Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law

I've met D'nesh before at his book signing in Atlanta some yrs ago. His seminar was held at a friends church for Roots of Obama's Rage.

His take on the entire thing was anti - colonialism. It did occur to me that he was quite convincing in his presentation but that wasn't the reason for Churchill bust being sent back to England by Obama. Churchill was quite outspoken on his ideas about Islam. None of which would have been conducive to Obama's image as the new President. How could D'nesh have missed that? Perhaps it was his own heritage as his family came from India and there was an anti-colonialism sentiment there. On the matter of his using wisdom ... He didn't.

When you are playing at that level you don't make any moves that would put you in jeopardy. He should not have been making donations to anyone running for office. He should have kept his own personal political life private. He left himself wide open for it. imo. ( of course it is trumped up charges but what does it matter? He'll have to prove it now ) Hindsight is 20/20.
[MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION], you used the phrase "trumped up charges" although you afterwards admitted that he does appear guilty. Additionally, you felt it necessary to add that you cannot know definitely about the guilt, yet you seem ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN of the "trumped up charges."

What gives?

I agree. An adult would man-up and admit that they had an agenda as opposed to the facts [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION]
I mixed up two posters so edited that post to reflect that. Jeremiah didn't admit to anything, it was someone else.
First of all, my name is not Statist.

This is a message board. I neither know nor care what your real name is.

YOU chose to be known by STATISTikhengst.

As far as the board goes, your name is Statist - and what a perfect fit, eh?

At some point in time, you will maybe be smart enough to realize that.

The USA needs a vibrant two (or more) party system. Your question is silly. And full of butthurt.

Should the ruling democrats decide the candidates from both of the parties?

And you still didn't answer the question: did D'Souza break the law, or not?

You should huff less spay paint - i directly answered.

A simple yes or no answer will do, it's something that adults are capable of, without whining, and without deflection.

Are you up to the challenge?

Why don't you scroll back and read my reply..... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
First of all, my name is not Statist.

This is a message board. I neither know nor care what your real name is.

YOU chose to be known by STATISTikhengst.

As far as the board goes, your name is Statist - and what a perfect fit, eh?

At some point in time, you will maybe be smart enough to realize that.

The USA needs a vibrant two (or more) party system. Your question is silly. And full of butthurt.

Should the ruling democrats decide the candidates from both of the parties?

And you still didn't answer the question: did D'Souza break the law, or not?

You should huff less spay paint - i directly answered.

A simple yes or no answer will do, it's something that adults are capable of, without whining, and without deflection.

Are you up to the challenge?

Why don't you scroll back and read my reply..... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You forgot the "ik" - Statistik, which is German for "Statistics".

Really not the brightest bulb on the tree, now are you? Poor thing.

You did not give a direct answer. Nice try, no donut.

"Looks like he did" is not a direct yes/no answer. It is evasion. Typical for cowards.
You forgot the "ik" - Statistik, which is German for "Statistics".

I didn't forget anything, Statist. Your name is perfect for you.

Really not the brightest bulb on the tree, now are you? Poor thing.

Black am I, Mr. Pot?

You did not give a direct answer. Nice try, no donut.

Your lack of reading comprehension does not alter reality, Statist.

"Looks like he did" is not a direct yes/no answer. It is evasion. Typical for cowards.


And you called me black... :eek::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
glad he admitted his guilt :thup: Now if only uncensored2008 would do the same concerning his being adamant about that rw hack's innocence :eusa_think:
They don't need any guards - they need to create a paper trail - a backup for the vote machines SEUI set up and maintain... There should be a paper copy of every electronic vote made. In every State in the Nation.

This is, of course, a lie, and I do expect better from an intelligent conservative like yourself.

The Unions do not control the voting machines. The state and county BOEs control the voting machines.

My, oh my how the election loss butthurt runs so deep that many on the Right see conspirations all over the place.

That one was really kind of sad...

The President of Diebold, which made the first voting machines - is a registered Republican. Just to note.

As for paper copies, of course, there should be paper backups of everything.

yeah come on Jerry. At least supply a link

According to Republicans in Ga the SEUI labor union people were the ones who set up the machines for Harry Reid campaign - I'm told they do have the contract for handling the maintaining, set up, adjusting of those voting machines. Yes. Also Karen Handel was the SOS for Ga before she stepped down to run for Governor against Deal. She wanted those machines to have the back up system of a paper trail - I believe that was her stand on it as it was the first it was brought to my attention - during that race - she lost by a 1/2 percent from Deal..

I'm not suggesting at all that any cheating occured for Obama vote. I never looked into any stories about it. After the election I forgot about it. You're barking up the wrong tree here and drawing the wrong conclusion. I thought everyone knew it. Excuse me.
This is, of course, a lie, and I do expect better from an intelligent conservative like yourself.

The Unions do not control the voting machines. The state and county BOEs control the voting machines.

My, oh my how the election loss butthurt runs so deep that many on the Right see conspirations all over the place.

That one was really kind of sad...

The President of Diebold, which made the first voting machines - is a registered Republican. Just to note.

As for paper copies, of course, there should be paper backups of everything.

yeah come on Jerry. At least supply a link

According to Republicans in Ga the SEUI labor union people were the ones who set up the machines for Harry Reid campaign - I'm told they do have the contract for handling the maintaining, set up, adjusting of those voting machines. Yes. Also Karen Handel was the SOS for Ga before she stepped down to run for Governor against Deal. She wanted those machines to have the back up system of a paper trail - I believe that was her stand on it as it was the first it was brought to my attention - during that race - she lost by a 1/2 percent from Deal..

