Discrimination Is Now Legal In Mississippi

Religious freedom has to start someplace. Why not there? Are you afraid that this freedom notion might catch on?

We have religious freedom already.

You are confusing religious freedom with bigotry.
Legislated bigotry isn't freedom.

Are you saying that laws that require Christians to go to gay weddings are wrong? If not, I really don't see your point.

I've read some pretty ignorant stuff on here from you homophobes, but that is hilarious!

Since when is there a law requiring Christians to go to a gay wedding? You don't want to go, don't go! You don't want to bake that cake, don't! You don't want to take those pictures, don't!

But don't fucking whine like a baby when you start losing gay and hetero customers thanks to your bigoted stupidity!

This law, if upheld, has the potential to do more than just discriminate against gays.

Get back to me when you start bitching about Islam. You are anti Christian. Plain and simple. Thats your game.
Religious freedom has to start someplace. Why not there? Are you afraid that this freedom notion might catch on?

We have religious freedom already.

You are confusing religious freedom with bigotry.

No, you are confusing leftist values for the only valid ones. Conservatives believe people should be free to make their own choices, even if we disagree with them. Liberals believe everyone should be free to believe what they believe. See the difference?
Religious freedom has to start someplace. Why not there? Are you afraid that this freedom notion might catch on?
If I am not mistaken slavery is justified in the Bible. If Mississippi moves to restore slavery based on religious principles will you support the reintroduction of slavery in America?

How about we stone morons like you?
TRANSLATION: I don't like what you said but I have no rational answer so I will just call you a name and pretend no one notices my ignorance.
Nonsense. Do you invite everyone into your house? Do you chat with phone solicitors jsut like old friends?

I treat them as I would want to be treated.

When I teach dog training classes, I do not refuse to teach clients because they are black, white, gay, Christian, Jewish, hispanic or any of a thousand other differences.

Why is discrimmination such an important "Christian" value that you must enshrine it in law?

So you would be OK with neo Nazis?


If they behaved with respect.

Treating people with respect does not mean that you agree with an ideology.

It isn't discrimination. It is the principle of free association, which is guaranteed in the Constitution. Why do you have a problem with rights guaranteed in the Constitution?

It's legislated bigotry regardless of how you slice and dice it. Bigotry is NOT a Christian value.

You do realize, don't you, that the poster child for your "principle of free association" was Jim Crow?
If I am not mistaken slavery is justified in the Bible. If Mississippi moves to restore slavery based on religious principles will you support the reintroduction of slavery in America?

How about we stone morons like you?
TRANSLATION: I don't like what you said but I have no rational answer so I will just call you a name and pretend no one notices my ignorance.

No, that wasn't a translation. That was a deflection. Rabbi Rules!
And your post was a straw man--no one is talking about restoring slavery. Rabbi Rules!

You aren't very good at this debate thing, are you?
Plan on it. Also plan on gambling boats pulling out, gay friendly manufacturers pulling out, and particularly the military closing their bases and moving out.

What's left? A bunch of inbred, redneck, racist bigots.

Listen shit pusher, have you ever actually been to Mississippi? Sure you haven't.

Why, yes I have, scrotum sucker!

Went to USAF technical school at Keesler AFB.
Mississippi needs to put up new signs at their borders:
(Please turn your watch back 150 years)
I treat them as I would want to be treated.

When I teach dog training classes, I do not refuse to teach clients because they are black, white, gay, Christian, Jewish, hispanic or any of a thousand other differences.

Why is discrimmination such an important "Christian" value that you must enshrine it in law?

So you would be OK with neo Nazis?


If they behaved with respect.

Treating people with respect does not mean that you agree with an ideology.

It isn't discrimination. It is the principle of free association, which is guaranteed in the Constitution. Why do you have a problem with rights guaranteed in the Constitution?

It's legislated bigotry regardless of how you slice and dice it. Bigotry is NOT a Christian value.

You do realize, don't you, that the poster child for your "principle of free association" was Jim Crow?

