Disgusting, Violent Video.

Meh, this is America, we don't riot or go too crazy over fucked up spoof videos.......yet.
No one is asking to riot or go crazy. Just not approve of a video depicting Trump, or anyone else, as a mass shooter, especially in a place of worship.
And specially in the current context of mass shootings. That is just sick.

The movie came out in 2015. The scene is pretty gross and in extreme bad taste but that's just my opinion. Movie reviewers for the most part loved it. The same people who lambasted the recent rambo movie for its violence.
The Trump spoof came out then or original movie?

In general, I don’t like gratuitous violence in movies.

The original movie came out in 2015. Scored like 85% on rotten tomatoes with many blurbs stating the tasteless violence was a big part of its charm. The parody video on youtube was uploaded a year ago. I'm not sure why it's in the news all of a sudden.
Far too many Trump supporters are disgusting, violent people.

The murder rate in Democratic strongholds is in the stratosphere compared to anything in conservative communities. And you support that horrific violence. Go fuck yourself.
She did? Since when is a really tasteless comedy bit threatening someone’s life? Get real. It was a bad idea on her part and she paid.
the irony and hypocrisy never stops for you all. sad, your lack of humanity/ humility is noted.
Coyote so you think holding a dripping severed head of a president is a bad joke? wow. no morality at all. when you just can't say, yeah, that crossed a line. eh? I feel sorry for you. I supposed you really wanted to jump on Griffin and kiss her.
Hmm...why do you keep diverting from the movie described in the OP?
cause someone else did it. So I answered. why is it so difficult for you to follow a thread?
You did? Couldn't condemn it eh?

For the record, yes Griffith crossed a line. That is why she lost her job. So did the people who depicted Obama with a noose, in multiple lynching images. And this movie.

People have lost it.

Now are you going to make excuses or try to claim one is worse than the other?
That's the whole point of this latest round of fake news. If you don't condemn it then you are just like Trump! lol. the insanity keeps on giving.
Meh, this is America, we don't riot or go too crazy over fucked up spoof videos.......yet.
No one is asking to riot or go crazy. Just not approve of a video depicting Trump, or anyone else, as a mass shooter, especially in a place of worship.
And specially in the current context of mass shootings. That is just sick.

The movie came out in 2015. The scene is pretty gross and in extreme bad taste but that's just my opinion. Movie reviewers for the most part loved it. The same people who lambasted the recent rambo movie for its violence.
The Trump spoof came out then or original movie?

In general, I don’t like gratuitous violence in movies.

The original movie came out in 2015. Scored like 85% on rotten tomatoes with many blurbs stating the tasteless violence was a big part of its charm. The parody video on youtube was uploaded a year ago. I'm not sure why it's in the news all of a sudden.
Progressive dookie stains can use it to flame the fake outrage!
If you don't condemn it then you are just like Trump! lol. the insanity keeps on giving.

Hell, the left can't bring themselves to condemn antifa thugs sucker-punching people in the back of the head, but they feign outrage over a fucking video.
too bad you morons are too stupid to understand the play. but without a doubt Shakespeare is far beyond your ability.

There you go. One standard for conservatives and NO standards for the leftists that you fellate 24/7/365. Don't forget to swallow.

are you having sexual fantasies about me again? does your wife know about these?
Meh, this is America, we don't riot or go too crazy over fucked up spoof videos.......yet.
The right wing went a bit crazy over the Kathy Griffin video....

Well, she DID threaten the POTUS.

Remember, you Stalinists put a man in prison for posting a meme of Obama hanging - even though you Stalinist spent 8 years posting the same of Bush.

One America - two laws....
She did? Since when is a really tasteless comedy bit threatening someone’s life? Get real. It was a bad idea on her part and she paid.
the irony and hypocrisy never stops for you all. sad, your lack of humanity/ humility is noted.
Kinda like your reaction to the video in the OP eh? :lol:
I didn't see a video. can you repost it, because there isn't one in the OP that I have in my thread trail.
Just not approve of a video depicting

Is just don't care an option? It's kinda funny to think what the reaction roles would be if it were a Deranged Obama leading the charge!
So you're on record. This video depicts Trump shooting up a church. "I'm BlindBoo and I approve this message."

