It means that gays, trans and people that aint white and christain should have just as much right to live our lives and to get medical care as you do. Either accept this reality or be looked at as a similar creature as we fought for 20 years in the middle east.
Which rights that are already out there doesn't cover gays, trans, non white and Christian? Which laws are you fighting for?
Um, no, I can say that because there is no contemporary documentation of these incidents.

No police reports of hippies spitting on service members.
No newspaper articles in real time.

The stories don't start showing up until the 1980's, really, including movies like "First Blood".
Um, yes, we have the personal experiences of veterans who relate those experiences. I understand who have taken it upon yourself to re-write history and the experiences of others as it appeals to you, as usual, you demand others accept your nonsensical "...Because I say so", comments.

Your Hollywood'ized alternate reality is adorable.
Um, yes, we have the personal experiences of veterans who relate those experiences. I understand who have taken it upon yourself to re-write history and the experiences of others as it appeals to you, as usual, you demand others accept your nonsensical "...Because I say so", comments.

Your Hollywood'ized alternate reality is adorable.

The entire Democratic narrative is fabricated by the MSM and fools like Joe wear it with pride without so much as a thought that they are being lied to.
Um, yes, we have the personal experiences of veterans who relate those experiences. I understand who have taken it upon yourself to re-write history and the experiences of others as it appeals to you, as usual, you demand others accept your nonsensical "...Because I say so", comments.

But you are saying you believe their claims because they say so, even though there is ZERO documented incidents of this actually happening.

The entire Democratic narrative is fabricated by the MSM and fools like Joe wear it with pride without so much as a thought that they are being lied to.

Or, I understand the context. At the time, no one had an issue with the soldiers. They were draftees. The complaint with the leaders (of both parties) who supported a war based on a lie.

There'd have been no reason to spit on a soldier, really.

Some of the stories are pure bullshit, like being spat on in uniform in the airport. (When these guys didn't return through civilian airports, they returned to military bases.
But you are saying you believe their claims because they say so, even though there is ZERO documented incidents of this actually happening.

Or, I understand the context. At the time, no one had an issue with the soldiers. They were draftees. The complaint with the leaders (of both parties) who supported a war based on a lie.

There'd have been no reason to spit on a soldier, really.

Some of the stories are pure bullshit, like being spat on in uniform in the airport. (When these guys didn't return through civilian airports, they returned to military bases.
But you are saying the claims are not true with zero evidence.
But you are saying the claims are not true with zero evidence.

I'm not the one claiming something happened.

Here, make it easy for you. If you told me that you were abducted by aliens, I would ask for proof. You know, picture of their flying saucer or maybe you could point out the marks they supposedly left on you during the probe. Then we could evaluate the evidence. but with a lack of evidence, I'd have to conclude you were delusional.

If a veteran tells me a hippy spit on him, I want to know time, place, and circumstances. Because there were no contemporary accounts of this happening. Most of the accounts seem to be made up in the 1980's, when there were movies like Rambo and Missing in Action that tried to rewrite the Vietnam War into the version where we won.
I'm not the one claiming something happened.

Here, make it easy for you. If you told me that you were abducted by aliens, I would ask for proof. You know, picture of their flying saucer or maybe you could point out the marks they supposedly left on you during the probe. Then we could evaluate the evidence. but with a lack of evidence, I'd have to conclude you were delusional.

If a veteran tells me a hippy spit on him, I want to know time, place, and circumstances. Because there were no contemporary accounts of this happening. Most of the accounts seem to be made up in the 1980's, when there were movies like Rambo and Missing in Action that tried to rewrite the Vietnam War into the version where we won.
I'll try and make this easy for you. Your claim is that certain events never happened... because you say so.

I gave you the testimony from an individual that claims an event happened to him. This causes you to stutter and mumble something about, "... but, ...but ...., but what about Rambo"?

You live in a world portrayed to you by Hollywood movies. Do you understand that Rambo was not a documentary? Has that occurred to you?
I'll try and make this easy for you. Your claim is that certain events never happened... because you say so.
No, they never happened because no one recorded them at the time, and a thorough search of news records from 1965-1973 found no news accounts of them happening.

gave you the testimony from an individual that claims an event happened to him.
Claimed decades after the fact, where he's had forty years to whine about what a bad deal he got because no one gave him a parade.

The point I made about Rambo, which went right over your head, was that the movie was part of a whole "rewriting of history", akin to Germany's "Dolchstosslegende" in the 1920s (Germany didn't lose the WWI, they were betrayed by the Jews) or that Lost Cause myth after the Civil War (The War wasn't about slavery it was bout civil rights.)

Part of that legend was that the evil hippies spat on soldiers and undermined the war effort, because that's more palatable than "We let our corrupt leaders feed soldiers into a meat grinder for a war they already knew was unwinnable."
No, they never happened because no one recorded them at the time, and a thorough search of news records from 1965-1973 found no news accounts of them happening.

Claimed decades after the fact, where he's had forty years to whine about what a bad deal he got because no one gave him a parade.

The point I made about Rambo, which went right over your head, was that the movie was part of a whole "rewriting of history", akin to Germany's "Dolchstosslegende" in the 1920s (Germany didn't lose the WWI, they were betrayed by the Jews) or that Lost Cause myth after the Civil War (The War wasn't about slavery it was bout civil rights.)

