Did you vote for liberty or tyranny?

Did you vote for liberty or tyranny?

  • I voted for tyranny and my own slavery (Romney, Obama)

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • I voted for liberty and to be free (Johnson)

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
Well, America, this is it. Will you vote for a candidate who says its ok for the government to detain you without a trial indefinitely? Will you vote for candidate that does not believe that you own your body? Will you vote for a candidate who believes the ruling elites know better what to do with the money you earn than you do? Will you vote for a candidate bought and paid for by goldman sachs? If you are voting for Romney or Obama, then you are saying yes to those questions. And if that's the case, I must ask you, why would you not vote for Gary Johnson, the libertarian candidate? He just needs 5% for the libertarian party to have a major impact in 2016. Why not vote for change? Why...praytell, if you truly support Romney or Obama do you believe that you and your family should be slaves to an oligarchical tyranny? What is the real difference between Obama and Romney? Either way, the banksters who own politics win and you lose. Is that really what you want?
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I voted for the REAL change and for liberty over tyranny. I voted for Romney.

I certainly didn't vote for throwing out the chance to get rid of the incumbent by wasting it on Johnson.
I voted for the REAL change and for liberty over tyranny. I voted for Romney.

I certainly didn't vote for throwing out the chance to get rid of the incumbent by wasting it on Johnson.

Thanks! Your complimentary chains to fasten to your ankles are on their way! (Of course, this is a metaphor for the slavery of our current monetary policy). Well done, you have ensured the next 4 years are wrought with debt, a heightened police state, and more inflation! Thanks for being retarded.
I voted for the REAL change and for liberty over tyranny. I voted for Romney.

I certainly didn't vote for throwing out the chance to get rid of the incumbent by wasting it on Johnson.

Thanks! Your complimentary chains to fasten to your ankles are on their way! (Of course, this is a metaphor for the slavery of our current monetary policy). Well done, you have ensured the next 4 years are wrought with debt, a heightened police state, and more inflation! Thanks for being retarded.

Your pathetic, nearly liberal, form of rancid hyperbole sucked dick before the election and it still does on Election Day.

Johnson is a wasted vote.

Your "I'm with Stupid" t-shirt is in the mail.

In your case, the arrow points up to your head.


Thank God above there aren't enough mentally defective schmucks, like you, to influence the election this time around.
I revoked my consent to be governed since it is rigged. Instead, I opted to be an unloyal subject.
I voted for the only shot to Reverse this Leftist, Statist BS. Unfortunately that was not Johnson lol.
I voted for the REAL change and for liberty over tyranny. I voted for Romney.

I certainly didn't vote for throwing out the chance to get rid of the incumbent by wasting it on Johnson.

Thanks! Your complimentary chains to fasten to your ankles are on their way! (Of course, this is a metaphor for the slavery of our current monetary policy). Well done, you have ensured the next 4 years are wrought with debt, a heightened police state, and more inflation! Thanks for being retarded.

Your pathetic, nearly liberal, form of rancid hyperbole sucked dick before the election and it still does on Election Day.

Johnson is a wasted vote.

Your "I'm with Stupid" t-shirt is in the mail.

In your case, the arrow points up to your head.


Thank God above there aren't enough mentally defective schmucks, like you, to influence the election this time around.

Hey man, it's ok if you hate the constitution (or at least the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 10th amendments). It's ok if you think the government owns your life and you don't. It's ok man. Fasten those chains, be happy that you are sucking the tit of big government. They'll take care of you! All they are going to do is tax the hell out of you via inflation. That's a great thing, right? All hail goldman sachs! More TARP! More Bailouts! More Drone strikes on innocent brown people! More debt! Obamney rules! Thanks again, clown!
I did not vote for Johnson who would (and has) promoted a different kind of tyranny and who I believe lacks thew connections, temperament, and ability to address the worst problems of our nation right now. And he was my very satisfactory governor for eight years and I know him personally, so I am pretty sure of my assessment there. Not everybody is well suited to be President of the United Stated. Also, any conservative who votes for Johnson has given Obama a vote. All the liberals, however, are strongly encouraged to vote for Johnson. Good choice there.
I voted for the only shot to Reverse this Leftist, Statist BS. Unfortunately that was no Johnson lol.
Hate to break it to ya, Vinnie Vitalis ain't gonna do jack to reverse course....He's too much of a gutless neocon wimp.
Hit the road jack aint goin black no mo no mo no mo. Saw that on MSN lol
^ He chooses to be a loyal subject. There is no shame in that. At least it was actually praised in fuedal times....by not getting executed for being unloyal anyway.
I voted to end this experiment in progressive liberalism.

Isn't it funny how obama and romney agree on the same ends (more police state, more tyranny, more inflation, etc.) but differ ever so slightly on the means? And you people think it's a big difference. What a joke! In the age of information there's no excuse to be ignorant.
I voted for the only shot to Reverse this Leftist, Statist BS. Unfortunately that was no Johnson lol.
Hate to break it to ya, Vinnie Vitalis ain't gonna do jack to reverse course....He's too much of a gutless neocon wimp.

Maybe, But Obama is accelerating it. Stopping that is good enough for me. Wasting my vote on Johnson would have only helped Obama.
It ain't even going to be stopped...You wasted your vote.
I voted for the guy who had the best chance of removing this fraudulent failure that is Obama... I voted for Romney. Now if Johnson had a snowballs chance, maybe I'd have voted for him.
I voted for the guy who had the best chance of removing this fraudulent failure that is Obama... I voted for Romney. Now if Johnson had a snowballs chance, maybe I'd have voted for him.

Isn't it funny how obama and romney agree on the same ends (more police state, more tyranny, more inflation, etc.) but differ ever so slightly on the means? And you people think it's a big difference. What a joke! In the age of information there's no excuse to be ignorant.

Also, Johnson only needs 5% to make a huge impact in 2016. Completely worth it.

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