Disapproval Ratings Gone Up

Horseshit, everything I say I can back up. Trump was uniquely bad president that stood apart even among Republicans.

I know you will never accept it, but there actually are very good reasons he was twice impeached, one term loser who is currently ranked as 4th worst president this country has ever had.
Carter was way up their on the Sucks Award trophy til Brandon showed up. Peanut head is happy now as he isn't the worst anymore.

Nice Job Brandon
I'd still run for president, but I'd need a manager type person to help me out.
Especially saturating the internet with my campaign stuff. I'm not all that good with the techy side.
Shouldn't be to hard to get the employees names of the 4th tier of government and FIRE MOST OF THEM for being lap dogs of the Career Money Laundering politicians.

Fire the Entire DOJ and replace them would be a good move Mr President.
Yea yea, you were probably saying same shit when Clinton and Obama got into office as well and both did well.
Both of them were shitty at Foreign policy. Obama was worse. Clinton hung our people out in Somalia. Refused to support them.........but he wasn't the HERO OF STAGFLATION THAT CARTER WAS THEN.

I remember the gas lines from that BS and cost increases. In regards to INFLATION NONE COMPARED TIL NOW.
Horseshit, everything I say I can back up. Trump was a uniquely bad president that stood apart even among Republicans.

I know you will never accept it, but there actually are very good reasons he was twice impeached, one term loser who is currently ranked as 4th worst president this country has ever had.
Okay.....answer a few questions:

  • Trump tried to keep illegals from taking your job. Is that bad?
  • Trump tried to deport criminal illegals that were convicted of violent crimes. Was that bad?
  • Trump ended our participation in the Iranian Nuke deal because Iran was cheating. Was that bad?
  • Trump made the US energy independent and lowered the price of gas $2.50/gal. Was that bad?
  • Trump held up foreign aid to Ukraine because he wanted assurances that they would end their corrupt practices. Was that bad?
  • Trump prevented finishing the Nordstream 2 pipeline because he was worried Russia might use it to blackmail Western Europe. What that bad?
  • Trump removed thousands of pages of red-tape that was driving up prices to the consumer. Was that bad?
  • Trump busted dozens of underage sex-trafficking operations all over the US. Was that bad?
  • Trump got a tax cut for every American that pays income tax. Was that bad?
  • Trump brought together Israel and UAE and other Arab countries to normalize relations. Was that bad?
  • Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem to recognize that city as Israel's capital. Was that bad?
  • Trump raised wages for all Americans but especially for blacks and Hispanics....more that any other president. He benefited blacks even more than Obama. Was that bad?

If you can answer all of that honestly...there's no way he was a bad president.

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when the choices were, to them, an insane demonized clown of the media, or a senile old pedophile

But? If you never had a choice in the matter, if your government is not "legitimate?"
the illusion of choice in what is no more than a one party system ,and blind partisans is all i see Mr B

this constant 'pin the tail on the illegit party' is the game they play every election, then it's all 'cross the isle' inbettween

the illusion of choice in what is no more than a one party system ,and blind partisans is all i see Mr B

this constant 'pin the tail on the illegit party' is the game they play every election, then it's all 'cross the isle' inbettween

Yeah....and this has been going on for decades.
So...before Biden got into office it was costing us $162 billion/yr to deal with the illegal immigration problem. That will soon double or triple.
Illegals send billions out of the US back to their home countries.....30% of Mexico's GDP is money coming from Mexican citizens sending money to Mexico from the United States....robbing us literally blind.
That's why they won't do anything to stop illegal immigration on their end. It's too profitable.
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Okay.....answer a few questions:

  • Trump tried to keep illegals from taking your job. Is that bad?
  • Trump tried to deport criminal illegals that were convicted of violent crimes. Was that bad?
  • Trump ended our participation in the Iranian Nuke deal because Iran was cheating. Was that bad?
  • Trump made the US energy independent and lowered the price of gas $2.50/gal. Was that bad?
  • Trump held up foreign aid to Ukraine because he wanted assurances that they would end their corrupt practices. Was that bad?
  • Trump prevented finishing the Nordstream 2 pipeline because he was worried Russia might use it to blackmail Western Europe. What that bad?
  • Trump removed thousands of pages of red-tape that was driving up prices to the consumer. Was that bad?
  • Trump busted dozens of underage sex-trafficking operations all over the US. Was that bad?
  • Trump got a tax cut for every American that pays income tax. Was that bad?
  • Trump brought together Israel and UAE and other Arab countries to normalize relations. Was that bad?
  • Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem to recognize that city as Israel's capital. Was that bad?
  • Trump raised wages for all Americans but especially for blacks and Hispanics....more that any other president. He benefited blacks even more than Obama. Was that bad?

If you can answer all of that honestly...there's no way he was a bad president.

President doesn't "raise wages for All Americans, especially for blacks and hispanics" or make oil some specific price. How do you even say stupid shit like that with a straight face? You are just outing yourself a silly man.

Price of gasoline fell big time in 2015 and INCREASED slightly under Turmp 2017 through 2019, untill Covid-19 crashed it in 2020.

Overall speaking it's easy to pick out a couple points you happen to have liked about any president and pretend bad shit doesn't exist. But it does and thats why Trump is twice impeached, one term, 4th worst American president.
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Both of them were shitty at Foreign policy. Obama was worse. Clinton hung our people out in Somalia. Refused to support them.........but he wasn't the HERO OF STAGFLATION THAT CARTER WAS THEN.

