Disapproval Ratings Gone Up

What chaos? How much of the chaos you felt was real and how much was agitprop fed to you by celebrities, social media and leftist media outlets?
Yes up-is-down mind-fuck-circus CHAOS.

Never in my lifetime would I think I'd see the President of the United States shit on our NATO allies and stand next to two bit authoritarian like Putin and tell the world he belives him over American intelligence.

4 years of constant pathological lying, politicization, investigations, impeachments and self-dealing that culminated in a pathetic, insane, desparate and attack on our election system and even Congress itself.


America has had enough of Trump for one lifetime and this degenerate will easily go down in history as one of five worst presidents we've had (he is currently ranked 4th worst)
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Yes up-is-down mind-fuck-circus CHAOS.

Never in my lifetime would I think I'd see the President of the United States shit on our NATO allies and stand next to two bit authoritarian like Putin and tell the world he belives him over American intelligence.

4 years of constant pathological lying, investigations, impeachments and self-dealing that culminated in pathetic, insane, desparate and shameless attack on our election system and even Congress itself.

Trump lives Rent Free in your head everyday.

Now we got duh Pres Brandon. Another Money Launderer who leaves our people behind and leaves them at the mercy of the Taliban.

Is there anybody here who actually voted for Biden regretting it? It seems a lot of places I look on this forum are talking about his "victories* and approval ratings going up,.. but everywhere I look I see let's go Brandon so I don't know how that's possible.
Well I live in L.A. lower Alabama.........and it's kinda of normal here to hate Fascist leftist Communist Pricks like Brandon.

Rest of the country I really don't know. Many are doing hard core drugs legally now out there. Maybe it's drug induced Brain damage or something.
Money laundering is a crime.

Where are the charges nutter?
The corrupt clowns in office own the DOJ and you know it. I'm making the charges because I know Brandon is a Money Laundering POS...........most of the rest of the country knows it as well.

His kid was needed to run a gas company my ass..........Along with Pelosi's kid, Kerry, and Romney.

But you keep playing that PROVE IT CRAP..........They have been laundering tax payer money all their lives.........and you know it.
Well...my vote..and my goal..was all about removing Trump. I never really gave Biden much thought..as I figured he'd be a caretaker President anyway. I'm pleased that with the infrastructure bill..he's actually accomplished something.

All the chicken littles in the world can't convince that we're on the eve of destruction. It's just business as usual, absent Trump. I see this as a good thing.
I see you don't know of what that bill had in it or what he has done or what Trump did. Typical democRat.
The corrupt clowns in office own the DOJ and you know it. I'm making the charges because I know Brandon is a Money Laundering POS
Nope, you are making charges because running your little politico mouth on the internets is easy and bringing a provable case in the court of law is hard.

You conspiracy nutbags are dime a dozen and all you got is your wishful, fact free fantasies...with a side of ever blue balls.
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Nope, you are making charges because you like to run your little politico mouth, not because you have what it takes to bring a provable case in the court of law.

You conspiracy nutbags are dime a dozen. Get lost.
Whatever. I'll post what I like and don't give a damn whether you like it or not. Brandon is your POS potus and is a Money Launderer. Bunch of perverts too with Hunter..........but the media covers for the scumbags.

Yeah. I called your heroes scumbags. And your Hero Zero is losing support everywhere. Oh well. Sucks to be you.
4 years of constant pathological lying, politicization, investigations, impeachments and self-dealing that culminated in a pathetic, insane, desparate and attack on our election system and even Congress itself.

So it was agitprop fed to you by celebrities, social media and leftist media outlets?
Did you regret voting for Trump when his aproval hit 35% 4 years ago?

You keep not beeing able to understand that Biden voter's first and foremost motivation was to get Trump the hell out of office. Biden was just a vannila alternative to the non-stop chaos.
Sorry.....the only reason you felt that way wasn't because Trump was a bad president....but because the DNC controls the media.
They didn't tell you what Trump did.....they told you how much they hated everything he did.
There's no comparison.
Biden is destroying this country. We can all see it in our grocery bills.
The media gave you the impression that building a wall, making us energy independent, and stopping foreign countries from getting over on us was destructive.
You really aren't able to think for yourself.....that is unless you live in a foreign country and just enjoy watching America destroy itself with the help of the Democraps.
Our President just passed a record infrastructure bill - yeah, bankrupting this country even further into the shithole
He has administered over 200 million doses of COVID vaccine - all those brainless sheeples gonna learn the hard way........
He got us out of Afghanistan after 20 years - and left plenty of people behind, as well as millions and millions of tax payers dollars worth of weapons and machinery for the Taliban to use on us.
He has added over 4 million jobs - in China and Mexico
Has a record stock market up 23 percent this year - for ONE day. The rest of the time its been in the TOILET!
Wages are up 7 percent - IN CHINA....and up 275% in the DNC!!

There is a chance that people will be thrown out of homes and apartments and not have enough to eat or feed their kids. Talking like a Prog now. But this can happen in a declining nation. Only self destructive traitors do what this administration is doing and accomplishing. We are having the same problem communist nations have had with infrastructure coordination as theirs were not very good. The problem is we have the infrastructure but something is stopping the smoothness of the system. And that are the traitors in D.C. and outside forces. Its weird seeing some products reduced or not as available in all brands while the prices keep going up.
Better four years of economic and foreign policy incompetence than four more years of autocracy that would have installed Idi Amin Rump as President for Life.
Well...my vote..and my goal..was all about removing Trump. I never really gave Biden much thought..as I figured he'd be a caretaker President anyway. I'm pleased that with the infrastructure bill..he's actually accomplished something.

All the chicken littles in the world can't convince that we're on the eve of destruction. It's just business as usual, absent Trump. I see this as a good thing.
With infrastructure bill he actually accomplished something? What would that be? MORE DEBT? Because I bet like with Obama--nothing tangible comes from it other than funnelled around money.
Sorry.....the only reason you felt that way wasn't because Trump was a bad president....but because the DNC controls the media.
Horseshit, everything I say I can back up. Trump was a uniquely bad president that stood apart even among Republicans.

I know you will never accept it, but there actually are very good reasons he was twice impeached, one term loser who is currently ranked as 4th worst president this country has ever had.

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