Dim claims about the memo repeated like a broken record

This makes Watergate look like jaywalking.
How do you know that, without having seen the memo, without having heard the other side of the story?.
We've been hearing the other side for over a year. What other side hasn't chimed in???
Have they seen the memo? Or do we just take sides without needing to actually see stuff?

I wonder how this kind of tribal, binary behavior is constructive in any way.
IF trump actually does make that memo public, it will make a good TV event. I'd like to read it myself. I don't need pundits and other people's opinions to make up my mind however.


I agree but we really can't decide what it really means regarding the FISA warrant as there is so much more that will still be unknown.
The Democrats in the FBI demanded to make edits in the memo after it was voted on to be released, and when it was granted they turned around and claimed that the Republicans made the edits.

This makes Watergate look like jaywalking.
How do you know that, without having seen the memo, without having heard the other side of the story?.
We've been hearing the other side for over a year. What other side hasn't chimed in???
Have they seen the memo? Or do we just take sides without needing to actually see stuff?

I wonder how this kind of tribal, binary behavior is constructive in any way.
We're dealing with swine here.....and when you wrestle with swine you get pretty damned filthy.
I agree but we really can't decide what it really means regarding the FISA warrant as there is so much more that will still be unknown.
I don't care which way it lands. For years, I've been reading articles and reports on how Obama tacitly allowed the FBI and NSA to break the laws in the surveillance of Americans. That does interest me.
The Crooked Press is protecting the Villains, Obama and Hillary and attacking their Victim, Trump.
The Crazy Left Wing Press is a threat to democracy because the Voters are denied the truth.

The crooked press is an excellent description. Its not just that the crooked press lies and intentionally tells twisted half truths, they collude among each other and with the Dem party doing it much like organized crime.
[/FONT][/SIZE]I agree but we really can't decide what it really means regarding the FISA warrant as there is so much more that will still be unknown.
I don't care which way it lands. For years, I've been reading articles and reports on how Obama tacitly allowed the FBI and NSA to break the laws in the surveillance of Americans. That does interest me.

It interests me as well but this is not a serious effort to get to the truth. The committee could have called the judge and the applicants in to testify in closed door sessions to present and explain their rationale for the warrant. This ain't that.
How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.
Then why are the LIBs in the MSM and in Washington claiming it will be the "end of the world" if the memo is released?
If the memo is such a nothingburger why are they literally going apoplectic?
It's past time to put all this BS aside and get down to putting that energy into the problems this nation faces.

If anyone broke the law they need to face the music but the noise needs to stop.
so why don't the dems want it released? BTW, there is but one answer.
It interests me as well but this is not a serious effort to get to the truth. The committee could have called the judge and the applicants in to testify in closed door sessions to present and explain their rationale for the warrant. This ain't that.
True enough but I'm not looking for a smoking gun. When facts are hard to come by, even anecdotal reports like this can shed a little light on the subject.
It interests me as well but this is not a serious effort to get to the truth. The committee could have called the judge and the applicants in to testify in closed door sessions to present and explain their rationale for the warrant. This ain't that.
True enough but I'm not looking for a smoking gun. When facts are hard to come by, even anecdotal reports like this can shed a little light on the subject.
what it will show is that russia russia was made up and a political party interfering in an election and and an elected president, Coup!!!!! There is no other explanation since they won't say why they don't want it released.
This makes Watergate look like jaywalking.
How do you know that, without having seen the memo, without having heard the other side of the story?.
We've been hearing the other side for over a year. What other side hasn't chimed in???
Have they seen the memo? Or do we just take sides without needing to actually see stuff?

I wonder how this kind of tribal, binary behavior is constructive in any way.
We're dealing with swine here.....and when you wrestle with swine you get pretty damned filthy.
Well, we do agree on that.
How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.


The problem

True...we all know that this week long hype is just to clog up the news and social media.. at this just release the damn memo..but I have a feeling that they are going to keep it going over the weekend.

