Dinesh D’Souza, Creator of ‘2000 Mules,’ Must Defend Film’s Election Denial Claims in Court

Conspiracy theorist and former Christian leader Dinesh D’Souza has failed to halt a defamation lawsuit brought against him and others behind the popular election denial film 2000 Mules and defend his widely debunked movie’s supposed evidence in a courtroom.

U.S. District Judge Steven D. Grimberg said last month he will allow the lawsuit against D’Souza and True the Vote to move forward.

The film, which aired on Christian TV networks and was shown in hundreds of churches, argues that human “mules” harvested 400,000 fake ballots to steal the 2020 election from its rightful winner, Donald Trump.

But one of the 2,000 alleged mules says he wasn’t stuffing ballot boxes all over Black areas of Atlanta, but merely depositing votes from his wife and children in a drop box, which is perfectly legal.

D’Souza and others also used video and photos of Allen in promotional appearances on Christian and conservative media outlets, including Tucker Carlson’s former show on Fox News, which earlier this year paid its own whopping defamation fine.

Andrews claims he and his family have suffered threats and many other harms. He sued D’Souza along with Salem Media Group, which helped finance the film, Regnery Publishing, and Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips of the group True the Vote, which promotes election conspiracies, and is facing a separate lawsuit.

Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost for these liars. Let's see if he pays up or like Giuliani, he claims bankruptcy.
Great news. Give him the Rudy treatment. Wipe that lying grifter out
Conspiracy theorist and former Christian leader Dinesh D’Souza has failed to halt a defamation lawsuit brought against him and others behind the popular election denial film 2000 Mules and defend his widely debunked movie’s supposed evidence in a courtroom.

U.S. District Judge Steven D. Grimberg said last month he will allow the lawsuit against D’Souza and True the Vote to move forward.

The film, which aired on Christian TV networks and was shown in hundreds of churches, argues that human “mules” harvested 400,000 fake ballots to steal the 2020 election from its rightful winner, Donald Trump.

But one of the 2,000 alleged mules says he wasn’t stuffing ballot boxes all over Black areas of Atlanta, but merely depositing votes from his wife and children in a drop box, which is perfectly legal.

D’Souza and others also used video and photos of Allen in promotional appearances on Christian and conservative media outlets, including Tucker Carlson’s former show on Fox News, which earlier this year paid its own whopping defamation fine.

Andrews claims he and his family have suffered threats and many other harms. He sued D’Souza along with Salem Media Group, which helped finance the film, Regnery Publishing, and Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips of the group True the Vote, which promotes election conspiracies, and is facing a separate lawsuit.

Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost for these liars. Let's see if he pays up or like Giuliani, he claims bankruptcy.
No, it looks like all the data D'Souza has might see the light of day. Will the MSM even cover a trial that will expose the massive fraud and the means used to come to that decision. Remember the FBI and DOJ get convictions using the same methods as proof of guilt.
No, it looks like all the data D'Souza has might see the light of day. Will the MSM even cover a trial that will expose the massive fraud and the means used to come to that decision. Remember the FBI and DOJ get convictions using the same methods as proof of guilt.
Sure it will. :itsok:

I predict that D'Souza will be on the hook for millions of dollars and of course, instead of paying up, he will file bankruptcy.

The characters may change but the story remains the same.

You pussies can never defend your arguments. The moment someone hits back you lot turn bitch.
Another example of Jerk Chicken attempting to sound off. But all that comes out is a pathetic squawk.

Unlike you and your ilk, we are the ones who posit actual arguments and defend them. You just make empty noises.
Poor retard. Does not even remember what he posted. You do realize I was responding to you, right?

Maybe not. You are a retard, after all.
But you addressed “retard.” Clearly you were just talking to you.

Poor befuddled Minne. :itsok:
Defamation has been the law for a long time.

The Trumpsters just want to be lied to by people like this.

They've became married to their narrative and that's the problem. Letting go of it now would be admitting to themselves they've been made a fool of. It's easier to push forward than to show humility.

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