Disney workers with H1-B visas, at lower wages, to replace U.S. workers


The one media firm that gave more money to Republicans than to Democrats was the Walt Disney Company, which owns ABC-TV and ESPN. (ABC doesn’t have its own cable-news channel, but it has several sports sisters.) The margin was not large: Disney sent $161,500 to Republicans and just $9,000 less to Democrats.

Which political parties do CBS, Disney, Fox, and NBC favor?

He was very conservative except in one particular — he was a very strong environmentalist.” However, Walt Disney’s conservatism did not manifest itself until after he had been a businessman for several years.

Walt Disney’s Fascinating Political Journey (From Naive Socialist to Staunch Conservative)


Walt Disney died in 1966.

The company today has no resemblance to the ideals of Walt.
Who freken cares what there stand is on sexual preference...That has nothing to do with this..

Trump has mentioned that he himself has used the strategies to pay people less, he has already said it is going to cost him.
... Facebook, is doing this too..Greed to its finest.


It has everything to do with it.

The party claims that "Republicans are heartless" but that they are "compassionate."

But the most far left company in the nation is one of the most egregious offenders in bringing in foreign workers to displace Americans.

And what of the corrupt Obama administration? Why no investigation or charges by the criminal Obama DOJ? It is illegal to displace Americans with foreign workers.

That is incorrect. So your saying that most of the business owners that are on the left bring in foreign workers? I can assure you that most or just about everyone take advantages of this H2 visa that includes Trump. I am totally against H2 visas. So far I have not hired any of these people.

The one media firm that gave more money to Republicans than to Democrats was the Walt Disney Company, which owns ABC-TV and ESPN. (ABC doesn’t have its own cable-news channel, but it has several sports sisters.) The margin was not large: Disney sent $161,500 to Republicans and just $9,000 less to Democrats.

Which political parties do CBS, Disney, Fox, and NBC favor?

He was very conservative except in one particular — he was a very strong environmentalist.” However, Walt Disney’s conservatism did not manifest itself until after he had been a businessman for several years.

Walt Disney’s Fascinating Political Journey (From Naive Socialist to Staunch Conservative)


Walt Disney died in 1966.

The company today has no resemblance to the ideals of Walt.
I gave you two links ..One for past and one for present.
So you think the Obama administration should be investigating Trump for his companies egregious actions of bringing in foreign workers to displace Americans?

I'm sure they have. The only thing the DOJ does is go after those on Obama's enemies list.

But if there are hiring issues with Trump businesses, they don't involve the fraud of H1-B visas, as Disney engaged in.

Let me remind you, the visas are allowed ONLY when domestic talent is not available, The fact that Disney had a full staff, fired them, and brought in Indians is a direct violation of federal law. Disney would not dare do such a thing without the collusion of the corrupt Obama administration.

LOL- yeah......of course- it can only be 'collusion'.....

Trump himself has claimed that there was no 'domestic talent' available for those positions-
waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers

Apparently Trump has put as much effort into finding American workers as 'housekeepers' in Florida as he spent with his private investigators he supposedly hired to investigate President Obama's birth certificate

The visas are issued through one of a handful of legal and often-debated programs through which employers can temporarily hire foreign workers when U.S. labor is not available. As part of its applications for the visas submitted to the Labor Department, Trump's Mar-a-Lago attested that in the vast majority of cases it was unable to fill the positions with American workers, or, as he told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" in September, "getting help in Palm Beach during the season is almost impossible."

Asked why his club must seek so many foreign workers when Americans have applied for the same positions, Trump said in a telephone interview from Mar-a-Lago this month: "The only reason they wouldn't get a callback is that they weren't qualified, for some reason. There are very few qualified people during the high season in the area."

The one media firm that gave more money to Republicans than to Democrats was the Walt Disney Company, which owns ABC-TV and ESPN. (ABC doesn’t have its own cable-news channel, but it has several sports sisters.) The margin was not large: Disney sent $161,500 to Republicans and just $9,000 less to Democrats.

Which political parties do CBS, Disney, Fox, and NBC favor?

He was very conservative except in one particular — he was a very strong environmentalist.” However, Walt Disney’s conservatism did not manifest itself until after he had been a businessman for several years.

Walt Disney’s Fascinating Political Journey (From Naive Socialist to Staunch Conservative)


Walt Disney died in 1966.

The company today has no resemblance to the ideals of Walt.

Exactly- today park employees can have beards.....totally different.....