Sure put me on the record. Trumpybears superimposed head, in a bloody Hollywood movie scene, where the character he is superimposed on is shooting up the place like in the movie (with superimposed heads and graphics of his enemies) fills me with almost as much apathy as the movie scene itself did. Almost as much. I accept it as someones right of free expression. I didn't care about Griffins stunt either. BFD.
Just not approve of a video depicting

Is just don't care an option? It's kinda funny to think what the reaction roles would be if it were a Deranged Obama leading the charge!
So you're on record. This video depicts Trump shooting up a church. "I'm BlindBoo and I approve this message."

Sure put me on the record. Trumpybears superimposed head, in a bloody Hollywood movie scene, where the character he is superimposed on is shooting up the place like in the movie (with superimposed heads and graphics of his enemies) fills me with almost as much apathy as the movie scene itself did. Almost as much. I accept it as someones right of free expression. I didn't care about Griffins stunt either. BFD.
well her move was a threat against a sitting president.
Meh, this is America, we don't riot or go too crazy over fucked up spoof videos.......yet.
No one is asking to riot or go crazy. Just not approve of a video depicting Trump, or anyone else, as a mass shooter, especially in a place of worship.
Your kind made it. In fact one of the fake news channels had a poll up asking "will Trump condemn the video", like he is obligated to jump every time some fake news asshole does this.
You know we can see bullshit right?
Someone has made a video using trump, the media and politicians.

It's a video of trump going on a murdering rampage killing media and politicians in a church.

This video was played at a republican gathering at Mar a Largo. Republicans have denied any involvement but how did it get played at Mar A Largo?

Before you far right radical conservative extremists go off on what Kathy Griffen did, I personally denounced it and she paid a heavy price for it. It doesn't give you people the right to be worse. If you are like me and believe what Kathy Griffen did was very wrong, you certainly should believe this video is very wrong.

Macabre Video of Fake Trump Shooting Media and Critics Is Shown at His Resort

You link to the hate site MSN, but there is no video?
Just not approve of a video depicting

Is just don't care an option? It's kinda funny to think what the reaction roles would be if it were a Deranged Obama leading the charge!
So you're on record. This video depicts Trump shooting up a church. "I'm BlindBoo and I approve this message."

Sure put me on the record. Trumpybears superimposed head, in a bloody Hollywood movie scene, where the character he is superimposed on is shooting up the place like in the movie (with superimposed heads and graphics of his enemies) fills me with almost as much apathy as the movie scene itself did. Almost as much. I accept it as someones right of free expression. I didn't care about Griffins stunt either. BFD.
well her move was a threat against a sitting president.

Sure it was.

"Did anyone really believe you were part of ISIS?" Kimmel asked.

"Yes! My own mother!" she said. "She wanted me to join a different club, as she said, because she watches Fox News and she thought it was real.”

"I was on the no-fly list for two months, I was interrogated under oath...they were considering very seriously charging me with the crime of conspiracy to assassinate the president of the United States," she added.

Griffin went on to praise the FBI for stepping in to protect her when she became the target of a domestic terrorist.

Kathy Griffin says 'the FBI saved my life' when she was on 'kill list'

“I will say this, I am not anti-government at all after this experience. I think the FBI saved my life. I was not only on the MAGA bomber's list, but...the FBI did something they call a 'no-knock' to my house, where it's such an imminent threat, they don't even call, they came right over."

The reason for the FBI's unannounced visit, Griffin explained, was that she was mentioned on the kill list of "MAGA bomber" Cesar Sayoc, the Florida man who mailed 16 explosive devices to prominent Democrats and critics of President Donald Trump in late 2018.

“They said during the interrogation of Cesar Sayoc, he admitted that he shared the kill list, which I'm on, with like-minded people," she said. "So it's an ongoing thing, and it's just part of my new normal."
Meh, this is America, we don't riot or go too crazy over fucked up spoof videos.......yet.