I had no idea you were the arbiter of Christian values.
Jim Crow was not a poster child for anyting other than government control over free association. You understand that, right?
*sigh* I wish people would understand this. I saw Sunni man but for a second today. I wish he would come back. He and I used to battle it out but both knowing that one day we would cross a line and he'd look at me or I would look at him and go I WON and we would laugh together and hug each other and know somehow we made it as people of faith.
Religious freedom has to start someplace. Why not there? Are you afraid that this freedom notion might catch on?

We have religious freedom already.

You are confusing religious freedom with bigotry.

No, you are confusing leftist values for the only valid ones. Conservatives believe people should be free to make their own choices, even if we disagree with them. Liberals believe everyone should be free to believe what they believe. See the difference?

First...religious freedom.

  • We have a country that is full of churches, synagogues, mosques and a host of other religious places of worship.
  • We have untold number of private religious institutions of learning.
  • We have laws that prevent discrimination based on religion, that allow people to openly practice their religion, even to preaching on the public street corner.
  • Our religious institutions are not taxed or audited by the government, nor can the government determine what faith they must practice or interfere with their operations as long as laws aren't broken.
  • We have no state religion nor are religions forced to register to be considered legitimate.
  • No one can stop me from quietly reading any religious text I choose to or associate with any religious people I choose to.
  • I do not have to worry that I will be targeted for abuse, violence or death because of my religion.

These are leftist values? These are not valid values? This is not freedom of religion? :doubt:
Everybody knows that the state motto for mississippi is


Why, yes I have, scrotum sucker!

Went to USAF technical school at Keesler AFB.
Mississippi needs to put up new signs at their borders:
(Please turn your watch back 150 years)

You are a fool who has never been there.

the left is nothing but frikken hysterical...and all over some law in a state they probably don't even live in..but they sure can run down the people who live there for it

they really shouldn't call others, dumb when you see post like his...sheeesh:cuckoo:
Plan on it. Also plan on gambling boats pulling out, gay friendly manufacturers pulling out, and particularly the military closing their bases and moving out.

What's left? A bunch of inbred, redneck, racist bigots.

Listen shit pusher, have you ever actually been to Mississippi? Sure you haven't.

Why, yes I have, scrotum sucker!

Went to USAF technical school at Keesler AFB.

Sounds like total fail.
How about we stone morons like you?
TRANSLATION: I don't like what you said but I have no rational answer so I will just call you a name and pretend no one notices my ignorance.

No, that wasn't a translation. That was a deflection. Rabbi Rules!
And your post was a straw man--no one is talking about restoring slavery. Rabbi Rules!

You aren't very good at this debate thing, are you?
If the state of Mississippi plans to use religion as a means of making discrimination legal what is to stop them from using religion (as presented in the Bible) to bring back slavery? That is not deflection, THAT is a valid question. If religion can be the basis for the reintroduction of discrimination it can also be the basis for the reintroduction of slavery.
The Christian religion and Christian religious values being a part of the American government: Isn't this one of the things that conservatives have championed through the years? Isn't that what we are seeing in Mississippi?
Oh, and about my debate skills, they aren't the best but even I know that name calling and insulting someone when they pose a statement you cannot argue against is poor technique. Perhaps you should look into the purchase of "Debating for Dummies."
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So you would be OK with neo Nazis?


If they behaved with respect.

Treating people with respect does not mean that you agree with an ideology.

It isn't discrimination. It is the principle of free association, which is guaranteed in the Constitution. Why do you have a problem with rights guaranteed in the Constitution?

It's legislated bigotry regardless of how you slice and dice it. Bigotry is NOT a Christian value.

You do realize, don't you, that the poster child for your "principle of free association" was Jim Crow?

I had no idea you were the arbiter of Christian values.
Jim Crow was not a poster child for anyting other than government control over free association. You understand that, right?

Jim Crow was societally driven. The right to free association, as you say - or the right to be a bigot as the law eventually determined.
Everybody knows that the state motto for mississippi is



I have to say it...but....as we say here in West Virginia...thank God for Mississippi - if not for her, we'd be at the bottom of every bad demographic :lol:
Ok as a canuck these days I swear I do not understand for the life of me any yank mocking a southerner.
Ok as a canuck these days I swear I do not understand for the life of me any yank mocking a southerner.

I think everyone gets mocked...I know WV does. Canucks don't get mocked so much...go figure :)

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