Naw, I think that racists should be curb-stomped. I have no interest in trying to convince you to be a decent human being.
We just out your sort and subject you to life-ruins.
You've never curb-stomped anything or even been in a successful fight. STFU.
Naw, I think that racists should be curb-stomped. I have no interest in trying to convince you to be a decent human being.
We just out your sort and subject you to life-ruins.
Internet tough guys are such buffoons. Who is this “we” that will, “out your sort and subject you to life-ruins.”

Do you manage a syndicate of internet tough guys from your basement?
Have Hector tell share his "race realism" with his HR department (assuming he has a job that doesn't involve sitting around a trailer park.)
Do tell us more about who you've "curb-stomped" and why.

I did give 1 guy a curb stomp once, just to make sure he wasn't gonna get me.

Then I got the fuck outta Dodge. That guy deserved it because he was a grown man bullying a 15 year old for no reason.

Maybe saw him 1 time after that, and he didn't come at me or recognize me or anything.

Something tells me he was blind drunk that day.
Yes those traitor who opposed a monstrous, unjust war and fought for racial and gender equality. What a bunch of evil bastards.

Anti-American‘s in a drug induced stupor, spitting on my family members who served. No wonder you and your ilk continue to defend them. Losers…all of you.
Have Hector tell share his "race realism" with his HR department (assuming he has a job that doesn't involve sitting around a trailer park.)
Tell us about the cabal of curb stompers that "we" life ruin.

It's actually comical to see the most racist people on the planet; leftists, as they promote their party doctrine of "equity".
hippies spitting on service members is a myth.

It never happened.

if you are going to get on here and lie, you got to better than that.

"When we came home, some of us were spit at. You couldn't even get back into the workforce," Joe Rosato, author and Navy Veteran told Hegseth. "Corporate America wouldn't hire us. They had an impression that we were baby killers and drug addicts."
"When we came home, some of us were spit at. You couldn't even get back into the workforce," Joe Rosato, author and Navy Veteran told Hegseth. "Corporate America wouldn't hire us. They had an impression that we were baby killers and drug addicts."

Okay, where are the contemporary accounts of spitting incidents.

SUch as "Hippy spits on Returning Soldier"


"Hippy in traction in Hospital after spitting on Marine."

There aren't any.


The incidents never happened.
Okay, where are the contemporary accounts of spitting incidents.

SUch as "Hippy spits on Returning Soldier"


"Hippy in traction in Hospital after spitting on Marine."

There aren't any.


The incidents never happened.
They weren't there because the media was part of the crowd doing the spitting, numskull
hippies spitting on service members is a myth.

It never happened.

if you are going to get on here and lie, you got to better than that.

You choose to believe whatever you would like. Vietnam vets were treated horribly by these smelly, anti-American fools. Sorry if I have offended your parents. Their offspring and their offspring's offspring have carried the torch and continue to act similarly.

OPINION EXCHANGE | Disrespect for Vietnam vets is fact, not fiction
They weren't there because it never happened. More often than not, the returning soldiers were the ones doing the protesting. They knew the Vietnam War was utter bullshit.
So we should believe you because you say so?
You choose to believe whatever you would like. Vietnam vets were treated horribly by these smelly, anti-American fools. Sorry if I have offended your parents. Their offspring and their offspring's offspring have carried the torch and continue to act similarly.

Nope, you've been lied to. Stories of "Vets being spat upon" is exactly that. Stories.

They didn't start showing up until the 1980's, when Conservatives started inventing various versions of a "Stabbed in the Back" myth to explain Nixon's surrender in Vietnam.

Vietnam Vets were treated horribly, BY THE GOVERNMENT, and THE BIG CORPORATIONS THAT PROFITED from the war.

I should point out that my parents were pretty conservative (mostly) Catholics and up until about 2008 or so, I voted Republican.

But almost no one argues today that the Vietnam War was a good idea. Because it wasn't. It was sold on lies, and perpetuated because neither side wanted to be the one holding the bag when it did go south.

So instead, they shifted to "The Vets were done dirty" by the hippies (When often they were of the same age group and often the same people.)
Nope, you've been lied to. Stories of "Vets being spat upon" is exactly that. Stories.

They didn't start showing up until the 1980's, when Conservatives started inventing various versions of a "Stabbed in the Back" myth to explain Nixon's surrender in Vietnam.

Vietnam Vets were treated horribly, BY THE GOVERNMENT, and THE BIG CORPORATIONS THAT PROFITED from the war.

I should point out that my parents were pretty conservative (mostly) Catholics and up until about 2008 or so, I voted Republican.

But almost no one argues today that the Vietnam War was a good idea. Because it wasn't. It was sold on lies, and perpetuated because neither side wanted to be the one holding the bag when it did go south.

So instead, they shifted to "The Vets were done dirty" by the hippies (When often they were of the same age group and often the same people.)
Nope. Your lies are pretty pathetic.

Yup, they all "Remember" it 30 years later that way.

So, um, where are the contemporary accounts of this happening.


Because it was a myth made up years later.
It's curious that you know with certainty what others experienced.

So, um, we're to accept your "... because I say so", nonsense for no other reason than you insist, "... because I say so''.

Because you perpetutate myths. You insist that 100% certainty while possessing 0% facts is a supportable argument.
It's curious that you know with certainty what others experienced.

So, um, we're to accept your "... because I say so", nonsense for no other reason than you insist, "... because I say so''.

Because you perpetutate myths. You insist that 100% certainty while possessing 0% facts is a supportable argument.

Um, no, I can say that because there is no contemporary documentation of these incidents.

No police reports of hippies spitting on service members.
No newspaper articles in real time.

The stories don't start showing up until the 1980's, really, including movies like "First Blood".

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