The one media firm that gave more money to Republicans than to Democrats was the Walt Disney Company, which owns ABC-TV and ESPN. (ABC doesn’t have its own cable-news channel, but it has several sports sisters.) The margin was not large: Disney sent $161,500 to Republicans and just $9,000 less to Democrats.

Which political parties do CBS, Disney, Fox, and NBC favor?

He was very conservative except in one particular — he was a very strong environmentalist.” However, Walt Disney’s conservatism did not manifest itself until after he had been a businessman for several years.

Walt Disney’s Fascinating Political Journey (From Naive Socialist to Staunch Conservative)


Walt Disney died in 1966.

The company today has no resemblance to the ideals of Walt.
I gave you two links ..One for past and one for present.

And you still think that Trump will do something about this?

When Trump is doing the exact same thing?
This year's headline:
Disney workers with H1-B visas, at lower wages, to replace U.S. workers

Next year's headline:
Disney baffled why park visits and hotel stays are down; cites economy

Der...duh...we's got sum reel smart ecomeneeists in 'Merica!".. :confused:

The one media firm that gave more money to Republicans than to Democrats was the Walt Disney Company, which owns ABC-TV and ESPN. (ABC doesn’t have its own cable-news channel, but it has several sports sisters.) The margin was not large: Disney sent $161,500 to Republicans and just $9,000 less to Democrats.

Which political parties do CBS, Disney, Fox, and NBC favor?

He was very conservative except in one particular — he was a very strong environmentalist.” However, Walt Disney’s conservatism did not manifest itself until after he had been a businessman for several years.

Walt Disney’s Fascinating Political Journey (From Naive Socialist to Staunch Conservative)


Walt Disney died in 1966.

The company today has no resemblance to the ideals of Walt.
I gave you two links ..One for past and one for present.

And you still think that Trump will do something about this?

When Trump is doing the exact same thing?

I see no reason why not.
That is incorrect. So your saying that most of the business owners that are on the left bring in foreign workers?

If that was what I was saying, I probably would have said that.

In reality it is just a straw man fallacy you set up.

I spoke specifically of Disney who illegally fired over 250 high tech workers to illegally replace them with with H1-B visa imports from India at a much lower wage.

I can assure you that most or just about everyone take advantages of this H2 visa that includes Trump. I am totally against H2 visas. So far I have not hired any of these people.

H2 visas are significantly different than H1-B visas.

H2-B visas have duration of 6 months and may be extended an additional 6 months to a maximum of one year.

H2B visa

The H1-B is a different animal. H1-B is specifically for professional positions where workers have a bachelors degree or greater.

Disney, with collusion of the corrupt Obama administration is openly violating at least 3 provisions of the law.

  1. Employer must pay prevailing wage. Disney is paying less than 50% of what American workers were paid for the same positions.
  2. Employers must engage in a valid search for qualified domestic applicants, and unable to find them.
  3. H1-B visa holders cannot take the job of an already employed domestic worker.
Understanding H-1B Requirements
Disney, in collusion with the criminal Obama administration, engaged in this purely to avoid paying Americans the prevailing wage. Disney obviously made no attempt to find qualified domestic talent - considering they had a full staff that the fired. Disney openly fired existing workers to lower labor costs.

The criminal Obama administration has not only refused to enforce the law, but runs cover for Disney.

Disney executives belong in prison for this, but are held above the law by the shameful and criminal Obama DOJ.

IF Trump would vow to put Hillary and the Disney execs in prison for their crimes, I would vote for him, even though I can't stand the clown.

LOL- yeah......of course- it can only be 'collusion'.....

Trump himself has claimed that there was no 'domestic talent' available for those positions-
waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers

Apparently Trump has put as much effort into finding American workers as 'housekeepers' in Florida as he spent with his private investigators he supposedly hired to investigate President Obama's birth certificate

The visas are issued through one of a handful of legal and often-debated programs through which employers can temporarily hire foreign workers when U.S. labor is not available. As part of its applications for the visas submitted to the Labor Department, Trump's Mar-a-Lago attested that in the vast majority of cases it was unable to fill the positions with American workers, or, as he told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" in September, "getting help in Palm Beach during the season is almost impossible."

Asked why his club must seek so many foreign workers when Americans have applied for the same positions, Trump said in a telephone interview from Mar-a-Lago this month: "The only reason they wouldn't get a callback is that they weren't qualified, for some reason. There are very few qualified people during the high season in the area."

Ignorant bullshit.

You may be a hack, but you have no idea what the subject is and are only spewing idiocy from the hate sites.

