Discouraged Americans leave labor force

The unemployment level is closer to 11%, even when using the gracious way of measuring they do today - if job drop outs were apart of the equation.

The U6 unemployment rate was 14% for March 2013. That is way to high.

"Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise. Whenever there is in any country, uncultivated lands and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right. The earth is given as a common stock for man to labor and live on. If, for the encouragement of industry we allow it to be appropriated, we must take care that other employment be furnished to those excluded from the appropriation. If we do not the fundamental right to labor the earth returns to the unemployed." - Thomas Jefferson

Our number one problem is that we tax capital gains less than labor. You don't get more conservative than Thomas Jefferson or Adam Smith. They both warn of unemployment hardship if you have labor subsidizing the capital gains of the rich. Bush flipped it on it's head when he cut the capital gains taxes in half & the economy went from prosperity into the shitter where it remains held hostage by this inhumane tax structure to this day.
If, for the encouragement of industry we allow it[land] to be appropriated, we must take care that other employment be furnished - Thomas Jefferson

1) you lack the IQ to be here
2) obviously 98% have found "other employment" after leaving the farm many many generations ago!!
3) slow?????????

Our number one problem is that we tax capital gains less than labor.

too stupid!!! if you tax capital gains you limit the capital that starts companies like Google Intel Apple Amazon etc etc. Is that really over your head???????

See why we say slow, so very very slow???

Bush flipped it on it's head when he cut the capital gains taxes in half

stupid!!!!! 20% to 15% is not a cut in half!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

& the economy went from prosperity into the shitter where it remains held hostage by this inhumane tax structure to this day.

How on earth could a cap gains cut hurt economy???????????
Do you lack the IQ to even attempt an answer???
Dropouts: Discouraged Americans leave labor force | General Headlines | Comcast

Older Americans have retired early. Younger ones have enrolled in school. Others have suspended their job hunt until the employment landscape brightens. Some, like Baebler, are collecting disability checks.

It isn't supposed to be this way. After a recession, an improving economy is supposed to bring people back into the job market.

Instead, the number of Americans in the labor force — those who have a job or are looking for one — fell by nearly half a million people from February to March, the government said Friday. And the percentage of working-age adults in the labor force — what's called the participation rate — fell to 63.3 percent last month. It's the lowest such figure since May 1979.

The falling participation rate tarnished the only apparent good news in the jobs report the Labor Department released Friday: The unemployment rate dropped to a four-year low of 7.6 percent in March from 7.7 in February.

People without a job who stop looking for one are no longer counted as unemployed. That's why the U.S. unemployment rate dropped in March despite weak hiring. If the 496,000 who left the labor force last month had still been looking for jobs, the unemployment rate would have risen to 7.9 percent in March.

"Unemployment dropped for all the wrong reasons," says Craig Alexander, chief economist with TD Bank Financial Group. "It dropped because more workers stopped looking for jobs. It signaled less confidence and optimism that there are jobs out there."

This Country is in deep trouble ,right is wrong- wrong is right .

Hilarious. Two years ago, there were 3.2 million jobs unfilled because of a serious lack of skills.

6 months ago, it was 3.5 million.

Now it's 3.9 million.

That's right. 3.9 million jobs going unfilled because of a lack of skills.

Obama wants to invest in education, Jr. Colleges and Technical Schools.

Republicans want to bring immigrants here who already have degrees and cut education in this country. USMB Republicans tend to agree. Educated people in this country are too liberal. Immigrants who will be their bosses, if they are lucky enough to have a job apparently are not.
That's right. 3.9 million jobs going unfilled because of a lack of skills.

too stupid!! IBM grew to be the biggest most profitable company in world history before schools taught computer science. Sure, business would rather have idiot taxpayers pay for the training but if they really need someone they will obviously train him or go bankrupt. Training or skills development is continuous in most businesses!!
That's right. 3.9 million jobs going unfilled because of a lack of skills.

too stupid!! IBM grew to be the biggest most profitable company in world history before schools taught computer science. Sure, business would rather have idiot taxpayers pay for the training but if they really need someone they will obviously train him or go bankrupt. Training or skills development is continuous in most businesses!!

Edmund, you just got some positive reputation. Your post is EXACTLY right.

What these filthy fucking corporations really want is CHEAP labor, functional chattel. The skills are here in plenitude, people just ain't showing up for the current offers.
What these filthy fucking corporations
you are Nazi crazy given that corporations go bankrupt if they don't please us with the best and least expensive products in the entire world. Why don't you try to do better or admit you lack the IQ for it!!

really want is CHEAP labor, functional chattel.
of course thanks to the pure beauty of capitalism they must pay
the highest wages possible or lose their best workers to those who do pay the most. Lets all welcome the nutjob liberal to Econ 101 class one day one.
What these filthy fucking corporations
you are Nazi crazy given that corporations go bankrupt if they don't please us with the best and least expensive products in the entire world. Why don't you try to do better or admit you lack the IQ for it!!

really want is CHEAP labor, functional chattel.
of course thanks to the pure beauty of capitalism they must pay
the highest wages possible or lose their best workers to those who do pay the most. Lets all welcome the nutjob liberal to Econ 101 class one day one.

