Yeah, there were links. Learn to read.
No, there weren't.

If there were, you could post them here.

Instead, there was how he summarized stories he supposedly saw.

In fact, the ONLY link in the article was to the article in the that he was responding to. Which is behind a Paywall.

You see, this is what a link looks like.

Whoppers like these go unchallenged by reporters and scholars perhaps because of their memoirist first-person quality, stories told by the men who say it happened to them...

But you don’t believe the stories, right? she asked. Acknowledging that I could not prove the negative — that they were not true — I went on to say there is no corroboration or documentary evidence, such as newspaper reports from the time, that they are true. Many of the stories have implausible details, like returning soldiers deplaning at San Francisco Airport, where they were met by groups of spitting hippies. In fact, return flights landed at military air bases like Travis, from which protesters would have been barred. Others include claims that military authorities told them on returning flights to change into civilian clothes upon arrival lest they be attacked by protesters. Trash cans at the Los Angeles airport were piled high with abandoned uniforms, according to one eyewitness, a sight that would surely have been documented by news photographers — if it had existed.
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No, there weren't.

If there were, you could post them here.

Instead, there was how he summarized stories he supposedly saw.

In fact, the ONLY link in the article was to the article in the that he was responding to. Which is behind a Paywall.

You see, this is what a link looks like.

Whoppers like these go unchallenged by reporters and scholars perhaps because of their memoirist first-person quality, stories told by the men who say it happened to them...

But you don’t believe the stories, right? she asked. Acknowledging that I could not prove the negative — that they were not true — I went on to say there is no corroboration or documentary evidence, such as newspaper reports from the time, that they are true. Many of the stories have implausible details, like returning soldiers deplaning at San Francisco Airport, where they were met by groups of spitting hippies. In fact, return flights landed at military air bases like Travis, from which protesters would have been barred. Others include claims that military authorities told them on returning flights to change into civilian clothes upon arrival lest they be attacked by protesters. Trash cans at the Los Angeles airport were piled high with abandoned uniforms, according to one eyewitness, a sight that would surely have been documented by news photographers — if it had existed.
I guess you weren't paying attention to the links to various books written on the subject.
They weren't in the article you presented, so, no.

Do you have links to these books.

Hey, you know, there are a shitload of books by people who claim up and down that they were abducted by aliens.

I don't believe those, either.
They were in the article I linked to, so yes.

I'm not surprised you retreated to Lembcke, a goofy activist and socialist.
So now you're saying they didn't live lives and receive medical care prior to now?
Health care costs have been skyrocketing for several decades. What is your proposed solution to this problem?


There were no links.

As far as books repeating the legend, they are exactly that.. fiction.
There were links.

There were links to books relating the experiences of those present at the time.

You were not there. You have offered no facts to refute the experiences of vets and offered nothing but a book written by an activist socialist who presented nothing but opinion.
There were links.
Nope, there weren't. If there were, you could click on them, and post the URL's here... But you can't.
You were not there.

Actually, I was around during that time period. And the bullshit stories about "Spitting on vets" didn't start showing up until the 1980's.

You see, if you had been there, you'd realize what a shock it was to lose in Vietnam. America had never lost a war before(*). And like any lost war, you had a bunch of people pointing at each other looking for someone to blame. Instead of putting the blame where it belonged - on leaders who lied us into a war they knew was unwinnable - the blame shifted to those who very sensibly questioned the whole thing. So that's when you had stuff like the imaginary stories of those mean old hippies spitting on returning vets started being fabricated.

(*- Actually, America had lost wars before. We got our asses royally handed to us in the War of 1812, but the British were kind of cool about it and didn't really stick it to us at the peace table.)
Nope, there weren't. If there were, you could click on them, and post the URL's here... But you can't.

Actually, I was around during that time period. And the bullshit stories about "Spitting on vets" didn't start showing up until the 1980's.

You see, if you had been there, you'd realize what a shock it was to lose in Vietnam. America had never lost a war before(*). And like any lost war, you had a bunch of people pointing at each other looking for someone to blame. Instead of putting the blame where it belonged - on leaders who lied us into a war they knew was unwinnable - the blame shifted to those who very sensibly questioned the whole thing. So that's when you had stuff like the imaginary stories of those mean old hippies spitting on returning vets started being fabricated.

(*- Actually, America had lost wars before. We got our asses royally handed to us in the War of 1812, but the British were kind of cool about it and didn't really stick it to us at the peace table.)
Actually, I have no information about whether you were around at that time period.

However, I do have information that tells me you insist you know events that people have relayed never happened to those people.

Your claiming to know things you couldn't possibly know makes you something of a clown.
I've provided youwith plenty of sources... you just don't want to believe it. Because you love your urban legend.

Stories about spitting on vets have as much credibility as stories of extracting a gerbil from Richard Gere's ass.
You never supplied ''plenty of sources''.

Because you love you fraud and dishonesty.

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