Discrimination Is Now Legal In Mississippi

Well...at least until it's declared unconsititutional.

The poorest state in the union with the highest teen pregnancy rate, worst education system, second highest murder rate, and second worst obesity rate in the United States. Glad to see their priorities in order, and THIS is all they're worried about?


A southern man dont need you queers around anyhow.

Yeah. Since they're all about "boycotting" folks who disagree with them maybe Mississippians will get lucky and see a mass, gay exodus from that state. :lol:

Plan on it. Also plan on gambling boats pulling out, gay friendly manufacturers pulling out, and particularly the military closing their bases and moving out.

What's left? A bunch of inbred, redneck, racist bigots.
A southern man dont need you queers around anyhow.

Yeah. Since they're all about "boycotting" folks who disagree with them maybe Mississippians will get lucky and see a mass, gay exodus from that state. :lol:

Plan on it. Also plan on gambling boats pulling out, gay friendly manufacturers pulling out, and particularly the military closing their bases and moving out.

What's left? A bunch of inbred, redneck, racist bigots.

Listen shit pusher, have you ever actually been to Mississippi? Sure you haven't.
Plan on it. Also plan on gambling boats pulling out, gay friendly manufacturers pulling out, and particularly the military closing their bases and moving out.

What's left? A bunch of inbred, redneck, racist bigots.

That ain't gonna happen. This is the deep South. You ever been there? I have. This will gain business for Mississippi. I guarantee you that. They eat chick fil a and watch Duck Dynasty all day long down there. In fact it's been awhile. Think I'll put Mississippi on my next tourist destination. They have a lot of haunted B&Bs there. Kind of a hobby of mine... I have a friend stationed in Alabama. May stop by and see him too..
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Religious freedom has to start someplace. Why not there? Are you afraid that this freedom notion might catch on?

My religion states that we hate Christians and need to shoot every one of them. So do I now have the right to go out and shoot any Christian I want based on religious freedom? Yea, didn't think so.

Has anyone proposed shooting gays?

However, I would not object to your shooting Christians. To me, it is long past time that our religious war comes to that with Christians exercising their right to pop off anyone shooting at them. We have moved toward open religious war for quite awhile. It might be time to open it and settle the matter once and for all.
How would have thought that discrimination was such a fundamental religious value it needs a special law affirming it....:doubt:

We've come a long way baby....not.
How would have thought that discrimination was such a fundamental religious value it needs a special law affirming it....:doubt:

We've come a long way baby....not.

You discriminate every day. Don't give us that.
Religious freedom has to start someplace. Why not there? Are you afraid that this freedom notion might catch on?

My religion states that we hate Christians and need to shoot every one of them. So do I now have the right to go out and shoot any Christian I want based on religious freedom? Yea, didn't think so.

Big difference! Nobody is advocating "shooting" anyone. But I fully believe you have the right NOT to associate with Christians if it goes against your religion. See how easy that was?

The position being advocated is to go full on Shia v sunni. Is not taking that final step really best. Yes it's easy but isn't it better to just get it over with now rather than wait until we turn into Syria?
Well...at least until it's declared unconsititutional.

The poorest state in the union with the highest teen pregnancy rate, worst education system, second highest murder rate, and second worst obesity rate in the United States. Glad to see their priorities in order, and THIS is all they're worried about?


Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) has signed into law a “religious liberty” bill that could be used to justify various forms of discrimination, including anti-LGBT discrimination. The bill, SB 2681, was approved by the legislature earlier this week after being a conference between the House and Senate. It differs from other state’s “Religious Freedom Restoration Acts” (RFRAs) because Mississippi law defines the word “person” to include businesses, and thus it applies to corporations instead of just private citizens exercising their religious beliefs.

The Family Research Council, an anti-LGBT hate group, took credit for its passage:
The victory was a huge one for FRC, who worked with local churches and conservative policy organizations to coordinate a pastors’ letter in support of the measures with more than 600 signatures. That, in turn, helped to bring along the business community — which, in Arizona, was so deceived by the media and outside leftist groups that it couldn’t distinguish what the bill actually did. Mississippi companies didn’t have that problem, because the state tuned out the propaganda and focused on the actual language.
Incidentally, Bryant will defend the legislation Thursday afternoon on FRC’s radio show hosted by Tony Perkins.

If you can show me how this law significantly differs from the federal law signed by the gay hating Clinton, you might have a point. Since you can't, you don't.
Wing nuts are OK with businesses prying into the private liv s of free people under the guise of religious freedom to determine whether a potential client or the employee is gay and therefore undesirable.

Wing nuts will be wing nuts.

Staff is a perfect example.

Obama wants them to do it in the name of national security, what's the difference?
Yeah. Since they're all about "boycotting" folks who disagree with them maybe Mississippians will get lucky and see a mass, gay exodus from that state. :lol:

Plan on it. Also plan on gambling boats pulling out, gay friendly manufacturers pulling out, and particularly the military closing their bases and moving out.

What's left? A bunch of inbred, redneck, racist bigots.

Listen shit pusher, have you ever actually been to Mississippi? Sure you haven't.

Why, yes I have, scrotum sucker!

Went to USAF technical school at Keesler AFB.
Religious freedom has to start someplace. Why not there? Are you afraid that this freedom notion might catch on?
If I am not mistaken slavery is justified in the Bible. If Mississippi moves to restore slavery based on religious principles will you support the reintroduction of slavery in America?
Religious freedom has to start someplace. Why not there? Are you afraid that this freedom notion might catch on?
If I am not mistaken slavery is justified in the Bible. If Mississippi moves to restore slavery based on religious principles will you support the reintroduction of slavery in America?

How about we stone morons like you?
Religious freedom has to start someplace. Why not there? Are you afraid that this freedom notion might catch on?

Legislated bigotry isn't freedom.

Are you saying that laws that require Christians to go to gay weddings are wrong? If not, I really don't see your point.

I've read some pretty ignorant stuff on here from you homophobes, but that is hilarious!

Since when is there a law requiring Christians to go to a gay wedding? You don't want to go, don't go! You don't want to bake that cake, don't! You don't want to take those pictures, don't!

But don't fucking whine like a baby when you start losing gay and hetero customers thanks to your bigoted stupidity!

This law, if upheld, has the potential to do more than just discriminate against gays.
I find it hard to think of any reason to go to Mississippi in the first place.
You discriminate every day. Don't give us that.

I treat everyone with the same respect.

Nonsense. Do you invite everyone into your house? Do you chat with phone solicitors jsut like old friends?

I treat them as I would want to be treated.

When I teach dog training classes, I do not refuse to teach clients because they are black, white, gay, Christian, Jewish, hispanic or any of a thousand other differences.

Why is discrimmination such an important "Christian" value that you must enshrine it in law?
I treat everyone with the same respect.

Nonsense. Do you invite everyone into your house? Do you chat with phone solicitors jsut like old friends?

I treat them as I would want to be treated.

When I teach dog training classes, I do not refuse to teach clients because they are black, white, gay, Christian, Jewish, hispanic or any of a thousand other differences.

Why is discrimmination such an important "Christian" value that you must enshrine it in law?

So you would be OK with neo Nazis?
It isn't discrimination. It is the principle of free association, which is guaranteed in the Constitution. Why do you have a problem with rights guaranteed in the Constitution?

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