Back to normal, are we, Edmund?

Well, anyway, for a little bit it looked like you had something going on, so the rep is still gladly given.
Your post was dead on in words, even if you didn't understand how rational readers might perceive your words.

Carry on.
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The unemployment level is closer to 11%, even when using the gracious way of measuring they do today - if job drop outs were apart of the equation.

The U6 unemployment rate was 14% for March 2013. That is way to high.

First the U-6 is NOT, I say again NOT, an unemployment rate. It includes unemployed, marginally attached, and those WORKING part time for economic reasons. Therefore it is NOT a measure of unemployment. It is a measure of Labor Underutilization.

Second, it wasn't 14%, it was 13.8%, down from 14.3%. Note that the change in the U3 (which is an unemployment rate) was 1 percantage point (not statistically significant) while the U6 dropped 5 percentage points. So the U6 shows things getting much better than the U3.
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dear, historical U6 before recession was 8% now to is hanging around 15%

The U6 started in 1994. Annual averages from 1994 to 2007 were:
1994 10.9
1995 10.1
1996 9.7
1997 8.9
1998 8.0
1999 7.4
2000 7.0
2001 8.1
2002 9.6
2003 10.1
2004 9.6
2005 8.9
2006 8.2
2007 8.3

So "historical was 8%" is not quite accurate, is it?
And since current is 13.8% and it hasn't been 15% in over a year, "hanging around 15%" is wildly inaccurate.
You weren't seriously expecting something Ed Biamonte says to be accurate? He'd claim 2+2=5 if it seemed like a good fact to support whatever rant he's on.
That's right. 3.9 million jobs going unfilled because of a lack of skills.

too stupid!! IBM grew to be the biggest most profitable company in world history before schools taught computer science. Sure, business would rather have idiot taxpayers pay for the training but if they really need someone they will obviously train him or go bankrupt. Training or skills development is continuous in most businesses!!

Oh you guys. So hilarious. Always going on about "capitalism" and "wages".

Why would companies pay to train people with they can get them already trained from other countries?

These days, companies only train people in their product or method. They expect new employees to already have an education.
The unemployment level is closer to 11%, even when using the gracious way of measuring they do today - if job drop outs were apart of the equation.

The U6 unemployment rate was 14% for March 2013. That is way to high.

First the U-6 is NOT, I say again NOT, an unemployment rate. It includes unemployed, marginally attached, and those WORKING part time for economic reasons. Therefore it is NOT a measure of unemployment. It is a measure of Labor Underutilization.

Second, it wasn't 14%, it was 13.8%, down from 14.3%. Note that the change in the U3 (which is an unemployment rate) was 1 percantage point (not statistically significant) while the U6 dropped 5 percentage points. So the U6 shows things getting much better than the U3.

"percantage" point? When one is waxing pedantic (or anything else starting with a "p"), one needs to attend to the details, there, pinky.

But I digress...

For those who want something closer to the facts than government workers have either the initiative or the integrity to provide try these:

Shadow Government Statistics - Home Page

Calculated Risk

Since the bobbleheaded clown fronted for the corporate takeover of US government ca 1980s, govamet statistics have deteriorated to near uselessness.
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Why would companies pay to train people with they can get them already trained from other countries?

who said they would pay?? It goes without saying that they take the cheapest, best employees they can find so they can have the cheapest best products and thus survive!!! Over your head???

These days, companies only train people in their product or method. They expect new employees to already have an education.

too stupid, you said jobs were unfilled because people lacked the skills, not a general education.
What these filthy fucking corporations
you are Nazi crazy given that corporations go bankrupt if they don't please us with the best and least expensive products in the entire world. Why don't you try to do better or admit you lack the IQ for it!!

really want is CHEAP labor, functional chattel.
of course thanks to the pure beauty of capitalism they must pay
the highest wages possible or lose their best workers to those who do pay the most. Lets all welcome the nutjob liberal to Econ 101 class one day one.

Back to normal, are we, Edmund?

Well, anyway, for a little bit it looked like you had something going on, so the rep is still gladly given.
Your post was dead on in words, even if you didn't understand how rational readers might perceive your words.

Carry on.

substance free from liberal who lacks IQ for substance
The U6 unemployment rate was 14% for March 2013. That is way to high.

First the U-6 is NOT, I say again NOT, an unemployment rate. It includes unemployed, marginally attached, and those WORKING part time for economic reasons. Therefore it is NOT a measure of unemployment. It is a measure of Labor Underutilization.

Second, it wasn't 14%, it was 13.8%, down from 14.3%. Note that the change in the U3 (which is an unemployment rate) was 1 percantage point (not statistically significant) while the U6 dropped 5 percentage points. So the U6 shows things getting much better than the U3.

