Disappointed In Obama, Black Panthers Openly Consider 'The Bullet'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Boy, more & more of the Dear Leader's good friends are turning on him everyday. Look for Eric Holder to finally take some action against them.

The small but vocal New Black Panther Party is woefully disappointed in President Barack Obama, and is openly implying that the best way to reach its goals is no longer through “the ballot” but through “the bullet.”

In the Spring edition of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) newspaper — cover reading “The Ballot or The Bullet: which way for black people?” — NBPP Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz breaks down the presidential election, concluding the Democratic Party is the “institutional pimp of Black peoples and the Black Nation” and that Obama has “been a real disappointment.”

“Black peoples are the whores and prostitutes of the Democratic Party, and mistreated mistress that is courted in the late of night, but left hanging when it is time for real change in the light of the post election day,” Shabazz wrote, following a dissertation on the need to “Vote for Revolution.”

Shabazz detailed his past hopes for Obama as the first African-American president, noting that Obama has not lived up to them — specifically by continuing the policies of the Bush administration in the so-called war on terror and ignoring the economic plight of black Americans.

“The black community is at large no better off that (sic) before he was in office. We are curious as to what his agenda is for Black people in America and if he even has one,” Shabazz added.

The lead editorial in the 36-page publication is written by the paper’s editor, Chawn Kweli, entitled “4 years and a Bucket of Hope: The Change That Never Came,” which describes the group’s excitement, and subsequent disappointment, after Obama was elected.

“Mr. Obama’s policies have not corrected the economic troubles of America, they have gotten worse,” Kweli wrote. “The debt continues to expand [into the trillions], and the administration’s handling of international relations has hardened dialogue with foreign nations. Mr. Obama’s policies have been especially harsh to us the Black community. He [Obama] bailed out Wall Street and the auto makers but kept us at the top of the unemployment ladder.”

Seasonally adjusted black unemployment in America currently stands at 13.0 percent, compared to the entire country’s 8.1 percent.

“With strategy, Obama will sing a little Al Green, do a little dance, and win black votes. Sadly like obedient sheep’s (sic), we go to the polls and vote for ‘Black skin,’ no matter how destructive the policies,” Kweli added...

Read more: Disappointed in Obama, New Black Panthers openly consider 'the bullet' | The Daily Caller
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How do we know this group is small? Everyone keeps saying that but how do we know?
"Black Grievance" has been characterized as a combination of the divorcing wife where nothing the soon to be ex spouse can or will ever be able to do will be satisfactory to her and the scene from the movie "Independence Day" with the movie President asking the alien what we can do for him and the alien replies "Die".
Barack Obama took the Race and Class Warfare genie out of the bottle to enable his re election, the Al Sharpton, MSNBC lead LeftMedia waits in Sanford Florida ready to light the conflagration, Barack Obama's Occupy goons, Obama's version of a TwentyFirst Century SA, wait for the spark to take its place aiding and abetting the conflagration.
Let the divorce begin
Boy, more & more of the Dear Leader's good friends are turning on him every day. Look for Eric Holder to finally take some action against them.

The small but vocal New Black Panther Party is woefully disappointed in President Barack Obama, and is openly implying that the best way to reach its goals is no longer through “the ballot” but through “the bullet.”

In the Spring edition of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) newspaper — cover reading “The Ballot or The Bullet: which way for black people?” — NBPP Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz breaks down the presidential election, concluding the Democratic Party is the “institutional pimp of Black peoples and the Black Nation” and that Obama has “been a real disappointment.”

“Black peoples are the whores and prostitutes of the Democratic Party, and mistreated mistress that is courted in the late of night, but left hanging when it is time for real change in the light of the post election day,” Shabazz wrote, following a dissertation on the need to “Vote for Revolution.”

Shabazz detailed his past hopes for Obama as the first African-American president, noting that Obama has not lived up to them — specifically by continuing the policies of the Bush administration in the so-called war on terror and ignoring the economic plight of black Americans.

“The black community is at large no better off that (sic) before he was in office. We are curious as to what his agenda is for Black people in America and if he even has one,” Shabazz added.

The lead editorial in the 36-page publication is written by the paper’s editor, Chawn Kweli, entitled “4 years and a Bucket of Hope: The Change That Never Came,” which describes the group’s excitement, and subsequent disappointment, after Obama was elected.

“Mr. Obama’s policies have not corrected the economic troubles of America, they have gotten worse,” Kweli wrote. “The debt continues to expand [into the trillions], and the administration’s handling of international relations has hardened dialogue with foreign nations. Mr. Obama’s policies have been especially harsh to us the Black community. He [Obama] bailed out Wall Street and the auto makers but kept us at the top of the unemployment ladder.”

