Did you notice the nearly imperceptible 9/11 Google Tribute?

Did you make that graphic yourself in computer art class?

Nah, someone else made it. I have a folder full of memes. They're like weapons in the ideological battlefield of the internet, a tool to expose and ridicule hypocrites, to hopefully plant seeds of doubt in their deluded minds and rally like minded people towards a common cause. Antifa is most certainly a backlash against such triggering memes. I joined this forum with the sole intent of posting as many as possible. I encourage all righties to browse my posts and create your own meme folder.

View attachment 148817
Translation: Like Game of Thrones, I just steal other people's work and never originate my own material for obvious reasons.

Got it. Thanks.


Memes are created for the sole purpose of being shared on social media you fucking idiot.
Translation: Google should allow people to commit theft.

Dude, I know college is surreal, but in the real world, theft, either physical or virtual, is a crime. Napster was destroyed because it provided people a means to illegally trade copyrighted material. When you get a job above minimum wage, you'll be able to afford HBO and become an honest citizen instead of a thief.

Point me to the part where I implied anything of the sort. I'll wait. FYI I'm not a student anymore.
FYI, you have the maturity of a student fresh out of HS.

Were you paying for the Game of Thrones episode you were downloading via bit torrent? Maybe to another thief, but that's not the way HBO sells or streams their products.

A few moments ago I was blocked by my ISP from using google, youtube and a few other sites (not this one or my main search engine duckduckgo) for downloading via torrent the latest episode of Game of Thrones. I had to read several pages of information and then complete a multiple choice test to regain access. I did the deed, not gonna lie but I thought it was relevant to this topic. I can imagine in the near future ISPs handing out similar punishments for thought-crimes as well, and forcing people to read indoctrination material.
It(Google)was involved with the Arab Spring. They helped the rebirth of Islamic terror.
I thought that was the Jews and Facebook. ;)
There are 14 million Jews. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. Think about it.
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
There are 14 million Jews. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. Think about it.
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
You don't need my permission to shit your BVDs about the Muslims. Believe as you wish.

If you think I want to believe that Islam is that evil you are mistaken, but when you read the Islamic literature it is hard to believe anything else. How you arrive at the conclusion it is nothing to worry about is an insult to all that have died to satisfy a madman.
Awesome conspiracy theory, dude. Did you come up with this yourself or from the magic light box?

The conspiracy is Islam. If you have any knowledge of the doctrine and the concept of the Ummah you would recognize the similarities between Islam and the Nazis and the KKK.
Did you make that graphic yourself in computer art class?

Nah, someone else made it. I have a folder full of memes. They're like weapons in the ideological battlefield of the internet, a tool to expose and ridicule hypocrites, to hopefully plant seeds of doubt in their deluded minds and rally like minded people towards a common cause. Antifa is most certainly a backlash against such triggering memes. I joined this forum with the sole intent of posting as many as possible. I encourage all righties to browse my posts and create your own meme folder.

View attachment 148817
Translation: Like Game of Thrones, I just steal other people's work and never originate my own material for obvious reasons.

Got it. Thanks.


Memes are created for the sole purpose of being shared on social media you fucking idiot.
Yes, and you just admitted you never make up your own. Like stealing from HBO, you only mooch off the work of others.

I thought that was the Jews and Facebook. ;)
There are 14 million Jews. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. Think about it.
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
You don't need my permission to shit your BVDs about the Muslims. Believe as you wish.

If you think I want to believe that Islam is that evil you are mistaken, but when you read the Islamic literature it is hard to believe anything else. How you arrive at the conclusion it is nothing to worry about is an insult to all that have died to satisfy a madman.
Awesome conspiracy theory, dude. Did you come up with this yourself or from the magic light box?

The conspiracy is Islam. If you have any knowledge of the doctrine and the concept of the Ummah you would recognize the similarities between Islam and the Nazis and the KKK.
Ahhh, so you did get it from the magic light box. Awesome!
There are 14 million Jews. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. Think about it.
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
You don't need my permission to shit your BVDs about the Muslims. Believe as you wish.

If you think I want to believe that Islam is that evil you are mistaken, but when you read the Islamic literature it is hard to believe anything else. How you arrive at the conclusion it is nothing to worry about is an insult to all that have died to satisfy a madman.
Awesome conspiracy theory, dude. Did you come up with this yourself or from the magic light box?

The conspiracy is Islam. If you have any knowledge of the doctrine and the concept of the Ummah you would recognize the similarities between Islam and the Nazis and the KKK.
Ahhh, so you did get it from the magic light box. Awesome!

