Did you notice the nearly imperceptible 9/11 Google Tribute?

Did you notice the OP doesn't have a signature image of the twin towers to commemortate the 9/11 attacks?

Clearly he's a radical moose lamb.
Why did you ignore the context he gave for his comment?

Oh, that's right, you are a libtard.

Just a guess, but probably because the "context" for comment is asinine.

Google is not under any obligation to care about what you think they should care about, and whining about it just makes you look like a "snowflake".

If Google's failure to fetishize the tragedy of 16 years ago upsets you, you are free to use Bing, or another search engine.
. Google should be broken up if they are found to be abusing their power, and pushing political agenda's with that power.



Just because you're butthurt about their choice of Google doodle?
. If found to be pushing heavily a political agenda that leans over into an unbalanced way, then they should be stopped. They should provide a service for all, and stay neutral in the market place always. To become a political arm of the Demon-crats or the repugnacrats should just turn their customer base stomachs.
"they should be stopped".......well. Isn't that the American way? Or is it the fascist way?
I agree, but there day is coming. I thought a crack down was already in the pipe line ?

Your entire premise is wrong start to finish. Antifa going around roughing up people for wearing maga caps is not free speech, it's terrorism. And civil society is done a great disservice when people are afraid to tell the truth, just ask the rotherham rape victims.
. Are you ignorant or something ? I am against ANTIFA. How about you go back and read or brush up on your comprehension skills, because you are lacking in the dept.
Of course your are against Antifa.....they are antii-fascist. Makes total sense.
Why did you ignore the context he gave for his comment?

Oh, that's right, you are a libtard.

Just a guess, but probably because the "context" for comment is asinine.

Google is not under any obligation to care about what you think they should care about, and whining about it just makes you look like a "snowflake".

If Google's failure to fetishize the tragedy of 16 years ago upsets you, you are free to use Bing, or another search engine.
. Google should be broken up if they are found to be abusing their power, and pushing political agenda's with that power.



Just because you're butthurt about their choice of Google doodle?
. If found to be pushing heavily a political agenda that leans over into an unbalanced way, then they should be stopped. They should provide a service for all, and stay neutral in the market place always. To become a political arm of the Demon-crats or the repugnacrats should just turn their customer base stomachs.
"they should be stopped".......well. Isn't that the American way? Or is it the fascist way?
Fascist since the US is a free country and the government should interfere in free speech. If they stop Google for being Lefties, they'll have to shut down Fox News for being Righties.


Just because you're butthurt about their choice of Google doodle?
. If found to be pushing heavily a political agenda that leans over into an unbalanced way, then they should be stopped. They should provide a service for all, and stay neutral in the market place always. To become a political arm of the Demon-crats or the repugnacrats should just turn their customer base stomachs.


So you're proposing some sort of "fairness doctrine" for the internet?

Does this apply to all websites, or just the ones that upset you? What branch of the government should be in charge of making sure websites are "fair" enough for you? What should the penalties be for violating it?
. A fairness doctrine eh ?? Hmm, well as long as it's based upon some agreed upon standards or principles by vote of, then why not ?? If the standards or principles set are violated, then yes fines or punishment should ensue. I mean our very government and nation abides by a Constitution, so what's wrong with a internet Constitution being written, agreed upon, and abide by as well for the nation ??

Yes, our nation does abide by a Constitution - one that enshrines the concept of "free speech".

As in, that includes speech that you don't like.
. If you think speech of any kind is supported and legal per the Constitutional 1st amendment, then you are delusional... Antifa is finding this out now. You can't yell fire in a crowded theater, and then site your 1st admendment right to do so. Speech has consequences, so yes you can speak it, but you might find that you weren't right in doing so or you have to be right when doing so. Of course nothing is a hammer to steal, so the give and forgiveness in it all is what keeps wars from happening, and peace within. Violence is never exceptable.
So....Google not putting up memorial images big enough for you for 9/11 is "yelling fire in a crowded theater".....Interesting how easily you are triggered.
Are you ignorant or something ? I am against ANTIFA. How about you go back and read or brush up on your comprehension skills, because you are lacking in the dept.

I get that you're anti-antifa. That's great and all but what I take issue with is your implications that antifa going around beating people is somehow an expression of free speech and the other thing about how people need to self censor their opinions in order to maintain a civil society.
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They routinely put up elaborate tributes to unknown minority figures from history but all they can muster for the 9/11 attack is a little ribbon at the bottom of the page? Google's priority is clearly to not offend Muslims.

