dim Pollsters Shocked To Find No Racism In TPers, So They Invent Some


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
A sample of what we're up against, people....

Dem Pollster Shocked to Find No Racism in Tea Partiers, So They Invent Some | Mediaite

via Ace of Spades HQ

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the pollsters discovered that these factions are distinct and not especially friendly towards one another; but the report is not without surprising findings.

So the Democrat-aligned pollster group, Democracy Corps, ventured into deepest darkest flyover territory to interview the strange and mysterious 'conservative voter' on various issues and their thoughts on Obama. Needless to say most described Obama as a 'liar' and a 'manipulator' which is pretty much the majority American view these days.

But the pollsters were shocked to find that not a single conservative said anything racist about Obama. Not.A.Single.Freakin.One.

Indeed, the pollsters even confess that they "expected" to find more racism among Republican voters. "We expected that in this comfortable setting or in their private written notes, some would make a racial reference or racist slur when talking about the African American President," they confess. "None did."

How to explain this odd behavior by obviously racist conservatives? Well it can only be because through a process of natural selection they have evolved into diabolically clever racists who are able to stifle their nasty racist talk momentarily when talking to outsiders.

They know that is deeply non-PC and are conscious about how they are perceived. But focusing on that misses how central is race to the worldview of Republican voters. They have an acute sense that they are white in a country that is becoming increasingly "minority," and their party is getting whooped by a Democratic Party that uses big government programs that benefit mostly minorities, create dependency and a new electoral majority. Barack Obama and Obamacare is a racial flashpoint for many Evangelical and Tea Party voters.

So yeah clearly racist by omission.
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The liberals had to redefine the word "racism" to cover such things as, "If you don't believe in Obama's policies your a racist". True story, it's all over this message board. :eusa_eh:
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The liberals had to redefine the word "racism" to cover such things as, "If you don't believe in Obama's policies your a racist". True story, it's all over this message board. :eusa_eh:

Right, right, right. That's what the pseudo-cons will tell you. Honest injun, it's true.

Someone needs to tell this guy there are no racists on the Right.

"Barack Hussein Obama is an illegal president," Preston said. "He needs to be removed from office. We also want 'Obamacare' shut down. It's against citizen's rights."

"On top of that, we want the laws toughened on immigration," he added. "We're flooded with illegal immigrants and our people can't find jobs."

Spoken like every good Fox News viewer.

Preston previously held a "rally" in September at Antietam National Battlefield near Sharpsburg

A true patriot!

"This is our first time as a meeting," Preston said. "We usually do rallies."

Besides the demonstration at Antietam, Preston organized a rally at Gettysburg Battlefield in Pennsylvania. He said he chose to hold the meeting in Cecil County because of its "conservative mindset."

"There's lots of good farmers and old people who understand if we don't straighten out, we're not going to be a country anymore," he said.

The Imperial Wizard of the Confederate White Knights sowing seeds in fertile "conservative mindset" soil.

The Klan.

You know...a Democrat. ;)

Preston aims to dispel the old image of the KKK, claiming his group is against Neo-Nazism and the National Socialist Movement. His Rosedale-based group is a combination of KKK groups from Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia.

So...a kinder, gentler Klan that parrots Fox News and Tea Party talking points.

Some of you may not know that, due to dwindling numbers, the Klan and the Nazis joined forces some years ago and started calling themselves White Nationalists. Real left wing stuff. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

I love the accomanying photo:


I think we have found FOX NEWS SANTA!
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Just because you can put racism in a socially/rhetorically benign costume that is more passable in the modern era doesn't mean it isn't still racism.
Someone needs to tell this guy there are no racists on the Right.

"Barack Hussein Obama is an illegal president," Preston said. "He needs to be removed from office. We also want 'Obamacare' shut down. It's against citizen's rights."

"On top of that, we want the laws toughened on immigration," he added. "We're flooded with illegal immigrants and our people can't find jobs."