Part of that legend was that the evil hippies spat on soldiers and undermined the war effort, because that's more palatable than "We let our corrupt leaders feed soldiers into a meat grinder for a war they already knew was unwinnable."

So, let's review. You insist that the personal testimony of vets are false because the Hollywood movie Rambo was somehow pivotal in your life.

You have no facts to counter the testimony of those vets, yet, you know with 100% certainty and 0% facts that their testimony is false.
So, let's review. You insist that the personal testimony of vets are false because the Hollywood movie Rambo was somehow pivotal in your life.

No, but if I explain it to you again, you still won't understand it.

Here's what I would take as evidence.


What doesn't count. The malcontent ramblings of a self-pitying loser who thinks his life was ruined because he spent six months in Vietnam.

Because I served with dozens of guys from the Vietnam Era. NOT A ONE told me that anyone spit on them.

You have no facts to counter the testimony of those vets, yet, you know with 100% certainty and 0% facts that their testimony is false.

Memory is not a fact.
Where's the evidence.
No, but if I explain it to you again, you still won't understand it.

Here's what I would take as evidence.


What doesn't count. The malcontent ramblings of a self-pitying loser who thinks his life was ruined because he spent six months in Vietnam.

Because I served with dozens of guys from the Vietnam Era. NOT A ONE told me that anyone spit on them.

Memory is not a fact.
Where's the evidence.
I'll have to a'splain you again. The Hollywood movie about Rambo was a fictional characterization.

You insist that events didn't happen because you claim with certainty they didn't happen because you say so, Not real convincing.

I have no reason to accept your claim of serving with anyone is true. You do have a pattern of behavior of lies and deceit.
No, they never happened because no one recorded them at the time, and a thorough search of news records from 1965-1973 found no news accounts of them happening.

Claimed decades after the fact, where he's had forty years to whine about what a bad deal he got because no one gave him a parade.

The point I made about Rambo, which went right over your head, was that the movie was part of a whole "rewriting of history", akin to Germany's "Dolchstosslegende" in the 1920s (Germany didn't lose the WWI, they were betrayed by the Jews) or that Lost Cause myth after the Civil War (The War wasn't about slavery it was bout civil rights.)

Part of that legend was that the evil hippies spat on soldiers and undermined the war effort, because that's more palatable than "We let our corrupt leaders feed soldiers into a meat grinder for a war they already knew was unwinnable."
Many things in the world happen even if no leftwing journalist doesn't write about them in the morning paper.
Except I can find pictures on the web to represent anything I choose.

I'm sure you can. But you were given a picture, and it should have taken you no time at all to prove that was a picture of someone else. Just use Google Image Search.

You're a Rambo movie fan. That's fine
No, I just understand how popular media influence public perception.

Point is, there were no accounts of these spitting incidents until AFTER 1980 or so.

Many things in the world happen even if no leftwing journalist doesn't write about them in the morning paper.
True, but there are no rightwing accounts in real time, either, that's the thing. In fact, there are NO accounts of spitting on a returning soldier throughout that 8 year period.
I'm sure you can. But you were given a picture, and it should have taken you no time at all to prove that was a picture of someone else. Just use Google Image Search.

No, I just understand how popular media influence public perception.

Point is, there were no accounts of these spitting incidents until AFTER 1980 or so.

True, but there are no rightwing accounts in real time, either, that's the thing. In fact, there are NO accounts of spitting on a returning soldier throughout that 8 year period.
Why would I spend time doing searches for random pictures?

You may be easily persuaded by Hollywood movies. That's fine.
Diversity inclusion and equity. Explain to me what that means.
There are lot of opinions, on what it is supposed to be, technical sociological definitions, and political theories.

I won't get into whether they are right, or whether they are wrong.

I am more into Realpolitik, observing the actual outcomes of these stated policy objectives. If you study in-group/out-group relations, the state, can't really "force," different segments of society to accept each other, all it can do, is make laws equal. Which, since at least the late 1960's, they already have been.

Though it can try to indoctrinate, against the will of families and parents, in an attempt to create new epistemological realities, (as the USSR did for over eighty years.) Folks that study the science of in-group/out-group behavior, will note, that this is still, a losing battle. Nature is, and always will be, more powerful than nurture.

What these types of policies really boil down to in the end, IMO, are nothing more than large scale chaos, and vast social balkanization schemes, while there is really, a larger agenda to reorder how the economy, on an international level is worked, according to technocratic principles. It is really a distraction for most of the folks that aren't paying attention to a larger agenda, being foisted upon all parties, while they argue and fight among themselves, and while their common oppressor, destroys all of their previously cherished ancestral ways and means of living before.

For the intellectuals that wheel out, "diversity, equity, and inclusion?" The end game, is complete social control over society, they care very little about civil rights or civil liberties, so, why should they care about, "diversity, equity, and inclusion," in the first place? It is nothing but a cheap distraction to get folks fighting, while the real agenda is enacted.

You won't find nations like China, or Russia, or India, or other more homogeneous nations, quibbling over such silly things. They have real problems to deal with, and solve.

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