But there weren't.

There were decent people who wanted to take down the statue of a racist monster.

And there were Nazis and Klansmen who supported keeping it there, none of whom lived in that community, who organized a protest.

And Trump called them "good people". That's fucked up, yo!
Not all the people who oppose tearring it down were Nazis or Klansmen, you dumb fucking moron.
But there weren't.

There were decent people who wanted to take down the statue of a racist monster.

And there were Nazis and Klansmen who supported keeping it there, none of whom lived in that community, who organized a protest.

And Trump called them "good people". That's fucked up, yo!

I know many, many people that are not Nazi's are Klansman who supported keeping those statues for historical purposes. It is naïve/stupid to think that people with a similar mindset didn't show up to protest the statue being removed. In your mind, anyone that disagrees with YOU and YOUR party must be racist or sexist or some other *ist.
I know many, many people that are not Nazi's are Klansman who supported keeping those statues for historical purposes. It is naïve/stupid to think that people with a similar mindset didn't show up to protest the statue being removed. In your mind, anyone that disagrees with YOU and YOUR party must be racist or sexist or some other *ist.
Typical Dim tactics. If a single person who showed up was a racist, then they're all racist. That's how the left operates. That's one reason I despise them.
They belong to a Democrat party in bed with Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and all the richest globalist technocrats in the world, then turn around and whine that "the rich" aren't paying their fair share.

Fucking idiots.
Diversity, inclusion, and equity are the enemies of merit, qualifications, and excellence.

Those who tell us that they desire diversity, do not desire diversity of opinions. They do what they can do to suppress the ability of race realists to express ourselves.
Not all the people who oppose tearring it down were Nazis or Klansmen, you dumb fucking moron.
Yes, they were.
Joe Biden supported Senator Byrd, moron. He eulogized Byrd at his funeral.
And if being in the Klan for five minutes was all Byrd did with his life, you MIGHT have a point. It wasn't.
I know many, many people that are not Nazi's are Klansman who supported keeping those statues for historical purposes. It is naïve/stupid to think that people with a similar mindset didn't show up to protest the statue being removed. In your mind, anyone that disagrees with YOU and YOUR party must be racist or sexist or some other *ist.
So let's use your logic. We should keep up statues of Hitler and Stalin for "historical purposes". They were part of history. Just ignore the awful things they did, they were part of history, and they need to have a statue.

Um. No. Keep history in the history books. Statues are for people who deserve to be honored. Which is exactly NO ONE from the Confederacy.

Diversity, inclusion, and equity are the enemies of merit, qualifications, and excellence.

Those who tell us that they desire diversity, do not desire diversity of opinions. They do what they can do to suppress the ability of race realists to express ourselves.
Hey, Bripat, DBA, here's a "race realist" who thinks you guys are awesome. Come on, give him a hug.
Yes, they were.
No they weren't, you lying dumbass

And if being in the Klan for five minutes was all Byrd did with his life, you MIGHT have a point. It wasn't.
He was in the Klan for decades.

So let's use your logic. We should keep up statues of Hitler and Stalin for "historical purposes". They were part of history. Just ignore the awful things they did, they were part of history, and they need to have a statue.
List of statues of Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia

There are plenty of statues of Lenin and Mao still around, and they were both mass murderers.


Um. No. Keep history in the history books. Statues are for people who deserve to be honored. Which is exactly NO ONE from the Confederacy.
You mean like Stalin?
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Yes, we do have it on camera and yet you STILL believe it. Just shows your level of delusion. Provide video/audio that shows Trump saying that white supremicists are good people, no a cherry picked comment taken totally out of context where he said there were good people on both sides. If you actually llistened to the entire comment and what he had said just before that you would know that he had clearly defined what “both sides were. People who were offended by the statue in Charlottesville and people who felt it was part of Southern/family history that needed to be preserved. He further delineated between the later and white supremicist explicitly. Just becuase you and your ilk have mental disorder of sorts that shields you from reality, particularly with regards to all things Trump(TDS), doesn’t mean that us sane folks should have to acquiesce to your delusions.

Q Do you think that what you call the alt-left is the same as neo-Nazis?

THE PRESIDENT: Those people — all of those people –excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee.

Q Should that statue be taken down?

THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me. If you take a look at some of the groups, and you see — and you’d know it if you were honest reporters, which in many cases you’re not — but many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.

So this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?

But they were there to protest — excuse me, if you take a look, the night before they were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.
Gee, who could confuse supporters of idolizing slavers with Nazis and white supremacists..... 😄
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So let's use your logic. We should keep up statues of Hitler and Stalin for "historical purposes". They were part of history. Just ignore the awful things they did, they were part of history, and they need to have a statue.

Um. No. Keep history in the history books. Statues are for people who deserve to be honored. Which is exactly NO ONE from the Confederacy.

There you go again. You express you opinion and conclude that anyone that doesn’t agree is not on wrong, but a horrible person.

You clearly aren’t from the South. The North has no heritage to speak of. It just doesn’t really exist. Ironically, today’s left does have a heritage. Many are vestiges of the traitors to our country in the 1960’s, and many of those very traitors are still alive today and solid Democrats who would love to rid the South of it‘s heritage. Again, the intolerance and arrogance of the left come to light.

Hey, Bripat, DBA, here's a "race realist" who thinks you guys are awesome. Come on, give him a hug.

I don’t know what else this poster has said, but didn’t see anything wrong with the quote you posted. Diversity at the expense of qualifications is not only harmful, but also extremely stupid. We are talking about short-sighted, shallow ”thinkers” here, so I am not surprised.
Hector12 said:
Diversity, inclusion, and equity are the enemies of merit, qualifications, and excellence.

Those who tell us that they desire diversity, do not desire diversity of opinions. They do what they can do to suppress the ability of race realists to express ourselves.
Hey, Bripat, DBA, here's a "race realist" who thinks you guys are awesome. Come on, give him a hug.
Thank you for posting my comment. If you disagree with me, how do you disagree?
There you go again. You express you opinion and conclude that anyone that doesn’t agree is not on wrong, but a horrible person.
You guys spent the last six years proving you are horrible people.
It really didn't matter how many lives Trump ruined or destroyed, you just loved him for "owning the libs"...

You clearly aren’t from the South. The North has no heritage to speak of.
For which I would get on my knees and thank Amaterasu every day, if she actually existed. (We know Jehovah doesn't.)

Yes, you have a "heritage". It involves the subjugation of a whole race of people, their systematic torture and rape as policy, so a few rich assholes could live the good life on plantation.

It just doesn’t really exist. Ironically, today’s left does have a heritage. Many are vestiges of the traitors to our country in the 1960’s, and many of those very traitors are still alive today and solid Democrats who would love to rid the South of it‘s heritage. Again, the intolerance and arrogance of the left come to light.

Yes those traitor who opposed a monstrous, unjust war and fought for racial and gender equality. What a bunch of evil bastards.

I don’t know what else this poster has said, but didn’t see anything wrong with the quote you posted. Diversity at the expense of qualifications is not only harmful, but also extremely stupid. We are talking about short-sighted, shallow ”thinkers” here, so I am not surprised.

So you don't know what a "race realist" is?

Here, let me educate you, if that's possible.


race realist (plural race realists)

  1. A person who believes that empirical evidence exists to support the notion of inborn racial differences, sometimes used euphemistically to justify racism (racial discrimination). quotations ▼
  2. One who believes that the human species is divided into observable races. [from 20th c.] quotations ▼ antonym ▲Antonym: race detractor
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