"percantage" point? When one is waxing pedantic (or anything else starting with a "p"), one needs to attend to the details, there, pinky.
The funny part is that you jumped on an obvious, meaningless typo and didn't notice the actual careless error I made.

For those who want something closer to the facts than government workers have either the initiative or the integrity to provide try these:

Shadow Government Statistics - Home Page
Williams claims he's adding on to the U6 only the so-called "long term discouraged". The U-6 is Unemployed (11,742,000) + Marginally Attached (2,326,000) + Part time for Economic Reasons (7,638,000) divided by the Labor Force (155,028,000) + Marginally Attached (2,326,000)
If you bothered to do the simple math to figure out how many he's adding to get his 22.9% you'd know his claims are ludicrous.
I haven't looked at this one much. I'll have to look.
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First the U-6 is NOT, I say again NOT, an unemployment rate. It includes unemployed, marginally attached, and those WORKING part time for economic reasons. Therefore it is NOT a measure of unemployment. It is a measure of Labor Underutilization.

Second, it wasn't 14%, it was 13.8%, down from 14.3%. Note that the change in the U3 (which is an unemployment rate) was 1 percantage point (not statistically significant) while the U6 dropped 5 percentage points. So the U6 shows things getting much better than the U3.

"percantage" point? When one is waxing pedantic (or anything else starting with a "p"), one needs to attend to the details, there, pinky.
The funny part is that you jumped on an obvious, meaningless typo and didn't notice the actual careless error I made.

For those who want something closer to the facts than government workers have either the initiative or the integrity to provide try these:

Shadow Government Statistics - Home Page
Williams claims he's adding on to the U6 only the so-called "long term discouraged". The U-6 is Unemployed (11,742,000) + Marginally Attached (2,326,000) + Part time for Economic Reasons (7,638,000) divided by the Labor Force (155,028,000) + Marginally Attached (2,326,000)
If you bothered to do the simple math to figure out how many he's adding to get his 22.9% you'd know his claims are ludicrous.
I haven't looked at this one much. I'll have to look.

Actually my memory of your last slanted presentation on U6 caused me to skip to your closing lines. People who trust government numbers can't be trusted; people who actually advocate government numbers really need to keep moving on by.

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"percantage" point? When one is waxing pedantic (or anything else starting with a "p"), one needs to attend to the details, there, pinky.
The funny part is that you jumped on an obvious, meaningless typo and didn't notice the actual careless error I made.

Williams claims he's adding on to the U6 only the so-called "long term discouraged". The U-6 is Unemployed (11,742,000) + Marginally Attached (2,326,000) + Part time for Economic Reasons (7,638,000) divided by the Labor Force (155,028,000) + Marginally Attached (2,326,000)
If you bothered to do the simple math to figure out how many he's adding to get his 22.9% you'd know his claims are ludicrous.
I haven't looked at this one much. I'll have to look.

Actually my memory of your last slanted presentation on U6 caused me to skip to your closing lines. People who trust government numbers can't be trusted; people who actually advocate government numbers really need to keep moving on by.


Barry does not dispute his U6 numbers which have averaged 14% after years of his idiotic liberals policies while they were 8% before recession!!
Why not impeach Barry as most incompetent liberal since FDR?
The funny part is that you jumped on an obvious, meaningless typo and didn't notice the actual careless error I made.

Williams claims he's adding on to the U6 only the so-called "long term discouraged". The U-6 is Unemployed (11,742,000) + Marginally Attached (2,326,000) + Part time for Economic Reasons (7,638,000) divided by the Labor Force (155,028,000) + Marginally Attached (2,326,000)
If you bothered to do the simple math to figure out how many he's adding to get his 22.9% you'd know his claims are ludicrous.
I haven't looked at this one much. I'll have to look.

Actually my memory of your last slanted presentation on U6 caused me to skip to your closing lines. People who trust government numbers can't be trusted; people who actually advocate government numbers really need to keep moving on by.


Barry does not dispute his U6 numbers which have averaged 14% after years of his idiotic liberals policies while they were 8% before recession!!
Why not impeach Barry as most incompetent liberal since FDR?

From time to time Eduoard you bumble out of that nutball fog onto fairly solid ground. The U6 is usually 60%-70% of the total combined unemployed and underemployed in the United States.

That means the Shadow Government number is pretty close, statistical meanderings of pedantic perpetual sophomores notwithstanding. The reason the filthy god damned scum in government don't challenge the number is that opens to door to facts. None of those filthy lowlifes want the public anywhere near economic facts.
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The reason the filthy god damned scum in government don't challenge the number is that opens to door to facts. None of those filthy lowlifes want the public anywhere near economic facts.

I gather you're very violent and upset and don't much like government folks or corporate folks????? So who do you like? Would you describe yourself as a misanthropist nut job? Can you say what you are and why? I'm sure there are forums for folks with psychological issues. If you stay here you ought to tell us what you stand for so we'll know what you want us to think.
As it is you're just wasting your time and everyone's time with your generalized violence. Sorry.
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