced by mammals to nourish their young. Almond milk is made from ground almonds (popular drink in Spain called horchata). Rice milk is actually made from cooked rice, rice syrup, and rice starch. Because both beverages resemble real milk, they have been labeled as "milk". Both almond and rice "milk" lack the nutritional attributes that are provided by real milk. Such substances are marketed as "milk" to people (vegans & vegetarians) who fancy themselves somehow superior to others who consume milk or other dairy products.

Thanks for the lesson. I am a bit dense and thought that almond and rice milk were produced by female almonds and rice and was extracted from almond and rice nipples.

Nevertheless, I drink it because homogenized milk makes me bloated and because I like the flavor. I didn't realize until now that I drank it to feel "superior to others" but I'm glad you brought that to my attention. I'll try to drink it with a more humble spirit next time.
When I drank raw milk from free-range, grass fed cows, I had no problem digesting it. But drinking store bought, pasteurized, homogenized milk gives me a major case of indigestion and gas. I switched to rice milk several years ago but went from rice milk to almond milk more recently. I have no problem digesting it.

What you are drinking when you drink rice or almond "milk" is not milk. Milk is a nutritive secretion produced by mammals to nourish their young. Almond milk is made from ground almonds (popular drink in Spain called horchata). Rice milk is actually made from cooked rice, rice syrup, and rice starch. Because both beverages resemble real milk, they have been labeled as "milk". Both almond and rice "milk" lack the nutritional attributes that are provided by real milk. Such substances are marketed as "milk" to people (vegans & vegetarians) who fancy themselves somehow superior to others who consume milk or other dairy products.

Thanks for the lesson. I am a bit dense and thought that almond and rice milk were produced by female almonds and rice and was extracted from almond and rice nipples.

Nevertheless, I drink it because homogenized milk makes me bloated and because I like the flavor. I didn't realize until now that I drank it to feel "superior to others" but I'm glad you brought that to my attention. I'll try to drink it with a more humble spirit next time.

First, your response is really quite uncalled for, but I suppose some people simply cannot help themselves.
Unfortunately, many people who opt to consume rice, almond, or other non-animal "milk" are ignorant of the difference between that and real milk. While these substitutes no doubt provide some nutritional value, they are not equivalent to milk.
Also, while people who are lactose intolerant substitute this ersatz "milk", there are loads of others (vegans and vegetarians) who choose the substitution because they do feel themselves somehow superior to people who consume animals and animal products.
Alright then, carry on...
What you are drinking when you drink rice or almond "milk" is not milk. Milk is a nutritive secretion produced by mammals to nourish their young. Almond milk is made from ground almonds (popular drink in Spain called horchata). Rice milk is actually made from cooked rice, rice syrup, and rice starch. Because both beverages resemble real milk, they have been labeled as "milk". Both almond and rice "milk" lack the nutritional attributes that are provided by real milk. Such substances are marketed as "milk" to people (vegans & vegetarians) who fancy themselves somehow superior to others who consume milk or other dairy products.

Thanks for the lesson. I am a bit dense and thought that almond and rice milk were produced by female almonds and rice and was extracted from almond and rice nipples.

Nevertheless, I drink it because homogenized milk makes me bloated and because I like the flavor. I didn't realize until now that I drank it to feel "superior to others" but I'm glad you brought that to my attention. I'll try to drink it with a more humble spirit next time.

First, your response is really quite uncalled for, but I suppose some people simply cannot help themselves.
Unfortunately, many people who opt to consume rice, almond, or other non-animal "milk" are ignorant of the difference between that and real milk. While these substitutes no doubt provide some nutritional value, they are not equivalent to milk.
Also, while people who are lactose intolerant substitute this ersatz "milk", there are loads of others (vegans and vegetarians) who choose the substitution because they do feel themselves somehow superior to people who consume animals and animal products.
Alright then, carry on...

You, not I, came across as accusatory. I simply posted my reasons for switching from cow's milk to an alternative "milk" and you decided that I needed a 2nd grade lesson in where milk comes from. Then you accused me of "looking down on people" for drinking an alternative when the fact of the matter is that I drink it alone and have never advertised my preference for it (until this thread came along). I have never eaten a particular food as a means to show my superiority. I eat foods based on taste and nutritious value.