It(Google)was involved with the Arab Spring. They helped the rebirth of Islamic terror.
I thought that was the Jews and Facebook. ;)
There are 14 million Jews. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. Think about it.
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
65% isn't a monopoly.
Just a guess, but probably because the "context" for comment is asinine.
Google is not under any obligation to care about what you think they should care about, and whining about it just makes you look like a "snowflake".
If Google's failure to fetishize the tragedy of 16 years ago upsets you, you are free to use Bing, or another search engine.

Whether the context is asinine in your opinion is immaterial to my point. Doofus asserted that there was no point to it but there was in fact.

And google is under a general obligation to support its users and to provide the public with a consistent and objective service or else go the fuck out of business, which they would if they had any competition.

What Google needs to have done is to have its virtual monopoly broken up by government action, but that wont happen since they kiss the libtard Establishments ass, as your comment proves.

Google doesn't have any sort of "monopoly".

There's nothing stopping you from creating your own search engine, or using the hundreds of others that already exist. Google has absolutely no obligation to you or me. They are not obligated to be "objective", any more than Rush Limbaugh or Matt Drudge is.

You are whining because a free service they provide, and that you choose to use is not "fair" according to your deluded political views.

As my father used to say, man the fuck up. Life isn't fair. Deal with it.
Agreed. Even though they have about 83% of the global search engine market (heavily censored in some parts of the world), there is nothing stopping anyone from developing their own. Every Windows computer comes with Bing. Every AOL account includes their search engine. The determining factor is the user, not the supplier.

Search engine market share
^ found via....wait for it.....Google!
It(Google)was involved with the Arab Spring. They helped the rebirth of Islamic terror.
I thought that was the Jews and Facebook. ;)
There are 14 million Jews. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. Think about it.
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
65% isn't a monopoly.
Neither is 83%.
Why did you ignore the context he gave for his comment?

Oh, that's right, you are a libtard.

Just a guess, but probably because the "context" for comment is asinine.

Google is not under any obligation to care about what you think they should care about, and whining about it just makes you look like a "snowflake".

If Google's failure to fetishize the tragedy of 16 years ago upsets you, you are free to use Bing, or another search engine.
. Google should be broken up if they are found to be abusing their power, and pushing political agenda's with that power.



Just because you're butthurt about their choice of Google doodle?
. If found to be pushing heavily a political agenda that leans over into an unbalanced way, then they should be stopped. They should provide a service for all, and stay neutral in the market place always. To become a political arm of the Demon-crats or the repugnacrats should just turn their customer base stomachs.
"they should be stopped".......well. Isn't that the American way? Or is it the fascist way?
If a criminal (does heinus wrongful things), then do we stop him or her or do we do as the liberals do by worrying about if the drug given the monster is causing a little discomfort before their death ? Not saying Google is a monster that should be killed off completely or if the comparison is right, but if it begins undermining Americans or the American government, then it should be investigated for that reason. If found guilty, then it should be broken up, reformed with new leadership, and a new direction given to it by that leadership.
Did you notice the nearly imperceptible 9/11 Google Tribute?

Why no, as a matter of fact I did not. You see, when I use Google it's to search for something, not to go find something to bring to a message board to piss and moan about due to having no life.

Imagine that -- using something for what it's designed for instead of for a whine source.

Actually I never see the Google page -- I just type the search terms in the address bar. It's automatic. Welcome to the 1990s.
Next time Cappernick uses the NFL for something other than it's to be used for, how about you type up another one of these condescending post of yours to explain it all again. Fair enough for you ?
Who told you that you were in charge of defining what the NFL should be used for?
Someone needs to define it, because the weak idiots running it sure haven't been good at pointing out that it is a sport, and not a freaking political platform for a quarterback to hide his poor performance as a player behind.

Intentional Grounding

At least the Kaeped Qrusader helped us identify all the other juiced-up jock jihadis.
A few moments ago I was blocked by my ISP from using google, youtube and a few other sites (not this one or my main search engine duckduckgo) for downloading via torrent the latest episode of Game of Thrones. I had to read several pages of information and then complete a multiple choice test to regain access. I did the deed, not gonna lie but I thought it was relevant to this topic. I can imagine in the near future ISPs handing out similar punishments for thought-crimes as well, and forcing people to read indoctrination material.
Did you make that graphic yourself in computer art class?

