Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law

Fuggedaboudit, the answer's not in the ultra-right-wing batshit crazy "parrot-speak" manual. Prepare yourself for crickets.

Statist, do you believe that armed "poll monitors" should be stationed for all voting, to ensure that all vote for the party and never consider divination? Should the armed poll monitors be empowered to shoot infidels on the spot, if they attempt to vote against party interests?

Of course you do - GLORIOUS party must prevail. Freedom though unquestioning obedience to the party.
Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law


NEW YORK Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:03pm EST

Jan 23 (Reuters) - Dinesh D'Souza, a conservative commentator and best-selling author, has been indicted by a federal grand jury for arranging excessive campaign contributions to a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

According to an indictment made public on Thursday in federal court in Manhattan, D'Souza around August 2012 reimbursed people who he had directed to contribute $20,000 to the candidate's campaign. The candidate was not named in the indictment.

Attempts to reach D'Souza and a lawyer representing him were unsuccessful.

D'Souza was charged in the indictment with one count of making illegal contributions in the names of others, and one count of causing false statements to be made.

Federal law in 2012 limited primary and general election campaign contributions to $2,500 each, for a total of $5,000, from any individual to any one candidate.

"As we have long said, this Office and the FBI take a zero tolerance approach to corruption of the electoral process," the U.S. Attorney for Manhattan, Preet Bharara, said in a statement released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Bharara is an Obama appointee.

Born in Mumbai, India, D'Souza, 52, is a former policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan, and has been affiliated with conservative organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

He also directed a 2012 film critical of President Barack Obama, "2016: Obama's America," and has written books including "The End of Racism," "Life After Death: The Evidence" and "Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream."

D'Souza campaigned in 2012 on behalf of Wendy Long, a lawyer and Republican who sought to unseat Democratic incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand as New York's junior senator. Long graduated from Dartmouth College in 1982, a year before D'Souza.

Long could not be reached for comment on Thursday.

Gillibrand, herself a 1988 Dartmouth graduate, ended up winning re-election to her first full term, collecting close to 72 percent of the vote.

In late 2012, D'Souza resigned his post as president of King's College, a small Christian college in New York City, after admitting he had become engaged to a woman even though he was legally married, though separated from his wife. He has been an outspoken defender of traditional marriage.

The case is U.S. v. D'Souza, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 14-cr-00034.

(Reporting by Jonathan Stempel; Additional reporting by Emily Flitter; Editing by Eddie Evans, Toni Reinhold)
Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law | Reuters

This nation has invited in this virus residing in the WH.

Here is plain and obvious proof of politically motivated persecution by departments of the Government at the behest of barack Obama.

D'Souza was going to debate Bill Ayers at the end of the month.

I guess Barry feared what Bill might have said.

Like confirming that he and not Barry penned, "Dreams From My Father."

Obama is a scum sucking dog.

A Chicago hood.

A third world inspired Marxist who gives not a shit about anything but him, his benefit and what will make him look good.

Maybe he is saying to the Conservatives, "See what happens when even one of your notable celebrity Conservatives asks too many questions or makes me angry?"

I can't say for the moment whether this will produce more than a wave of outrage on the internet or not.

Think it might be the straw that broke the camel's back IF D'Souza is innocent.

It looks bad.

Highly political.

It is reckless, destructive and indefensible.

IF D'Souza is a victim of unwarranted targeted political persecution.

I've met D'nesh before at his book signing in Atlanta some yrs ago. His seminar was held at a friends church for Roots of Obama's Rage.

His take on the entire thing was anti - colonialism. It did occur to me that he was quite convincing in his presentation but that wasn't the reason for Churchill bust being sent back to England by Obama. Churchill was quite outspoken on his ideas about Islam. None of which would have been conducive to Obama's image as the new President. How could D'nesh have missed that? Perhaps it was his own heritage as his family came from India and there was an anti-colonialism sentiment there. On the matter of his using wisdom ... He didn't.

When you are playing at that level you don't make any moves that would put you in jeopardy. He should not have been making donations to anyone running for office. He should have kept his own personal political life private. He left himself wide open for it. imo. ( of course it is trumped up charges but what does it matter? He'll have to prove it now ) Hindsight is 20/20.
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Fuggedaboudit, the answer's not in the ultra-right-wing batshit crazy "parrot-speak" manual. Prepare yourself for crickets.

Statist, do you believe that armed "poll monitors" should be stationed for all voting, to ensure that all vote for the party and never consider divination? Should the armed poll monitors be empowered to shoot infidels on the spot, if they attempt to vote against party interests?

Of course you do - GLORIOUS party must prevail. Freedom though unquestioning obedience to the party.

They don't need any guards - they need to create a paper trail - a backup for the vote machines SEUI set up and maintain... There should be a paper copy of every electronic vote made. In every State in the Nation.
Fuggedaboudit, the answer's not in the ultra-right-wing batshit crazy "parrot-speak" manual. Prepare yourself for crickets.

Statist, do you believe that armed "poll monitors" should be stationed for all voting, to ensure that all vote for the party and never consider divination? Should the armed poll monitors be empowered to shoot infidels on the spot, if they attempt to vote against party interests?

Of course you do - GLORIOUS party must prevail. Freedom though unquestioning obedience to the party.

One subject at a time, oh deflector.

Did D'Souza break the law, or not?

A simple yes or no will do.
Fuggedaboudit, the answer's not in the ultra-right-wing batshit crazy "parrot-speak" manual. Prepare yourself for crickets.

Statist, do you believe that armed "poll monitors" should be stationed for all voting, to ensure that all vote for the party and never consider divination? Should the armed poll monitors be empowered to shoot infidels on the spot, if they attempt to vote against party interests?