This coming from the side that put an American citizen in prison for making a video they deemed as the cause for 9-11 2012 attack in Benghazi. “The shadowy character” was thrown in jail.
Just not approve of a video depicting

Is just don't care an option? It's kinda funny to think what the reaction roles would be if it were a Deranged Obama leading the charge!
So you're on record. This video depicts Trump shooting up a church. "I'm BlindBoo and I approve this message."

Sure put me on the record. Trumpybears superimposed head, in a bloody Hollywood movie scene, where the character he is superimposed on is shooting up the place like in the movie (with superimposed heads and graphics of his enemies) fills me with almost as much apathy as the movie scene itself did. Almost as much. I accept it as someones right of free expression. I didn't care about Griffins stunt either. BFD.
well her move was a threat against a sitting president.

Sure it was.

"Did anyone really believe you were part of ISIS?" Kimmel asked.

"Yes! My own mother!" she said. "She wanted me to join a different club, as she said, because she watches Fox News and she thought it was real.”

"I was on the no-fly list for two months, I was interrogated under oath...they were considering very seriously charging me with the crime of conspiracy to assassinate the president of the United States," she added.

Griffin went on to praise the FBI for stepping in to protect her when she became the target of a domestic terrorist.

Kathy Griffin says 'the FBI saved my life' when she was on 'kill list'

“I will say this, I am not anti-government at all after this experience. I think the FBI saved my life. I was not only on the MAGA bomber's list, but...the FBI did something they call a 'no-knock' to my house, where it's such an imminent threat, they don't even call, they came right over."

The reason for the FBI's unannounced visit, Griffin explained, was that she was mentioned on the kill list of "MAGA bomber" Cesar Sayoc, the Florida man who mailed 16 explosive devices to prominent Democrats and critics of President Donald Trump in late 2018.

“They said during the interrogation of Cesar Sayoc, he admitted that he shared the kill list, which I'm on, with like-minded people," she said. "So it's an ongoing thing, and it's just part of my new normal."
Meh, this is America, we don't riot or go too crazy over fucked up spoof videos.......yet.

This coming from the side that put an American citizen in prison for making a video they deemed as the cause for 9-11 2012 attack in Benghazi. “The shadowy character” was thrown in jail.

I didn't see a single American rioting over that fucked up over dubbed trailer. Did you?

"By Friday morning what had begun as a small protest outside the US embassy in Cairo on Tuesday had set off protests across the Muslim world. In Srinagar, Kashmir, lawyers protesting against the film held placards carrying the slogan: "America your death has come."

As protesters gathered after Friday prayers in Tunis, Khartoum, Cairo and Sana'a, capital of Yemen, some were encouraged by official interventions.

In the Tunisian capital, where the Arab spring began a year ago, members of the country's interim parliament condemned the film before the planned protests.

The Tunis demonstration began in quiet good spirits but ended in violence, as demonstrators breached the US embassy compound walls, lit fires and tore down the US flag, replacing it with a black Salafist banner. Elsewhere in the city, the American school was attacked.

There were also protests reported in Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Bahrain. The numbers involved were small in comparison to the vast demonstrations of the Arab spring.

By the end of the day, the back of the Tunis embassy compound was billowing flames and black smoke, while Tunisian riot police, visible inside the compound, appeared to have succeeded in protecting the main embassy building. Later, however, two protesters were reportedly killed and 40 injured during the attempt to storm it."

Controversial film sparks protests and violence across the Muslim world

The Republican candidate, rather than stand behind the President in support while Americans were being attacked, decided instead to attack the President over a tweet send by a frightened embassy employee.
Meh, this is America, we don't riot or go too crazy over fucked up spoof videos.......yet.

This coming from the side that put an American citizen in prison for making a video they deemed as the cause for 9-11 2012 attack in Benghazi. “The shadowy character” was thrown in jail.

I didn't see a single American rioting over that fucked up over dubbed trailer. Did you?

"By Friday morning what had begun as a small protest outside the US embassy in Cairo on Tuesday had set off protests across the Muslim world. In Srinagar, Kashmir, lawyers protesting against the film held placards carrying the slogan: "America your death has come."

