
We all believe in principle that all Americans should be treated equally.

But when one sees what happened Saturday night in Chicago and when you see what has happened to Jackson, Mississippi, since its population became 80% ethnicity X, it does make one refuse to criticize the system of separation that once existed in the South.
Yeah, what do owners and managers know about anything. Lets just have the government appoint people into positions that fit their cute little narrative. That would work about as well as it is now in the Biden Administration. It is full of incompetency, or at the very least, less competency than possible, because they push this DEI/affirmative action/diversity agenda above all.
Uh, sorry, I never heard anyone in the Biden administration telling people to inject bleach and use horse dewormer to treat Covid.

LOL…Yeah, you don’t need to be here. This is not at all the American way, nor would it work for a myriad of reasons. One reason is that higher wage earners are often less complacent and harder working than others. This is a generalization, but despite what you think, most don’t just walk into a higher paying job. They work harder than their peers. They are just plain better than their peers.

Not really. I see some people pulling down big wages, and I wonder why they have jobs at all. I see some of these CEO's who get 8 figure salaries and run their companies into the ground.

Who would go to medical school to make the same as a garbage collector? You haven’t thought this through, which is quite typical for those on the left side of the aisle.

Actually, funny thing. A guy I grew up with in CHicago makes $80K a year. He's piss ignorant, spouts whatever garbage he's heard on Hate Radio that day like he's had an original thought... Doesn't seem to get the only reason why he gets good salary is because a Union fought for it and a Democrat agreed with him.

Just curious, if we all made the 110k, and no more, that you think we should make, people in my area of the country would still have quite bit better standard of living. 110k/yr is Chicago is like 60-70k in my area, which is not exactly living the good life.
I'm sure you can buy two double wides for that.
Uh, sorry, I never heard anyone in the Biden administration telling people to inject bleach and use horse dewormer to treat Covid.

Not really. I see some people pulling down big wages, and I wonder why they have jobs at all. I see some of these CEO's who get 8 figure salaries and run their companies into the ground.

Actually, funny thing. A guy I grew up with in CHicago makes $80K a year. He's piss ignorant, spouts whatever garbage he's heard on Hate Radio that day like he's had an original thought... Doesn't seem to get the only reason why he gets good salary is because a Union fought for it and a Democrat agreed with him.

I'm sure you can buy two double wides for that.
/——-/ “Oh, sorry, I never heard anyone in the Biden administration telling people to inject bleach and use horse dewormer to treat Covid.”
And no one heard anyone in the Trump administration say that bullshyt either.
China counts stuff that the US doesn't count, like all the EVs that TESLA builds

So they are doing the things we should be doing, and counting them?

And no one heard anyone in the Trump administration say that bullshyt either.
Ever listen to Kamala have a virtual orgasm over yellow school buses or space?

What I remember is her having a conversation with Biden about his opposition to busing in the 1970's. I think that could have led a much more interesting discussion about how attempts at integrating the schools have failed, but we didn't get that.

Frankly, the 2020 Democratic debates were kind of disappointing in general.
We have all the stuff he has said on Camera, but you guys always have an excuse.. hence the meme.

Yes, we do have it on camera and yet you STILL believe it. Just shows your level of delusion. Provide video/audio that shows Trump saying that white supremicists are good people, no a cherry picked comment taken totally out of context where he said there were good people on both sides. If you actually llistened to the entire comment and what he had said just before that you would know that he had clearly defined what “both sides were. People who were offended by the statue in Charlottesville and people who felt it was part of Southern/family history that needed to be preserved. He further delineated between the later and white supremicist explicitly. Just becuase you and your ilk have mental disorder of sorts that shields you from reality, particularly with regards to all things Trump(TDS), doesn’t mean that us sane folks should have to acquiesce to your delusions.

Q Do you think that what you call the alt-left is the same as neo-Nazis?

THE PRESIDENT: Those people — all of those people –excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee.

Q Should that statue be taken down?

THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me. If you take a look at some of the groups, and you see — and you’d know it if you were honest reporters, which in many cases you’re not — but many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.

So this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?

But they were there to protest — excuse me, if you take a look, the night before they were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.
es, we do have it on camera and yet you STILL believe it. Just shows your level of delusion. Provide video/audio that shows Trump saying that white supremicists are good people, no a cherry picked comment taken totally out of context where he said there were good people on both sides. I

But there weren't.

There were decent people who wanted to take down the statue of a racist monster.

And there were Nazis and Klansmen who supported keeping it there, none of whom lived in that community, who organized a protest.

And Trump called them "good people". That's fucked up, yo!
But there weren't.

There were decent people who wanted to take down the statue of a racist monster.

And there were Nazis and Klansmen who supported keeping it there, none of whom lived in that community, who organized a protest.

And Trump called them "good people". That's fucked up, yo!
/——-/ Like Joe called KKK Byrd good people?
You mean like that?

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