No, I just realize the country works better when the rich pay their fair share.

You have that in reverse. Inflation came before the rise in interest rates, and the rise in interest rates are meant to curb inflation by reducing spending. Particularly on big-ticket items like houses and cars.

As they should have. Property taxes were built around the assumption that you could deduct them from your income tax.

Of course, Trump's tax cuts to millionaires and Billionaires ballooned the debt by 8 trillion in four years.
/——/ “No, I just realize the country works better when the rich pay their fair share.”
Another worn out talking point. Define fair share as opposed to who already pays the most taxes.
/——/ “No, I just realize the country works better when the rich pay their fair share.”
Another worn out talking point. Define fair share as opposed to who already pays the most taxes.
Their fair share has to be more than the $0-750 Trump often paid. No wonder he hid them for years. He was afraid his minions would turn on him, but he was wrong. The MAGAheads will drink the kool-aid and ask for more!
Their fair share has to be more than the $0-750 Trump often paid. No wonder he hid them for years. He was afraid his minions would turn on him, but he was wrong. The MAGAheads will drink the kool-aid and ask for more!
/——/ Explain why he only paid $750 in one year. Surely , you have done the research and have an understanding of the tax laws. Go ahead.
Your claimed “31 years of working in the civilian world”, is not something I necessarily accept, as your frequent , “… because I say so”, claims have a far left bias.
Of course not... anything that messes with your head canon must be rejected.
Like when you claimed I couldn't have possibly ever been in the military, and then I provided pictures of myself in uniform. It was clearly more than you could take.

But back to the point. Every job I've gotten since then, a white person made the decision to hire me.
Every single time.

And while I am sure that my veteran status, education and work record has helped, the fact that I share a skin tone with the people making the decisions also does.

So all DEI says - because we don't really have quotas anymore - is that employers be mindful to consider all candidates.

Wow. That's horrible.

We have been over this. Actually, I’m not burdened by your “but… but… but… but what about…” cheap moralizing and attempts at deflection. I’m not clear that Dan Quayle has run for office recently or been hired to fill a phony diversity check box.

No, he was hired to fill one in 1988... the "Christian Funditards don't trust Bush-41, so let's give them a veep they like."

So, yes, your phony claim that “…what causes inflation is not making the rich pay their fair share in taxes.” is a total fraud.

Not at all. You see, when the government has to BORROW money and pay interest on it, to keep the lights on, then that spurs inflation.

What you don’t understand is that the leftist spending orgy and willingness to have the fed print money is what causes inflation.
Uh, the spending orgy started under Trump, but never mind.

The 2021 American Rescue Plan Act added about $1.9 trillion to the economy, and economists across the political spectrum say that it spurred inflation. They differ on the precise scale of its impact, with estimates ranging from two to four additional points out of the current inflation rate of about 8.5%

Well, they can say that... but not really.

Here's what's driving inflation

1) A labor shortage
2) Increase in costs of commodities due to Global Demand
3) Trump's moronic tariffs on Chinese goods.

We could fix #1 by simply waiving through more immigrants. We could fix #3 by simply dropping those tariffs because they were stupid and actually hurt some of our industries.
Of course not... anything that messes with your head canon must be rejected.
Like when you claimed I couldn't have possibly ever been in the military, and then I provided pictures of myself in uniform. It was clearly more than you could take.

But back to the point. Every job I've gotten since then, a white person made the decision to hire me.
Every single time.

And while I am sure that my veteran status, education and work record has helped, the fact that I share a skin tone with the people making the decisions also does.

So all DEI says - because we don't really have quotas anymore - is that employers be mindful to consider all candidates.

Wow. That's horrible.

No, he was hired to fill one in 1988... the "Christian Funditards don't trust Bush-41, so let's give them a veep they like."

Not at all. You see, when the government has to BORROW money and pay interest on it, to keep the lights on, then that spurs inflation.

Uh, the spending orgy started under Trump, but never mind.

Well, they can say that... but not really.

Here's what's driving inflation

1) A labor shortage
2) Increase in costs of commodities due to Global Demand
An anonymous poser posting a photo on an anonymous presage board. I’m supposed to blindly accept that? Based on your history of fraud and deceit? Um, no. Thanks, anyway.

I get it. Your DEI indoctrination causes your self-hate and revulsion of white people. Maybe you should find a local Dick’s Sporting Goods store, but some hockey equipment and join your local affiliate of BLM for some rioting and mayhem.

Um,,,, DEI is a quota system. It’s hiring, aimed at specific attributes such as skin color, gender sexual orientation, etc.

Practice this slogan and commit it to memory, “kill da’ white devil”

Here’s what’s driving inflation: leftist out of control spending.
No, I don't, but you are too stupid to understand the fucking point.
There are more unqualified people hired through white privilege than there are through DEI programs.

Any actual evidence of this, or just your gut feeling? I mean, we can come up with some hard numbers before and after DEI but this white privilege thing is conveniently out there in the ether for you and other liberals to pontificate on as needed, without any evidence whatsoever.

