
I also can't help wondering if they think it is that easy? Because I wouldn't just say "Oh, I can't vote? O, herp-a-derp." I would go do whatever I had to to retain my legal rights.

you don't have a 'legal' right unless you.....follow the process...

so you yourself just decided and said, that you would vote illegally if you had to.....:clap2: so, why not vote twice? say live or go to school in one state, vote there, and send in a absentee in an other? is that a problem? or just a herp a derp?

No I didn't. I meant I would ask them what they need, and I would go get it.
I had my driver's license out last tim I went and they didn't even look.
The whole voter I.D. argument from the Right is a solution looking for a problem. There just isn't the rampant voter fraud happening.

And when the Republicans applaud this purely political move that erodes rights, they are just keeping the consistency they pride themselves on.

No other ideology consistently erodes rights the way the modern Conservative ideology does.

ok, so let me ask, whats your over and under for "rampant" fraud?

hell, its part of accepted history now that Daly had dead people voting, stuffed ballot boxs and cheated his ass for JFK , so you think things have gotten better?

ensuring everyone is a valid voter is a win win for everyone*shrugs*
Anecdotal at best. Show me the reports of voter fraud from the Departments of state of the various states. If there are cases of voter fraud that could be prevented by requiring a photo I.D. then we'll have something to talk about.

Otherwise, it is what it is: a Conservative drum beat to limit the pool of potential voters.

so you don't have a benchmark?

Chicago anecdotal?

google Minnesota felons voting in Coleman Franken election..start there, I mean seriously? :eusa_eh:

let me ask you, rahm decided that folks in Chicago should not eat foi gras anymore....how many geese was that harming out of tens of millions?
Note I never said "REPUBLICAN". I said CONSERVATIVE. There's a difference between political party and political ideology. Conservatives are the stumbling blocks to freedoms. Always have been and, I presume always will be.

LOL. democrats love to try this little bit every time they need to hide from their shameful past and irrational present.
all they have is lies..

they are treasonous bastards and will never get what they want.

they want this government dead
ok, so let me ask, whats your over and under for "rampant" fraud?

hell, its part of accepted history now that Daly had dead people voting, stuffed ballot boxs and cheated his ass for JFK , so you think things have gotten better?

ensuring everyone is a valid voter is a win win for everyone*shrugs*
Anecdotal at best. Show me the reports of voter fraud from the Departments of state of the various states. If there are cases of voter fraud that could be prevented by requiring a photo I.D. then we'll have something to talk about.

Otherwise, it is what it is: a Conservative drum beat to limit the pool of potential voters.

so you don't have a benchmark?

Chicago anecdotal?

google Minnesota felons voting in Coleman Franken election..start there, I mean seriously? :eusa_eh:

let me ask you, rahm decided that folks in Chicago should not eat foi gras anymore....how many geese was that harming out of tens of millions?
Put this in the balance: how many fraudulent voters will be caught compared to how many voters turned away at the polls due to insufficient I.D.

Which is more damaging to a democratic republic: disenfranchised voters or fraudulent voters?
Listen up you fucking assholes.

we will not sit and watch you keep Americans from voting.

your going to go down real hard for this REAL SOON
Listen up you fucking assholes.

we will not sit and watch you keep Americans from voting.

your going to go down real hard for this REAL SOON

it was your people liesmatters.... that set the standard on how to ask for ID....remember?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neGbKHyGuHU]"Security" patrols stationed at polling places in Philly - YouTube[/ame]
ok, nice post. concise and raises some points.

let me ask you then;

One of the following:
Certificate of U.S. Citizenship
Certificate of Naturalization
Valid U.S. Passport
*Birth Certificate with a raised seal
Two proofs of **residency such as lease agreements, current utility bills, mortgage documents, W-2 form, tax records

who , does not have at least on of these aside from the SSI card?

and, don't you think its a tad patronizing to assume these folks don't have any of the above? Or maybe......

Not everyone does things in their own best interests, hell, theres over what, a million people that could get their kids on Schip, but don't because, they are just to indolent or non caring to do so *shrugs*some folks just don't give a crap about voting, we got what, 64% of the populace voting last time?....see?

I was on that list for a time. My marriage ended abruptly, I was living with my sister. When I got a job a few weeks later, my driver's license was not enough (and she loaned me the money for that) - I had to pay $10 for my social security card. At some point, I'll need more money for my birth certificate (since I didn't think to grab it on my way out the door).

I have a question. How many decades has this country NOT felt the need to make laws like this?

