Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law

I supposed Christy was targeted too huh?

all you people do is fucking lie
The man pleaded GUILTY.

If you look at all the news and blog reports on this story you see nothing but DEFENSE and even POUTRAGE from the RW Republicans claiming it's Obama's wrong doing. Their spewing nonsense like "selective justice", "selective prosecution", "selective law enforcement", "conspiracy", and other such nonsense.

Everything BUT take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY from the party of "personal responsibility"
Bullshit, they dropped voter intimidation charges against the black panther thugs in Philadelphia AFTER the case had already been won. That's what makes it selective prosecution. You're a hypocrite.
They who?

And WTF does that have to do with the lawbeaker, Dinesh D'Souza, breaking the law?
Wow, such spin. So what of those Tea Party groups? Did they commit grievous crimes to get investigated by the IRS like that? Hey, Ben Carson gets audited for embarrassing the president during that prayer breakfast. What was his crime?

So, where is this proof that either of these men committed a crime?

I disagree with the IRS targeting Tea Party members, but there is nothing linking Obama to that incident. With Ben Carson, there is no proof he was targeted for his views. People get audited for stupid shit all the time. As TheDoctor said, really wanting it to be true doesn't make it true.
Who are you trying to convince, yourselves? Anyone with a brain ain't gonna buy that shit.
Dude...where is your PROOF!?!?

Proof of what, that you can't convince anyone Obama isn't a tyrant?

So you have nothing to prove your accusations. We already knew that, but I figured I would ask.
I don't need to prove a fucking thing to you, boy.
Right, you just need to scream your little RW lungs out and proclaim it truth?

You are NUTS. And that's putting it mildly.
The man pleaded GUILTY.

If you look at all the news and blog reports on this story you see nothing but DEFENSE and even POUTRAGE from the RW Republicans claiming it's Obama's wrong doing. Their spewing nonsense like "selective justice", "selective prosecution", "selective law enforcement", "conspiracy", and other such nonsense.

Everything BUT take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY from the party of "personal responsibility"
Bullshit, they dropped voter intimidation charges against the black panther thugs in Philadelphia AFTER the case had already been won. That's what makes it selective prosecution. You're a hypocrite.
They who?

And WTF does that have to do with the lawbeaker, Dinesh D'Souza, breaking the law?
They who??? Don't play dumb, hack. The Obama Justice Department, who else? And it has everything to do with selective prosecution, hypocrite.
Bullshit, they dropped voter intimidation charges against the black panther thugs in Philadelphia AFTER the case had already been won. That's what makes it selective prosecution. You're a hypocrite.
They who?

And WTF does that have to do with the lawbeaker, Dinesh D'Souza, breaking the law?
They who??? Don't play dumb, hack. The Obama Justice Department, who else? And it has everything to do with selective prosecution, hypocrite.
What LAW did those 2 black guys w/sticks chilling outside an OVERWHELMINGLY DEMOCRATIC district break?

Can you tell me?
They who?

And WTF does that have to do with the lawbeaker, Dinesh D'Souza, breaking the law?
They who??? Don't play dumb, hack. The Obama Justice Department, who else? And it has everything to do with selective prosecution, hypocrite.
What LAW did those 2 black guys w/sticks chilling outside an OVERWHELMINGLY DEMOCRATIC district break?

Can you tell me?

Why exactly were they there....
to encourage voters..

What was the message if not intimidation.
It turns out you were wrong...

Conservative Filmmaker and Scholar Dinesh D?Souza Pleads Guilty | TheBlaze.com

The man pleaded guilty.

So the Justice Department got it right this time.

So are you going to admit you were wrong, and going to condemn Dinesh's actions?

Nice to know that its still possible to get justice . :) From the link:

By admitting guilt, D’Souza has lost his right to vote, hold public office or possess a firearm. He faces up to two years in prison, three years supervised release and up to a $250,000 fine, reported Townhall.com.

