Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
I know. ...

So, then why did you fucking say it? Are you just saying shit, because you think it sounds "Bad" about your enemies?

Cause that is what it looks like.

Stop pretending that you care about those that died. You couldn't care less. You've demonstrated that, repeatedly.

I didn’t support killing them. You support killing them. It really does not matter what you think about me. What matters is the fact that you support disarming Iraq and/ or nation building which required killing them and caused many of them to be killed because their government was removed.

I supported a few more months of inspections which did not require killing anybody. And we all found out by the Fall of 2003 that Iraq did not have the WMD - So my way would not kill them - Your way killed them.

So any talk coming from you about who cared about Iraqis lives is meaningless.
I didn’t support killing them. You support killing them. It really does not matter what you think about me. What matters is the fact that you support disarming Iraq and/ or nation building which required killing them and caused many of them to be killed because their government was removed.

I supported a few more months of inspections which did not require killing anybody. And we all found out by the Fall of 2003 that Iraq did not have the WMD - So my way would not kill them - Your way killed them.

So any talk coming from you about who cared about Iraqis lives is meaningless.

Repeatedly I brought up other people lives, and/or deaths, and you never cared the slightest about them.

you only cared, or should I say, "cared" when the deaths were useful to you.

You might not have supported the war, but it was not because of the lives of the people involved.

You have demonstrated that you dont care about them.

Indeed, the glee you show is milking their deaths, makes it seem like you are HAPPY they are dead.

Do you realize that you are a bad person?
So, then why did you fucking say it?

Because your hope for low casualties when their was a better choice with no casualties is to ease the guilt for causing as it turned out half a million to die but you can’t admit it or you are impervious to feeling of guilt when the deaths of Muslims is at stake.
Because your hope for low casualties when their was a better choice with no casualties is to ease the guilt for causing as it turned out half a million to die but you can’t admit it or you are impervious to feeling of guilt when the deaths of Muslims is at stake.

That statement made absolutely no sense.

Seriously. What the fuck are you doing?

You are insisting that I said it, to "Ease my guilt" and then claim that I can't feel guilt over "muslims deaths".

Are you really unable to simply accept that I hoped for low casualties? Is that simple fact, a problem for your world view?

Your need to see me and those like me as comic book villains, is you being immature. Do you realize that?
You might not have supported the war, but it was not because of the lives of the people involved.

I actively protested the proposed Iraq war.

I care about our the lives of our servicemen and women and I care about the innocent Iraqis and that is the ONLY reason that I joined every pre-war Protests in DC.

And I paid close attention to the progress of the inspections. I HOPED W Would do as he promised and let Iraq be disarmed peacefully so NO FUCKING ANYBODY on either SIDE had to FUCKING DIE. There was no other reason to oppose It if Iraq could be disarmed peacefully. Iraq needed to be disarmed. Doing it without any killing was the way to go.

Why are you so amoral and clueless about Iraq War 2003 through 2011.
I actively protested the proposed Iraq war.

I care about our the lives of our servicemen and women and I care about the innocent Iraqis and that is the ONLY reason that I joined every pre-war Protests in DC.

And I paid close attention to the progress of the inspections. I HOPED W Would do as he promised and let Iraq be disarmed peacefully so NO FUCKING ANYBODY on either SIDE had to FUCKING DIE. There was no other reason to oppose It if Iraq could be disarmed peacefully. Iraq needed to be disarmed. Doing it without any killing was the way to go.

Why are you so amoral and clueless about Iraq War 2003 through 2011.

Bullshit. I've brought up other groups of individuals who died or might have died, and you were utterly bored and uninterested.

You only pretend to care, because it gives you and excuse to have a hissy fit and then paint your enemies as comic book EVUL.
You are in no condition to recognize sense. Let alone moral sense.

Dude. You CUT everything AGAIN?

Why are you being like this? DO you realize how absurd that it?

Your need to pretend that those that oppose you, are comic book villains so that you can pretend that you must be the Hero, is childish in the extreme.