What's changed.

so how many people do you think have that issue? did you ask to vote provisionally?

whats changed? well for one thing, a guy walked into AG Holders polling place for voting and was actually offered a ballot and an opportunity to vote, he was white to boot:lol:......we are choking on data and the system has become a great deal more sophisticated and I dare say the jukers have become smarter......

I do not know, I shouldn't think a lot - but I'm not "off the grid" like so many are. Homeless, etc.

I didn't have to 'vote provisionally'. I was registered to vote in a different county, so it was just a matter of my sister saying "she's with me." I also brought a pay stub, just in case.
Note I never said "REPUBLICAN". I said CONSERVATIVE. There's a difference between political party and political ideology. Conservatives are the stumbling blocks to freedoms. Always have been and, I presume always will be.

LOL. democrats love to try this little bit every time they need to hide from their shameful past and irrational present.

No, conservatives try the cup and ball trick of Republican/Conservative Democrat/Liberal.

Show me where Conservatives stood in the avant garde where human rights is concerned! Civil rights? Hardly! Unless you are trying to make us all believe that George Wallace, Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and Strom Thurmond were all patchouli soaked tie-dyed Liberals! Women's Rights? Sell Phylis Schlafly as Jane Fonda's comrade in arms. Worker's rights? I suppose the industrial leaders of the 19th and 20th centuries were politically aligned with Lincoln Steffens, Upton Sinclair, Franklin Roosevelt and Cesar Chavez. Gay rights? Look around you. If you haven't figured out that it's the Conservatives who are trampling gay rights, you should be on that show "I didn't know I was Pregnant!".
Anecdotal at best. Show me the reports of voter fraud from the Departments of state of the various states. If there are cases of voter fraud that could be prevented by requiring a photo I.D. then we'll have something to talk about.

Otherwise, it is what it is: a Conservative drum beat to limit the pool of potential voters.

so you don't have a benchmark?

Chicago anecdotal?

google Minnesota felons voting in Coleman Franken election..start there, I mean seriously? :eusa_eh:

let me ask you, rahm decided that folks in Chicago should not eat foi gras anymore....how many geese was that harming out of tens of millions?
Put this in the balance: how many fraudulent voters will be caught compared to how many voters turned away at the polls due to insufficient I.D.

Which is more damaging to a democratic republic: disenfranchised voters or fraudulent voters?

I don't know, I asked you.

as to damaging? I see it as a responsibility to be ready to vote, not some hey jump in the bus routine to go vote, so I have been registered since I was of age....you cannot save everyone due to their own indolence, if it matters to them they will do what they have to do, if it doesn't it doesn't.

or hey, we could mandate everyone vote......fine them if they don't show up and/or cast ballot.
Listen up you fucking assholes.

we will not sit and watch you keep Americans from voting.

your[sic] going to go down real hard for this REAL SOON

What do you have in mind, Che?

outing your asses and sending your criminals to jail.

making it so detrimental to a party to cheat like this that it kills your party outright by being associated with keeping Americans from voting.

your party is about to stab it self to death
get to to stabbing yourself.

go ahead.

you bought the knife now please hurry up and use it
Go ahead and keep tens of thousands of voters from voting and see what happens.

American dont like stolen elections and you people will deserve everything you get
You want to pretend Americans wont talk about your cheating because now for decades the press has hidden it for you.

it wont hide anymore.

go ahead and use your knife.

you put the down payment on it decades ago and have been using paper cuts to get into office.

Now you will have to fully gut yourselves to win.

get to stabbing.
You want to pretend Americans wont talk about your cheating because now for decades the press has hidden it for you.

it wont hide anymore.

go ahead and use your knife.

you put the down payment on it decades ago and have been using paper cuts to get into office.

Now you will have to fully gut yourselves to win.

get to stabbing.

Quoted just for the :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: value.

Note I never said "REPUBLICAN". I said CONSERVATIVE. There's a difference between political party and political ideology. Conservatives are the stumbling blocks to freedoms. Always have been and, I presume always will be.

LOL. democrats love to try this little bit every time they need to hide from their shameful past and irrational present.

No, conservatives try the cup and ball trick of Republican/Conservative Democrat/Liberal.

Typical democrat doublespeak bullshit.
You want to pretend Americans wont talk about your cheating because now for decades the press has hidden it for you.

it wont hide anymore.

go ahead and use your knife.

you put the down payment on it decades ago and have been using paper cuts to get into office.

Now you will have to fully gut yourselves to win.

get to stabbing.

Now THAT is a meltdown.

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