Hint, H1<>H2
Disney, with collusion of the corrupt Obama administration is openly violating at least 3 provisions of the law.

I would be thrilled if Disney- or any of the other companies that I believe are violating those visa's would be prosecuted.

But the only evidence of 'collusion' is your faith that the Obama administration must be colluding- because that is what you want to believe.

LOL- yeah......of course- it can only be 'collusion'.....

Trump himself has claimed that there was no 'domestic talent' available for those positions-
waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers

Apparently Trump has put as much effort into finding American workers as 'housekeepers' in Florida as he spent with his private investigators he supposedly hired to investigate President Obama's birth certificate

The visas are issued through one of a handful of legal and often-debated programs through which employers can temporarily hire foreign workers when U.S. labor is not available. As part of its applications for the visas submitted to the Labor Department, Trump's Mar-a-Lago attested that in the vast majority of cases it was unable to fill the positions with American workers, or, as he told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" in September, "getting help in Palm Beach during the season is almost impossible."

Asked why his club must seek so many foreign workers when Americans have applied for the same positions, Trump said in a telephone interview from Mar-a-Lago this month: "The only reason they wouldn't get a callback is that they weren't qualified, for some reason. There are very few qualified people during the high season in the area."

Ignorant bullshit.

You may be a hack, but you have no idea what the subject is and are only spewing idiocy from the hate sites.

Hint, H1<>H2

Hint: abusing the visa program to give foreign workers jobs that American can and are willing to do.

Trump and Disney- doing the same thing.

You have a problem with Disney doing it- you don't have a problem with Trump doing it.
I would be thrilled if Disney- or any of the other companies that I believe are violating those visa's would be prosecuted.

But the only evidence of 'collusion' is your faith that the Obama administration must be colluding- because that is what you want to believe.

That and the fact that they do nothing to enforce the law...

Hint: abusing the visa program to give foreign workers jobs that American can and are willing to do.

Trump and Disney- doing the same thing.

You have a problem with Disney doing it- you don't have a problem with Trump doing it.

I understand that you are a hack, and seek only to slander the opposition.

But this isn't about Trump.

LOL- yeah......of course- it can only be 'collusion'.....

Trump himself has claimed that there was no 'domestic talent' available for those positions-
waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers

Apparently Trump has put as much effort into finding American workers as 'housekeepers' in Florida as he spent with his private investigators he supposedly hired to investigate President Obama's birth certificate

The visas are issued through one of a handful of legal and often-debated programs through which employers can temporarily hire foreign workers when U.S. labor is not available. As part of its applications for the visas submitted to the Labor Department, Trump's Mar-a-Lago attested that in the vast majority of cases it was unable to fill the positions with American workers, or, as he told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" in September, "getting help in Palm Beach during the season is almost impossible."

Asked why his club must seek so many foreign workers when Americans have applied for the same positions, Trump said in a telephone interview from Mar-a-Lago this month: "The only reason they wouldn't get a callback is that they weren't qualified, for some reason. There are very few qualified people during the high season in the area."

Ignorant bullshit.

You may be a hack, but you have no idea what the subject is and are only spewing idiocy from the hate sites.

Hint, H1<>H2

Hint: abusing the visa program to give foreign workers jobs that American can and are willing to do.

Trump and Disney- doing the same thing.

You have a problem with Disney doing it- you don't have a problem with Trump doing it.


I know that you're desperate to support your party and attack the opposition, but even if Trump did the same thing (he doesn't, as I showed you) would that excuse Disney?

Trump and Disney hiring foreign workers are both crap and greediness. We have enough American workers here to compensate any kind of labor shortages. So don't give me any kind of excuses.
Hint: abusing the visa program to give foreign workers jobs that American can and are willing to do.

Trump and Disney- doing the same thing.

You have a problem with Disney doing it- you don't have a problem with Trump doing it.

I understand that you are a hack, and seek only to slander the opposition.

But this isn't about Trump.

Of course not- other than the OP specifically mentioning Trump in his original post- and claiming that Trump would 'do something about this'.....and my pointing out that Trump is doing a very similar thing with his own abuse of the visa system to hire foreign workers rather than U.S. workers...

I mean other than that.

I know that you're desperate to support your party and attack the opposition, but even if Trump did the same thing (he doesn't, as I showed you) would that excuse Disney?

I think that every employer who abuses the visa program to use foreign workers rather than American workers should be equally condemned.

I think Disney and Trump are both in the wrong.

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