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They who??? Don't play dumb, hack. The Obama Justice Department, who else? And it has everything to do with selective prosecution, hypocrite.
What LAW did those 2 black guys w/sticks chilling outside an OVERWHELMINGLY DEMOCRATIC district break?

Can you tell me?

Why exactly were they there....
to encourage voters..

What was the message if not intimidation.
What LAW did they break [MENTION=20981]Rozman[/MENTION]?
What LAW did those 2 black guys w/sticks chilling outside an OVERWHELMINGLY DEMOCRATIC district break?

Can you tell me?

Why exactly were they there....
to encourage voters..

What was the message if not intimidation.
What LAW did they break [MENTION=20981]Rozman[/MENTION]?

Fuggedaboudit, the answer's not in the ultra-right-wing batshit crazy "parrot-speak" manual. Prepare yourself for crickets.
So what we have here is an instance where no law was broken = the 2 black guys dressed in funny black clothes with little sticks...in an ALL DEMOCRATIC precinct


An instance of PROVEN violation of political financing law = Dinesh D'Souza ADMITTING he committed the crime.

Yes, these USMB RW JACKASSES are whining and moaning about some wrong-doing by Obama.

They who?

And WTF does that have to do with the lawbeaker, Dinesh D'Souza, breaking the law?
They who??? Don't play dumb, hack. The Obama Justice Department, who else? And it has everything to do with selective prosecution, hypocrite.
What LAW did those 2 black guys w/sticks chilling outside an OVERWHELMINGLY DEMOCRATIC district break?

Can you tell me?
It's called "voter intimidation". They were harassing and intimidating white voters while hurling racial slurs. You know damn good and well what law they were breaking, you fucking clown.
So what we have here is an instance where no law was broken = the 2 black guys dressed in funny black clothes with little sticks...in an ALL DEMOCRATIC precinct


An instance of PROVEN violation of political financing law = Dinesh D'Souza ADMITTING he committed the crime.

Yes, these USMB RW JACKASSES are whining and moaning about some wrong-doing by Obama.


Well, yeah. It's not like they were True the Vote; harassing and intimidating voters of the opposite party.
They who??? Don't play dumb, hack. The Obama Justice Department, who else? And it has everything to do with selective prosecution, hypocrite.
What LAW did those 2 black guys w/sticks chilling outside an OVERWHELMINGLY DEMOCRATIC district break?

Can you tell me?
It's called "voter intimidation". They were harassing and intimidating white voters while hurling racial slurs. You know damn good and well what law they were breaking, you fucking clown.
Can you produce a charge of such a crime?

Can you even produce a single, solitary claim of ONE witness reporting that crime?
They who??? Don't play dumb, hack. The Obama Justice Department, who else? And it has everything to do with selective prosecution, hypocrite.
What LAW did those 2 black guys w/sticks chilling outside an OVERWHELMINGLY DEMOCRATIC district break?

Can you tell me?
It's called "voter intimidation". They were harassing and intimidating white voters while hurling racial slurs. You know damn good and well what law they were breaking, you fucking clown.

Bush DOJ decided New Black Panthers no major case | Cynthia Tucker
The decision not to file a criminal case occurred before Obama was even in office.

This means that the case was downgraded to a civil case 11 days before Obama was inaugurated, 26 days before Eric Holder became attorney general, and about nine months before Thomas Perez was confirmed as head of the Civil Rights Division.
Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law


NEW YORK Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:03pm EST

Jan 23 (Reuters) - Dinesh D'Souza, a conservative commentator and best-selling author, has been indicted by a federal grand jury for arranging excessive campaign contributions to a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

According to an indictment made public on Thursday in federal court in Manhattan, D'Souza around August 2012 reimbursed people who he had directed to contribute $20,000 to the candidate's campaign. The candidate was not named in the indictment.

Attempts to reach D'Souza and a lawyer representing him were unsuccessful.

