Discouraged Americans leave labor force

Actually my memory of your last slanted presentation on U6 caused me to skip to your closing lines.
In other words, you don't even listen to arguments that don't agree with your preconceptions.

People who trust government numbers can't be trusted; people who actually advocate government numbers really need to keep moving on by.

And yet you cite Calculated Risk as a reliable source when I find nothing on that site that disputes or has issues with the government numbers. For example, on 4 November 2012 the article
Update: Further Discussion on Labor Force Participation Rate states:
The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed as a percent of the civilian labor force." ... This is the REAL unemployment rate (some claim U-6 is the "real rate", but that is nonsense - although U-6 is an alternative measure of underemployment, it includes many people working part time).

The problem is that you automatically reject the government numbers, yet you cannot point to any particular problems. Neither the President, nor anyone in his adminsitration has anything to do with them and no one outside Census or BLS has any access prior to release and even that is limited to the specific people who compile the data.

Of course there are flaws and inaccuracies and problems with the data...that's the nature of statistics and measuring. And I'd be happy to discuss the real problems instead of the paranoid delusions of manipulation or deliberately inaccurate data.
Actually my memory of your last slanted presentation on U6 caused me to skip to your closing lines. People who trust government numbers can't be trusted; people who actually advocate government numbers really need to keep moving on by.


Barry does not dispute his U6 numbers which have averaged 14% after years of his idiotic liberals policies while they were 8% before recession!!
Why not impeach Barry as most incompetent liberal since FDR?

From time to time Eduoard you bumble out of that nutball fog onto fairly solid ground. The U6 is usually 60%-70% of the total combined unemployed and underemployed in the United States.
Where on Earth are you getting that number from?

That means the Shadow Government number is pretty close, statistical meanderings of pedantic perpetual sophomores notwithstanding.
Shadowstats is adding approximately 18.5 million to the U6 number. But he claims he's only adding "long term discouraged" That would be people who want and are available to work but stopped looking due to the belief that they'd be unsuccessful. And yet there are only 3.4 million people who want a job but haven't looked in over a year and that's including people who couldn't take a job if offered and who stopped looking for reasons other than discouragement. So where's he getting his 18.5 million from when he only uses BLS numbers?
People need an identity that society will not beat them up for having.

As being unemployed is an identity that means you must be some kind of loser, unemployed people will seek out identities that are more socially acceptable.


Like going back to school (if you're young) or like retiring if you're now too old to be employable (which in these hard times means you're over about 40!).

Yeah, I agree this nation is in trouble, I quite agree.

It treats the working class like shit and then is surprised when people flee from being part of it.
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Yeah, I agree this nation is in trouble, I quite agree.

It treats the working class like shit and then is surprised when people flee from being part of it.

dear you mean libturds treat the work class like s.... It is liberals who let in 20 million illegal voters to take our jobs, liberal unions who shipped 30 million jobs off shore and liberal deficits that enable Japan and China to buy our debt rather than our products!!

If as a liberal you lack the IQ to be here why are you here?

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