No it is from Islamic literature that any fool can see unless totally stupid or willfully ignorant. Which one are you?
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
You don't need my permission to shit your BVDs about the Muslims. Believe as you wish.

If you think I want to believe that Islam is that evil you are mistaken, but when you read the Islamic literature it is hard to believe anything else. How you arrive at the conclusion it is nothing to worry about is an insult to all that have died to satisfy a madman.
Awesome conspiracy theory, dude. Did you come up with this yourself or from the magic light box?

The conspiracy is Islam. If you have any knowledge of the doctrine and the concept of the Ummah you would recognize the similarities between Islam and the Nazis and the KKK.
Ahhh, so you did get it from the magic light box. Awesome!

No it is from Islamic literature that any fool can see unless totally stupid or willfully ignorant. Which one are you?
None of the above. I'm obviously on a level far above your little shelf, sir.
Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
If you think I want to believe that Islam is that evil you are mistaken, but when you read the Islamic literature it is hard to believe anything else. How you arrive at the conclusion it is nothing to worry about is an insult to all that have died to satisfy a madman.
Awesome conspiracy theory, dude. Did you come up with this yourself or from the magic light box?

The conspiracy is Islam. If you have any knowledge of the doctrine and the concept of the Ummah you would recognize the similarities between Islam and the Nazis and the KKK.
Ahhh, so you did get it from the magic light box. Awesome!

No it is from Islamic literature that any fool can see unless totally stupid or willfully ignorant. Which one are you?
None of the above. I'm obviously on a level far above your little shelf, sir.

You are obviously a blowhole, nothing more.
Awesome conspiracy theory, dude. Did you come up with this yourself or from the magic light box?

The conspiracy is Islam. If you have any knowledge of the doctrine and the concept of the Ummah you would recognize the similarities between Islam and the Nazis and the KKK.
Ahhh, so you did get it from the magic light box. Awesome!

No it is from Islamic literature that any fool can see unless totally stupid or willfully ignorant. Which one are you?
None of the above. I'm obviously on a level far above your little shelf, sir.

You are obviously a blowhole, nothing more.
LOL. Obviously that's all someone of your limited abilities and narrow, hateful thinking can believe. Sadly, as tough as you talk, the reality is you are scared shitless and, no doubt, have a "bunker mentality". While it's smart to stock up in preparation for unforeseen events, it's another thing to hide in a hole fearing 1.6 Billion Muslims are going to come to your bunker and cut your head off.
Awesome conspiracy theory, dude. Did you come up with this yourself or from the magic light box?

The conspiracy is Islam. If you have any knowledge of the doctrine and the concept of the Ummah you would recognize the similarities between Islam and the Nazis and the KKK.
Ahhh, so you did get it from the magic light box. Awesome!

No it is from Islamic literature that any fool can see unless totally stupid or willfully ignorant. Which one are you?
None of the above. I'm obviously on a level far above your little shelf, sir.

You are obviously a blowhole, nothing more.

His tight hipster jeans have cut off circulation to his tiny hipster brain.
LOL. Obviously that's all someone of your limited abilities and narrow, hateful thinking can believe. Sadly, as tough as you talk, the reality is you are scared shitless and, no doubt, have a "bunker mentality". While it's smart to stock up in preparation for unforeseen events, it's another thing to hide in a hole fearing 1.6 Billion Muslims are going to come to your bunker and cut your head off.
The conspiracy is Islam. If you have any knowledge of the doctrine and the concept of the Ummah you would recognize the similarities between Islam and the Nazis and the KKK.
Ahhh, so you did get it from the magic light box. Awesome!

No it is from Islamic literature that any fool can see unless totally stupid or willfully ignorant. Which one are you?
None of the above. I'm obviously on a level far above your little shelf, sir.

You are obviously a blowhole, nothing more.
LOL. Obviously that's all someone of your limited abilities and narrow, hateful thinking can believe. Sadly, as tough as you talk, the reality is you are scared shitless and, no doubt, have a "bunker mentality". While it's smart to stock up in preparation for unforeseen events, it's another thing to hide in a hole fearing 1.6 Billion Muslims are going to come to your bunker and cut your head off.

If you think the insults and ridicule work here, or on me, you are sadly mistaken. The hate you whine about comes from Islam. It is designed to be hateful, violent, and unchanging.
And it is not bunker mentality it is nothing more than accepting Islam is an enemy to freedom and should be stopped, not supported because it makes you and other assholes feel better about yourselves. Not at my expense.

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