Those posts didn't have any relevant data in them. Efficiency data and an article devoid of any data do not constitute proof one is more environmentally friendly. But you can cosplay otherwise if it makes you feel better.

You’re so triggered.

The links supply data you can’t refute so you fall to the floor and stomp your feet.

Where and in what desert are you going to dump toxic waste?
You’re so triggered.

The links supply data you can’t refute so you fall to the floor and stomp your feet.

Where and in what desert are you going to dump toxic waste?
What data? You keep alluding to it being in these posts of yours, what are the numbers and comparisons? Did you post them in invisible ink? 😄
No, I don't, but you are too stupid to understand the fucking point.
There are more unqualified people hired through white privilege than there are through DEI programs.

Or they've learned how to incorporate best practices into HR. Company I currently work for has a robust DEI program, but we don't have a specific DEI officer. That's probably the same with most companies.

Works on the racist assumption that a person of color only got the job because of DEI.

Again, I have worked with enough "idiot nephews" to realize that the hiring process is anything but merit-based.

The problem here is that the whole system of hiring is broken, with or without DEI.

We start with the selection process. We go through a bunch of resumes, but the good ones were written by someone else. They are sorted by machines called ATS software before a human even sees them. And yes, there was a study that showed that resumes with ethnic names are less likely to get callbacks than ones with "white" names.

Then you based the hiring decision on all of two interviews, often done by committee. Would you marry someone after two dates? Of course not. But we make job selections on the basis of two interviews.

All DEI requires that you consider race, gender, disability, etc. in hiring. That's probably just as valid a factor as "who hired the best resume writer" or "How good a game they talked in the one interview we did."

You're kidding, right? No, wait, you probably aren't.
My parents lived thought the great depression and instilled in me: YOU WORK or YOU STARVE. Everything liberals say is just bullshit pandering to minority groups that are hapless idiotic jacked up messes, Every single city liberal democrat's run are in ruins because of that. Name ONE well run Democrat liberal city that isn't fucked up royally?
DEI is an ANTI liberal policy where people are judged by the color of their skin (or other traits) and NOT the quality of their character.

The tribalism it engenders is extremely primitive and only primitives support it

No, it just recognizes that left to their own devices, white people who make most of the hiring decisions will hire other white people. DEI just require them to show that they seriously considered diverse candidates and worked to create an inclusive work environment.

No doubt horrifying to Republicans whose only schtick is to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears.
My parents lived thought the great depression and instilled in me: YOU WORK or YOU STARVE. Everything liberals say is just bullshit pandering to minority groups that are hapless idiotic jacked up messes, Every single city liberal democrat's run are in ruins because of that. Name ONE well run Democrat liberal city that isn't fucked up royally?

Um, honey, the only reason why white people made it through the Great Depression is because FDR established a bunch of social programs (Social Security, CCC, NRA, the New Deal) to keep them from starving, and then established a middle class by encouraging unionization. Sadly, FDR didn't push for that to extend to black folks because he was trying to keep the Southern Democratic wing of his party happy. (By the 1930's, the GOP had become so discredited that they were a non-factor.) That was left up to JFK and FDR.

The reason why our WHOLE COUNTRY (not just the cities) are in ruins is because since Ronald Reagan, the GOP has been making war on unions, on social programs, and on the concept of wealth equality. And they've done it by playing on the racial fears of dumb white people, who scratch their head wondering why their good factory job went to Asia, but they will be horrified if a black family moves in down the street.
No, it just recognizes that left to their own devices, white people who make most of the hiring decisions will hire other white people. DEI just require them to show that they seriously considered diverse candidates and worked to create an inclusive work environment.

No doubt horrifying to Republicans whose only schtick is to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears.
No doubt horrifying to Republicans whose only schtick is to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears.
/----/ Voting FOR democRATs who spend us into oblivion, raise taxes left and right, causing high inflation on food, clothing, gas and everything else would be voting against our own economic interests. Fortunately, we vote Republican.
No, it just recognizes that left to their own devices, white people who make most of the hiring decisions will hire other white people. DEI just require them to show that they seriously considered diverse candidates and worked to create an inclusive work environment.