Works on the racist assumption that a person of color only got the job because of DEI.

You mean like the racist assumption above that more unqualified white people are hired because of a perceived, fabricated, white privilege?

Not at all. You see, when the government has to BORROW money and pay interest on it, to keep the lights on, then that spurs inflation.

But the facts are that the “rich”, as defined by your dear leader, pays the majority of the taxes in this country. How is it that they aren’t paying their fair share?

Uh, the spending orgy started under Trump, but never mind.

COVID was a slight issue, though I didn’t agree with the stimulus packages, particularly the last one. Democrats had no problems with any of them and Biden has continued the “orgy” with COVID long gone.
An anonymous poser posting a photo on an anonymous presage board. I’m supposed to blindly accept that? Based on your history of fraud and deceit? Um, no. Thanks, anyway.

In short, I showed you up... deal with it.

I get it. Your DEI indoctrination causes your self-hate and revulsion of white people. Maybe you should find a local Dick’s Sporting Goods store, but some hockey equipment and join your local affiliate of BLM for some rioting and mayhem.
I only dislike awful white people... sadly of which you were one of them.

Frankly, I've called for police reform for years before the TRUMP RIOTS(TM) broke out. Black people got tired of asking us nicely to not shoot their children.

I'm actually surprised it took that long, but frankly, I suspect that the anxiety levels raised by TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) and TRUMP RECESSION(TM) had a contributing effect.
Simple. Return the top marginal rate back to what it was before Reagan fucked with the tax code.
/——/ OK, along with all of the deductions like credit card interest, car loan interest, business lunches, tax shelters, and more? You’re too young to remember but nobody paid the full rate. And no tax on option trading.
How quickly can we do this?
BTW, a democRAT congress passed that tax code.
Any actual evidence of this, or just your gut feeling? I mean, we can come up with some hard numbers before and after DEI but this white privilege thing is conveniently out there in the ether for you and other liberals to pontificate on as needed, without any evidence whatsoever.

More like, an observation. I've encountered one person who was completely unqualified for her job who I suspect got it on a racial quota.

I've encountered at least a half of dozen idiots who were related to the boss, drinking buddies of the boss, or sucking off the boss. The ones who don't last more than a week after their patrons leave the company.

And they are FAR WORSE to have to deal with professionally, because you can't do anything about them.

You mean like the racist assumption above that more unqualified white people are hired because of a perceived, fabricated, white privilege?

Naw, man, just a reality. We are tribal creatures, and we tend to favor those who remind us of ourselves.

Frankly, a lot of it happens without anyone noticing. I give the example of the white manager who re-arranged his schedule to attend a going away lunch for a pretty white intern, but couldn't be bothered to attend similar gatherings for people of color who had worked for him for years. Was he a racist. Not overtly. I worked for him for 7 years and never heard him utter anything remotely racist.

But he had a clear bias towards promoting younger white people and ignoring the contributions of older workers and people of color.

And the sad thing... he wasn't even the worst manager I've worked for.

But the facts are that the “rich”, as defined by your dear leader, pays the majority of the taxes in this country. How is it that they aren’t paying their fair share?

Um, the fact that they are still rich... that's how we know they aren't paying their fair share.

I'm still for the "Take everything they got and harvest them for transplant organs" tax.

COVID was a slight issue, though I didn’t agree with the stimulus packages, particularly the last one. Democrats had no problems with any of them and Biden has continued the “orgy” with COVID long gone.
/——/ OK, along with all of the deductions like credit card interest, car loan interest, business lunches, tax shelters, and more? You’re too young to remember but nobody paid the full rate. And no tax on option trading.
How quickly can we do this?

Nobody paid the full rate, but they paid their fair share and more importantly, the US National Debt remained under 1 Trillion after 200 years of wars, space programs, infrastructure, etc.

Deducting credit card interest actually benefited the working class more than the rich.
In short, I showed you up... deal with it.

I only dislike awful white people... sadly of which you were one of them.

Frankly, I've called for police reform for years before the TRUMP RIOTS(TM) broke out. Black people got tired of asking us nicely to not shoot their children.

I'm actually surprised it took that long, but frankly, I suspect that the anxiety levels raised by TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) and TRUMP RECESSION(TM) had a contributing effect.

In short, someone declaring themself as having, “I showed you up”, is simply retreating to a pretty juvenile and desperate tactic of sidestepping. You’re a legend in your own mind.

It’s OK. You can include me in the vast universe of white people you hate, (including yourself), because of your white guilt™. I note that would be the intended result of your DEI Cult.

Frankly, I thought leftist enabled BLM riots and allowance for looting, shoplifting, street robberies, theft, etc., would eventually lead to even more looting, shoplifting, street robberies, theft, etc. Guess what?

It’s almost painful watch as your TDS™ is a debilitating, overwhelming obsession. Someone who never is able to accept responsibility for the actions and those subsequent consequences is said to have never grown up.
Nobody paid the full rate, but they paid their fair share and more importantly, the US National Debt remained under 1 Trillion after 200 years of wars, space programs, infrastructure, etc.