Of course you do - GLORIOUS party must prevail. Freedom though unquestioning obedience to the party.

They don't need any guards - they need to create a paper trail - a backup for the vote machines SEUI set up and maintain... There should be a paper copy of every electronic vote made. In every State in the Nation.

This is, of course, a lie, and I do expect better from an intelligent conservative like yourself.

The Unions do not control the voting machines. The state and county BOEs control the voting machines.

My, oh my how the election loss butthurt runs so deep that many on the Right see conspirations all over the place.

That one was really kind of sad...

The President of Diebold, which made the first voting machines - is a registered Republican. Just to note.

As for paper copies, of course, there should be paper backups of everything.
I've met D'nesh before at his book signing in Atlanta some yrs ago. His seminar was held at a friends church for Roots of Obama's Rage.

His take on the entire thing was anti - colonialism. It did occur to me that he was quite convincing in his presentation but that wasn't the reason for Churchill bust being sent back to England by Obama. Churchill was quite outspoken on his ideas about Islam. None of which would have been conducive to Obama's image as the new President. How could D'nesh have missed that? Perhaps it was his own heritage as his family came from India and there was an anti-colonialism sentiment there. On the matter of his using wisdom ... He didn't.

When you are playing at that level you don't make any moves that would put you in jeopardy. He should not have been making donations to anyone running for office. He should have kept his own personal political life private. He left himself wide open for it. imo. ( of course it is trumped up charges but what does it matter? He'll have to prove it now ) Hindsight is 20/20.
[MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION], you used the phrase "trumped up charges" how do you know that to be the case?
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Statist, do you believe that armed "poll monitors" should be stationed for all voting, to ensure that all vote for the party and never consider divination? Should the armed poll monitors be empowered to shoot infidels on the spot, if they attempt to vote against party interests?

Of course you do - GLORIOUS party must prevail. Freedom though unquestioning obedience to the party.

They don't need any guards - they need to create a paper trail - a backup for the vote machines SEUI set up and maintain... There should be a paper copy of every electronic vote made. In every State in the Nation.

This is, of course, a lie, and I do expect better from an intelligent conservative like yourself.

The Unions do not control the voting machines. The state and county BOEs control the voting machines.

My, oh my how the election loss butthurt runs so deep that many on the Right see conspirations all over the place.

That one was really kind of sad...

The President of Diebold, which made the first voting machines - is a registered Republican. Just to note.

As for paper copies, of course, there should be paper backups of everything.

yeah come on Jerry. At least supply a link
I've met D'nesh before at his book signing in Atlanta some yrs ago. His seminar was held at a friends church for Roots of Obama's Rage.

His take on the entire thing was anti - colonialism. It did occur to me that he was quite convincing in his presentation but that wasn't the reason for Churchill bust being sent back to England by Obama. Churchill was quite outspoken on his ideas about Islam. None of which would have been conducive to Obama's image as the new President. How could D'nesh have missed that? Perhaps it was his own heritage as his family came from India and there was an anti-colonialism sentiment there. On the matter of his using wisdom ... He didn't.

When you are playing at that level you don't make any moves that would put you in jeopardy. He should not have been making donations to anyone running for office. He should have kept his own personal political life private. He left himself wide open for it. imo. ( of course it is trumped up charges but what does it matter? He'll have to prove it now ) Hindsight is 20/20.
[MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION], you used the phrase "trumped up charges" although you afterwards admitted that he does appear guilty. Additionally, you felt it necessary to add that you cannot know definitely about the guilt, yet you seem ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN of the "trumped up charges."

What gives?

I agree. An adult would man-up and admit that they had an agenda as opposed to the facts [MENTION=27995]Uncensored2008[/MENTION]
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It's time for everyone who wants to hold Obama accountable for his failures and crimes to put an 'Impeach Obama' bumper sticker on the back of the cars of every Obama supporter. Let them incur the wrath of their own 'tolerance'.
It's time for everyone who wants to hold Obama accountable for his failures and crimes to put an 'Impeach Obama' bumper sticker on the back of the cars of every Obama supporter. Let them incur the wrath of their own 'tolerance'.

Well sure. But you do know that defacing another person's property is a criminal offense, right?

But hey, if you feel like breaking the law, that's got to be your thing. I've longed given up on certain crazy Righties who think the law means nothing.

Carry on.
This is, of course, a lie, and I do expect better from an intelligent conservative like yourself.

Statist, if a paper trail of voting were maintained, your GLORIOUS party could more efficiently and effectively guide the IRS to investigate and "counsel" enemies of the party.

Maybe Comrade Shock Collar Eric Holder can do this to enemy of party?


The Unions do not control the voting machines. The state and county BOEs control the voting machines.

My, oh my how the election loss butthurt runs so deep that many on the Right see conspirations all over the place.

That one was really kind of sad...


The President of Diebold, which made the first voting machines - is a registered Republican. Just to note.

No doubt blue haired old ladies were hacking voting machines that have no hard drive, no key board, no mouse, and firmware based on ROM, by disassembling them and tapping out binary using the leads from the power supply..


As for paper copies, of course, there should be paper backups of everything.

Otherwise, how can your GLORIOUS party match votes to people, and hold them responsible for acting against party goals? :dunno:
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Oh, lord...

Statist, do you think the Republican party should be outlawed?

First of all, my name is not Statist.

At some point in time, you will maybe be smart enough to realize that.

The USA needs a vibrant two (or more) party system. Your question is silly. And full of butthurt.

And you still didn't answer the question: did D'Souza break the law, or not?

A simple yes or no answer will do, it's something that adults are capable of, without whining, and without deflection.

Are you up to the challenge?

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