No doubt horrifying to Republicans whose only schtick is to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears.
i think your first point highlights the mindset of white dems and thank you for being honest about your own bigoted feelings

that however is not true for everyone not in the demklan
Voting FOR democRATs who spend us into oblivion, raise taxes left and right, causing high inflation on food, clothing, gas and everything else would be voting against our own economic interests. Fortunately, we vote Republican.

No, buddy, what causes inflation is not making the rich pay their fair share in taxes. Most of what we spend... we need to be spending. Social Security, Medicare and Defense make up most of the budget, and those aren't going anywhere.

i think your first point highlights the mindset of white dems and thank you for being honest about your own bigoted feelings

that however is not true for everyone not in the demklan

Well, if you had a job, you'd realize that most of the people in HR are white, most of the managers are white.

I have been in the civilian working world for 31 years since I left the Army in 1992. EVERY LAST PERSON WHO EVER MADE THE DECISION TO HIRE ME HAS BEEN A WHITE PERSON. And only in two cases were they female.
No, I don't, but you are too stupid to understand the fucking point.
There are more unqualified people hired through white privilege than there are through DEI programs.

Is that something you were indoctrinated with at your DEI training program?

I think it’s pretty clear that the DEI hustlers have learned that there is money to be made in taking gender, race and sexual orientation and pitting those various group entities against a common enemy; as you call it, “white privilege”. It’s the rabid leftist practice of assigning people as a part of some “group” first and as individuals second. Otherwise known as “identity politics”, it leads to the disaster that is the Biden administration and his literal clown show of DEI hires and appointments.
It means that gays, trans and people that aint white and christain should have just as much right to live our lives and to get medical care as you do. Either accept this reality or be looked at as a similar creature as we fought for 20 years in the middle east.

Tell us, PRECISELY, when and how you personally were denied your "rights".

And then go back to ESL and ask your teacher how to spell "Christian" and "ain't".

Watch this, folks. :scared1:

It does it every time.

No, buddy, what causes inflation is not making the rich pay their fair share in taxes. Most of what we spend... we need to be spending. Social Security, Medicare and Defense make up most of the budget, and those aren't going anywhere.

Well, if you had a job, you'd realize that most of the people in HR are white, most of the managers are white.

I have been in the civilian working world for 31 years since I left the Army in 1992. EVERY LAST PERSON WHO EVER MADE THE DECISION TO HIRE ME HAS BEEN A WHITE PERSON. And only in two cases were they female.
/----/ "No, buddy, what causes inflation is not making the rich pay their fair share in taxes. "
Inflation is caused by the Fed raising interest rates with historical speed. Overspending by democRATs that weakened the dollar making it worth less. As has been posted 1,000 times, or nearabouts, and you already know this but have to regurgitate the democRAT class envy talking point.

Which Taxpayers Pay the Most Taxes?​

People with an AGI of $546,434 pay the most in federal income taxes. President Trump limited SALT deductions to $10 k a year, Who screamed the loudest? Blue state democRATs. But you already knew that too.

No, buddy, what causes inflation is not making the rich pay their fair share in taxes. Most of what we spend... we need to be spending. Social Security, Medicare and Defense make up most of the budget, and those aren't going anywhere.

Well, if you had a job, you'd realize that most of the people in HR are white, most of the managers are white.

I have been in the civilian working world for 31 years since I left the Army in 1992. EVERY LAST PERSON WHO EVER MADE THE DECISION TO HIRE ME HAS BEEN A WHITE PERSON. And only in two cases were they female.
Wow. Another cavalcade of pointless leftist slogans.

In 2020, the latest year with available data, the top 1 percent of income earners earned 22 percent of all income and paid 42 percent of all federal income taxes – more than the bottom 90 percent combined (37 percent).


If you had managed to pass your 7th grade economics course, you would have learned that, at a very basic level, inflation is caused by the falling value of currency vs. competition for goods and services.
Wow. Another cavalcade of pointless leftist slogans.

In 2020, the latest year with available data, the top 1 percent of income earners earned 22 percent of all income and paid 42 percent of all federal income taxes – more than the bottom 90 percent combined (37 percent).

