Disingenuous Republicans forget American political history


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This is not a republican. And republicans had presidents before this one. But they did nothing.

President Johnson's March 15, 1965 Voting Rights Speech to Congress

This is not a republican. And republicans had presidents before this one. But they did nothing.

President Johnson's March 15, 1965 Voting Rights Speech to Congress

Johnson was thanked by riots and violence not seen in s hole cities. He couldn't believe what happened.

On July 28, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson established the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. The more common name for this commission is The Kerner Commission. This commission was tasked to answer three basic questions pertaining to the racial unrest in American cities: What happened? Why did it happen? What can be done to prevent it from happening again?

As a result of this study the commission identified 12 `grievances common in the communities they visited: “1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs.

You would be hard pressed to say these grievances do not still exist. The Kerner Commission was tasked to find out why the racial unrest happened. Instead of blaming blacks for being angry about the way they were treated, instead of inventing terms like victim mentality, the commission took a long hard look at American societal issues. The bottom line is that the Kerner Commission determined in 1968 what blacks already knew and what whites refused to hear. This quote from Nathaniel Jones, Assistant General Counsel for the Commission says it all, “One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.”
This is not a republican. And republicans had presidents before this one. But they did nothing.

President Johnson's March 15, 1965 Voting Rights Speech to Congress

Why are you posting a video of a racist?
Don't avoid the topic. Republicans did not propose voting rights to congress. .

Which “voting rights” propelled our nation forward?
Do you honestly believe that granting hood rats the right to vote improves our nation?
When too many vote on free shit offerings you end up with blue shitholes.
This is not a republican. And republicans had presidents before this one. But they did nothing.

President Johnson's March 15, 1965 Voting Rights Speech to Congress

Do you think he did that to benefit black people, or to benefit the Democratic Party?

It seems it is you who forget history. The Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act the year before. The Republicans (Dirksen in particular) got it passed but Johnson got the credit.
This is not a republican. And republicans had presidents before this one. But they did nothing.

President Johnson's March 15, 1965 Voting Rights Speech to Congress

LBJ did that solely for political purposes, with the support of the (dog-shit) Republican Party (who probably ALSO did it for political purposes). Regardless of his motives, it was the right thing to do.

That said, LBJ was a KNOWN racist piece of shit. He made repeated, documented racial slurs and considered black folks decidedly inferior.

I am ashamed that LBJ was from Texas.

That is NOT who we are as Texans. All Texans are TEXANS. We love our black brothers and sisters. WE CELEBRATED JUNETEENTH 100 YEARS BEFORE ANYONE ELSE!!!

At least I can take solace in knowing that racist asswipe was a fucking t-sipping longhorn, and did not attend my beloved alma mater.

(and also, fuck Baylor)

I wonder when IM2 is going to discover it's 2020 ? ... :dunno:
Maybe one day you'll stop smoking opium and understand that we are talking about lies republicans here repeat daily in 2020. Now remember that it's 2020 when you tell me how the democratic party is the party of slavery.
This is not a republican. And republicans had presidents before this one. But they did nothing.

President Johnson's March 15, 1965 Voting Rights Speech to Congress

Why are you posting a video of a racist?
Don't avoid the topic. Republicans did not propose voting rights to congress. .

Which “voting rights” propelled our nation forward?
Do you honestly believe that granting hood rats the right to vote improves our nation?
When too many vote on free shit offerings you end up with blue shitholes.

How many hoodies do you think are going to vote even if they can??.....4?. Their not going to go for free nail files. how the hell can you vote when you can barely read?.....Lol
I wonder when IM2 is going to discover it's 2020 ? ... :dunno:
Maybe one day you'll stop smoking opium and understand that we are talking about lies republicans here repeat daily in 2020. Now remember that it's 2020 when you tell me how the democratic party is the party of slavery.
You do realize that you would not have been born for it not for slavery. Would 13% of the population give their life if it didn't happen? Maybe 2?
Maybe one day you'll stop smoking opium and understand that we are talking about lies republicans here repeat daily in 2020. Now remember that it's 2020 when you tell me how the democratic party is the party of slavery.
There is still a small glimmer of hope that one day you will wake up and flee the Democrat plantation that has enslaved your mind, or what's left of it. ... :cool:
This is not a republican. And republicans had presidents before this one. But they did nothing.

President Johnson's March 15, 1965 Voting Rights Speech to Congress

Do you think he did that to benefit black people, or to benefit the Democratic Party?

It seems it is you who forget history. The Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act the year before. The Republicans (Dirksen in particular) got it passed but Johnson got the credit.

Sorry but it was only a few southern democrats who did the filibuster. Seems you forget that part of history. Had Johnson not proposed it to congress Dirksen would have done nothing.
Don't avoid the topic. Republicans did not propose voting rights to congress. .

They most certainly did. Eisenhower championed civil rights legislation in the 50s and your party shut it down.

Furthermore, LBJ was a vile racist. He saw blacks merely as a political opportunity, just as the party does today, and he was right. 50 years later you fools are still backing those people en masse even though you have little to show for it in your shithole communities.
I wonder when IM2 is going to discover it's 2020 ? ... :dunno:
Maybe one day you'll stop smoking opium and understand that we are talking about lies republicans here repeat daily in 2020. Now remember that it's 2020 when you tell me how the democratic party is the party of slavery.
You do realize that you would not have been born for it not for slavery. Would 13% of the population give their life if it didn't happen? Maybe 2?
I would have been born in Africa. You are a real dumb ass.

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