Spoken like every good Fox News viewer.

Preston previously held a "rally" in September at Antietam National Battlefield near Sharpsburg

A true patriot!

"This is our first time as a meeting," Preston said. "We usually do rallies."

Besides the demonstration at Antietam, Preston organized a rally at Gettysburg Battlefield in Pennsylvania. He said he chose to hold the meeting in Cecil County because of its "conservative mindset."

"There's lots of good farmers and old people who understand if we don't straighten out, we're not going to be a country anymore," he said.

The Imperial Wizard of the Confederate White Knights sowing seeds in fertile "conservative mindset" soil.

The Klan.

You know...a Democrat. ;)

Preston aims to dispel the old image of the KKK, claiming his group is against Neo-Nazism and the National Socialist Movement. His Rosedale-based group is a combination of KKK groups from Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia.

So...a kinder, gentler Klan that parrots Fox News and Tea Party talking points.

Some of you may not know that, due to dwindling numbers, the Klan and the Nazis joined forces some years ago and started calling themselves White Nationalists. Real left wing stuff. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

I love the accomanying photo:


I think we have found FOX NEWS SANTA!

Who was the SoS that actually approved the incorporation of the kkk again in 1997 in Tennessee?

“A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.” Bill Clinton

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgIFV7jXBFQ]Biden: Obama is first "CLEAN" African American - YouTube[/ame]
"first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean..." Biden
The liberals had to redefine the word "racism" to cover such things as, "If you don't believe in Obama's policies your a racist". True story, it's all over this message board. :eusa_eh:

Yes all that blathering about Obama being a Keynan is not racism at all.

Why is it, however, none of you folks ever call him Irish?

The liberals had to redefine the word "racism" to cover such things as, "If you don't believe in Obama's policies your a racist". True story, it's all over this message board. :eusa_eh:

Yes all that blathering about Obama being a Keynan is not racism at all.

Why is it, however, none of you folks ever call him Irish?


personally I never have, but what nationality was Obama's father? And what does ones nationality have to do with ones race?
The liberals had to redefine the word "racism" to cover such things as, "If you don't believe in Obama's policies your a racist". True story, it's all over this message board. :eusa_eh:

Yes all that blathering about Obama being a Keynan is not racism at all.

Why is it, however, none of you folks ever call him Irish?


Irish dont matter because white is right. Thats why they focus on race.

They'll mention that its wrong to separate ones self. Then once someone mentions Jewish people having their own entire land they'll go back to the black vs white.

"Uh uh...Jewish is not a race!"

So its only ok to separate oneself if you are white. See how this goes?
The liberals had to redefine the word "racism" to cover such things as, "If you don't believe in Obama's policies your a racist". True story, it's all over this message board. :eusa_eh:

Yes all that blathering about Obama being a Keynan is not racism at all.

Why is it, however, none of you folks ever call him Irish?


Irish dont matter because white is right. Thats why they focus on race.

They'll mention that its wrong to separate ones self. Then once someone mentions Jewish people having their own entire land they'll go back to the black vs white.

"Uh uh...Jewish is not a race!"

So its only ok to separate oneself if you are white. See how this goes?

wow, talk about alot of trash talk.
So despite the fact that pollster found no racism, you guys are still going to insult Edge and claim the Tea Party is racist?

There truly is a disconnect with people and reality
The liberals had to redefine the word "racism" to cover such things as, "If you don't believe in Obama's policies your a racist". True story, it's all over this message board. :eusa_eh:

Yes all that blathering about Obama being a Keynan is not racism at all.

Why is it, however, none of you folks ever call him Irish?


well, for starters, no one ever referred to him as the first Irish President.

Secondly, his Dad was from Kenya...so he is a first generation of am immigrant....not uncommon for one to be associated with the country ones dad is from.

It is, however, uncommon to be directly associated with the native country of a distant relative.

Hope that helps.
So despite the fact that pollster found no racism, you guys are still going to insult Edge and claim the Tea Party is racist?

