Dim claims about the memo repeated like a broken record

How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.


The problem

True...we all know that this week long hype is just to clog up the news and social media.. at this just release the damn memo..but I have a feeling that they are going to keep it going over the weekend.

Nunes career is over in Fresno..he is a con man who can not be trusted..this is the 2nd time he has gone rogue .


It's all noise...if the memo reveals laws were broken then proceed with charges...if not shut up and govern like they were elected to do. If they can't? Resign and let someone willing to govern do it

My baby is growing up, this is the first non-partisan post I have seen .. I think that we are all sick of the drama.
How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.

Ya, right. That's why the stupid libtardos are screaming at the top of their lungs. It's a big nothing burger.

All it has to do is throw shade on the obvious corruption. Democrat rebuttal will just open the investigation up to more investigations until we get to the bottom of it all.

It won't be Trump in handcuffs.
How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.

Ya, right. That's why the stupid libtardos are screaming at the top of their lungs. It's a big nothing burger.

All it has to do is throw shade on the obvious corruption. Democrat rebuttal will just open the investigation up to more investigations until we get to the bottom of it all.

It won't be Trump in handcuffs.

Both should have come out at the same time..we all know why Nunes sent his out first and not have it released is pure bullshit and has nothing to do with the Mueller investigation..

How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.


The problem

True...we all know that this week long hype is just to clog up the news and social media.. at this just release the damn memo..but I have a feeling that they are going to keep it going over the weekend.

Nunes career is over in Fresno..he is a con man who can not be trusted..this is the 2nd time he has gone rogue .


It's all noise...if the memo reveals laws were broken then proceed with charges...if not shut up and govern like they were elected to do. If they can't? Resign and let someone willing to govern do it

My baby is growing up, this is the first non-partisan post I have seen .. I think that we are all sick of the drama.

You haven't been paying attention. I was sick of the mess years ago.

One of our daughters recently did a report on government, corruption, the deep state, etc. She did her research and got a very good grade on it. What I learned was in her research she learned it's a huge mess and she told me she doesn't trust the government. She's 14 years old and has it figured out.
It's past time to put all this BS aside and get down to putting that energy into the problems this nation faces.

If anyone broke the law they need to face the music but the noise needs to stop.
That's just not going to happen.
How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.

Ya, right. That's why the stupid libtardos are screaming at the top of their lungs. It's a big nothing burger.

All it has to do is throw shade on the obvious corruption. Democrat rebuttal will just open the investigation up to more investigations until we get to the bottom of it all.

It won't be Trump in handcuffs.

Both should have come out at the same time..we all know why Nunes sent his out first and not have it released is pure bullshit and has nothing to do with the Mueller investigation..


Then the Dims should have started theirs through the vetting process at the same time. They want theirs to come out at the same time, but they don't want it to go through the same process.

Go fuck yourselves.
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Hold anyone accountable for abuses. Then roll up your sleeves, clean up any riff raff and move on. I will say this, the FBI must be the best agency it can be, the best agency in the world, the agency even Canadians admire. I've gone so far as to write the Canadian government and tell them to ask the FBI if they would consider replacing some of the RCMP/CSIS functions, because they are that much better, trustworthy and honorable.

For this reason alone, as much as it has been impossible to avoid this whole memo talk, I have been torn by it. Reminding myself, this is only a handful of compromised agents that the Obama administration pulled the strings of. I bet many FBI agents feel the same, they want these bad apples gone, they want honest, leaders of integrity. How could one do their job with an oath to their nation and constitution if they didn't have that?

As for the OP, the real politicizing was committed by the Obama administration, this is clearly the case when you go after Trump. I imagine he would have armed them against ANY Republican candidate who won the Primary, and none of them would have been as stubborn and refused to quit as Trump, so yes, this IS a MASSIVE deal.

Bottom line, as many FBI agents have stated when they didn't agree with Comey letting Hillary off the hook, they need to reward the best and brightest and remain non-political. You do not want to become like Canada, and it's scary for me to feel you guys have been so influenced by our nation.

You have the greatest nation on earth, it must remain this way.
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How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.


The problem

True...we all know that this week long hype is just to clog up the news and social media.. at this point just release the damn memo..but I have a feeling that they are going to keep it going over the weekend.

Nunes career is over in Fresno..he is a con man who can not be trusted..this is the 2nd time he has gone rogue .


Total fucking bullshit.
the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant
Bullshit. Stop listening to Rush. The dossier was a small PART of the FISA warrant. The paperwork involved in obtaining a FISA warrant is like 60, 70 pages long. The FBI has to go through many internal checks before they even presented it to a judge. Then the process of getting a judge to sign off on it is labor intensive in itself.
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How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

It's not like Page ever had a FISA warrant on him before this or anything. They made this up out of thin air.
Why have an intelligence committee?

They are there to protect America and Americans.

Adam Schiff apparently disagrees.

If their true intention was to protect America, they would have gone straight to the FISA judge and the applicants and had them testify in closed session. They didn't do that.
They wouldn't even talk to the DOJ or the FBI.

You should have learned from the last Nunes debacle.
If no one is actually prosecuted and goes to prison, then the whole thing was a bullshit political drama show.

I seriously doubt there is anything on Trump or they would have used it right away.

They have stuff on hitlery, why she is not yet under house arrest is inexcusable IMO. Comey says "no lawyer would prosecute" on the evidence they had? There has been more uncovered since then I'm pretty sure there are still lawyers in the DOJ that would indeed run her into court.

That's the headline I'm waiting for.
How many times are we going to have to hear this knee slapping punch line?

The Democrats use phony opposition research in a political campaign to spy on Trump and when they get busted they rail the release of the proof of their corruption is purely a political stunt.

These sycophants are screaming the memo is full of half truths and doesn't reveal the underlying material which will lead to unsubstantiated conclusions.

HELLO, the entire dossier they based their illegal FISA warrant on was nothing but phony garbage paid for by Hillaryous and Comey stated it was a boat load of crap.

Libtarded logic; corrupt use of our national security apparatus for political gain is not political but revealing the corruption is a political stunt.

Just more swamp gas, libtardos.

These GOP have Ricky all hyped up.. he will be so disappointed when the week long drama is just for suckas like him.


The problem

True...we all know that this week long hype is just to clog up the news and social media.. at this point just release the damn memo..but I have a feeling that they are going to keep it going over the weekend.

Nunes career is over in Fresno..he is a con man who can not be trusted..this is the 2nd time he has gone rogue .


The president only had five days to decide after the vote. They can't delay too long.
It will no doubt come out tonight.
IF trump actually does make that memo public, it will make a good TV event. I'd like to read it myself. I don't need pundits and other people's opinions to make up my mind however.


They'll claim the Republicans manipulated it to look like it's saying something it really isn't. But they'll be unable to point to anything specific, only to say it's "classified".
we don't need to claim that, both the Republican justice department and the FBI director hand picked by Trump claimed the memo is not accurate due to intentional omissions of facts....
The only "omissions" were the classified parts. Democrats can't get out of this one. The information is there and it's damning. Nothing that was omitted will change what was NOT omitted, and that is the fact that the FISA warrant was obtained with information they knew to be false, and muddying the water (like they usually do) won't make them any less guilty.

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