That you are engaging in adult debates based on that kind of thinking, is tragic.

That you support or oppose policy based on that, terrifying.
Repeatedly I brought up other people lives, and/or deaths, and you never cared the slightest about them.

what are you talking about now. We are talking about half a million deaths caused by the invasion you support. There are no other deaths to bring up.,
what are you talking about now. We are talking about half a million deaths caused by the invasion you support. There are no other deaths to bring up.,

You forgot all the other lives/deaths I discussed with you?

You just kind of proved my point. YOu don't give a damn about the lives of these far away people, EXCEPT AS THEIR DEATHS GIVES YOU PARTISAN AMMO.

You care less about them than I do. At least I don't defile their graves by using their deaths for partisan purposes.
You could reply with whatever the hell deaths you are talking about if you knew what you were talking about. I cannot respond to your hallucinations.

The fact that you don't even recall them proves my point. You only care about the lives (deaths) you can use.

Your goal in all of this is, not to avoid future wars, but to smear your enemies, to divide America and spread hate and bigotry.
How can I recall something that was never posted?

Not. Stop fucking around.

ALL you are doing here, is trying to increase division and bitter hatred between your fellow Americans.

You are... poison. As a person, you are poison.

Why do you want to be like this? What is wrong with you?
ALL you are doing here, is trying to increase division and bitter hatred between your fellow Americans.

You continue to support killing half a million Iraqis to disarm Iraq using violence because you had no patience and could not wait a few months to conclude inspections.

I supported disarming Iraq by continuation of the peaceful means for a few months. We found out there would have been no reason for war if the inspectors were given the time they needed.

If pointing out your preference for killing innocent human beings sows division between those of us (six of ten Americans) who supported not killing innocent Iraqis then so be it.
You continue to support killing half a million Iraqis to disarm Iraq using violence because you had no patience and could not wait a few months to conclude inspections.

I supported disarming Iraq by continuation of the peaceful means for a few months. We found out there would have been no reason for war if the inspectors were given the time they needed.

If pointing out your preference for killing innocent human beings sows division between those of us (six of ten Americans) who supported not killing innocent Iraqis then so be it.
As you should know at this point that part of the war was fought to remove Saddam; it was costing the American taxpayer and the Iraqi people far too much to let him remain in power. We went to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties and those enemy troops who died fighting for a tyrant deserve no sympathy from anyone. The world is a better place without them. Your uninformed whining is stupid.
As you should know at this point that part of the war was fought to remove Saddam;

You are a liar. SH was removed ONLY because W decided he was not cooperating with the UN INSPECTORS Because W told you that SH was hiding WMD from the inspectors therefore blowing SH’s FINAL Opportunity To remain in power under UNSC Resolution 1441.

What I say is a historical well documented fact that you and Correll cannot deny. That is why the both of you must lie about why you supported killing half a million Iraqis that died because of the Iraq War 2003 - 2011.

And when you say you support killing half a million Iraqis in order to save paying federal income taxes it makes you about as ugly an American as you can be.
. We went to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties and those enemy troops who died fighting for a tyrant deserve no sympathy from anyone.

I never said our men and women in uniform who were unfortunately sent by W to kill and be killed in an unnecessary war did not try to avoid civilian casualties. They certainly did most of the time.

The point to which you do not respond is that it was W’s singular and corrupt decision to invade that caused all the deaths. If the decision was to give the inspectors a few more months to finish their work then - then there is realization no WMD in Iraq - Bush was wrong / long term WMD monitoring begins / WMD related sanctions are lifted / SH stays in power / US and UK cannot veto UN decision to end sanctions / There is no war / Russia begins developing Iraq’s lucrative oil getting it on the world market / US and UK oil companies may not get contracts because SH is in power / half a million Iraqis do not die following W’s horrible decision to put an end to peaceful inspections / no US troops are killed and they don’t get arms and legs blown off for six years / The American taxpayer saves the $5 trillion wasted on IRAQ $7 trillion according to DJT.

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