Nah, someone else made it. I have a folder full of memes. They're like weapons in the ideological battlefield of the internet, a tool to expose and ridicule hypocrites, to hopefully plant seeds of doubt in their deluded minds and rally like minded people towards a common cause. Antifa is most certainly a backlash against such triggering memes. I joined this forum with the sole intent of posting as many as possible. I encourage all righties to browse my posts and create your own meme folder.

A few moments ago I was blocked by my ISP from using google, youtube and a few other sites (not this one or my main search engine duckduckgo) for downloading via torrent the latest episode of Game of Thrones. I had to read several pages of information and then complete a multiple choice test to regain access. I did the deed, not gonna lie but I thought it was relevant to this topic. I can imagine in the near future ISPs handing out similar punishments for thought-crimes as well, and forcing people to read indoctrination material.
Translation: Google should allow people to commit theft.

Dude, I know college is surreal, but in the real world, theft, either physical or virtual, is a crime. Napster was destroyed because it provided people a means to illegally trade copyrighted material. When you get a job above minimum wage, you'll be able to afford HBO and become an honest citizen instead of a thief.
Translation: Google should allow people to commit theft.

Dude, I know college is surreal, but in the real world, theft, either physical or virtual, is a crime. Napster was destroyed because it provided people a means to illegally trade copyrighted material. When you get a job above minimum wage, you'll be able to afford HBO and become an honest citizen instead of a thief.

Point me to the part where I implied anything of the sort. I'll wait. FYI I'm not a student anymore.
They routinely put up elaborate tributes to unknown minority figures from history but all they can muster for the 9/11 attack is a little ribbon at the bottom of the page? Google's priority is clearly to not offend Muslims.

It(Google)was involved with the Arab Spring. They helped the rebirth of Islamic terror.
I thought that was the Jews and Facebook. ;)
There are 14 million Jews. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. Think about it.
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
It(Google)was involved with the Arab Spring. They helped the rebirth of Islamic terror.
I thought that was the Jews and Facebook. ;)
There are 14 million Jews. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. Think about it.
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
You don't need my permission to shit your BVDs about the Muslims. Believe as you wish.

If you think I want to believe that Islam is that evil you are mistaken, but when you read the Islamic literature it is hard to believe anything else. How you arrive at the conclusion it is nothing to worry about is an insult to all that have died to satisfy a madman.
Did you make that graphic yourself in computer art class?

Nah, someone else made it. I have a folder full of memes. They're like weapons in the ideological battlefield of the internet, a tool to expose and ridicule hypocrites, to hopefully plant seeds of doubt in their deluded minds and rally like minded people towards a common cause. Antifa is most certainly a backlash against such triggering memes. I joined this forum with the sole intent of posting as many as possible. I encourage all righties to browse my posts and create your own meme folder.

View attachment 148817
Translation: Like Game of Thrones, I just steal other people's work and never originate my own material for obvious reasons.

Got it. Thanks.

They routinely put up elaborate tributes to unknown minority figures from history but all they can muster for the 9/11 attack is a little ribbon at the bottom of the page? Google's priority is clearly to not offend Muslims.

It(Google)was involved with the Arab Spring. They helped the rebirth of Islamic terror.
I thought that was the Jews and Facebook. ;)
There are 14 million Jews. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. Think about it.
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
I thought that was the Jews and Facebook. ;)
There are 14 million Jews. There are 1.6 billion Muslims. Think about it.
....and even fewer conspiracy theory nutjobs.

OTOH, there are 2.2 Billion Christians. The US has about 280 Million Christians, the largest group of Christians in the world. Google is an American company and 9/11 is an American tragedy. Think about it.

Google is a monopoly. It is not American it is globalist, its allegiance can and has been bought. And now Google can buy their own people in power. Think about it.
You don't need my permission to shit your BVDs about the Muslims. Believe as you wish.

If you think I want to believe that Islam is that evil you are mistaken, but when you read the Islamic literature it is hard to believe anything else. How you arrive at the conclusion it is nothing to worry about is an insult to all that have died to satisfy a madman.
Awesome conspiracy theory, dude. Did you come up with this yourself or from the magic light box?

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