Dire Warning On Coming Food Shortage

Some have caught fire. Some have been in crap state for so long with no money for R&M that it's best that they do shudder.

And since I got out of commodities I haven't done a complete analysis of the Forex vs commodity prices yet to figure out if reinvestment in food processing is desirable yet.

The numbers for food processing investment have been crap for so long that the facilities all are in crap shape. A lot of it is touchless (done by automation) as well.

Pre-packaged salads have been hanging on by a thread....same as meat processing. The demand in the grocery stores wasn't enough to offset the shutting down and now bankruptcy of the foodservice industry.

So....an industrial electrician fluent in motor controls and pneumatics is going to be just fine. But there aren't many of those running around anymore.

Farmers have been talking and discussing the coming food shortages. California has cut off water to the farms because the drought of the last 20+ years has finally hit rock bottom. Lake Mead is only one indicator. There are plenty of others.

The Southeast and Midwest have been doing OK last I looked. I'm not sure about Brazil because I haven't looked in a while. Last year's crops were crap. (I made out like a bandit on commodities last year)

Yes, grow a garden...you probably need to.
The electrical trade is in dire straits. Not many real electricians anymore. Younger ones dont have enough drive to learn for the most part. Bunch of glorified conduit hands. Cant wire up jack.
Sams is currently dropping their membership fee to $8 for a limited time, so if you hurry you can save alot of bucks, IF you have Sams clubs in your area.

No such luck here, since they closed all the stores here

Dont think two to three weeks is going to cut it.
If things get bad it'll take far longer than that to recover.
Take crops for example,if farmers have a bad crop it'll be next year before they can expect a second try.
Same goes for meat, if ranchers lose all of their animals it's going to take more than a few weeks to build up the herd again.
Our plan is to be able to survive a year and a half which will give those farmers and ranchers time to rebuild and it gives us time to start growing our own food.

Better know how to preserve the extras too
The electrical trade is in dire straits. Not many real electricians anymore. Younger ones dont have enough drive to learn for the most part. Bunch of glorified conduit hands. Cant wire up jack.
Completely agree....when asked how to wire up a single wire, two pole clothes dryer they look at me with the biggest blank look on their mind....

But on a more serious note....
They have serious issues wiring up or troubleshooting a control cabinet. If a boiler kicks out they haven't a clue as to what to look at first, second, or at all. I use a wiggly instead of one of the expensive Fluke multi meters because the other electricians don't know how to use it effectively....

The expensive meters are good for finding dirty power or amps if I can't get materials for a current divider. But again....this Gen of electricians have issues with just bending conduit over 1"
Completely agree....when asked how to wire up a single wire, two pole clothes dryer they look at me with the biggest blank look on their mind....

But on a more serious note....
They have serious issues wiring up or troubleshooting a control cabinet. If a boiler kicks out they haven't a clue as to what to look at first, second, or at all. I use a wiggly instead of one of the expensive Fluke multi meters because the other electricians don't know how to use it effectively....

The expensive meters are good for finding dirty power or amps if I can't get materials for a current divider. But again....this Gen of electricians have issues with just bending conduit over 1"

Same goes for machinist these days.
None of them want to learn how to run a manual which is where you learn how to read your cutting tools.
I couldnt tell you how many times I walked past some noob button pusher running a CNC and told them they're over stressing a tool or drill.
Only to come back a few minutes later and seeing them wondering why their tool is a lump of slag,or the drill snapped because they weren't clearing the hole often enough.
If you dont know how to program a CNC I dont know why anyone would want to work in a machine shop as a button pusher.
Load a part,push the go button....repeat over and over again.
Completely agree....when asked how to wire up a single wire, two pole clothes dryer they look at me with the biggest blank look on their mind....

But on a more serious note....
They have serious issues wiring up or troubleshooting a control cabinet. If a boiler kicks out they haven't a clue as to what to look at first, second, or at all. I use a wiggly instead of one of the expensive Fluke multi meters because the other electricians don't know how to use it effectively....

The expensive meters are good for finding dirty power or amps if I can't get materials for a current divider. But again....this Gen of electricians have issues with just bending conduit over 1"
Im in industrial now. A wiggy on Navy boats will get you lit up. Lol. Delta Delta xfmers. 67 vac a leg. Still gota Simpson meter but it needs a new wheatstone bridge.

We do it all here but im the only tech. QC is kinda knows it but is lazy as hell.
We have the hardest working people on earth by far. In fact too many hard workers to draw from.
I didn't vote in the last election I can honestly say that. Time for Desantis. I will give him 9 months to fix this. He is our best hope. There is no ody else.
I didn't vote in the last election I can honestly say that. Time for Desantis. I will give him 9 months to fix this. He is our best hope. There is no ody else.
20 Million American will starve or die in Civil Unrest in the almost 3 years until DeSantis could get into the WH
By Fall if you can’t live 60 to 90 days on what is in your pantry ,garage Freezer ,Fridge , & Kitchen cabinets your fucked
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I didn't vote in the last election I can honestly say that. Time for Desantis. I will give him 9 months to fix this. He is our best hope. There is no ody else.
Kristi Noem.

Only governor to not shut down in the United States. She has my vote if she runs.
Yeah it's more than a bit boring but damn, I believe her.

That said it will go right over the head of anyone that does not have a basic understanding of how "food" works.

The big take-away is the shortages/high prices you see now are from last year's production.

Don't say we didn't warn em


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