Nunes career is over in Fresno..he is a con man who can not be trusted..this is the 2nd time he has gone rogue .


It's all noise...if the memo reveals laws were broken then proceed with charges...if not shut up and govern like they were elected to do. If they can't? Resign and let someone willing to govern do it

My baby is growing up, this is the first non-partisan post I have seen .. I think that we are all sick of the drama.
Yeah I bet you like all of this to just go away.
As your "my turn" Hillary says: Who cares at this point" right asshole?
It's NOT going to just go away!
The memo is just the tip of the iceberg.
When this DEM assault on America is over there WILL BE a few dozen DEMs/FBI/DOJ traitors in federal prison where they belong.
Let them enjoy sitting down with members of MS13 to enjoy their daily cat food sandwiches.
It interests me as well but this is not a serious effort to get to the truth. The committee could have called the judge and the applicants in to testify in closed door sessions to present and explain their rationale for the warrant. This ain't that.
True enough but I'm not looking for a smoking gun. When facts are hard to come by, even anecdotal reports like this can shed a little light on the subject.

They're just shining the light on what they want you to see.
the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant
Bullshit. Stop listening to Rush. The dossier was a small PART of the FISA warrant. The paperwork involved in obtaining a FISA warrant is like 60, 70 pages long. The FBI has to go through many internal checks before they even presented it to a judge. Then the process of getting a judge to sign off on it is labor intensive in itself.
The FBI has been going to the same FISA court with a warrant to spy on Carter Page since 2013 every three months.
It got to the point where the FISA judge would simply rubber stamp each extension.
Funny how Carter Page is still wandering around in his Trilby smoking his pipe as happy as Larry.
The FBI hasn't been able to charge Page for a fucking late parking ticket.
The FBI basically slide a bunch of 'dossier bullshit under the Page warrant extension and the judge rubber stamped the illegal spying on US citizens,
the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant
Bullshit. Stop listening to Rush. The dossier was a small PART of the FISA warrant. The paperwork involved in obtaining a FISA warrant is like 60, 70 pages long. The FBI has to go through many internal checks before they even presented it to a judge. Then the process of getting a judge to sign off on it is labor intensive in itself.
The FBI has been going to the same FISA court with a warrant to spy on Carter Page since 2013 every three months.
It got to the point where the FISA judge would simply rubber stamp each extension.
Funny how Carter Page is still wandering around in his Trilby smoking his pipe as happy as Larry.
The FBI hasn't been able to charge Page for a fucking late parking ticket.
The FBI basically slide a bunch of 'dossier bullshit under the Page warrant extension and the judge rubber stamped the illegal spying on US citizens,

It got to the point where the FISA judge would simply rubber stamp each extension.

You have no way to know that.
It interests me as well but this is not a serious effort to get to the truth. The committee could have called the judge and the applicants in to testify in closed door sessions to present and explain their rationale for the warrant. This ain't that.
True enough but I'm not looking for a smoking gun. When facts are hard to come by, even anecdotal reports like this can shed a little light on the subject.

They're just shining the light on what they want you to see.
so what? how is that bad?
It interests me as well but this is not a serious effort to get to the truth. The committee could have called the judge and the applicants in to testify in closed door sessions to present and explain their rationale for the warrant. This ain't that.
True enough but I'm not looking for a smoking gun. When facts are hard to come by, even anecdotal reports like this can shed a little light on the subject.

They're just shining the light on what they want you to see.
so what? how is that bad?

Because it's not the whole truth.
It interests me as well but this is not a serious effort to get to the truth. The committee could have called the judge and the applicants in to testify in closed door sessions to present and explain their rationale for the warrant. This ain't that.
True enough but I'm not looking for a smoking gun. When facts are hard to come by, even anecdotal reports like this can shed a little light on the subject.

They're just shining the light on what they want you to see.
so what? how is that bad?

Because it's not the whole truth.
so, why is it bad? you didn't answer the question. BTW, how do you know it doesn't?

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