As protesters gathered after Friday prayers in Tunis, Khartoum, Cairo and Sana'a, capital of Yemen, some were encouraged by official interventions.

In the Tunisian capital, where the Arab spring began a year ago, members of the country's interim parliament condemned the film before the planned protests.

The Tunis demonstration began in quiet good spirits but ended in violence, as demonstrators breached the US embassy compound walls, lit fires and tore down the US flag, replacing it with a black Salafist banner. Elsewhere in the city, the American school was attacked.

There were also protests reported in Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Bahrain. The numbers involved were small in comparison to the vast demonstrations of the Arab spring.

By the end of the day, the back of the Tunis embassy compound was billowing flames and black smoke, while Tunisian riot police, visible inside the compound, appeared to have succeeded in protecting the main embassy building. Later, however, two protesters were reportedly killed and 40 injured during the attempt to storm it."

Controversial film sparks protests and violence across the Muslim world

The Republican candidate, rather than stand behind the President in support while Americans were being attacked, decided instead to attack the President over a tweet send by a frightened embassy employee.

STILL lying about the video, sploogy?


As I’ve previously recounted, “blame it on the video” was a fraud as to Egypt as well – a calculated fraud set in motion by State Department officials in Cairo who began tweeting about their outrage over the video before the rioting started. At the time they did so, our government well knew both that there would be demonstrations at the embassy and that those demonstrations were being spearheaded by al Qaeda. In addition to the general animus against the United States that is its raison d’etre, the terror network and its Egyptian confederates were animated by their long-running campaign demanding that the U.S. release the Blind Sheikh (Omar Abdel Rahman, the master jihadist I prosecuted in the nineties and who Osama bin Laden later credited with issuing the fatwa that approved the 9/11 suicide hijackings).

Testifying before the House Armed Services Committee in 2013 ,retired General Carter Ham who served as the second Commander of AFRICOM, told congress that minutes after the attack began he alerted Chairman of the Joint Chief’s, General Dempsey and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta who were on their way to a previously scheduled meeting with the President.}

Debunking the Media Lies About Hillary's Benghazi Video Lie

Well, you communists are nothing if not fucking liars. :thup:
Meh, this is America, we don't riot or go too crazy over fucked up spoof videos.......yet.

This coming from the side that put an American citizen in prison for making a video they deemed as the cause for 9-11 2012 attack in Benghazi. “The shadowy character” was thrown in jail.

I didn't see a single American rioting over that fucked up over dubbed trailer. Did you?

"By Friday morning what had begun as a small protest outside the US embassy in Cairo on Tuesday had set off protests across the Muslim world. In Srinagar, Kashmir, lawyers protesting against the film held placards carrying the slogan: "America your death has come."

As protesters gathered after Friday prayers in Tunis, Khartoum, Cairo and Sana'a, capital of Yemen, some were encouraged by official interventions.

In the Tunisian capital, where the Arab spring began a year ago, members of the country's interim parliament condemned the film before the planned protests.

The Tunis demonstration began in quiet good spirits but ended in violence, as demonstrators breached the US embassy compound walls, lit fires and tore down the US flag, replacing it with a black Salafist banner. Elsewhere in the city, the American school was attacked.

There were also protests reported in Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Bahrain. The numbers involved were small in comparison to the vast demonstrations of the Arab spring.

By the end of the day, the back of the Tunis embassy compound was billowing flames and black smoke, while Tunisian riot police, visible inside the compound, appeared to have succeeded in protecting the main embassy building. Later, however, two protesters were reportedly killed and 40 injured during the attempt to storm it."

Controversial film sparks protests and violence across the Muslim world

The Republican candidate, rather than stand behind the President in support while Americans were being attacked, decided instead to attack the President over a tweet send by a frightened embassy employee.

STILL lying about the video, sploogy?