Deducting credit card interest actually benefited the working class more than the rich.
/——/ When Will Dementia Joe bring back the old tax code?
In short, someone declaring themself as having, “I showed you up”, is simply retreating to a pretty juvenile and desperate tactic of sidestepping. You’re a legend in your own mind.
Not at all....

You made a claim.
I refuted it with evidence.
You decided the evidence was too much for you to take.

It’s OK. You can include me in the vast universe of white people you hate, (including yourself), because of your white guilt™. I note that would be the intended result of your DEI Cult.

I find you more pathetic than hateable, honestly.

You remind me of the old joke. A billionaire, a teabagger and a welfare person go into a restaurant. The waiter brings out 12 cookies, the billionaire wolfs down 11 of them and says to the Teabagger, "That welfare lady wants half your cookie!"

Frankly, I thought leftist enabled BLM riots and allowance for looting, shoplifting, street robberies, theft, etc., would eventually lead to even more looting, shoplifting, street robberies, theft, etc. Guess what?
You guys glom on to every non-story that happens?
I'm in Chicago... Nobody is talking about this.
Because honestly, it was just some kids getting roudy, not a mass looting.
Exactly correct .. it's more about filling quotas and including all races (except whites), lifestyles and identities instead of selecting qualified individuals in the workplace. The Biden administration is a perfect example of DEI with under qualified individuals in key roles.
Excluding a race in itself is racist
Naw, man, just a reality. We are tribal creatures, and we tend to favor those who remind us of ourselves.

So black coaches are more likely to favor black players? Black company owners are more likely to favor black employees? The reality is that money trumps all. A coach wants to win to make more money. A company owner wants to be successful for the same reason. They may feel more at ease with a black employee due to some cultural similarities, but a smart coach/owner will ultimately hire the person that will ultimately make them the most money. Anyone should be upset that they would be forced to hire the white guy, even though he is not necessarily the best.

Um, the fact that they are still rich... that's how we know they aren't paying their fair share.

I'm still for the "Take everything they got and harvest them for transplant organs" tax.

So we are supposed to tax ”rich” people, as defined by you, to a point where they make the same as you? ”Rich” is relative. To a guy living in the projects or a trailer, you are rich. Shouldn’t we tax you to the point where both of you are living in old mill house? Would be an upgrade for them, but a potential downgrade for you.
So black coaches are more likely to favor black players? Black company owners are more likely to favor black employees? The reality is that money trumps all. A coach wants to win to make more money. A company owner wants to be successful for the same reason. They may feel more at ease with a black employee due to some cultural similarities, but a smart coach/owner will ultimately hire the person that will ultimately make them the most money. Anyone should be upset that they would be forced to hire the white guy, even though he is not necessarily the best.

Um, yeah, I've watched too many dumb owners and manager run companies into the ground to believe that they always act in the best interest of their companies.

The reality is, you place too much emphasis on the competence of owners. Most companies work well because the wage slaves do a good job.

So we are supposed to tax ”rich” people, as defined by you, to a point where they make the same as you? ”Rich” is relative. To a guy living in the projects or a trailer, you are rich. Shouldn’t we tax you to the point where both of you are living in old mill house? Would be an upgrade for them, but a potential downgrade for you.

Actually,we should tax the rich to where they make closer to what I make, and help the poor person until he makes closer to what I make.

the reality is, if the wealth WERE distributed evenly, everyone would make about 110K a year. (Dividing a GDP of 23 Trillion by 207 million working age Americans)

Of course before you wet yourself and scream Communism, I'm not advocating anything NEAR that.

But no one should have six fucking mansions, and no one should go to bed hungry at night.
The reality is, you place too much emphasis on the competence of owners. Most companies work well because the wage slaves do a good job.

Yeah, what do owners and managers know about anything. Lets just have the government appoint people into positions that fit their cute little narrative. That would work about as well as it is now in the Biden Administration. It is full of incompetency, or at the very least, less competency than possible, because they push this DEI/affirmative action/diversity agenda above all.

Actually,we should tax the rich to where they make closer to what I make, and help the poor person until he makes closer to what I make.

LOL…Yeah, you don’t need to be here. This is not at all the American way, nor would it work for a myriad of reasons. One reason is that higher wage earners are often less complacent and harder working than others. This is a generalization, but despite what you think, most don’t just walk into a higher paying job. They work harder than their peers. They are just plain better than their peers. They go to school to learn more than their peers. If we all make the same, where is the incentive to do any of that? Heck, where is the incentive to work at all? I would much prefer to either play around all day or scoop ice cream at the local soda shop than to do my job, which can be stressful and requires mental exertion and continuing education.

Who would go to medical school to make the same as a garbage collector? You haven’t thought this through, which is quite typical for those on the left side of the aisle.

Just curious, if we all made the 110k, and no more, that you think we should make, people in my area of the country would still have quite bit better standard of living. 110k/yr is Chicago is like 60-70k in my area, which is not exactly living the good life.

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