I'm not suggesting at all that any cheating occured for Obama vote. I never looked into any stories about it. After the election I forgot about it. You're barking up the wrong tree here and drawing the wrong conclusion. I thought everyone knew it. Excuse me.

That would be in violation of federal election laws. You are told doesn't mean it is fact.
Do you have PROOF of this?

Go check out the law. It is exquisitely clear as to who is allowed to conduct elections, including the setting up and maintenance of voting machines.

When DEMS flew off the handle and tried to claim that Bush stole the election in 2004 because of the Diebold machines, I called them out for their bullshit.

The same applies to this situation.

Again, with all respect to you, do you have Proof?

Having heard it from someone who knows someone is simply not good enough. People in politics love to lie.
[MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION], you used the phrase "trumped up charges" although you afterwards admitted that he does appear guilty. Additionally, you felt it necessary to add that you cannot know definitely about the guilt, yet you seem ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN of the "trumped up charges."

What gives?

I agree. An adult would man-up and admit that they had an agenda as opposed to the facts [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION]
I mixed up two posters so edited that post to reflect that. Jeremiah didn't admit to anything, it was someone else.

I wrote alot that day. Perhaps I didn't pay attention. I believe the laws are vague enough to conform, twist, employ them into a type of "trumped up charge".. of course I do. It is really difficult for me to believe he hasn't been targeted here. I expect someone at Fox News - maybe Hannity to be targeted in a similar way. Anything to take down the reputation of the one who so viciously went after his. The title of D'nesh's book, Roots of Obamas rage - that was quite a title. As I know Obama & his admin do not like to be criticized - there is clear motive here - along with history from the past that would indicate - yes he could.. yes he can.. yes he did..... concerning D'nesh. If it is a case of targeting then I would expect someone else to be targeted. Maybe a Fox News Anchor. Someone like that. If you see a pattern of usury of the law - new interpretations of the reading - something is amiss.

I believe as I stated that D'nesh had no business giving donations to anyone. He should not have done it. Yes, he is wrong to do it because he has now pulled the GOP rep into it with him. Irregardless of his innocence. Doesn't matter that he is innocent. He has to prove it now.
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I wrote alot that day. Perhaps I didn't pay attention. I believe the laws are vague enough to conform, twist, employ them into a type of "trumped up charge".. of course I do. It is really difficult for me to believe he hasn't been targeted here. I expect someone at Fox News - maybe Hannity to be targeted in a similar way. Anything to take down the reputation of the one who so viciously went after his. The title of D'nesh's book, Roots of Obamas rage - that was quite a title. As I know Obama & his admin do not like to be criticized - there is clear motive here - along with history from the past that would indicate - yes he could.. yes he can.. yes he did..... concerning D'nesh. If it is a case of targeting then I would expect someone else to be targeted. Maybe a Fox News Anchor. Someone like that. If you see a pattern of usury of the law - new interpretations of the reading - something is amiss.

I believe as I stated that D'nesh had no business giving donations to anyone. He should not have done it. Yes, he is wrong to do it because he has now pulled the GOP rep into it with him. Irregardless of his innocence. Doesn't matter that he is innocent. He has to prove it now.
Just to be clear here [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION], are you suggesting that Dinesh may be innocent of the crime?
If there is evidence to prove another democrat did the same thing he did and wasn't charged? Yes, Marc.
If there is evidence to prove another democrat did the same thing he did and wasn't charged? Yes, Marc.

D'Souza has already pleaded guilty. You are aware of this, right?

if he were a Obama supporter, friend, whatever, he would have not been charged with anything most likely. and definitely not gotten any jail time. Selective persecution. D'Souza pled guilty to keep his friends out of it. He's a good man, who loves and appreciates this country unlike your boy Obama
If there is evidence to prove another democrat did the same thing he did and wasn't charged? Yes, Marc.

D'Souza has already pleaded guilty. You are aware of this, right?

if he were a Obama supporter, friend, whatever, he would have not been charged with anything most likely. and definitely not gotten any jail time. Selective persecution. D'Souza pled guilty to keep his friends out of it. He's a good man, who loves and appreciates this country unlike your boy Obama

Do you have facts to back up that accusation? And why does this always have to be so personal to you?

It was not selective persecution. He was under investigation for a good long while, and probably others (of both parties) are right now. Do you know what that is called, Jroc?

It is called the Criminal Justice System.

There was once a time when Righties like you were actually FOR the rule of law. Now, if one of yours fucks up, like D'Souza did, you look for every excuse in the book to make it not what it is, even when the man himself admits criminal guilt. Seriously, it makes you look ridiculous, Jroc.
Well, Stat, when you've got 108 un-indicted co - conspirators whose names were listed at the HLF trials and nothing has moved forward since 2009 because of Eric Holder? It is kind of hard to believe one would focus on such a small fish in the pond. (Like D'nesh)

On the other hand diversions are everything for some folks and so never waste a good crisis - Rahms mantra - could be kicking into play here... in other words - it is diverting our attention away from the serious issues facing America. imo.

* Speaking of selective prosecution I believe Holder takes the cake. Don't you?
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How many people have been found guilty in the past of a violation of U.S. election law? Does anyone know? What was the penalty? Who were they?

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