D'Souza was charged in the indictment with one count of making illegal contributions in the names of others, and one count of causing false statements to be made.

Federal law in 2012 limited primary and general election campaign contributions to $2,500 each, for a total of $5,000, from any individual to any one candidate.

"As we have long said, this Office and the FBI take a zero tolerance approach to corruption of the electoral process," the U.S. Attorney for Manhattan, Preet Bharara, said in a statement released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Bharara is an Obama appointee.

Born in Mumbai, India, D'Souza, 52, is a former policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan, and has been affiliated with conservative organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

He also directed a 2012 film critical of President Barack Obama, "2016: Obama's America," and has written books including "The End of Racism," "Life After Death: The Evidence" and "Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream."

D'Souza campaigned in 2012 on behalf of Wendy Long, a lawyer and Republican who sought to unseat Democratic incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand as New York's junior senator. Long graduated from Dartmouth College in 1982, a year before D'Souza.

Long could not be reached for comment on Thursday.

Gillibrand, herself a 1988 Dartmouth graduate, ended up winning re-election to her first full term, collecting close to 72 percent of the vote.

In late 2012, D'Souza resigned his post as president of King's College, a small Christian college in New York City, after admitting he had become engaged to a woman even though he was legally married, though separated from his wife. He has been an outspoken defender of traditional marriage.

The case is U.S. v. D'Souza, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 14-cr-00034.

(Reporting by Jonathan Stempel; Additional reporting by Emily Flitter; Editing by Eddie Evans, Toni Reinhold)
Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law | Reuters

This nation has invited in this virus residing in the WH.

Here is plain and obvious proof of politically motivated persecution by departments of the Government at the behest of barack Obama.

D'Souza was going to debate Bill Ayers at the end of the month.

I guess Barry feared what Bill might have said.

Like confirming that he and not Barry penned, "Dreams From My Father."

Obama is a scum sucking dog.

A Chicago hood.

A third world inspired Marxist who gives not a shit about anything but him, his benefit and what will make him look good.

Maybe he is saying to the Conservatives, "See what happens when even one of your notable celebrity Conservatives asks too many questions or makes me angry?"

I can't say for the moment whether this will produce more than a wave of outrage on the internet or not.

Think it might be the straw that broke the camel's back IF D'Souza is innocent.

It looks bad.

Highly political.

It is reckless, destructive and indefensible.

IF D'Souza is a victim of unwarranted targeted political persecution.
It turns out you were wrong...

Conservative Filmmaker and Scholar Dinesh D?Souza Pleads Guilty | TheBlaze.com

The man pleaded guilty.

So the Justice Department got it right this time.

So are you going to admit you were wrong, and going to condemn Dinesh's actions?

Mojo2 said:
I can't say for the moment whether this will produce more than a wave of outrage on the internet or not.

Think it might be the straw that broke the camel's back IF D'Souza is innocent.

It looks bad.

Highly political.

It is reckless, destructive and indefensible.

IF D'Souza is a victim of unwarranted targeted political persecution.

Looks like SOME folks need to learn to read better.

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I can't be wrong when I make my statements provisional.

I made the statements provisional by adding the word "if."

And for those of you who don't actually think as much as they feel...(critical thinking isn't taught anymore???) I even capitalized the word, "IF."

And you still couldn't control your emotions well enough to read what is there and not what you expect to be there.

One of the symptoms of Liberalitis.
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it turns out you were wrong...

conservative filmmaker and scholar dinesh d?souza pleads guilty | theblaze.com

the man pleaded guilty.

So the justice department got it right this time.

So are you going to admit you were wrong, and going to condemn dinesh's actions?

nice to know that its still possible to get justice . :) from the link:

by admitting guilt, d’souza has lost his right to vote, hold public office or possess a firearm. He faces up to two years in prison, three years supervised release and up to a $250,000 fine, reported townhall.com.


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Mojo...you said IF, predicting and expecting it to be true.

Am I wrong on that?

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