Seasonally adjusted black unemployment in America currently stands at 13.0 percent, compared to the entire country’s 8.1 percent.

“With strategy, Obama will sing a little Al Green, do a little dance, and win black votes. Sadly like obedient sheep’s (sic), we go to the polls and vote for ‘Black skin,’ no matter how destructive the policies,” Kweli added...

Read more: Disappointed in Obama, New Black Panthers openly consider 'the bullet' | The Daily Caller
I'm surprised that you aren't one of their members.
The "bullet" has already been chosen. That's why Baltimore has decided to make a feeble attempt to stop the carnage by blanketing the city with surveillance cameras.
Obama has lost the support of people of all colors. The masses are slowly realizing that he is NOT doing them any good.

Obama is TOAST!
How do we know this group is small? Everyone keeps saying that but how do we know?

It really doesn't matter, as long as they (BP) continue this behavior they are denigrating their own race. The people that need to be standing up to the Black Panthers are their own brothers, and sisters who do not share the views of the Black Panthers. Silence is acceptance. If Black America wants to sit idly by while the Black Panthers rage, then they are just as much to blame for racial divides.
Boy, more & more of the Dear Leader's good friends are turning on him every day. Look for Eric Holder to finally take some action against them.

The small but vocal New Black Panther Party is woefully disappointed in President Barack Obama, and is openly implying that the best way to reach its goals is no longer through “the ballot” but through “the bullet.”

In the Spring edition of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) newspaper — cover reading “The Ballot or The Bullet: which way for black people?” — NBPP Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz breaks down the presidential election, concluding the Democratic Party is the “institutional pimp of Black peoples and the Black Nation” and that Obama has “been a real disappointment.”

“Black peoples are the whores and prostitutes of the Democratic Party, and mistreated mistress that is courted in the late of night, but left hanging when it is time for real change in the light of the post election day,” Shabazz wrote, following a dissertation on the need to “Vote for Revolution.”

Shabazz detailed his past hopes for Obama as the first African-American president, noting that Obama has not lived up to them — specifically by continuing the policies of the Bush administration in the so-called war on terror and ignoring the economic plight of black Americans.

“The black community is at large no better off that (sic) before he was in office. We are curious as to what his agenda is for Black people in America and if he even has one,” Shabazz added.

The lead editorial in the 36-page publication is written by the paper’s editor, Chawn Kweli, entitled “4 years and a Bucket of Hope: The Change That Never Came,” which describes the group’s excitement, and subsequent disappointment, after Obama was elected.

“Mr. Obama’s policies have not corrected the economic troubles of America, they have gotten worse,” Kweli wrote. “The debt continues to expand [into the trillions], and the administration’s handling of international relations has hardened dialogue with foreign nations. Mr. Obama’s policies have been especially harsh to us the Black community. He [Obama] bailed out Wall Street and the auto makers but kept us at the top of the unemployment ladder.”

Seasonally adjusted black unemployment in America currently stands at 13.0 percent, compared to the entire country’s 8.1 percent.

“With strategy, Obama will sing a little Al Green, do a little dance, and win black votes. Sadly like obedient sheep’s (sic), we go to the polls and vote for ‘Black skin,’ no matter how destructive the policies,” Kweli added...

Read more: Disappointed in Obama, New Black Panthers openly consider 'the bullet' | The Daily Caller

Ut-oh an angry black man has woke up and smelled the proverbial coffee~ Time to call out the Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's to tamp down the rebellion.

Recall when GOP candidate Herman Cain used similar analogy about the democrat party and the left went all uncle Tom on him?
so I see that repubs are aligning themselves with the New Black Panthers now that the disgruntled group did not get more welfare monies or reparations
“The black community is at large no better off that (sic) before he was in office. We are curious as to what his agenda is for Black people in America and if he even has one,” Shabazz added.
Of course obama has a agenda for black people, same as all democrats... "keep 'em uneducated/uninspired/unemployed/dependent and voting dem." As long as blacks are stupid enough to stay with that program, dems will keep getting elected because they hand out scraps/welfare, and blacks will stay uneducated, uninspired, unemployed and dependent. Dems/obama love that. A complete voting block that takes very little to maintain.
How do we know this group is small? Everyone keeps saying that but how do we know?

It's just a very wormy attempt by Left/Democrats to deny the Black Panthers are a dangerous armed Militia. If they were white, Holder would have gone Waco on their asses a long time ago. But that may happen now. They've turned on the Dear Leader. And that spells trouble for them.
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Boy, more & more of the Dear Leader's good friends are turning on him every day. Look for Eric Holder to finally take some action against them.