I've also taken "milk of magnesia" back in the day but never really considered to be real milk.

The fact that you gave me a negative rep reveals the fact that you're the sensitive type so I will try to walk on eggshells next time I'm in your presence. Wouldn't want you to break down and cry if I disagree with you.

For the record, I'm NOT going to give you a negative rep -- I have thick skin and don't play that childish game.
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I agree with you on raw milk. There is simply no reason to ban it, other than to protect vested interests.

Money, power, and control are almost always at the bottom of the "interests" of the string-pullers. I guess we can't expect that to ever change.

No, actually you can. The monetary string pullers are about 80% Right today and 40% Left today.

Citizens united stared an Educational ERA. The people don't seem to favor profits anymore.

Today Citizens are praying to god to help
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z0uQ5qGM9U]Going Dry: Drought and Fracking Chokes Texas Towns - YouTube[/ame]

The 10 richest politicians in the USA are primarily "left" of center. The richest (Bloomberg) is about as far left as you can get before falling off of the planet. He's also a very active "string puller."
Money, power, and control are almost always at the bottom of the "interests" of the string-pullers. I guess we can't expect that to ever change.

No, actually you can. The monetary string pullers are about 80% Right today and 40% Left today.

Citizens united stared an Educational ERA. The people don't seem to favor profits anymore.

Today Citizens are praying to god to help
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z0uQ5qGM9U]Going Dry: Drought and Fracking Chokes Texas Towns - YouTube[/ame]

The 10 richest politicians in the USA are primarily "left" of center. The richest (Bloomberg) is about as far left as you can get before falling off of the planet. He's also a very active "string puller."

To my knowledge he was rich before he was a politician. Rich people have a tendency to want to control others. They get everything they want so why not people too. He was a CEO. Almost all Left Wing media attacks him for his judgement calls. His money made him think he could control other people.

Note; Rich people have nothing to do with morals. :boohoo:
I know the feeling of "I can't intake anything anymore".

Salt, sugar, aspartame, (etc etc etc)

I feel like I can't eat anything anymore. And after learning about MSG, I kind of want MSG.

If it was never introduced......I would not want it.
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No, actually you can. The monetary string pullers are about 80% Right today and 40% Left today.

Citizens united stared an Educational ERA. The people don't seem to favor profits anymore.

Today Citizens are praying to god to help
Going Dry: Drought and Fracking Chokes Texas Towns - YouTube

The 10 richest politicians in the USA are primarily "left" of center. The richest (Bloomberg) is about as far left as you can get before falling off of the planet. He's also a very active "string puller."

To my knowledge he was rich before he was a politician. Rich people have a tendency to want to control others. They get everything they want so why not people too. He was a CEO. Almost all Left Wing media attacks him for his judgement calls. His money made him think he could control other people.

Note; Rich people have nothing to do with morals. :boohoo:
Not to be argumentative ... I'll just let the facts speak for themselves:

Harry Reid (Democrat) $2.6 million
Nancy Pelosi (Democrat) $26.5 million
Bill and Hillary Clinton (Democrats): $85 million
Al Gore (Democrat): $100 million
John Kerry (Democrat): $195 million
Jon Corzine (Democrat): $375 million
Michael Bloomberg (Democrat): $27 billion (more recent reports suggest $31-33 billion)

Richest Democrats - The Richest
The Top 10 Richest Politicians in the United States - TheRichest

I'm neither Democrat or Republican but I can see that members of both parties are filthy rich. Even the progressives who claim to hate Wall Street benefit from that "villain."
The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal

The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal

Be sure to watch the video. If you don't know what Aspartame is, it's an artificial sweetener causing reactions in many, many people. But since the FDA approved it to be safe, no one questions it's safety............Even with ample evidence everywhere that it's not safe at all.

This is a false sense of security. Something has to change.

Anyone who assumes legal products the FDA's approved are safe has apparently never seen a CNN, Fox, or MSNBC drug commercial.

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