View attachment 776837

If you had managed to pass your 7th grade economics course, you would have learned that, at a very basic level, inflation is caused by the falling value of currency vs. competition for goods and services.
/---/ Leftists like JoeB131 are very good at counting other people's money.
Is that something you were indoctrinated with at your DEI training program?
No, something I've observed in 31 years of working in the civilian world.

Unlike the military, which actually is a meritocracy, the civilian world is mostly an old-boy system perpetuating itself.

I think it’s pretty clear that the DEI hustlers have learned that there is money to be made in taking gender, race and sexual orientation and pitting those various group entities against a common enemy; as you call it, “white privilege”. It’s the rabid leftist practice of assigning people as a part of some “group” first and as individuals second. Otherwise known as “identity politics”, it leads to the disaster that is the Biden administration and his literal clown show of DEI hires and appointments.

We've been over this. you can't promote idiots like QUayle and Palin and then complain that diversity hires by Biden are wrong.

Wow. Another cavalcade of pointless leftist slogans.

In 2020, the latest year with available data, the top 1 percent of income earners earned 22 percent of all income and paid 42 percent of all federal income taxes – more than the bottom 90 percent combined (37 percent).
Income taxes aren't the only taxes paid. Social Security and Medicare Taxes more seriously impact the working class because they are capped. Sales taxes more seriously effect the working class. etc. The rich aren't paying their fair share.

Of course, left up to me, their "fair share" would be to take everything they have and harvest them for transplant organs.
/---/ Leftists like JoeB131 are very good at counting other people's money.
No, I just realize the country works better when the rich pay their fair share.

Inflation is caused by the Fed raising interest rates with historical speed. Overspending by democRATs that weakened the dollar making it worth less. As has been posted 1,000 times, or nearabouts, and you already know this but have to regurgitate the democRAT class envy talking point.

You have that in reverse. Inflation came before the rise in interest rates, and the rise in interest rates are meant to curb inflation by reducing spending. Particularly on big-ticket items like houses and cars.

People with an AGI of $546,434 pay the most in federal income taxes. President Trump limited SALT deductions to $10 k a year, Who screamed the loudest? Blue state democRATs. But you already knew that too.

As they should have. Property taxes were built around the assumption that you could deduct them from your income tax.

Of course, Trump's tax cuts to millionaires and Billionaires ballooned the debt by 8 trillion in four years.
No, something I've observed in 31 years of working in the civilian world.

Unlike the military, which actually is a meritocracy, the civilian world is mostly an old-boy system perpetuating itself.

We've been over this. you can't promote idiots like QUayle and Palin and then complain that diversity hires by Biden are wrong.

Income taxes aren't the only taxes paid. Social Security and Medicare Taxes more seriously impact the working class because they are capped. Sales taxes more seriously effect the working class. etc. The rich aren't paying their fair share.

Of course, left up to me, their "fair share" would be to take everything they have and harvest them for transplant organs.

Your claimed “31 years of working in the civilian world”, is not something I necessarily accept, as your frequent , “… because I say so”, claims have a far left bias.

We have been over this. Actually, I’m not burdened by your “but… but… but… but what about…” cheap moralizing and attempts at deflection. I’m not clear that Dan Quayle has run for office recently or been hired to fill a phony diversity check box.

Spartanburg, South CarolinaCNN —
Former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that when picking a running mate, he would prefer someone who was “of color and/or a different gender.”

So, yes, your phony claim that “…what causes inflation is not making the rich pay their fair share in taxes.” is a total fraud.

What you don’t understand is that the leftist spending orgy and willingness to have the fed print money is what causes inflation.

The 2021 American Rescue Plan Act added about $1.9 trillion to the economy, and economists across the political spectrum say that it spurred inflation. They differ on the precise scale of its impact, with estimates ranging from two to four additional points out of the current inflation rate of about 8.5%
No, I just realize the country works better when the rich pay their fair share.

You have that in reverse. Inflation came before the rise in interest rates, and the rise in interest rates are meant to curb inflation by reducing spending. Particularly on big-ticket items like houses and cars.

As they should have. Property taxes were built around the assumption that you could deduct them from your income tax.

Of course, Trump's tax cuts to millionaires and Billionaires ballooned the debt by 8 trillion in four years.

The entirety of leftist excuses for their failures and ineptitude wrapped up in one word….

Wait for it…

I Blame Trump™

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