The small but vocal New Black Panther Party is woefully disappointed in President Barack Obama, and is openly implying that the best way to reach its goals is no longer through “the ballot” but through “the bullet.”

In the Spring edition of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) newspaper — cover reading “The Ballot or The Bullet: which way for black people?” — NBPP Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz breaks down the presidential election, concluding the Democratic Party is the “institutional pimp of Black peoples and the Black Nation” and that Obama has “been a real disappointment.”

“Black peoples are the whores and prostitutes of the Democratic Party, and mistreated mistress that is courted in the late of night, but left hanging when it is time for real change in the light of the post election day,” Shabazz wrote, following a dissertation on the need to “Vote for Revolution.”

Shabazz detailed his past hopes for Obama as the first African-American president, noting that Obama has not lived up to them — specifically by continuing the policies of the Bush administration in the so-called war on terror and ignoring the economic plight of black Americans.

“The black community is at large no better off that (sic) before he was in office. We are curious as to what his agenda is for Black people in America and if he even has one,” Shabazz added.

The lead editorial in the 36-page publication is written by the paper’s editor, Chawn Kweli, entitled “4 years and a Bucket of Hope: The Change That Never Came,” which describes the group’s excitement, and subsequent disappointment, after Obama was elected.

“Mr. Obama’s policies have not corrected the economic troubles of America, they have gotten worse,” Kweli wrote. “The debt continues to expand [into the trillions], and the administration’s handling of international relations has hardened dialogue with foreign nations. Mr. Obama’s policies have been especially harsh to us the Black community. He [Obama] bailed out Wall Street and the auto makers but kept us at the top of the unemployment ladder.”

Seasonally adjusted black unemployment in America currently stands at 13.0 percent, compared to the entire country’s 8.1 percent.

“With strategy, Obama will sing a little Al Green, do a little dance, and win black votes. Sadly like obedient sheep’s (sic), we go to the polls and vote for ‘Black skin,’ no matter how destructive the policies,” Kweli added...

Read more: Disappointed in Obama, New Black Panthers openly consider 'the bullet' | The Daily Caller

Obama was never in step with the New Black Panthers agenda from the get go. The shit the NBP wants is total madness, fuck them.
How do we know this group is small? Everyone keeps saying that but how do we know?

How big do you think it is? are you saying that most Black Americans are New Black Panther members?

I'm not saying a damned thing. I'm asking how we know how big the group is. People keep saying they are a small group. I want to know how they know that. Do you have an answer or not?
“The black community is at large no better off that (sic) before he was in office. We are curious as to what his agenda is for Black people in America and if he even has one,” Shabazz added.
Of course obama has a agenda for black people, same as all democrats... "keep 'em uneducated/uninspired/unemployed/dependent and voting dem." As long as blacks are stupid enough to stay with that program, dems will keep getting elected because they hand out scraps/welfare, and blacks will stay uneducated, uninspired, unemployed and dependent. Dems/obama love that. A complete voting block that takes very little to maintain.

Blacks don't want the white man education. They keep themselves dumbed down, more self induced stupidity like your statements.
Membership size

As of 2009, the NBPP claimed a few thousand members organized in 45 chapters, while independent estimates by the Anti-Defamation League suggest that the group is "much smaller" but is nevertheless able to attract a large turnout of non-members (some of whom "may not even realize what this group actually stands for") to its events by focusing on specific issues of local interest.

Can people please stop saying most Black people are NBP members? I am half Black and I have grown up with Black people my whole life, I live in a city that is mostly Black now and I have yet to meet 1 New Black Panther member or even 1 brother who susbscribes to their teachings. They are as useless as the KKK is to most white people now.
How do we know this group is small? Everyone keeps saying that but how do we know?

How big do you think it is? are you saying that most Black Americans are New Black Panther members?

I'm not saying a damned thing. I'm asking how we know how big the group is. People keep saying they are a small group. I want to know how they know that. Do you have an answer or not?

I posted a link, they are indeed a small group. You keep trying to say they are a big group because you really believe most Blacks believe the bullshit they preach which is a damn shame.
How do we know this group is small? Everyone keeps saying that but how do we know?

How big do you think it is? are you saying that most Black Americans are New Black Panther members?

I'm not saying a damned thing. I'm asking how we know how big the group is. People keep saying they are a small group. I want to know how they know that. Do you have an answer or not?

They're only labeled 'small' by the usual suspects in the Liberal Press and Democratic Party. They're African American Democrats. And that's all that matters to the Liberal Press and Democrats. Like i said, if they were White, Holder would have already gone Waco on their asses.

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