As I’ve previously recounted, “blame it on the video” was a fraud as to Egypt as well – a calculated fraud set in motion by State Department officials in Cairo who began tweeting about their outrage over the video before the rioting started. At the time they did so, our government well knew both that there would be demonstrations at the embassy and that those demonstrations were being spearheaded by al Qaeda. In addition to the general animus against the United States that is its raison d’etre, the terror network and its Egyptian confederates were animated by their long-running campaign demanding that the U.S. release the Blind Sheikh (Omar Abdel Rahman, the master jihadist I prosecuted in the nineties and who Osama bin Laden later credited with issuing the fatwa that approved the 9/11 suicide hijackings).

Testifying before the House Armed Services Committee in 2013 ,retired General Carter Ham who served as the second Commander of AFRICOM, told congress that minutes after the attack began he alerted Chairman of the Joint Chief’s, General Dempsey and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta who were on their way to a previously scheduled meeting with the President.}

Debunking the Media Lies About Hillary's Benghazi Video Lie

Well, you communists are nothing if not fucking liars. :thup:

Al Qaeda was not active in Egypt in 2012. Egyptian TV channel al-Nas' presenter Sheikh Khalad Abdalla broadcast scenes on September 8th. A clip from his show, dubbed into Arabic, was posted online and within days was viewed by hundreds of thousands of people.
Meh, this is America, we don't riot or go too crazy over fucked up spoof videos.......yet.

This coming from the side that put an American citizen in prison for making a video they deemed as the cause for 9-11 2012 attack in Benghazi. “The shadowy character” was thrown in jail.

I didn't see a single American rioting over that fucked up over dubbed trailer. Did you?

"By Friday morning what had begun as a small protest outside the US embassy in Cairo on Tuesday had set off protests across the Muslim world. In Srinagar, Kashmir, lawyers protesting against the film held placards carrying the slogan: "America your death has come."

As protesters gathered after Friday prayers in Tunis, Khartoum, Cairo and Sana'a, capital of Yemen, some were encouraged by official interventions.

In the Tunisian capital, where the Arab spring began a year ago, members of the country's interim parliament condemned the film before the planned protests.

The Tunis demonstration began in quiet good spirits but ended in violence, as demonstrators breached the US embassy compound walls, lit fires and tore down the US flag, replacing it with a black Salafist banner. Elsewhere in the city, the American school was attacked.

There were also protests reported in Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Bahrain. The numbers involved were small in comparison to the vast demonstrations of the Arab spring.

By the end of the day, the back of the Tunis embassy compound was billowing flames and black smoke, while Tunisian riot police, visible inside the compound, appeared to have succeeded in protecting the main embassy building. Later, however, two protesters were reportedly killed and 40 injured during the attempt to storm it."

Controversial film sparks protests and violence across the Muslim world

The Republican candidate, rather than stand behind the President in support while Americans were being attacked, decided instead to attack the President over a tweet send by a frightened embassy employee.

STILL lying about the video, sploogy?


As I’ve previously recounted, “blame it on the video” was a fraud as to Egypt as well – a calculated fraud set in motion by State Department officials in Cairo who began tweeting about their outrage over the video before the rioting started. At the time they did so, our government well knew both that there would be demonstrations at the embassy and that those demonstrations were being spearheaded by al Qaeda. In addition to the general animus against the United States that is its raison d’etre, the terror network and its Egyptian confederates were animated by their long-running campaign demanding that the U.S. release the Blind Sheikh (Omar Abdel Rahman, the master jihadist I prosecuted in the nineties and who Osama bin Laden later credited with issuing the fatwa that approved the 9/11 suicide hijackings).

Testifying before the House Armed Services Committee in 2013 ,retired General Carter Ham who served as the second Commander of AFRICOM, told congress that minutes after the attack began he alerted Chairman of the Joint Chief’s, General Dempsey and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta who were on their way to a previously scheduled meeting with the President.}

Debunking the Media Lies About Hillary's Benghazi Video Lie

Well, you communists are nothing if not fucking liars. :thup:

Al Qaeda was not active in Egypt in 2012. Egyptian TV channel al-Nas' presenter Sheikh Khalad Abdalla broadcast scenes on September 8th. A clip from his show, dubbed into Arabic, was posted online and within days was viewed by hundreds of thousands of people.

The video lie fell apart in days - yet here you are still lying about it...


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