There truly is a disconnect with people and reality

Sadly, those that are desperate to come up with a response that would give them the high road fall back on "racism" when there is nothing else to say.
The liberals had to redefine the word "racism" to cover such things as, "If you don't believe in Obama's policies your a racist". True story, it's all over this message board. :eusa_eh:

Yes all that blathering about Obama being a Keynan is not racism at all.

Why is it, however, none of you folks ever call him Irish?


well, for starters, no one ever referred to him as the first Irish President.

Secondly, his Dad was from Kenya...so he is a first generation of am immigrant....not uncommon for one to be associated with the country ones dad is from.

It is, however, uncommon to be directly associated with the native country of a distant relative.

Hope that helps.

I would add that he doesn't really publicize his irish ancestory. Yet he wrote a whole book about his Kenyan ancestory.
The liberals had to redefine the word "racism" to cover such things as, "If you don't believe in Obama's policies your a racist". True story, it's all over this message board. :eusa_eh:

Yes all that blathering about Obama being a Keynan is not racism at all.

Why is it, however, none of you folks ever call him Irish?


Irish dont matter because white is right. Thats why they focus on race.

They'll mention that its wrong to separate ones self. Then once someone mentions Jewish people having their own entire land they'll go back to the black vs white.

"Uh uh...Jewish is not a race!"

So its only ok to separate oneself if you are white. See how this goes?

Grow up and maybe we wont make you sit at the kids table next thanksgiving.
The liberals had to redefine the word "racism" to cover such things as, "If you don't believe in Obama's policies your a racist". True story, it's all over this message board. :eusa_eh:

Yes all that blathering about Obama being a Keynan is not racism at all.

Why is it, however, none of you folks ever call him Irish?


Was his dad a buddy of the Irish Prez? Was he a high ranking official in Irish gov't? Does he have relatives living there who claim he's Irish? Did he go to school there?
So despite the fact that pollster found no racism, you guys are still going to insult Edge and claim the Tea Party is racist?

There truly is a disconnect with people and reality

The racist pukes are all over the forum with their threads asking to what degree of blackness different people are, and how black is Santa, and what shade of blackness were the moors...it's insane.

It resembles nothing so much as the grooming of the masses by the Nazis, to encourage hatred of Jews.
A sample of what we're up against, people....

Dem Pollster Shocked to Find No Racism in Tea Partiers, So They Invent Some | Mediaite

via Ace of Spades HQ

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the pollsters discovered that these factions are distinct and not especially friendly towards one another; but the report is not without surprising findings.

So the Democrat-aligned pollster group, Democracy Corps, ventured into deepest darkest flyover territory to interview the strange and mysterious 'conservative voter' on various issues and their thoughts on Obama. Needless to say most described Obama as a 'liar' and a 'manipulator' which is pretty much the majority American view these days.

But the pollsters were shocked to find that not a single conservative said anything racist about Obama. Not.A.Single.Freakin.One.

Indeed, the pollsters even confess that they "expected" to find more racism among Republican voters. "We expected that in this comfortable setting or in their private written notes, some would make a racial reference or racist slur when talking about the African American President," they confess. "None did."

How to explain this odd behavior by obviously racist conservatives? Well it can only be because through a process of natural selection they have evolved into diabolically clever racists who are able to stifle their nasty racist talk momentarily when talking to outsiders.

They know that is deeply non-PC and are conscious about how they are perceived. But focusing on that misses how central is race to the worldview of Republican voters. They have an acute sense that they are white in a country that is becoming increasingly "minority," and their party is getting whooped by a Democratic Party that uses big government programs that benefit mostly minorities, create dependency and a new electoral majority. Barack Obama and Obamacare is a racial flashpoint for many Evangelical and Tea Party voters.

So yeah clearly racist by omission.
Typical progressive "science": Start with your conclusion, look for data to fit. If no data support your pre-determined conclusion, make it up.

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