Dim claims about the memo repeated like a broken record

It interests me as well but this is not a serious effort to get to the truth. The committee could have called the judge and the applicants in to testify in closed door sessions to present and explain their rationale for the warrant. This ain't that.
True enough but I'm not looking for a smoking gun. When facts are hard to come by, even anecdotal reports like this can shed a little light on the subject.

They're just shining the light on what they want you to see.
so what? how is that bad?

Because it's not the whole truth.
so, why is it bad? you didn't answer the question. BTW, how do you know it doesn't?

I did answer the question.
The whole truth is the entire rationale for the warrant. Four pages in support of a narrative is not.
the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant
Bullshit. Stop listening to Rush. The dossier was a small PART of the FISA warrant. The paperwork involved in obtaining a FISA warrant is like 60, 70 pages long. The FBI has to go through many internal checks before they even presented it to a judge. Then the process of getting a judge to sign off on it is labor intensive in itself.
The FBI has been going to the same FISA court with a warrant to spy on Carter Page since 2013 every three months.
It got to the point where the FISA judge would simply rubber stamp each extension.
Funny how Carter Page is still wandering around in his Trilby smoking his pipe as happy as Larry.
The FBI hasn't been able to charge Page for a fucking late parking ticket.
The FBI basically slide a bunch of 'dossier bullshit under the Page warrant extension and the judge rubber stamped the illegal spying on US citizens,

It got to the point where the FISA judge would simply rubber stamp each extension.

You have no way to know that.
Has Carter Page been charged with anything?
The FBI has been sniffing his underwear since 2013 and they haven't got a whiff of any wrongdoing including SPYING!!!!!!! for the Russians as Crissy Matthews claims every night.
Whdid Wray refuse to fire McCabe a couple of weeks ago and then read the Nunes memo and fire McCabe the next morning.
You better get ready to watch your bullshit fever dream of IMPEACHMENT break.
The most wonderful thing is millions of Independents are now waking up and seeing the DEM corruption.
The DEMs can kiss 2018/2020 goodbye.
Mueller must be staring at the mirror asking: "What the fuck have I got myself into and how am I going to get out of this without smelling of corrupt DEM pig shit for the rest of my life?"
How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.
dude, Your guys got caught talking with the Russians about private talks not public talks.
all Trump did for over a year is rail about putting Clinton in jail for mishandling classified intel - now the old derelict is doing nothing but mishandling classified intel.
his only consistency is total hypocrisy.


birm `
True enough but I'm not looking for a smoking gun. When facts are hard to come by, even anecdotal reports like this can shed a little light on the subject.

They're just shining the light on what they want you to see.
so what? how is that bad?

Because it's not the whole truth.
so, why is it bad? you didn't answer the question. BTW, how do you know it doesn't?

I did answer the question.
The whole truth is the entire rationale for the warrant. Four pages in support of a narrative is not.
so what? you haven't answered the question. there is nothing that is risking national security. I don't care if all of it is false. I want to see what our legislators are doing. It's called transparency. And if it isn't true what do you care then? are you saying you have say over others? LOL. choke your chicken a little longer fella.
Has Carter Page been charged with anything?
The investigation is still ongoing. And whether or not he is charged now or ever does not invalidate the FISA warrant process or the legality of the warrant itself. A judge signed off on the warrant after he saw sufficient evidence from the FBI. That you think that evidence was obtained immorally or illegally doesn’t mean jack shit
all Trump did for over a year is rail about putting Clinton in jail for mishandling classified intel - now the old derelict is doing nothing but mishandling classified intel.
his only consistency is total hypocrisy.


birm `
LOL, can't make this shit up.

Accept there is this fact:

Trump aide: No plan to pursue charges against Clinton - CNNPolitics

"(CNN)During the presidential campaign, President-elect Donald Trump pledged to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton, would join crowds of his supporters in chants of "lock her up!" and said to her face during a debate that if he were president, "you'd be in jail."

But now that he actually will be president, Trump says he won't recommend prosecution of Clinton, who he told New York Times reporters has "suffered greatly."
What's more, he said the idea of prosecuting Clinton is "just not something I feel very strongly about.""
Has Carter Page been charged with anything?
The investigation is still ongoing. And whether or not he is charged now or ever does not invalidate the FISA warrant process or the legality of the warrant itself. A judge signed off on the warrant after he saw sufficient evidence from the FBI. That you think that evidence was obtained immorally or illegally doesn’t mean jack shit
how the fk do you know what is happening? I love this shit. these dems all post like they are in on mueller's team. holy fk laugh out fking loud. hahahahahahaahahahahahaahhaaha
Has Carter Page been charged with anything?
The investigation is still ongoing. And whether or not he is charged now or ever does not invalidate the FISA warrant process or the legality of the warrant itself. A judge signed off on the warrant after he saw sufficient evidence from the FBI. That you think that evidence was obtained immorally or illegally doesn’t mean jack shit
how the fk do you know what is happening? I love this shit. these dems all post like they are in on mueller's team. holy fk laugh out fking loud. hahahahahahaahahahahahaahhaaha
Ok, champ. Fill me in since you’ve been sitting in on the investigation.

Btw that was rhetorical. I really don’t need to hear about how much you think you know when you don’t know anything
Has Carter Page been charged with anything?
The investigation is still ongoing. And whether or not he is charged now or ever does not invalidate the FISA warrant process or the legality of the warrant itself. A judge signed off on the warrant after he saw sufficient evidence from the FBI. That you think that evidence was obtained immorally or illegally doesn’t mean jack shit
how the fk do you know what is happening? I love this shit. these dems all post like they are in on mueller's team. holy fk laugh out fking loud. hahahahahahaahahahahahaahhaaha
Ok, champ. Fill me in since you’ve been sitting in on he investigation
when did I say anything about mueller having anything? you did. so it's you who thinks he is part of the investigation. I've seen shit. so for me nothing means nothing.
The Democrats, who claim there's nothing incriminating in the memo, say the following.
  1. It's McCarthyism.
  2. Republicans are attacking our law enforcement agencies
  3. They Cherry picked the data.
  4. It reveals sources and methods.
  5. Nunez made material changes to the memo after showing it to Trump
  6. It Endangs our country
These are all lies. If there's nothing to the memo, then why are theses douchebags spending so much energy to attack it?

What will Dims be saying about the memo after it's released? Post your predictions here.
Watch for Nunes to call Schiff's bullshit claim and publicly release the 'before and after memos.
That will shut Schiff up!
It’s a joke that Trump says he’s releasing the memo because the public has the right to know. He does NOTHING unless he thinks it will personally benefit him.
He thinks releasing it will benefit him with the Russian investigation.
If he cared about transparency he wouldn’t constantly sublimate and deep six reports that contradicts his policies.

Labor Department Report Mysteriously Disappears After Contradicting Trump — Vanity Fair

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