Disney polls poorly after embracing unpopular gay and transgender activists

Disney has always had a strong Gay following
They look at most Conservatives as assholes

More important, they do what is right not what makes anti-gay bigots happy
So now you know how Disney thinks and feels?

My my, you're quite the mind reader Kreskin.
LOL! ^^^Look at the lefties sucking that billion-dollar corporate dick just as hard as they can. We knew you would.


Hold on. I’m confused. For a year before the election when the polls showed Trump losing all we heard was that Polls were bullshit and always wrong.

Polls that show that the public think Trump is a bridge troll are ignored and denounced. Polls that show border security is not a major issue for most Americans is proof of leftists pushing an agenda or something.

Now. A poll that shows that people are upset with Disney is somehow gospel.

Either the polls matter. Or they don’t. That is my only point.
That IS the point
Disney is a business not a politician running for election
Yup, and pay attention to the bottom line. If the profit margins drop and don't look to come back up soon, they'll back off their extemist stance.
Yup, and pay attention to the bottom line. If the profit margins drop and don't look to come back up soon, they'll back off their extemist stance.

What is extreme about defending gays?

DeSantis is the extremist
Conservative boycott will be so crippling
Disney is not what they were. And have not been for decades. Expensive and overrated. It may not change that much with people going there, but like also going to an expensive sporting game that unless an action packed a five-star event there are other things of more value to do for each of our choices. Universal in Central Florida is better than Disney and more adult oriented.
Obviously gender identity activists do..or they wouldn’t be trying to manipulate children into “ coming out”.

So you believe homosexuals are invented.

How do you turn someone into a homosexual?
Make them play with dolls?
Disney has always had a strong Gay following
They look at most Conservatives as assholes

More important, they do what is right not what makes anti-gay bigots happy

Childrens movies attract pedophiles? Quite the shocking post you have there!
Disney is not running for anything

Their only poll is profit
Great point. Disney’s only poll is profit. The transgender activist market segment are not going to deliver profits. Conversely, if transgender activists started a theme park to rival Disney or even complement Disney, it would fail. Not enough volume.
What is extreme about defending gays?

DeSantis is the extremist
He's not doing anything the parents don't want him to do. They want to be, and should be, in charge of when to tell their kids about sex, not teachers and bureaucrats. Disney is not "defending gays", they're celebrating homosexuality and grooming children for the lifestyle. That's extremist.
He's not doing anything the parents don't want him to do. They want to be, and should be, in charge of when to tell their kids about sex, not teachers and bureaucrats. Disney is not "defending gays", they're celebrating homosexuality and grooming children for the lifestyle. That's extremist.
Only nobody is telling K-3 about sex

Sexual orientation is not sex

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