I remember the gas lines from that BS and cost increases. In regards to INFLATION NONE COMPARED TIL NOW.
You are dodging the point. In Clinton's and Obama's first year you were saying the same crap probably.

Both Bush and Trump had historic economic contractions you are giving them full pass for. Trump in particular signed his name to almost 5 Trillion in expansionary policy, yet according to you inflation we are seeing now (with sky high stock market, solid job, wages and GDP growth) is because Biden. You are a joke.
Is there anybody here who actually voted for Biden regretting it? It seems a lot of places I look on this forum are talking about his "victories* and approval ratings going up,.. but everywhere I look I see let's go Brandon so I don't know how that's possible.

Speaking as a Democrat, I voted for Biden and don't regret it one bit. If you haven't noticed we're not exactly sane, have you seen what most liberals look like today? I don't mean stuffy do goods & TV, a simple observation of my people all the way around shows for most purposes we're nuts.

We like things shaken up, and Biden is just the guy to see that through. Let me know when Republicans figure out healthcare, shelter & food are a God-given right, same with Wi-Fi, and the same with Chinese stuff. We've come a LONG way with technology and it's only going to get better, and soon few of us will have to work.
Is there anybody here who actually voted for Biden regretting it? It seems a lot of places I look on this forum are talking about his "victories* and approval ratings going up,.. but everywhere I look I see let's go Brandon so I don't know how that's possible.

You don't know how it's possible that some people like Biden and some don't like Biden?

Really? Why do you post such crap and so often?
Exactly, I just posted in #90 exactly why we like Biden, what's to figure out?

Problem is the OP is a serial poster of nonsense posts that attack Democrats and big up Republicans. She's stopped replying to my posts now because she knows what she writes is crap and that she can't actually justify any of it.

It's a simple case of trying to manipulate stupid people into believing her nonsense by having loads of threads about this kind of thing.

They think if there are more anti-Biden threads, people will be anti-Biden.
You are advocating this? Somehow I doubt it~
I would absolutely do this vs pissing away $1.2 trillion on government BS. First I'd make sure not one American citizen goes hungry in our country of plenty. Then housing. Then education and INVESTMENT in poor and working poor owned businesses to short circuit 100 years of hopeless poverty. After I got the USA squared away then we'd turn our attention to lifting up the rest of the world, funding it with success and growth vs borrowing. Look at the $30 trillion in debt that has been pissed away with little to show for it. Grow America not government.
President doesn't "raise wages for All Americans, especially for blacks and hispanics" or make oil some specific price. How do you even say stupid shit like that with a straight face? You are just outing yourself a silly man.

Price of gasoline fell big time in 2015 and INCREASED slightly under Turmp 2017 through 2019, untill Covid-19 crashed it in 2020.

Overall speaking it's easy to pick out a couple points you happen to have liked about any president and pretend bad shit doesn't exist. But it does and thats why Trump is twice impeached, one term, 4th worst American president.
Presidents can effect wages and can effect gas prices by several means. I guess you never heard of federal excise taxes.
Obama raised excise taxes on 9 different products the day he walked into the Oval Office.
Jimmy Carter doubled the price of gas when he was president.
Hard to believe you don't know that.
Obama had average gas prices higher in 2012 than it is now...roughly $4/gal...but Biden is trying everything he can to get them back up there.

Thanks to Fracking the price went down. Trump had the price down in some states to $1.69/gal in 2019. Gas prices were fairly low under Trump.....but then they shot up under Biden. Obama and other Democrats tried to make fracking illegla. It was forcing the price of gas down and Democrats want $10/gal gas. Some Democrats were trying to force the price back up by adding more taxes to gas at the state and federal level. Obama granted permits to drill offshore to China but prevented American companies from drilling in the Gulf after Exxon Valdez blew up.
Is there anybody here who actually voted for Biden regretting it? It seems a lot of places I look on this forum are talking about his "victories* and approval ratings going up,.. but everywhere I look I see let's go Brandon so I don't know how that's possible.
That's because the truth of the matter is that Biden is striking out on all fronts, but the Media, along with liberal progressives are totally ignoring reality...

We saw that here with a thread that touted that Biden's approvals were going up, as his photo op signature approaches, but in reality that was a progressive polling outfit that plays around with the weighting of their polling to get the outcomes they want...And thus they can put forth a lie to the American people and a mirage of success, where in reality there is NO successes in this administration on any front.
Presidents can effect wages and can effect gas prices by several means. I guess you never heard of federal excise taxes.
Obama raised excise taxes on 9 different products the day he walked into the Oval Office.
Jimmy Carter doubled the price of gas when he was president.
Hard to believe you don't know that.
Obama had average gas prices higher in 2012 than it is now...roughly $4/gal...but Biden is trying everything he can to get them back up there.

Thanks to Fracking the price went down. Trump had the price down in some states to $1.69/gal in 2019. Gas prices were fairly low under Trump.....but then they shot up under Biden. Obama and other Democrats tried to make fracking illegla. It was forcing the price of gas down and Democrats want $10/gal gas. Some Democrats were trying to force the price back up by adding more taxes to gas at the state and federal level. Obama granted permits to drill offshore to China but prevented American companies from drilling in the Gulf after Exxon Valdez blew up.
You are full of bullshit my man. President has no say about local and state taxes and under Obama there was a big oil production ramp up, plus Russia and OPEC price wars

Here, lets review the crude oil price record again:


If there is some sort of Trump policy effect, it's not really visible in the record...unless you want to blame Covid recession on him that is.
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